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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.. ! ..... I W--i DICY, December 20, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "h,istmaStowu, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washmgton Page 7 u gUU[flGI fll  ;;,7 " , ........ &apos; , ' ........... ' " , ,, , , - ............................................. ....... . ..... v, ........ o ....  ....... a   o • • ' * , qmNIIIIImlIHffiHmlIM1UNulmNIImffH1HMImNf 1 ' r  .......................................... :5om,, will gradu,te 3:0 st.- ,avn.' Bouds )UWIS rage in Late ullmners Host north an g A VfllTHIIG I AR PlHLI:NTR g'T TD rFI.lfT A 1F ",thJ:s Year * ' ' Im • • •  mum• mw •/ all• a= -my a, v l'.waaivmumm • vv ie Ill.vim•lay ,. ., *"' "' -"- - ..... u0ing, LOSt /0 ... .... .._.__ KItsap rrluay night .......... _ .... for Green Hill, 60.48 UUIL)UOK5 In Conference Game FUN ON FRIDAY, BAR.D! N'S see00,ng offcnse whici, c.., 526 Franklin JIM WEDDLE ;] Bordeaux t ' hristmas Day IOGERY t Fluckinger ,,.. ,. :.: )N Bordeaux School Mountain View lan Einarsson yd Bosswell GREETING DRAWN BY RICKIE JOHNSON 9 Bordeaux School GRIMES and McNEIL BODY & FENDER SHOP Jim Grimes -- Angus McNeil MATTOCK .... After three quar- ters of tight play, Green Hill Aca- demy wore the Mary M. Knight Owls down with superior height and muscle for a big fourth quar- ter and a 60-4'8 non-league bas- ketball victory Tuesday night wt Chehalis. Six-foot-four center Myers and equally as tall but more muscular forward He((man carried the late load for Green Hill as the victors outscored the Owls 17-6 in tP.e final period, In the first three periods the two squads raced to a 20-20 tie in the first quarter, the Owls led at the half by 36-32, then Green Hill rallied to pull within one at 43-42 as the last round opened. Bill Stodden enjoyed his best night of the season so far, scor- ing 14 points for the Owls with Jim Hollatz adding 10, Green Hill also won the B squad game, 36-23. The lineups: Green Hill 60 Knight 48 He((man 18 f Hollatz 10 Brazie f J. DeFoer Myers 20 c Brehmeyer 6 Todd 8 g Stodden 14 Towell 14 g Trenckmann 8 Subs: G. H. -- Case, Johnson, Humbert, Boyer. Knight -- West 2, Shaw, Palmer, Valley, D. De- Foer. Score by Quarters Green Hill 20 12 11 1760 Knight 20 16 6 6---48 WOMEN'S 12:30 LEAGUE W L NeWs Pharmacy .......... 34  21½ Shelton Union Service 30/fi 25½ lhil's Richfield ............ 30 26. Dairy Queen ................ 16 40 High gameConnie Cronquit 215. High series--Connie Cronquist 542. Phil's Richfield Service 3 (Lor- erie Wilson 506), NeWs Pharmacy 1 (Edith Levitt 506); Dairy Queen 2 (Sylvia Fronzo 480), Shelton Un- ion Service 2 (Connie Cronquist 542). 5th Grade GREETING DRAWN BY ANN KANGAS TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC Bordeaux School Age ii GREETING DRAWN BY CINDA CLARK Bordeaux School PLUMBING HEATING AND SHEET METAL LES Owner HEATING, PLUMBING & SHEET METAL WATCH FOR MARKEI) FISII Steelhead fishermen are asked to watch for marked steelhead. In various streams of the stale steelhead wtl] be returning this year that have been released by the Game Department and marked by the clipping of one or more fins, Planted steelhead are fin-clip- ped to check some specific factor which might affect the survival and return of adult fish, All steelhead fishermen shonld take pains to report every marked fish caught. The angler taking such a fish should drop a post card to the Game Department, 600 North Capitol Way, Olympia, Washington, teling which fin was clipped; length, weight, and gene- ral condition of the fish; and when and where the fish was caught. Plants of steelhead due back this 1962-63 winter season along with the fin clipped are presented in the following table: Rh'er Numlwr Planted Fin Clipped Humptulips 19,000 Humptulips 22,000 Nemah 12.000 Satsop 20000 Barnal)y-Skagit 6,000 Nooksack 19,000 Skokomish 22,000 Dosewalips 16.600 Stilly (B. Slough) 23,000 In addition to these fish a plant of 28,600 summer-run steelhead is due back in the 1963 sprmg and ,summer in the Washougal river. These fish were marked by clip- ping of the dorsal and left pelvic fins. Although most marked fish ta- ken in the streams mentioned will have the fin clipped as indicated in the table, there are always a DUCK SEASON ENDS DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS One of the most unproductive duck hunting seasons in many years closes next