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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmas•own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December 20, Eagles Announce Beef Awards Made The Eagles Aerie beef award winners are: Rose Dumert, hind quarter; Dick Gardner, front quarter, and Frank Make, ham. Tile Eagles wislx.l=o thank every- one who helped make the project a SllCCeSS. The next regular meeting of the Eagles Aerie will be January 8 at 8 p.m. at the airport hall SALTY SASIIAYERS CANCEL DANCE Salty Sashayers Sqtmrc Dance Club has cancelled the regular dance scheduled this Saturday night and will have a New Year&apos;s dance instead. December 31. PARTY IOE Small Cubes in 10-1b Sacks BILL'S SHELL SERVICE First and Cota OPEN TIL 9:00 P.M. Zonta Club Members, Guests Enjoy Old Fashioned Yule Party An old fashione¢/ Christmas party was held for members of the Mason County Zonta Club and their guests Dec. 13 at the Co- lonial House. Five original charter members honored during the evenlng were Mary Ellen Ander+ son, Susie Pauley, Alma Catto, Mln Wivell and Mary Smith. Eight-year-old David Frank en- tertained the party with two piano solos. Highlights of the evening were games and the exchange of gifts. One guest, Bud Watts, re- ceived two "T" bones. Other guests included Mrs. Thelma Maxwell and Messrs. Cliff Wivell, Horace Green Elbert Trey let, Clinton Miflin and JilA Need- ham. Rosie Smith was chairman for the party: WWI Vets, Auxiliary Christmas Meeting A good attendance enjoyed the Madlona Barracks No. 1462 WWI Veterans and Anxiliary Christmas party held ].')ecember 13 New members taken into the auxiliary wm Charlotte Gardner, Ella Chappell, Willa Shelton and Leila Hootman, n .%+%.--+, ***,t%,?.%ot,+w.t .. ,f,?*4.,a.t .  " r ,a•  €. .a *ed•,aq.t#•+* #* • •at • * .i N . i,, ,--+ ..... : ............................................. :; ..................... :! EVERYBODY + LOVES A :++ BARGAIN! • ¢- ii $€ :¢ :¢ :.: :,: It has always been 01d Mr. Boston's policy to give the cus. :¢ :¢ tomer a break. You'll find that our liquors are the finest :'::,. obtaillable.., yet sell for less than most. That's why today :4 : 01d Mr. Boston is one of the fastest.growing brands in the :.: country. Treat yourself to one of these bargains tonight! :.: :g :¢ :€ WASHINGTON'S LOWEST-PRICED : :¢ BOTTLED IN BOND :¢ i,'." OLD Mr. BOSTON - BOTTLED IN BOND :,: KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY :': Every drop is 100% Kentucky eL, osro Whiskey at full,bodied 100 proof. It's painstakingly distilled, patiently 0J)=] aged, and Bottled in Bond at the I,,*f:.+ F.  peak of perfection. I{,...'" s,.m$ I [l'J)I "=' +5,51+325 ] L'fier WalStff FIFTHS PINTS fi FINE QUALITY BOURBON AT SENSIBLE PRICES . !.! OLD Mr. BOSTON =: " BRONZE LABEL .,,:+ KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY :¢ 86 PROOF Rare Kentucky character in every :': drop.., plus all the richness and mildness of a far costlier bourbon. :4 :¢ :€ + +400+o I +2.o i PINTS :+:  :¢ LOW PRICES ON A ' =€ TOP BLENDED WHISKEY VALUE • + Mr. BOSTON'S .: DELUXE BLEND Classified a genuine "A" Blend be. ¢ cause of its higher proportion of choice 4,year,old whiskeys full 8 6 proof. Enjoy it at this low price.. .* FIFTHS ;¢ N + CANADA'S SMOOTHEST WHISKY •,. AT WASHINGTON'S LOWEST PRICE I OLD Mr. BOSTON il CANADIAN - + += WHISKY, : p. P+ :¢ :': :,: A BLEND 86.8 PROOF :¢ :€ Imported in aged casks to give yotl +,;'1 ", quality and value, So smooth and .:.,; mild, it's often mistaken for more ex. :¢ pensive brands. '€ + I;..A.2,?,:F.,;&.:.:7, "7: +'¢:¢+¢$'¢$`'¢'++.++++N=¢N'<+++++;:mH+ • BOTTLED IN BOND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON+ I00 PROOF. Bt2ONZE LABEL KENTUCKYSTRAIGHT EIOURBON, 86 PROOF. DELUXE BLENDED WHISKEY, 65% GRAIN NEUTRAt. pIRIT$+ MR. BOSTON DISTILLER INC,, BOSTON, MASS. Social Even ts MISS PETZOLD IS NOVEMBER BRIDE OF JOHN SCHALLBERGER MISS KATHRYN ELOISE PETZOLD and John Albert SchaHber- get were married November 24 at the St. Edward's Catholic church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert O. Petzold, Shelton. His parents are Mrs. John Schallberger, Mt. Angel, Ore- gon, and the late Mr, Schallberger. :The couple will live in Port- land. St, Edward's Catholic church was the scene of a November 24 morning wedding when Miss Kath- ryn Eloise Petzold and John Al- bert Schallberger exchanged wed- ding vows. Miss Petzold is the daughter of Mr. and rs. Albert O. Petzold, Shelton, Mrs. John Schallberger, Mr. Angel, Oregon, and the late Mr'. Schallberger are the parents of the