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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 4 SHELTON--MA$0N COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Christmastown, U.g.L'" Shelton, Wasllington Thursday, December 20, Congresswomen Get Mason County Yule Trees ! ,...  G/EETIN(; DRAV'N BY VICKY MASS AGLI Ae 11 Evergreen School BEDELL DRILLING GO, 1ACIIA LOC, KE Bordcallx " ' School I.recs will decorate the Washington I). C. offices of tile vJonlen ine, nJ- hers of Congress and help tell the story of Washington's forest in- pony, Shelton, and especially se-[ lec(id by owner Fred Peste. The I trees are fertilized to give them a I lu×m'lous green, a practice pion- I cered by Peste and his partner, [ Clarenc( Slohr. [ Atlached to each tree is a let-[ tel' from John W. Bennett, Chain- [ ber president telling about Mason, Cotmty's Christmas tree industry. The letter explains that 1,500,000 1tees are being shipped from the County this year and the 80,000 '.m'es in the Cm nty devoted to ('tn'istmas flee fa.rming are pro- TREES FOR CONGRESS  Phil Murphy, left, December 14 to 'the lady members of Congress. secretary-man:lger of the Shelton-Mason County Th s is the secondconsecutiye year the Iroject Chamber of Commerce, and Fred Peste, owner' has been carried out in' cooperation "with" Cbn- of the Douglas Fir Christmas Tree Company, ex- gresswoman•Julia Butler Hansen. amine one of the prime Christmas trees sent Prime Mason County Cln mtm, s bably the most inbensively manag- ed forest lands in the world. Con- gresswomen also will learn the $ii500,000-a-year industry provi- des year around employment for 200 persons and seasonal work for 800. "We sent trees to the ladies of Congress last year," said Bennett, • 'and were so pleased with their reception that we decided to do it again. We're hopeful that with E/for tx To dustry in the natimfs capital. The Shelton - Mason County Chamber of Commerce, cooperat- ing with Congresswoman ,hdia Butler Hansen, shit)ped the trees hy air freight today. They were cut L)ec. 12 and to fresh on their arrival Monday, in Washington. The trees were donated by t.t]e I)rmglas Fir Christmas Tree Corn- SAVINGS BONI)S SavJnKs bond sals in Mason /,, . :;. 7.s;•i ' /"i months of the yea]' to $57,000,970. To No Avail AKe 11 HING TREE CAFE o, and IRENE LOCKE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. pronounced the baby dead. He said the baby had prohably been dead t l' :i Despie strenuous efforts on the part ()f Shclton Police and She- r'iff's officers and neighbors, a hree-montb.-old baby was dead on arriwfl at Sbelton General Hospi- tal early Saturday morning. Tile infant. Meaty gay John- Sr)Il, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson Jr. Wivell Courts Shel- ton (lied of naturl),l Callses, Byron 1], McC]anallan, eOullty COl'OlJer, said. McClanahan hod ordered an autopsy to deterz31ine'the cause of iMrs, Joill|Son tokt police she awakcncd between 2:30 and 3 Sattl|,day with a toothache and got " I o(,I ,()m(dhinry for it, v'hih, she was up, she discovered the At)):/, q)p;t IILI.V SII| 1Od,'l.l.C(t. Her sel'ealll awakened her hus- band who got his father to help. 'Phe father. David Johnson St'. and a n(dghbor, Otis Greer. started on a hia'b speed dash to the Hospital Io gel a doctor. Tieir high speed attracted the tterlii6n ()[ pol/ee OIIICtI'S, V, hl( Cd, avte(I ;flier them. The car clip- ped n utility p(fle at Wil'sl 511111 fl,]- der streets before getting to the hospila, l wh(n'e tley informed the lmrsuing police what had happen- ed. Police sped to Wive]l Courts whe)'c they found anoiher neigh- her giving the baby artificial rc- spia"ation. The baby was taken in the po- lice car. with one officer giving resucitation