December 20, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 20, 1962 |
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iday, Decembe 20. December 20, 1062 ' ' '" * S-I"EL'PON lt/ASON COUNTI r 30IrRN.TJ- Published in "Ohrsmastow, U.9.A.", Shel[on, Washin
0S GET RE Tree Thieves Get
Bordeaux School
AN. 14
Bordeaux School
!ACE ,00.
:try Hart
Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle
AddretJ: Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-44]2
at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday.
as Second-Class Matter art the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington
RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance;
Outside Mason County, $5.00
Member of Nationa/ Editorial Association
of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
......................... COPY DEADLINES
ADVERTISING Tuesday noon
ADS .... Wednesday 10 a.m.
AND NEWS -- Tuesday 5 p:m:
AND PUBLISHER--- Williain M: Dickie : . .:
SUPERINTENDENT --. Jim Shrum .... '
MANAGER --- Lodema Johnson
SS$STANT ..... Mary Kent
NEWS -- Tuesday noon
I EDITOR .... Alan Ford
MANAGER Barbara Nelson
EDITOR Marj Waters
/:?i ?i"
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Age l0 Bordeaux School
Christmas and New Years
7:00 a,m. io 9:00 p.m.
"k .,
Bill, Helen and Monna
- at -
Bayshore Gto=ety
Aorole from the Golf Club
, L
• Bordeaux School
)ik & Jack' Saeger'
On Hillcrest'
Bordeaux School
Fines, Belfair
Work Parly Terms
• iV,'O yOH]' ]l]ell one fl'onl J.]'e,-
mcn'ton an:.l one from South Seat-
;le. received fines t,otaling $200,
were ordered to make restitution
for the trees and were sentenced
to five days each on the Bcqfair
V¢ork Party by Judge \\;¥iliam De-
Micro, in Belfair Justice Court
on charges of stealing Christmas
Robert E. Hill. 25, Bremerton
and Robert E. Bushey, 18, South
Seattle, were arrested by Keitb
Archer, a patrolman for the Pete
Over;on Tree Company Dec. 14.
T|iE TItEES had been taken
€'rum C. R. [£1rk Co., property in
the Victor area.
'/'hey appeared in Judge DeMie-
: ro's court Monday and were each
fined $100 and assessed costs of
$]3.50. ordered to make restitution
-ff $3 a tree, a total of $48. and
;entenced to 15 days in jail witia
[0 days suspended and the other
";,re to be spent on the Belfair
/ork Party on weekends.
Further investigation revelaed
hey had also taken 10 trees from
BU'( PLACE -- A busy place these days is vorth o,' three and four cent stamps sold. The State land. They were arrested a
the Shelton Post Office as loads of Christmas parcel post meter for the same day showed $519, ';econd time by Paul Sharpe, for
mail comes into the building. This view shows Gray said. Since the average package costs less st warden, and John Martin. law
the accumulation of cards and letters being pro- than $1 to send, this would indicate more than enforcement officer, for the De-
eessed during one of the busy periods around 500 packages brought in. There were some 840 partment of Natural Resources
5 p.m. Postmaster Jack Gray said that Monday, incoming packages, Gray said. and again appeared in Judge De-
there were 28,635 letters cancelled and $760.80 Miero's court.
They were each fined another
0ffi(:ia[$ Talk Santa To Make inal Visitation $1oo ordered to make restitution
at $1 per tree and given 15-day
, jail sentences•
The Kirk Company and the De-
About Federal To Shelton Area This Weekend partment of Natural Resources
donated the trees which had been
. , , recovered from the pair to the
Belfair Boy Scouts after the court
• Santa will make his final ap- will be closed Tuesday for Christ- sessions.
r l L"ro:ec's pearance at the Santa House on mas .....
Raih'oad avenue this weekend. The State Liquor Control Board
He will be there at 6:30 p.m store in Shelton will close at 6
Local projects on which federal Friday night, one half hour earlier p.m Monday instead of its regu-
aid height be' gotten through iV[a- than usual and from 2-4 p.m. lar closing hour.
son County's recent designation as Saturday after'noon. The Post Office will observe its
a .depressed area was discussed Shelton stores will be open until regular holiday mail ,schedule for
by county and city officials at a 8:30 p.m. Friday night, but, will Christmas Tuesday, with mail ar-
meeting Wednesday afternoon, return to the regular closing hour tbving and being sent out.