bridegroom. The color of persimmon featur- ed the decor for the wedding. White and persimmon chrysanthe- mums were the main decorations with white satin bows on the pews centered with tiny persimmon bows and puffs on rnatching net. The Rev. Father Marl( Wiech- mann, OSB, officiated at the nup- tial high mass nd double-ring ceremony. Miss Charlene Smith was soloist. Mrs. Ted Wittenberg was organist. Mr. Petzold escorted the bride to the altar, Her wedding dress was of tafetta and Chantilly lace. The fitted bodice was styled with jeweled lace yoke and long poin- ted sleeves. The scalh)ped over- skirt, tapered in back over a full tiered lace skirt extending into a chapel-length train. The traditi- onal enrage blossoms were arran- ged to contour the forehead and hold in place the elbow length eil of silk illusion. The bride carried a bouquet of white chrysanthe- murns and carnations with persim- mon colored autumn roses center- ed with white orchids. Entwined among the flowers was a small rosary given to her at her chris- tening which had been blessed by Pope Plus XII, Miss Angela Lesnick of Olympia was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Jeanie Gambaro, Miss Jeralyn Coel]ran, both of Portland, and Miss Carol Locke, Shelton, All four attendants wore frocks of persimmon-colored delustered satin with matching headdresscs, They carried colonial bouquets of attlumn roses and chrysantie- mums sprayed to match their dresses. James Berchtold of Mr. Angel was best man. Groomsmen were Charles Petzold, brother of the bride, Kenneth Wachter, Mt. An- gel and William Beyer, Mt Angel. A wedding hmcheon in the pa- rish hall followed the ceremony, The f0ur-tiered, pillared wedding cake waich was baked and dec()- rated by the bride's mother, was cnt by Mrs. Lawrence Bailey, god, mother of the bride. Serving the punch were Dave Rayson, god- father of the bride, and Lawrence Bailey. Miss Judy Manke passed, the guest book and Miss Ann Hay- nes attended the gift table. The couple went on a brief trip, their wedding trip postponed be, cause the bridegroom was called back to active duty in the Air Force. The bride attended Shelton schools and Mr. Angel college. She is employed with Amrican Fore Loyalty Group Insurance Compa.. nies in Portland, The brtdegroom is a graduate of Mt. ngel Prep and attended St. 1Vartin's College and the University of Portland, He is employed with Western Dai- ry Equipment Co. The newlyweds will live in Portland, The newly married pair were honored at a second reception gi- ven by the groom's mother in Mr. Angel December 2. A 3rtiered cake was cut by Mrs. Joe Aicher, aunt and also godmother of the groom, Use Journal Wanl Ads Cascade ,ouncH J0is Olher+ In Yule Ptans For Hospital Pafienis The December meeting of Cas- cade Council of Amcrican Red Cro.s was held at the officers' club at Madigan hospiLal with Mason county represented by Miss Marian Johnson. Mrs. Lucille SI)eece. Mrs. Paul Welch and Miss Emily Babcock. Following the business meeting the group moved to the recreation hall here they stuffed 100 Christ- mas stockings to be gven to patients on Christmas Eve. The stockings were made by the Grandmothers' Club of Aberdeen. Small gifts for the stockings were given by the Ft. Lewis Auxiliary, Aplets by the Olympia Americau Legion Auxiliary and hard dandy by Mrs. Roy McConkey. Fruit will be given by the Yakima Fruit Growers Assoc• Women patients will each re- ceive a corsage made by the Busi- ness and Professional Women's Club of Aberdeen. The hospital will be decorated with wreaths and swags from the Pierce County garden clubs, Local donors of cooldes this month for the ward parties were The Friendship Club, Mrs. J. H. Gilliland, Mrs. D, R. Pittenger, Mrs. Frank Travis, Jr., and Pick- ering Homemakers Club. The VFW Auxiliary sent beverage ma- terial and prizes for games at American Lake hospital, ......................... VFW Post, Auxiliary Holiday Entertainment Tomorrow Evening All members of VFW Post and its Auxiliary are invited to the annual Christmas party starting with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. this Friday at the Memorial build- ing. Gifts will be exchanged be- twee] the men and between the women.