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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lrsday, December 20, i iii i iii ii i i i ................. JOLTRNAL,--r," ............. .ubhahed; .... in f!OTvritmastown;' O. S A2'] Shel:ton ÷aslfillgton ............................................................................ ......................................................... i ii ii I i iii ii  ii lit I I I,III I IIII I I I See Emerson TV and Stereo ai Johnny's Music Box 205 Cots St. '148oo DLC30 .. , mdy Loading Door la.ptAQ ,)15-,oc2 • ect Ar Flow System raeuum Cleaner only -- $4895 2-SLICE Toastmaster only .- $ Westinghouse 1 Only Radio $2295 $1145 $1 ible .......... slq .................. s2! dr 'Dryers, ers FRlc co. IN ('OURT McCalhun, Brelnerton. to negligent driving County Superior Court Judge Raymond Clifford L He was fined $100. Mc- appealed a conviction for while intoxicated from Rolla Halbert's justice The charge was reduced to driving in Superior Want Ads Pay ORDER OF MOOSE helton Lodge No. 1684 Gerry Hart, Governor Phone 426-3047 tuss Morken, Secretary Phone 426-4071 IEETINGS HELD EACH and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 pm. Airport -.--______ Census To Ask Farm Labor Questions Special questions on hired farm labor will be asked in the Decem- ber Current Population Survey, it was announced today by the U.S. Census Bureau. The special farm labor questions will include inquiries on the num- ber of days worked during 1962, cash wages or sMary received dur- ing ihe year, and the type of work done such as with livestock, with machines, or hand labor. The farm labor information is being col- lected for the U. S. Department of Agricultm'e and the U.S. Depart- mcn of Labor. The questions on hired farm labm' are in addition to the regu- lar inquiries on employment and mmmployment which are asked each month in the Current Popu- lation Survey. The Current Population Survey wili be conducted here and in 356 other sample areas of the country during the week of Dec. 17. In- formation will be collected by] Mrs. Polly A. Swayze, Shelton. MARY g. KNIGHT SCHOOL HEWS GREETING DRAWN BY CONSTANCE GILL 'tth Grade Bordeaux School , an ',-- FIFTH AND  WASHINION Olympia, Washington I-IOTY)E OFFICE-- OLYMPIA IN SHELTON SEE LOAN COUNSELOR KURT MANN MANN REAL ESTATE 321 S. 1st St. -- Phone 426-6592. I| School Christmas Program Is Planned at 8 p.m. Tonight; Santa Has Promised To Be Present In response to a special in- vitation from Supt. E. O. French, a telegram of acceptance has been received from Sauta Claus' head- quarters at the North Pole to the effect that the jovial old gentle- man will make a personal appear- ance at Mary M. Knight school this evening at 8 p.m. As a result, there has been a lot of hmTying and scurrying to prepare a varied and extensive all-sehool program of Christmas music and other entertainment to welcome and honor our dis- tinguished guest. Dick Endicott, music instructor, in cooperation with the element- ary teachers, has conducted many special rehearsals to perfect the vocal and instrumental selections. SINCE TIlE AUDITORIUM is inadequate to accommodate the anticipated crowd, a special stage was erected in the gymnasium by the shop class where stands a per- fect specimen of fir tree, beauti- fully lighted and spm-kling with Christmas ornaments. Aft.r the program Santa will distribute gifts of candy and other good things to the children and he assures ns lhere is enough for all. And who will play 1e part of Santa Claus? Don't be a big silly! He will be there in person al- though it may be necessary to fly in by jet plane if there isn't enough snow for his sleigh. This is partially a scouting ex- pedition for Santa as he wants to know about the good little girls and boys who minded their par- ents, studied their lessons and were obedient and well-mannered in school. He will, of course, make a return trip on Christmas Eve when further awards will be made to deserving youngsters. Following is the special pro- gram arranged in honor of Santa: Anderson who took charge of d e- corations. The following were - sistant cooks: Mesdames tester Hansen. Berwyn Thomas. Harry Cation, George Nichols and Ed Becker. Mrs. Chester Brooks was in charge of packaging candy for the cilildlr'cn's treat and Dave Little was Santa. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lad- ley were in charge of cleanup. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ellis headed the coffee committee for a party that included close to 100 people. Wiliard Rublin fm'nished movies on skin diving and wild game re- habilitation for the program later, in the evening. ELEMENTARY GRADES INSTRUMENTAL NUMBERS : 1. Band--Two selections. 2. Accordions -- Silent Night, Debbie Brehmeyer. Jingle Bells, Cathy West. Silver Bells, Judy Springer, Frances Trimble. FIRST GRADE CHORUS: 1. Jingle Bells 2. Two Front Teeth. 3. I Saw Mommy Kissin' Santa Claus. SECOND, THIRD and FOURTH GRADES : 1. Song--"Rudolph, the Red Nose Reindeer," Ray Roth-' rock, Tim Trimble, Mike Sin- clair and Bren Brehmeyer. 2. "I'm Gettin' Nothin' for Christmas," Randy Reeve, Pat Sinclair, Richard Lilly, Jerry French, Bill Hickson and Chris Hickson. 3. Accordion Trio: "Jingle Bells", Carmen Roth- rock, Becky Brehmeyer Denise Ballard. 