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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1 :ursday, December 20, 1962 "'" 00arents of |;m+' AYTON .... CongraLu]ation to SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Sheltqn, Wash!ngtoa Couples Become Sons This Week oils RK. Whito, ld Half and +4. 'kg,. 1 15-oz Loaf 29' Large ,oo, 33' and Mrs. A1 Ch:ppell who are proud parents o a boy born Ida,/, and weighing seven ands and six ounces. He joins a ter, Patsy. Grandparents are and Mrs. Harry Matthews of la and Mrs. Mary Chappell. 0ngratulatious also go to Mr. d M:rs. Doyle Howard who be- e parents of an eight-pound teen-ounce boy Monday, Dec. • Thomas Nee was welcomed [our brothers. His grandparents !Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berry of elton and Mrs. Thelma Howard ssaquah. athering Sunday in the home z'. and Mrs. James Hickson e Mr. and Mrs. Allen l-llcKson children of Lake Nahwatzel [Mr. and Mrs. Don Cress and lily of ShelLon for ice cream cake in observance of the day of Sheila, daughter of the se who was 13 Monday, Dec. and Allen Hickson whose birth. .k. was Saturday. Leonard, con of Mr. and IX Dick Leonard celebrated his +h birthday Sunday and had as ttez. guests kis sister and fami- |Mr. and Mrs. George Schnabel, lten and Mike Bunnell of t¢. Mike had spent the week- with Tom as houseguesL. ,dies' Club met on the llth !h Mrs. Walter Chappell as hos- . The birthdays of Mrs. Bern- Rishel and Mrs. John Rock l'e observed. UNDAY, MR. and Mrs. J. W. Yson and Dave motored to Ta- la and called on daughter and l-in-law, Mr'. and Mrs. Clyde ,Pton also to Seattle where they ted another daughter Mr. and . Lawrence Bailey. Ir. and Mrs. irving Jewett, rett, were Thursday and Fri- ' houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. rren Williams. havon Young of Olympia spet . Weekend at home. Sunday, she : her mother, Mrs. John Young :LOred to Kingston to visit an- Sunday the Gene Hulbert fami- ly, Shelton, were guests in the Al- vin HulberL home at a gathering to honor' Mrs. Gene Hulbert on her birthday. Present also was Donna Hulbert home on vacation from Seattle Pacific College. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A_llan TibbiLs were their" grand- :laughters, Audrey, Donna and Re- )in Tibbits. On Sunday, they were joined by Mrs. J. C Tibbits and children, Chehalis and :Mrs. Willis Tibbits and all accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tibbits to the I. W. A. Christmas Party. On Friday afternoon, :Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield and Susie and :Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield motor- ed to Bellingham and 1picked up Darlene at Western State College and they attended the basketball game between W. W. State Col- /ege and St. Martins to see Jerry Bloomfield play. Mortality, when St. Martins play- ed Carroll College of Helcrm, Mont. Jerry had as loyal rooters his pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloom- field, and Susie, Mrs. Jerry Bloom- field, Gerry Lou Wilson and Allan McIrvin. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd visited the Morton Adams on Stmday ar- ts rnoon. Mrs. Stun Dyson and Mrs. Noel Sytsma shopped in Olympia :Mon- day and dropped in to visit with Mrs. F. A Schmidt of that city• The Merlin Rickards family cal- led on Charles Martindale of John's Prairie on Saturday. SATURDAY CALLERS in the Pete Bloomfield home were Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer and children and Allan McIrvin, Shel- ton, Mrs. Lea Bishop, Kamilche and Mrs. Howard Wilson and children. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dyson visited Friday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ridley and after- ward dropped in to see :Mr. and Mrs. Noel Sytsma. $00aff $tnT00$ 9]ye AI)I00I, IANC Come in and ) see these handy ' ! GANE;I)tiNERS household helpers I $10 95 by , , #S# A fine SUNBEAM se =e ction of Brighten your-holiday kitchen or dining room with TABLE & GHAIR SETS from $3495 • _ - .... -- , ., - _ • ) Beautiful Selection GLASS TUMBLERS set of 8 -- $398 POLE LAMPS from $1495 TABLE LAMPS from $9,95 • TABLE i! t + ++o o ..... + SEWING MAGHiNES rom $1095 $209,95 _ - _ • Occasional 45-piece set - PILLOWS Brooklrk from $298 DISHEo' $29,95 • Deep Fryers I  '  " Food Mixers • Steam Irons Fry Pans • Toasters Waffle Bakers • Osterizers and other handy mall electrical appliances I SNAGK TRAYS ! $1295 ! • _ _ ,,-  \\;;. • \\;\ $ .4 /.¢ "%::9  ,:if=: ¸¸: ,,:. ,. ,,].; . ,'¢.ffi 71/z'OZ" O , and Mrs. Ted Reynolds. Pkg. i-t' € aturay evening callers in the Our stock of electric hel were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. taback, Hoodsport. :+:':+::+.::.