on the way to the hospital where the efforts contin- ued until a physician arrived and for n matter of hours. Officers assisting in the futile efforts were Policemen Leon Scob and Richard Booth; Stan Sushal, of the Washington State Patro ann Joe Gatchell, deputy sheriff. Youlhs Arrested For Break-In, Oigarelle Theft Two 16-year-old Shelton youth were arrested by Shelton Police this week for a break-in at the home of L, M. Kingsbury, Shel- l on. Kingsbury had reported earlier that about 200 eat'tons of cigaret- ten bad been stolen from a build- ing at his home in which he stored merchandise, Police Chief Paul Hinton said 46 cartons of the cigarettes were reeove)'ed and the boys admitted giving away about six cartons. They were turned over to Mar- vin Christensen. Juvenile probation officer, and placed in a juvenile home pen(flog actibn on the case. . second break-in in which ci- garettes were taken was also re. ported to police, Mrs. Carl Hellman told police about 50 cartons of cigarettes) some candy bars-and about i50 pennies were taken by someone : ( , JRI:,EI'ING DRAWN BY I)ENN1S SYKOIIA Ag,,' 11 ROOKY HEMBROFF AGENGY 116 NORTH 2NO Mrs. Hansen's efforts back there. this will result in national publi- city for the State of Vashington." Chamber Talks Distressed Area Fu,d Use How and who to take" bestd- vantage of the opportunities pre- sented by having Mason County declared a "distressed area" were aired at the Shelton-Mason Coun- ty Chamber of Commerce monthly meeting last week. President John W. Bennett pointed out that since this area has been included under the dis- tressed classification, and since federal funds are available and will be allocated to somcbody: it behooves thc bodies in best' pdsi- tion to utilize such money to plan Ilnd tet. HE EXPLAINED that federal loans for construction can be had for 3 3/4 percent interest that other money is nwdlable on a 65- 35 and up to 85-15 participation basis with the federal funds tak-. ink the heavy end nf the hind, The Shelton Port Commission he sugKested, could even get 100 percent of the cost of an engin- eering study of the industrial park on Jolrns Prairie which it nosses- sos. l:le suggested that the Shelton Industrial Development Corpora- lion, the cmmty and the city eould also qualify for some of this mo- ney under the "distressed area," classification. "THE MONEY is there and it will be spent somewhere. Let's use some of it to improve our com- munity so we can attract new in- dustry," the Chamber president said. It was suggested that perha0s the Shelton Jaycees miglrt qualify for SOlTle of the funds for their Callanan Park project. Other subjects discussed were street decorations this Christmas, the Forest Festival. the city's par- ticipation in civil defense, and the Shelton postoffice expansion (see se-.vnt, storY on front nap, el. On the matter of civil defense a resolution was passed by the Chamber ur_ing that a plan be established to make use of all available material and funds. Weather High Low Precip. Dec. 12 .............. 43 30 .25 Dec. 13 .............. 49 42 .47 Dee. 14 .............. 54 47 1.25 Dec. 15 ............. 57 42 .62 Dec. 16 ............. 49 41 .09 Dec. 17 ............. 49 43 --- Dec, 18 ............. 46 43 ,17 l:Io),deaux School 426-3357 who broke into Hellman's Alley Grocery Saturday night. Entry was gained by breakin a pan of glass out of a back door. Hlnton said there was apparent- ly no connection between the two -iarette thefts. , , i , CLIP THIS AD for 20% disceunt at BAR.DIN'S 526 Franklin LOW COST HOHE LOANS NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6 % On Reducing Balances -- No Commission Charges ,Mason Oounly Savings & Loan Assooialion TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SHELTON Vander Wegen Heads County Republicans S, %V. Vander VVegen was elec- ted chairnmn of the Mason County i=h!pliblic.'