December 20, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 20, 1962 |
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Page 6 SHELTONwMASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Chrstmastown, U.Z.A.", Shelton, Washin Thursday, December 20,
North Ma Dedication fowls Winged,Xmas45.29, ,.. ;.._gencyJUNI°R ................ LEAfll[TEw Use. Journal Want 2,
...... I Bloomfield Logging .... 27 1'1 will graduate
tourney Hexi Action ,,,:,,, ,,,t .......................... 20,.. 23...'_. t CLIP THIS AD i V..s ya,'.
Beckwith Jeweh'y ........ 19t/2 241/ t for 20v/v discount m
MATLOCK .... Quilccne raced Hembroff Agency ........ ]71/.2 26Z'.,j
:.: ., .t5-29, Friday night in a non-con- I = :::::::::
i;i:::!i:: retrace basketball game, ouLscof High games - - Claude Cook 204] 526 Franklin
in K the MatTock club in till but the High sm'Jos Claude Cool 554. ¢:
third quarter.
The home forces broke away LO !!ii:!;'!i
1 20-8 half time advantage and ,i:'::::
held Owl individual scoring to
single digits. Gone Brehmeyer sco-
red eight to top the Owls.
Quilce:e ulso won the B squad :i:i.:::
']am , 36-18. ::. ....
'li'i Next. action for Mary M. Knight :::::i::!:
will be in the second annual Olym- !iiii:i!::
)ic Peninsula Christmas tourna- :ii::i ;::.::
.ueni. ,t Neah Bay Dec. 27-28. :t@;:i:::.::.i:: i:: i
.il[. UILCENE 45 KNIGHT 29 t" :!:;::"!i!!i::iii:::i:i!iiiijililili;
Copeland 4 c Brelmmyev 8
DeLurrne 13 Stoddcn 6 ii
Corey 7 g Trcnckmann 6 ........................... i;i:.:ii.:,
BUILDING DEDICATED James Sisson, left, chairman of the Subs: Quilc('nc ..... Ward 2. Cosset- "" ......................... ::i!:!ii;!
North Mason School Board, and Arlld Johnson, architect, shake te 2. Finley 3. Knight \\;Vest 2. !iiii
hands after Johnson presented Sisson with the keys to the ,,ew' Shaw, Palmer. D. DeFoer. Valley. !il
.......... North Mason gymnasium at dedication ceremonies last Thursda.y Score by Quarters
.= night. Qullcene 6 14 10 15.--45 :]iil]!iJi
North Mason High School's new education, but, it' shou)d not bc
gymnasium was dedicated at cere- loaded down with responsibilities MAJOR LEAGUE '," ]i!ili
monies last Thursday night, which belong in other places such X" L ::i:::i;
School Board Chairman John R. as the home and church. Timber Bowl .............. 28 14 *
Sisson received the keys to the The United States has the best Noz'thwest Evergreen 23 t& 18V2
sew building from Architect Wil- educational system in the world, in Dan's Nite Hawks ........ 23 19 t
liam Arlid Johnson. and accepted whicix everyone has the opportun- Olson's B & B Shop .... 201/ 21z
t:i on behalf of the school board, ity to go as far in school as he lira Pauley Inc ............ 18 24
Gene Foster, student body prcsi- ov she can depending' on the LaBissoniere Agency....13 29
,-- dent, accepted on behalf of the nmomat of effort put into it and High games Bob Wuench 230,
........ • - ........ student body and the facult.., the ability of the individual. This Harry Peterson 225 ;::;.::::
Age 12 Bordeaux School Louis Bruno, state superintendent Bruno said. Jinx Pauley Inc. 2 (Fred Snel- :i::!i]::iii!
, ; , of public instruction. Education must be with an eye grove 552), LaBissoniere Agency Iii!jlili
First and Franklin BEN BANNER & JOHN BURNETT vided the facilities for the best in good from the past taught, along 2 [Bill Besch 559), Northwest i!
wittl bringing in some of the new. Evergreen 1 (Harry Peterson 553;
Vocal selections were presented Olson's Barber & Beauty Shop 2
County Gets " °''"""
, .,...c.oo, o.o.,., a.. ,L.o. ,......0., ii!i
.i:.:,:iS..!ii:; JlausJcal numbers by the High Hawks 2 (Dale Yost'556). 9
...... School band, both under the direc- . .......