+:-:i!ii!i:iiii:!iiii!i!!:ii!i::il;ii /I./X|[] fillSMantle__for every room, ineVery need--Wall, Table, RCA Vietor bIz.. and :Mrs. %Valter Chappel} tii!;:.izi:?i;i many sizes, shapes, colors -- REGORD PLAYERS Itored to Rochester on business from : . . ."'-- !t Thursday. GREETING DRAWN BY MARY ANN TABOR njoying an evening meal in the 5th Grade Evergreen 00o00oo, ,49, s $2195 up -++'2"\\; } me of Mr. and :Mrs. Dell Adams Wh P  ; from  e Mr. and :Mrs. J. C. Tibbits  children, Chehas. *+' -+% PYREX ,,: ..... +[ Itman am ors F i, -• GIFTWARE I shore home of :Mr. and Mrs ...... . ' P ' .,. a0. . *5 ' o](t Livingston. i:::,,' ' ' ' ¢T 9heri and Carrie Chappell were 1 LB. - 2 LB. - 3 LB. BOXES turday guests of the James ;+.: i: ii:: from $795 /:+:+o +RE U ,ENS R ':+ :++"+' E -son gi+. J .i: ............ : . and Sunbeam UNDAY AIPERNOON visitors D ,C E D P RIG G. +he P++,'t,+,,+ R+:,:+h+l horn,, were +I""' ""'' + bUV--O +'+OOOO+ -- + RCA Victor +'+J' +]+ '1+1 ]++' [ 0 L+l'+ *'+++ '+ a*'d P  +'J -- r+ ' ' vACUUM / 0LEANER ........ td'rerl of Shelton, :Mr. and :Mrs. ..--  R.A,I0S ,'++ ....... . $35 "--- 74495 _U +: • JJJY Carlson and children, Taco- 000smet S _: + . tel. • , : ; from $16 95 ec ets + E I Complete Line of ZI \\; _ , ,+,, Presto dAH 'S JOTTINGS coTY - PRI,+CE AT.ABE'',- REVLON -- W.ITE GORNING WARE }, Popcorn Poppers &roun Mason County witi [ SHOULDERS -- TABER -- CHANEL -- YARDLEY County Extension Agent ,  from $200 __$95 Jane Jones Wind.or I L LOW PRICES ON ALL   .taallele+ctriccookingappllances U'| ELEGTRIG RAZORS . ++ .pete for the "gig:L dollar". Cornmg Electric re are so many choices you Electric ably wonder if they will make rHUUL/|UH) :liances+ kitchen+][+give.e of thermostaticallybeingdorangeportablehaeobsolete.thecontrolledandadvantThesethey M'|I|A" Fl[ml , • m l . . m i $398 $29s5 SPAGEfrom HEATERS$12 95 i$eh0!i 'L m cooking and they might be ,e eeause '+e )od tiy range. They are often a good she U.S. for be substitute can inadequate summer the Department getwiring what cottages, fOrfor she the may of a, range, wants ANti- bride Thi fre- 12 " Ra EASTMAN 8 M M (includes processing) e¢ h_ B" ,, [ b!: : • . • • 98 c ¢\\;x  +,+\\;\\  /  % , Nver, wom=n want+ an m4.95 -- HAIR meetrie DRYER $15.95 H+,m,to, m:mmu ":"'"" Be+,ch . 9 ,+ National Research Dzvi- B--W:   :   : :--19-  --------------%-------------------------- BLANkETSAssorted + Colors did some investigating on ; kinds of portable ppliazl Transistor Single -- Oouh,e the most use and how they ared with a range in cost and RADIOS it took to cook meals, etc. Per Roll appliances that they recom- 120 -- s2o-- ,27 from $2395 from $17 95 7 l/Z -oz. ,. 59' ,.o,. ,on W 4Vraz. Can 39 € 40-OZ, ,.n 39' I 22-OZ, ,,, 35' 12-oz. ,+ 39' as having the most vet- use were the three quart pan, the five quart sauce )an and a portable oven features. heat controls were remov- and each piece had a sel£- lid. They found the port- appliances required more though less electricity to do e jobs of cooking" as the The cost differences in ng small electric appliances )ared to b-uying cooking and a range were interesting. appli:¢nces were: ttLen:ils (cast aluminum) in- single control ( inter- and a lid for each with the following costs: Pan .................... ' .............. $ 21.25 seucepm ...................... 13.47 saucepan .................... 16.47 ........................................ 64.95 ..................................... +]; utensil and +:ange were as ( extra heavy 10 Dt .................................. $ 5.99 sa cepan ........................ 3.99 :u(epan 4.98 0 i|]ch ........................ 149,95 ................................ $1(H.91 to $274.91 ,k,. 49* 6 "+' +1 Bottles Bottles I;,,/ 7-OZ, .+.,47' ,+ =1.03 ,+ =1.03 .,°" '2 .35 Dacron Comforters... . zPe BEAUTIFUL -- REG. $10.00 Blankets.......... +3 +" REG. $5.00 -- VERY WARM -- MOTH.PROOF Assorted Chocolates 1 lb. $1.SO 2 lb. 2.95 3 lb. 4.25 5 lb. 6.96 Omo the "always welcome" gift... fresh Russell Stover Candle=, Your choirs of many assortments. McConkey's Drug Center in Evergreen Square Phone 426-3456 :i:::i ::::::::::::::::::::::::: • .,¢+ ................. ++tail+ +++++++: ....... ::i'+ ........... ,..:. .:++i ........ ii,'!: "i:?,'*? ii.::",: !!tt!ilN  .............. +: :. : '+.',:+,. i,;:: z "!!';ii ............. !::::,tlii!it ............. PLUS oodles 'n oodles of "other items for you to choose from, not to overlook our stoek of large appliances such as TV (we have color, too), Stereo, ranges, washers, dryers, etc. Greeting Drawn by JOEL BURNETT, age 10, Mt. View School EELLS and VALLEY APPLIANCE CEHTER 2nd and Cota Street Phone 426-4663 See Our Line of TOYS You'll find the •right one for boys attd girls of all ges on your Christmas gift list+ tl ii