* Children's gifts should be tagged with their names. Mrs. Jessie Cox, Deputy Chief of Staff of 5th district inspected books of the Olympia VFYV Auxiti- cry last Friday evening. Mrs. Bet- ty Godwin assisted as conductress at the meeting. Mrs. Bernice Jans- son filled in as mumcian. Mru. Evelyn Seeley, district president, was honored. Members attending ft'()]]] Shel- ton were Mr. and Mrs. Larry God- win, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gephart, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. John Jansson. Mrs. Way- ne Robinson' and Mrs. Charles Cox. Use Journal Want Ads Homemaker's Giub Noon Luncheon Hillerest Homenzakers Club will meet Jan. 2 for a 12 noon hmcheon at tie home of Mrs. Darrel Sparks At the Christmas party mem- bers and families all enjoyed a good time. Pinochle was played. Mrs. Al Pinney won high for women; Mrs. Ellis Wells. low. Men's high was won by Darrell Sparks; low, Al Pinney. Tle quilt was awarded to A1 Barns. Mrs. Verna Johanson was presented a gift for selling the most tickets. WSCS PROGRAM AND SILVER TEA IS WELL ATTENDED The annual Christmas program and Tea held December 12 at the Shelton Methodist church was well attended by a most appreciative audience. The program was held in the church sanctuary which was beautifully decorated with poin- settias and Christmas greens. It was arranged by Bernice Stewart general chairman. An organ prelude of Christmas nmsic was played by Mrs. Gra- ham Walker who also accompan- ied the choral' group. Mrs. H. W. McClary opened With a prayer. A violin s01o by Helen Palmer was accompanied by Mrs. Wat- kins. The scripture reading was by Mrs. Robert Rings. The choral group consisted of Mesdames Ada el•man, Alice Palmer' and Bernice Stewart, 1st soprano; Josephine Dickey, Stella Neuenschwander and uune Hoard, 2nd soprano; and Lillian Norvold. Helen Palmer. Boa Larsen and Wendy Stein, altos. They sang six numbers. Mrs. David Little told a Christ- mas story, "The Saddest Shep- herd" by Henry Van Dyke. The benediction was given by Rev. Robert Rings, Following the program a "Silver Tea" was held in the social room with the Wesley circle as hostess. Decorations were by Mrs. Phil Fredson. VFW Post, Auxiliary Yule Party Friday The VF'vV Post and Auxiliary Christmas potluck dinner and party will be 'leld at 6:30 p.m. this Friday at the Memorial hall. There will be a program and gift exchange. Santa Claus plans to be present. A work of art is a corner of Be not merely good; be good for something. Thcreau i Santa's+ Special I. HOUSE SUPPERS I. WOMES SHAGS t' Long Clip , $299 l" Short Clip CHILDREN S MOON-BASE HOUSE SLIPPERS t with Rocket Box and Arm Patch I WOMEHS PURSES The Bootery Angle Agency Clara Angle Herb Angle Eber Angle Dick Angle Mary Van Blaricom Eva Ahlskog Sue Daniels Iean Oaniels GREETING DRAWN BY R1CKIE HAYNES Age ii t Evergreen School Girl Scouts And Brownies To Carol Friday Evening The Girl Scout and Brownie annual Christmas caroling will be held this Friday evening. The girls and their leaders will meet at m outside the Shelton 6:30 ].. Post Otme. After the group has sung at various points in the downtown district and the hospitals they will meet at St. David's Episco- pal church for refresh"t'.'nts. If the weather is unsuitable for out- door staging the gnus ant adults will go direct'" !o ,qI I,avid', church for a short session of Christmas carols. Mrs. tester Joslin mm Mrs. 1-)e>:- ter Edge will lead the singing. Mrs Nell Dethlefs is in charge of refreshments. .......................... ' _ DIRT DOBBERS CLUB HOLIDAY PARTY The Dirt Dobbers Garden Club will hold its Christmas Party at 10 a,m. next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Delbert Weston, 701 N. 13th street. See Emerson IV and Stereo ai JOhnny's Music Box 205 Cote St. Electric Dryer DLC30 ...... • Automatic Time Control • Handy Loading Door il 3 Temperaqre  [+tlS- • Adlf,-AJl,:23;,, • Built-In Lint Collector • Direct Air Flow System also from Westinghouse • Water Heaters Vacuum Cleaners • Ranges Dishwashers • Etc. Vacuum Cleaner 1 only -- $4895 , 2.SLICE Toastmaster 1 only -- $1495+::i Westinghouse Deluxe Vac. 1 Only -- Reg. $74.95 Special $5995 Westinghouse 1 Only Radio $2295 Green Houses ...................... $1 145  $1 Small Hand-Mixers .................................... $8 5 West• Percolators, submersible .......... $ 1 Mixmaster Mixer ................................ $ ALSO  Mixers, Hair 'Dryers, Food Disposers GREETING DRAWN BY CARETA NUTT Age 11 Bordeaux S0000ELTOH ELECTRIC ¢0, ) i19 Railroad Ave. 426-62 December 20, El) 1N COURT McCalhun. Brem to negligent d Connty Superior Judge Raymond C He was fined $10( appealed a convicti< while intoxicated Rolla Halbert's : The charge was redu driving in St Wahl Ads ORDER MOOSE Lodge No. 161 Gerry Hart, Governor Phone 426-3047 Morken, Secretar Phone 426-4071 ":ETINGS HELD EA and 4th Tuesd of the Month 8 pm. Airport • GREETING DR th Grade I Age 10