.......... i Uil, "I"" tJon of Douglas Corliss. FRIDAY MIXED LEA(U; BODY
Bids n. co, o.o...,ere Introduced by Hep Katz .......................... 24 16 J'J'i'i
Principal Robert K. Johnsen. Subm'banites ................... 21 19 ................
Harry Elmlund, County Corn- Twisters ............................ 18 22 GREETING DRAWN BY JIM WEDDLE
-'" Tires ..,..,oo chairman, spoke briefly You Namelt .................... 18 22
on behalf of the county. He sub- High games---Connie Cronquist Age 11 Bordeaux "" . Jim (
stiLuted for J. W. Goodpaster, su- 168, Chuck Knudson 179.
on!ghhacii:iSteeatctktd°::Y n perintendent of schools, who was High semes--.Joan Knudson 447, We Will Be Closed Christmas ]D2Ly ----
" '::":: of unable to attend becausc of ill- Chuck Knudson 501.
....... ., • ,. • . ,o,,. K,,.,..on AIRPORTGROGERY
":i.i%:... " a- 5011. Twisters 0 ,Don Kmzdsen ' '
/ .::I' a the A flag" for the new school was ,134}; Yo.l Name It 3 (Rick Shar-
Mason County Commission when presented by the Nuel Curtis Vet- pes453.) Hept Katz 1 (Conniie Marg Mike -- Pat Fluckinger
.... it met Monday. erans of Foreign Wars Post Aux- Cronquist 441).
;:;.if::.: ' Pauley Motors was awat'ded the iliary. lllll.l-
::":" : contracl to furnish a car for the The High School PTA served re- - .......................................................................................... :.:, .......
..... assessor's office. The company's freshments at the close of the .:;.,:,,.?
. bid was low of tlu'ee received, dedication ceremony.
The new vehicle will be a six-
cyli.der Dodge with automatic
(Opening 2nd half) W L
.... . transmission. Rusty Ducks ...................... 3 1 :i:
":::": The Pauly bid rlLs $2,176 includ- What's Next ..................... 3 1
:::!:i:::iiii,i. ,. mga $200.04 trtde in on a car Strippers .............................. 3 1
now in use by the assessor's office. Board Busters ...................... 2 2
Other bidders were Mell Chev- Pin Busters .......................... 2 2
rolet mad Jim Pauly Inc. Knock Outs .......................... 1 3
APPARENT LOW BIDDER for Tirnber Ducks ...................... 1 ; i..:i::!::!!!v:
gasoline and diesel fuel for the Odd Balz .............................. I 3
county was Shell Oil Company, High g,)mcs---Iva Cook 176.
which had the low bid in all items Jack Pearson 189.
except ethel gasoline. The Shell High serteu. -Vernn Johanson
bid was 2222 cents for regular 450, Slim Bezley 527.
gasoline..2627 for ethel gasoline, * * ':' I::::: i.: "
.1124 cenLs for automotive diesel Rusty Ducks 3 Slim Bezley .......
fuel and .1124 for fm'nace diesel. 527) Timber Ducks :l (C]vde
Landsaw 508); StripT)ers 3 (Hen- ' ":;: '
ry Cook ,165). Odd Balz I IRon
.Iobil, Standrd. Union and Tide- Wreeman 394): NhaL's Next 3
:::i . watez Oil Companies. The bids Iva Cook 440). Knock OraLs 1
were be studied ttlld the contract (Ken O'Dell 483): Pin Busters 2
twarded at a later meeting. ,Jack Pearson 501). Board Bust ...... 7:::::;:
Bidding to supply tires for coun- ers 2 (Vcrna Johanson 450).
ty vehicles for the comi=g year
';i':i were Merv's Tire Cap, Gott Oil MR. & MRS. LEAGUE
Co.. and OK Rubber Welders, all W L
":" '; of Shelton; Olympia Oil and Wood Vagabonds ........................ 41 ,_, 18 ,5
company, Olympia, and S and Skid Row-Lers ................ 37 23
':f. Tire Company, Aberdeen. I. Da. No ....................... 33 & 261/,., 5th Grade
THE Bll)S WILL be studied and Gutter Snipes .................. 28/ 31,
awarded at a later meeting. ..........................