Attending the meeting were the Saturday night and Monday night, There will be no rural or city
county commissioners, city corn- Chrmtmas eve. delivery, but, mail will be dis-
tributed to Post Office boxes.
missioners and representatives of County, city an(1 state offices Christmas vacation for Mason
the Citizen's Advisory Committee will be open Monday, but, with
County's school children will start
and Area Redevellopment Pro- redueed forces as part of the staff with the close of school Friday
gram. is getting this Monday off and afternoon. Classes -will resume
The meeting was called by Coun- the other next Monday, the day Jan. 2.
ty Commission Chairman Harry
Eh-alund after he and other county
representiVes ,net with officials of
the State Department of Com-
merce and Economic Development
to discuss the possibility of get-
ting aid to build the Harstine Is-
/and Bridge,
Elmlund said various projects in
tile city and county wIlich might
qualify for aid would be discussed
and a priority established. In de-
ciding on the priority, he said, the
seriousness of the need of the pro-
jects and the amount of local la-
bor which would be employed
would be considered.
Sohool Director '
Dislriot Boundary
Ohanges Approved
MATLOCK---A public hearing
to consider the petition of school
District 311 Tot revision of direc-
tor areas was held in the Mary
M, Knight School cafeteria Dec.
10. Representing the County Com-
mittee on School District Organi-
zation were Edwin Taylor, chair-
man, Lawrence Bedell, H. M.
Strlekland and J. E. Jeffry. There
was fiG opposition to the plans as
submitted, to the committee who
voted unanimous approval. !
The committee complimented
the local board of directors on the
present school program and ex-
pressed their approval of the buff-
dihg plans :for the new school.
Maps of the new director dis-
tricts are:available at the office
. of, Supt. E. O. French and may be
had without'charge as rang as the
supply lasts.
The only school director position
to be filled at :the March election
is that off distri'Ct; No. 2 presently I
held by Het'b Brehmeyer, Jr., who!
is :evin' tinder temporary ap-
potn;.menti ....
T,h, difrtct NO. z' area extends
from LakeNalawatgel west to Ford
Road, inCiUdln tile territory south
of the main Dcl{erville road and
lle area adJacellt t ° the school:
thense eat t0 the.. chool district
b0undary,%and;.thcrlce north to the
point:, of laetl,
! Oandtdatee {or director position
must be iegal:Testents of the dis-
tricts In Which tliey Seek election.
Foliowg are the statistics of
the nw'dlre0tor; msrlcts:
District ,Dictor Legal Res.
li Jack, line, Walker 35
2 HeBahmeyer, Jr. 32
3 Rob.,Trlmble 35
4.: FrankHollatz, Chairman 38
5. ' Helen" St0dden 40
(continued. from page one),
It was imposstble to use all of
the fine greetings submitted by
the yourigstea, among those not
used were Rhonda :Nutt, Carolyn
Rodgers,.Buddy TUs0n, Kathy el-
sen, Christen'a savale, Linda Ri-
shel, Sally SwlsheLLRandy Lewis,
Joyce Fisher, Gaye Scheel, Bob
Ruddell, Susan Bloomfield, Brad
Wilsonl Jodeen Dethlefs, Joan
Goodwtn DaVid Brejd.
Joyce Powe!l, Robyn Johnson,
Jim Roberts; Leslee Elnarsson, MI-
ke HoIm, Judith Sandoval, Lee
Daugherty, Mergene Lyone, Lar-
ry Hergert, Keith Borek, Stephen!
C0nca, Susan Speece Bill Fuller,
Patsy Miltenberger, Vic Downer,
Katl/y McLean, Joe Losacco, Be-
wNy Brown,
Mike Frank Dave Chase, Fran-
ces RicG Patty Them'as, Ricky
Coots, Jan Valley Linda Williams,
Lance Sheppard, Tim Anstey, Lin,
da Towle, Bill Richards, John
Morrow, Douglas Archer, Deonne
Sykora, David Bachtell, Arthur
Morrow, Katie Antonsen, Don
Pinckney,; Ker-
ri Veki
and .Frederica Plant.
before New Years.
All offices and most businesses
(Continued from page 1)
has risen from $22i250,067 in 1946
to $69,005,757 last year, and Ma-
son County has advanced four-fold
from $6,025,941 in 1946 to $25,-
976,782 last year.
in Sheiton, Elma and McClear'
mve shot up from a combined to-
tal of $8.800,000 in 1946, past $12,-
500,000 in 1956 to $15,700,000 this
year. '. ' .
• Start W. Reed, timberlands vice
president, was optimistic about
Umber resources within the Unit
and detailed the gradual conver-
ion of manufacturing from old
growth logs to the healthy young •
tree crops covering thousands of
acres of commercial land in the
three counties.
In summing up, Bacon said the
Simpson Timber Company poten-
tial fnr the next 10 years is ex-
cellent and listed five points which
contribute to this.
They were: The controling
stockholders have a desire to de-
velop the property, The company
has adequate raw material at
competitive costs. The company
has an' excellent group of people
with the ability, desire and de-
termination to work as a team
to get the company streamlined.