./)l Central Committee at lhc gzoup',s reorganizational meet ing lecently. Ot:lmr new officers a)'e Mrs. Guy Norris, vice-chairman; i!rs, l)o) Crawford, secretary; Eldon J. Kaimey, treasm'e)'; C. Nohm Ma son, stale contrllitteenlftn slid {[rs. Harohl Sterling, stale committee. \\;veals n. The new officers take, over their duties nov€ and serve for a two year period. Outgoing offiem's were Joim K Bennett, chairman; Mrs. L. L. Mc- IneIly, vice-chairman; Mrs. ,lmnes Hartley, secretary; Charles h,lur, fay, tl'easllrer S. ¢V, Va)ldet' ,,;()- gen. state conllllitteellllI] slid IVII'N, Guy Norris, state committcewo- plan, - Obituaries - Well-Known Local Musician Is Called By Death Louis D. MeGhee, Union, passe{i away Wednesday, Dec. 12, at the age of 69. Mr. McGhee was wel known in the county for his nms- ical ability. He had taught music for may years in this area, on all musical instruments. He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist church. Mr. McGhee was born December 19, 1892 in Rosebud Reservation, South Da- kota. Tie funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Friday, Dec. 14 atthe Batstone Funeral Home. Mr. El- don Baker officiated Interment was in Shelton Memorial Park. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Estelle McGhee, Union ; three sons, WillianL Mich., Edwin. Mon- tana, and Louis. California; two daughters, Mrs. Orabclle Avey, Shelton. and Mrs. Mildred Monroe. College Place. Wash.: 15 grand- children; three great grandchild- ren: two brothers, Leslie McGhee, Shelton, and ¥illiam McGhee, Belfair. Graveside Service For Johnson Infant A graveside serwce was held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18 at Shelton Memorial Park for Mon- ty Ray Johnson. age 3 months who died at his home Decembm 15. The infant was born Septem- ber 6, 1962 in Everett and resided with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Johnson, Jr. at Route 1 Box 3. Shelton, In addition to his parents he is survived by one sister. Trea John- son, Shelton; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. Shelton, and Mr. and,Mrs. David Jol)nson', Sy., Shelton, .......................... Caryl Lee Thomas Claimed By Death Caryl Lee" Thomas Centralia died in the CenLralia hospital Dec. 7 at the age of 18. Mrs. Thomas was the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Erling Olsen. Shelton. She was born June 1, 1944 in Seattle, Centralia had been her home for the past year. The funeral servicc was held Dec. 1]. at 2 p,m. at Neweli Hoerling Mortuary in Cent-rails. Rev. O, L. Danieison presided. Burial took place in the Mr. View Cemetery in Centralia. In addition to her parents sur- vivors include the husband, Ker- mit Thomas, Centralia; 3 broth- ers, Ellen, Peter and Lanney el- sen, all of Shelton. JOURHAL GLASSIFIED ADS GET GREETING DRAWN BY CHRISTY CARLSON .:tth Grade Bordeaux School ,We Will Be CLOSED DEC. 2 to JAN. 14 HEINIE'S BROILER DOT & HEINIE HILDERMAN EVERGREEN SQUARE Age 13 GREETING DRAWN BY t-: :. 7 ..7: JOHN OLSOE Bordeaux School Age 11 December 2( £ Founded Addrev: Box 446, at Shelton, Maso: as Second-Class M', 'ION RATES Outsid Memher of 1  of Wahingt ADVERTISING ADS-- Wednesda] AND NEWS - ,RRESPONDEI AND PUBLISHE SUPERINTENDE MANAGER --- I SSISTANT-- ] NEWS  Tuesd -- Alan l MANAGE EDITOR ----- Ma - .GREETING DF [ Age 10 WE' B01 Chri, 7:00 MERRY CH] Bill, SHELTON SHEET METAL ,-: " SHELTON FURNAOE GO, Ao Martin, Jim and Gerry Hart g GREETING DRAWN BY V .... .: i • ::,.•:• ,: .:•: ...... : CYNTHIA SURRATT Bordeaux School Mason Gounly Savings & Loan MasOn Gouniy Tille insurance ,0o, GREETII