Wednesday. Some success during the past week suggests perhaps tim wind- up may be better than the rest of lhe season has been but with Christmas activity confining a person's time the fowl may be re- latively safe anyway even though showing in greater numbers. Just why the duck season has been so poor is conjecture wea- ther, or absence of the birds, per- haps a combination of both -- but the fact remains that very few ducks have been taken in lo- cal hunting areas this year• On the fishing front tlere was a complete lak of reported snc- cess this past 'week. Neither Ver- le's Sporting Goods nor Winghl"d's 'Sport Shop had a single reported catch for the week. MEN'S INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE W L Canteen ................ 38 22 Clary Trucking ............ 33 27 Pantorium Cleaners .... 31/, 28'./,'., Lumbermen's Mere ...... 3 29 20th Century Thriftway 29 31 Shelton Motors ............ 28 32 Morgan Transfer . ......... 25 35 Cole's Mobil Service .... 24 35 High games---Jim MeComb 210 High series Jim McComb 594 Canteen 4 t John Anderson 491), Cole's Mobil Service 0 Glen Par- ker 511); Shelton Motors 4 [Jack Mays, 513). 20th Century 0( Jim McComb 594); Clary Trucking 3 (Wayne Clary 559), Pantorium 1 (Mark Fredson 516); L.M. 3 (L. L. MeInelly 533), Morgan Trans- fer 1 (Al Johnston 510), Left pelvic (Left Ventral Dorsal Adi pose Ad£ pose Adi pose Left pelvic Left pelvic Right pelvic Left pelvic and adipose few fish from previous plants re- turning each year and the angler should watch for any marked fish. By reporting markGd steelhead the fisherman contributes greatly to the improvement of steelhead fishing. Information, gained from such marking experiments has] been a key factor in developing the winter steelhead fishery so popu- lar in Washington. VACATIONERS CAN USE LINCOLN GYM WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE (Final 1st half) W L Shelton, Hotel .................. 38 18 Sunbeam Bread .............. 36½ 19V,., McConkey Drug Cen ..... 31½ 24½ Lumbermen's Mere ...... 29 27 Morgan Transfer .......... 28Vz 27V, Hoodsport Lumber ...... 20½ 35½ Polka Dot ........................ 20 36 Millo's Diner ................... 20 36 High game--Vi McGee 213, Ru- bye Frisken 203. BANTAM LEAGUE High series--Vi McGee 530, I Ill $ W Shelton Hotel 4 (Edith Huisingh Jay Birds ...................... 27 429), Polka Dot 0 (Lois Albrecht Willur Insurance ........ 19 426); Millo's Diner 4 (Carole V.F,W. Auxiliary ........ 18 Howard 09), H0odsport Lumber Lumbermen's Mere .... 12 0 ( virgie Wallin 370 ) ; MeConkey Kelly Furniture ............ 7 V,=, Dllg Center 3 (Bobble Barnett Grant Lumber .............. 6 522), Morgan Transfer 1 (Vi Mc- Gee 530); L.M. 2 (Evelyn Eliot 499), Sunbeam Bread 2 (Millie Daniels 507). Any of you guys home from college qor anywherel for the Christmas vacation who want a little physical exercise will find the Lincoln gym at your disposal, For three-hour periods between one and four o'clock each after- noon, Lincoln gym will be open December 26, 27. 28 and 31 and its facilities available for basket- ball, wrestling and whatever else it can be used, PREP BASKETBALL SCORES Olympic League East Bremerton 60, Shelton 40. South 49. Port Angeles 36. West Bremerton 58, North 47. LinColn 39, East 35 nl). Port Townsend 49, Central 40 (nl-). Olympia 43, Shelton 41 (nl). Bainbridgc 47, S0qutm 35. Forks 47, North Mason 36. Central 62, Peninsula 36 (nl). Vash(,n 49, Forks 39 (Ill) North Mason 32, Chimacum 31 ,nli. ML. Tahoma 57. East 56 (nl). Pm't Angeles 49. Sequim 43 (nl). Bainbridge 34, South 29 (nl). Seamount League Sumner 65, North Thurston 35. Fife 82, Laubon 28. White River 51, Peninsula 45. Curtis 45, Bethel 40. Fife 70, Federal Way 34 (nl). Betlei 75, Yelm 25 {nil. Foste 52, Sumner 48 (nit. Wilson 61, Curtis 43 nl). (Jentral League Tumwater 47, St. Martins 46. White Pass 67, Yelm 49. Rochester 43, Eatonville 41. Elms 52, Chehalis 34. Monies•no 43,, Raymond 35, Aberdeen 46, Elma 43 inD. Olympia 58, Tumwater 39 inD. Centvalia 63, Chehalis 44 (nl). Reel\\;ester 38, Mossyrock 37. Raynmnd 56. Valley 46 (nl). Aberdeen 48, Elma 30 (nl). Hoquiam 52. Montesano 39 [all Mossyr0ck 71, White Pass 55 (nl), Eatonville 43, Morton 35 (nl). L 3 11 11½ 18 221/ 24 High games --- Sue Speece 96. Don Pulwis 146 High series -- Sue Speece 169, Gregg Hughes 233 1 OU00T--U DIVIDEND PAYABLE DE OEMBER 31, 1962 Th Board of DireCtors of Thurston County Federal Savings and Loan Assooiati0n has declared a Quarterly Dividend of 4//4% per annum payable December 31, 1962. In accordance with customary practice these dividends have been credited to the account of the savings members. Shellon Bran©h Thurdon ¢ounty Federal Savings & Loan Association Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the F.S.L.I.C. 9 A.M.  4 P.M. MOnday thru Thursday 10 tO 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays Home Offloe Branch Offioe 5th & Capitol Way • 313 Railroad Ave. Olympia, Wash. 8helton, Wash. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES • Private, Confidential, Eccnemlcal prodvee more than 40 points it game, Coach Jim Doherty looks hopefully Ln the Highclimbers' first victory of the basketball sea- son when North Kiisap visits Shel- ton gym this Friday night The Climbers st> far have aver- aged only 41 points in three starts --40 against East, 41 and 42 in two tries with Olympm. The Vikings have been singu- larly unsuccessful in their efforts to date, also, losing to West and Central in two conference contests after, as did the Climbers, winning a jamboree "title". NORTH IIAS averaged only 45 points in its two games, so isn't exactly dynamit , on tile maples either. Leading Viking scorer is football fullback Jerry Williams. 6-1 are next to Williams m point- points in the two st, at'Is, The Vikings lack height with sophomore Gary Erickson (wbo didn't play in either game so far tallest at 6-2, but have nulch of the same muscle that characLeri- zes Shelton's maple make-rip. Paul Kristensen and Rick Roberts. both 6-1 are next to William in point- production and like him are foot- ballets, It, might be a bruising battle on the boards come tolnorrow even- ing, MEANWHILE, Coach DoherLy in iis search for scoring power has been juggling his material madly of late. "One example was inserting foe{bailer Ron err, 6-1, into he starting lineup against East last Saturday. err imd look- ed very good in relief work against Olympia the prcwous night, Although not in starting consi- deration Dan Olson is due for much more action than he ires seen to date on the basis of his good showing in the scramhle witl East Saturday. Bob Walker continues to put spark into the Climber perform- ance whenever called upon and his speed may be useful against the Vikings. Junior varsities start Friday's action at 6:30 with the varsities ready to go on about 8:00 o'ch)ck RAYONIER RESEARCH I final Ist halt ) W L Maintenance ................... 41 23 Water Boys ...................... 39V2, 24!;., Silva Foxes ..................... 37 /, 26 : Acetate Aces .................. 34 30 Wood Birds .................... 31 33 Four Fowlers .................. 26 38 Rayoneties ...................... 25 39 Pin Curlers ...................... 22 42 High games---.Beth Brown 157. Mary Morkert 223, High series Jen Tratnick 455, Mary Morkert 52,1 =!: ;i, * Four Fowlers 4 (Betty Malling- .er 408), Pin Curlers 0 IJen Trat- fick 455) ; Silva Foxe: ,1 Mnrv orkert 524), Acetate Aces 0 (,less Tobler 484) ; Maintenmme 3 (Bill Barren 522), Water Boys 1 ,.John Denison. Rod Brandstron each 469, Rayonettes 2 [Marg Bacon 410), Wood Birds 2 (A.I Johnston 498). WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL (final Ist half) W L Timber Bowl ....................... 37 27 Gott's Oilerettes ................. 35 29 Darigold ................................ 33 31 Eells & Valley .................. 32 32 Allyn Shell Service .......... 31 33 Richfield Oil ........................ 31 33 Bill's Shell Service .......... 29 35 Ming Tree Cafe .................. 28 36 High game---Phyl Collins 19,1. High series--Jo Clary 525• Split picks--Lodge Kimbel 6-7, Augia Johnson 5;7., Bill'S Shell Service  Cho Hul- et 477), Darigold 0 Adair Neau 415); Eells & Valley ,3 Andy R0dgers 450), Allyn Shell Service 1 (Joyce Die 449); Ming Tree Care 3 (Iv• Cook 442), Richfield Oil 1 (Shirley Hohnan 41.1): Gott's Ollerettes ( Phyl Collins 492), Timber Bowl 1 (Jo Clary 525), Featuring MARTY AND PARTY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21 113 Cola Street -- Members Only -- RESERVATIONS -- Phone 426-3949 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. I GREETING DRAWN BY JANE KEYSERS ,, " Age 11 BordeaUx School ,,'t " GREETING DRAVCN BY Age 9 314 DEBBIE CARR Bordeaux School -< TIMBER BOWL : ,.. ,. L., ,, • - i GREETING DRAWN BY HOLLY SCOTT Bordeaux Set]eel I i, -I t t PREPP'S REXALL STORE If