They recognize the problems of
the industry and the competitive
needs. The technical personnel are
able to develope new products at
The Shelton Public Library will
be closed both Monday and Christ-
.mas Day.
The county eommissioners will
imve their regularly scheduled
meeting Monday, but, will shorten
it to the morning session from 10
a.m. to noon, with no afternoon
The city commission will meet
Wednesday if there are any mat-
• rs which need commission ac-
tion, otherwise there will be no
Fire Emblems
Are Available
T. E. Deer, Fire Chief of Shel-
ton and a member of the Mason
Cotmty Steering Committee of the
overnor's Council on Aging has
obtained fire emblems which will
be placed on the homes and build-
ings where an aged or infirmed
person lives.
The purpose of the emblem is to
dentify to tile Fire Department
tha there is an aged or infirme
person living in the home, who
in case of fire, needs assistance
to get out,
ThOse wishing this identification
emblem are asked to telephone the
reduced costs.
............. Paioe 5
Shelton Fire Department. 426-
8123, or submit names, in writing.
As far as Deer knows Mason
County is the first county in tim
state to give this service to the
aged and infirmed. It was a pro-
ject of the Mason County Steer-
ing Committee on Aging.
Age 11 Bordeaux Scllool
319 1st Street Phone 426-2261 or 426-8646
:- . -- - :: - _ -'__- _,]1
Age 11 Bordeaux School
IN CLOSING, Bacon quoted r;.r..r:.¢7=r.-.?-`e.e*e
baum at a similar meeting on the LAST MINUT
10th anniversary of the agree-
ment, "As for the communities of
Elms, Montesano, McCleary and
Shelton, I am optimistic, Signing i+ l 4P" J/" ',
of the contract was not in itself
the answer to all the company' *,,
problems. It only gives the op-
portunity and the foundation, so
to speak, upon which to build con-
structively with the assurance
that tomorrow all the hard work ! repro KIIH !
will n°t suddenly be und°ne' When ' |l'/ltl
the deterioration which could V ';f'i V
have been the condition and com-
paring that picture with the one
we now see, the people of this $1.75 =:--]II lm=' • [
areaparL theyCa" behaveJUStlYplayedPrOUdin helping°f the ]/ EVERYTHING YOU NEED r0 TAKE P101"Ug [
to bring it into being." IS INDOORS OR OUTI
[ ,¢.----------qbu IC Plew-Mast
', IAII .l /% , r.dr,, r- . 3.Reel
CAMERA KITS Slide g Movie Proje
i vvnar s uolng -,._ ,
j Amoung Our ctors
The educational and entertain,
ing gift for chldren BROWNIE was NOW ANS
SERVICEMEN alike. Choose rrom an extensive ,. • . : • ,
| selection of full-color View.Mas. Slarmile Kd . $13.50 -- $11.95,8mm Projector .......... $89.95 - $74.95
' ter stereo pictures, : was NOW
.......... :; ............. ; .....
Chester Allen Leberg, Shelton,
is setwing with the Navy aboard
the U.S.S. Charles Berry in the
Phillippines. He left the U,S. in
August and will return next sum-
James E. Durand, fluartermaster
seaman, USN, son 0f Mr. and
Mrs. Philip W. Durand, Shelton,
is serving aboard the atdtck air-
craft carrier USS Ranger, operat.
ing in the Western Pacific with
the Seventh Fleet.
The Ranger is scheduled to visit i
ports in Japan, Okinawa, the
Philippines and.the British Crown
Colony of Hong Kong.
To all our many
friends and patrons,
may we say a warm,
"Thank you."
Fiesla Kii . , .
Super 27 Kit
Shrflex Kil ,
Shrmeter Kit
i 8mm Projector ...... $124.50 - $111.95
$9.95 - $8.75 •
was NOW : 8mm Projector auto. rewind etc. --
$21,50 -- $19.75. w. $109.50 -- NOW 8.45
35mm Slide Projector - remote eon.
was 99.95 -- NOW $87.45
was NOW
$28.75 $24.50 AW',ERS 500-WATT
"" 35ram Slide Projector
was NOW Vvas $54.50'-- NOW $48.95
35mm Slide Projector
with everything, inoludlng zoom lens
was $179.50'- NOW $162.95
$18,95 -- $16,45
Slarmali= Kil $34,50-- $28.95
We have a few of the "Brand New" model auto-
matic Polaroid cameras left--at discount prices,
May have to hurry on these.
Glenn C. Story, aviation boat-
swain's mate airman, USN,, son of
Mrs. and Mrs. Glenn C. Story, Sr.,
Shelton is serving aboard the at-
tack aircraft carrier USS Con-
:stellaUon the world's largest con-
venttonally powered, aireza' car.
124 North 2nd Street , Phone 4:26-61,63