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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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% • : :[rsda.r, December Page 8 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ohrisfmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December 20, 1 Ball-Ringer }aluag and Our Very Best to You... arents of ,) +a  I Chocolates MRS. WRIGHT&apos;S $ I ,,o+. .,. s=- e. 189 Brown 'n Serve Rolls I Cho=o,a+e, Box i/ pOX "  SHKafLfK'HaVfhi::ci Lib'by's P pki -, 3 ,k,, 1 um n 00:15< Party Breads Sy;.A;,o,,o.,n. ',03 29' EATMGR Woz. " 35< , rr  / MRS. WRIGHTS 9" 4P€ Cranberries ,.,,+ 2Cans t.oTiee t.aKe. Cherry Almond Cake  P . r_l__ h .... MRSI.WRIGHTS 21-ez. A'I€ n...... ,o+=, ,,.. Sl ,,u,,,.,..,.,+,,.,,,,+ ,, VlallIjl;a Mandarin Orang. IO r Cans Stufhng Needs " ppl Stuff,ng Bread WRIGHTS ,o., 3 • HIGH IS+x. Pinea eSI,ces.,006 Sl "'s +" Cans Stuffing Mix IIIISHT$ k'/;;°' 29 ' Pillsbury Pancake Hix '".. Mince Meat 35 ,k,.49i ,,+, € rei,eys ul.p r l,.lp:i "-"--"'--e-"'-;--TripleNCkll.0z. Box ,,,,€ VALAMONT All Safeway Stores CLOSED TUESDAY December 25th ! Egg Nag I LUCERNE, All Mixed and ready +o pour. I/2 gal. $1.1S I ou.. r00Q< I Carton dFJ • All Purpose lO.Ib. € Pillsbury Flour ,+. ,,, ... ,. ,,0 98 a i • - PILLSBURY-White, Chocola ,  4 taKe Mixes Yellow, Double Dutch i, Pkgs. il MANOR HOUSE or LYNDEN U.S.D.A. Inspected--Grade A 10 to 16 Ibs. 43 € ,o to 2,4 Ibs. 13 lb. lb. TURKEYS USDA Inspected grade S LB. 35 ’ HOLIDAY or FIESTA " € / • • BONELESS HAMS Whole or Half lb. 89 J FRESH ' __ " -  __ Marshmallows AlumlnumFod nrrr uilz I)naeT u.S0A. C,o,<o OO' I Oysters 3//OCK D@r. 'LUFF-I-EST REYNOLDS, For Household i&,lbl II|IU IlVIPIgW/ Excess fat and bone removed lb.  I For Fr lag 12"0#. mmtJ / 2-lb. Package 49€ Use, 18"x25'. D1€1€€' DI'tT DtIAT U.S.D.A. Choice dial€ l or stuing Jar  Grilled Hanl Sand. L€  1 , i A gbl,l IVI flVflli BLADE CUT lb. "tO I , i ith r , ,........ u, .,€.,,A,, .., o s,, ou ,.+. -]%c %c I A / [] l i ueei LflUCK MeOKS or SEVEN IONE lb, 37 COE -- 5’ per cup Pkg.   Roll  I t;annea .amsl Center Cot Ham S]iles .89' , , 100% 71/z-oi. € LL IANOI HOUSE or € HORMEL or MOIRE !,., c.. .+. co. ,-,b. o..! Turkey Roasters .ORBEST4toSlb. lb. 49 Lucerne Ice Cream A,rway instant Coffee o .., ,,, 59 152.69 s3.98 s5.981 Virginia Reel Sausage Rolls + 69' . € . . ,.o,. , Vandle, Neopol=tan, Maple Ha-"  I Manor House Ducklings" '41bs.t° lb. 5 € Nut, Butter Brlckel, Ere. Oallon   ; I Smoked .€ I 5 " Half 7  Blue Plate Medmm Shrimp <,. 59 , ,,, == == I . " " '" " '°"'" = 89' " ','" "" -- -- € Blue Plate Cove Oysters {:'"" 39' .o,.-. w.,.., ,..k ..,, + alFadF H grade hoIoassI soug. l , ' I Y 5BlAir riBs ,,., a . , Sunk,st" Oranges00 ,t, lple, Mlnceo r Pumpkin, , IEL';'A" ,7... s Jack Otantem OnnedYams {.V" 39', 9 . 8 * • 48-0z. € Asparagus SPears F...n 3 lkgs. 1 Zippy Cucumber Chips ,. 6 BEt- I O-oz. $ * • 22.e/. II Fancy Green Peas ,,, 6 ,,,. 1 Zippy Kosher Style Dills ,. 