GREETING DRAWN BY RUTH SAVAGE Bowl Evils ...................... 27 33 ,..7_____.
Agw 11, Bordetux School . Three Skokomish Val/ey rest. Down Beats ...................... 22/. 37,fi
OLEANERS " dents, Clyde White, Archie Vaughn Four .Squares .................. 22 38 ''.'-'
p' ' ' . and Roy Cob]c, appeared Lo ask
the commission if something could George Lewis 193. jii::ii!:i::!iiii!iiiii::!:i!!
be done about the intersection of
High series--Jeri Beeson 428, I. ii':iii!iii:::::i::,!iii;ii :iii::ii::iii:i!;ii!:!;i:'i::
1'"''I''." ''.r''l'"' the Skokomish Valley Road and Roy Petty 538. '!:
''d:''''';K-l They satd the biggest problem I. Da. No. 4 (Roy Petty 5',¢8), ,i,,::'.,i;::,%,,;!,,
- was finding the intersection at Four Squares 0 (Jerl Beeson 428) ;
!!_! night, particularly if it is foggy. Gutter Snipes 3 (Bill Staudt 499),
:!iii County Engineer J. C, Bridget Nite Owls 1 (Frank Marler 535:
, said he would check with the State The .Vagabonds 3 (Don Pogreba
:- .... Highway Department Lo see if 494. Down Beats 1 ('Wilfred
::':; metal guart rails, painted white, White 483); Skid Row-Lets 3 t::::.:::,:::,::
; could be installed on posts ali, eady (Del Stormo .499). Bowl Evils 1 :i;:::::..:i:::i:::;
i! there. (George Lewis 4.59). ::i::::i!i
,,:.,,, He told the Skokomlsh delega- IN, OUR LOCATION near tho JliJi:iJi
' ;"'", ,,' tion the county had no control "sea.. 'Northwest Sca Food Favor- " iJ?i:ili; iil ill;:
. : over the intersection being that Ires" ,a a new bulletin for you to i!I
'-1 j it was ou a State Highway. use tn prepariug some of these ,::i:::!::::,iiiit!!i;i':i:i
, The commission voted to open foods. Call or write County Exten-
, .. btds Dec. 24 on an adding machine sion SerVice, Post Office Base- ! -::;::.::::
;: ' for the auditor's office and a filing ment, Shelton, 426-4732. " ..... :.;i;:::Y'i! :::::.!:.
.......... . cabinet for the treasurer's office. l"i iiili'/ii!?iiJ!i!!ii!
t :::a:!::ii!i?iii::?i!::i]!:i::i •
'' 'L: ::': : ': " I0 month fuel oos ,o,.,
'i!i.:;': :i i ";! i; ::;,!,i'i.:;.,.i:..
i /i!i!:!?i?;i!iiii!
H rorA- cost E 7
,i,;?::,.: ,-o
> .- o
i::'';":i.( ::- AVPRAGE 2-BEDROOM HOME Ld e .=- ':
$:i '.. :;i :...:;: '.-,-
.i::.i: BASEBOARD ii. / c o ::! -i. !:!:i:i'::::Jl
V- o "7-
Installed ' ;; E . K ii ' :,,!: :.::::::i::ii;
Terms = - " - '
, Ag'e 11 GREETING DRAWN BY VIRGINIA" MEDLEY '" Mountam' View' Sch0°! ''''• ".' ' '
ll 3/4 . Bordeaux School
"'BILL BESCH and GLEN ROESSEL THAG'KERAY ELE0'TIRIG Jim Pau,ey__ Buford Rose__ Bob Wolden __ Red Joslin __ Allan EinarssonJ'M PAULEYI iN,Ge :ll --.
. Shirley Holman --Dale Fleshmarl -- Duane Wright-- Floyd Bosswell :'B a
, 2 COTA STR ET Jerry Medley', Tim Kneeland ' " U
SHELTON UNION SERVICE and B & R OIL CO. [ I I m I ir''.-l"