35 New Navels--Now a+ +helr is.oz. PILLSBURY Raisin 12-oz. Pkg. Can ne,,. S,e ,d e,y *o p.L Crest Canned Mixed Nuts 59' Cinnamon Rolls Refrigerated 39 ’ )AYTON -- Congrah , and M:rs. A1 Chappe] proud parents of a day, and weighinl lads and six ammos. } Let, Patsy. Grandpa] , and Mrs. Hart'y Ma ila and Mrs. Mary C ,0ngra tulations also : M:rs. Doyle Howard 'le parents of an el. trteen-ounce boy Man Thomas Noe was four brothers. His gra ! Mr. and Mrs. Ted alton and Mrs. Thelm Issaquah. athering Sunday in 1". and Mrs. Jamee re Mr. and Mrs. Allm children of Lake 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don lily of Shelton for cake in obserwmc hday of Sheila, daugr se who was 13 Mar, and Alien Hickson w[ was Saturday. P0m Leonard, son at  Dick Leonard cele birthday Sunday a lner guests his sister Mr. and Mrs. George alton and Mike B ,.tc. Mike had spent with Tom as housed Ladies' Club met on th Mrs. Walter Chapp is. The birthdays of Rishel and Mrs. J Ire observed. ;UNDAY, MI{. and ? Yson and Dave moto] a and called on da,u a-in-law, Mr. and lV [rton also to Seattle tiled another daughte r. Lawrence Bailey. Ir. and Mrs. lrvin erett, were Thursda3 houseguests of Mr. Williams. gha'onn Young of Olyl Weekend at home. S her mother, Mrs. J, to Kingston t’ daughter and and Mrs. Ted Reyno evening cal of Mr. and Mrs were Mr. and h Hoodsport. h*. and Mrs. \\;Valte: tored to Rochester c : Thursday. ,njoying an evening ae of Mr. and Mrs. I re Mr. and Mrs. J. :l children ChehaTs, r. and Mrs. Joha I family vimted un shore home of Mr. old Livingston. 9hers and Carrie Ch tilrday guests of 1 ekson girls. UNI)Ak AITI.]b. NO( the Berzmrd Ri:dml il alui's. Lylc Leil elren of Shelton, Mz lJg Carlson and chih , nd Mr. and Mrs. lel. dANE'S JOTTi &romxd Mtson Co County Extension Jane Jones Wlm .lilB.ll elemtric cooking apete for the "gil *[ere are so many c rbably wonden if oth3, kitehen r, g b o liances, do have tt  of being portable give thermostaticall3 t in cooking and the Ood substitute for til she can get what |€ range. They are of lce for summer cotl l because the wiring tly be inadequate f, |he U.S, Departmen tbre National Rese a did some tnvesti rlt kinds of portable i the most use and 'qared with a range ,e it took to cook m L}'heir appliances that t ded as having the ue use were the tl .i e pan, the five q i fry pan and a pox broiling features. heat controls w, and each piece h lid. They fount appliances requ: though less electr Same jobs of cook The cost diff, small electric )ared tn [Jilyir a/ill a range were rtable appliances v titenails (cast ahuq ng single eontr a,nd a lic with the fqllov Pan ........................... Saucepsn ............... sa ucepa n ............. tltensil2, and rau 1 ibs. $ 00 °'++ '+" +"°"° 25 -- Fancy Celery Fresh Cranberries ,. No. t, c[,.., Smooh, YAgS o  . Select uality Crisp, Tasfy Sweet Potatoes +,. 29 ,.,,. ++ K,. s,,o . ,, u.s. I Red Delicious Apples ,. ,;, No. ! i .,,.ioo, O,..., ,,..+Large Avocados 2 ,0, 29' Quality m. , ]J I I , L., I I -  " -, ] . I tt:nsils ( extra ] ]:}a  ........................... Gleam Toothpaste £t. , o,, 4Y "--""-- ,,,,,,u,, Refrigerated $.g.. . ] a , }] 'l ' '  { ' '  n .............. IUI {hocolete Chips er Oatmeal Raisin Pkg. 7 aa,mepan ............... ,: ;10 linch .............. ""'" " " "'" "'< Cragmont Beverages B.,,,. 6 Bottles 1 Wlllpplng .ream ,uc.. Pint ) Non-Returnable 28-oz. $ t:l ........................ . __ , ,,, , 7-oz. A7€ , Flus • 16-oz. € i:" ............ Lucerne uairy topping <a. , Sprite Beverage ,,.po.,+ 6,0.,..65 " So+away Blue Cheese ',: 98' P'"' "°" ' Seven-up Beverages Depos|t 6.,47 : III' ................. "-'--'-'--'--''" --- In "; ............ Mamschewdz" " Wine" PlusCONCoRDTax ith $1.03 • VIN ROSE' $ i' s... ,+,r+,, *. T..,,.. Oe’.mo, Z0+ 'rou,h Alhambra Wine ., ,.x ., 1.03 Monday, December 24fh. We reserve +he right +o limit /'_...,J D,.... Carling s. Olympia I/]t 12-oz. Sill 9J quantities. No sales +o dealers, quUllilCU DtUI or Rainier ' IL Cans L,1,/