4. Skit: The Misbehaving Toys. IIIGH SCHOOL PROGIfAM Bethlehem Story Solos: "That Beautiful Name", Jackie Landis. "Away in a Manager," Teresa Trimble. Trios: "The Birthday of a King," Bill Trenckmann, Gerald Crea- mer, Jerry DeFoer. "We Three Kings", George Becr-, bower, Mike Hickson, Don Gribble. Sextet: "Have You Any Room for Jesus", Loretta Beer- bower, May Cockburn. Cathy Cargile, Janice Gwinnett, Jan Stark, Linda Miller, Rene Per- kins. Choir: "He Became Poor," Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne," "Hark. the Herald Angels Sing," "Star of the East," His Name Shall Be Called." SHELTON YAOHT OLUB ELEOTS NEW SLATE OF OFFI,OERS AT OHRISTMAS OELEBRATION On of the largest family Christ- The new slate of officers for tile mas parties in the history of "the club is scheduling a busy boating .hlton Yacht l,zh wn.u hld In st season plus p'rogress on the new ................ O .......... h,n v f . T:TTI"I ,,aH, n,h,n CIUOfl use at me neiton port SOCK ..... da at h ........... , ....... . " ....... . Officers are: Commodore, Bill vns R B Dingey neaaea me '' ' 2 ..... Windsor; vice commodore D. H. committee. ne was assistea y w ,t. , n,-,-,an', nto Mrs Victor Franklin and'Ms Jb'e .......................... ' .... . ' ' • Saeger; secretary, Mrs. Victor Franklin; treasurer, Ed Becket. Commodm'e Windsor announced part of the slate of committee chairmen for the coming year. Pu- blic relations is headed by Willard Rublin; legal advisor, Dave Little, hostess committee Mrs. Jim Elm- lurid; cruise captain, Ray Hash; building committee. Don McCuis- ton; cloubhouse interior decora- tion, Mrs. Joe Ladley; historian. Mrs. Willard Rublin. 4-H NEWS I Little Egypt Sew and Sews The Little Egypt Sew and Sows met at the Pool Nuotare Dec. 12 right after school for' the Christ- party. A short business meeting was held after the group swam. then everyone enjoyed a potluck din- ner. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. MacRae's home January 2. Doris Hickson, Reporter. u * $ Little Egypt Wrangh'rs The Dayton Community ha'll was the.scene of a Christmas party for the Little Egypt Wranglers Dec. 11 A short business meeting was held then games were played. Tlnee short skits were presented by some of the boys for the enter- tainment of the group. Refreshments were served. The next meeting wih be held Jan. 22. Ronnie Rickards, reporter Age 10 Greeting Drawn by JULIE REMSBERG Evergreen School Industrial 1st and PINE & Builders Supply 426-4393 Age 12 County Has More White Collar Workers NEW YORK.----( Special. )-- What is the makeup of Mason County's labor force, from a white collar- blue collar standpoint? What is the numerical split, at the present time, between the two groups? Locally, as elsewhere in the country, mechanization has caused many changes in job distributions in the past ten years or so. Popu- lation shifts have also had an ef- fect, IN MASON COUNTY, the result has been a sizeable increase in the ammmt of white collar employ- ment,--the rise being 41 percent since 1950, The facts and figures come f:om the Department of Labor, which has released a general report on the makeup of the labor force, and from the Department of Com- merce, whose findings are based on data gathered in 1960. Under the heading "white col- lar" are a wide variety of occupa- tions, ranging from typists and sales clerks to teachm's an'd calf- potation executives. They consti- tute 37.2 percent of the worlc- ing population of Mason County. In the bluc collar group, which number 3,435 h)cally, are those who are engaged in the production of goods as well as those con- cerned with its transportation, operation, maintenance and repair. Anmng i;hem are factory work- crs, truclc drivers, service w6rk- ers, farmers, mechanics and crefLsmen. In Mason County, the nunlber of white collar jobs has grown to 2.034 from the 1444 reported in 1950. THE 4J PERCENT I{IS was greater than that recorded in the United States as a whole, 28 per- cent, and in the State of Washing- ton, 32 percent. Further changes in tl)e nation's labor force may be expected in the years just ahead, according to the labor departmnt. It forecasts a steady increase in white collar-em- ployment as a proportion of the working population. It expects, also, a modest in- crease in blue collar jobs, which Will go to those who have the skills to operate and care for the complicated machinery that is coming into use. As tO manual work. that is fast disaYpeariog. Machines are now available to do too:st of the tasks that were once done by hand. - ............................ Baptist Ohuroh To Present Cantata The King's Choir of the First Baptist Church will present its' annual Christmas musical pro- gram. entitled, "Love Transcend- ing" Sunday evening at 7 p.m. This cantata transcends the ma- terialism that is usually associ- ated with the birth of our Lord and King and brings to ns a clear testimony concerning the real meaning of Christmas. Soloist for the prograi] include Mrs. Evelyn Bedell, soprano; Alto, Mrs. Ann Richert; tenor, Ron Casebier and bas. Jo]m Cole. The narrator Will be Cliff Coutts. A reception will be held aftra the Cantata in honor of the choir members. Tioy Mrs. Anne Sandoval. Mrs. Morjorie Yule, Mrs. Evelyn' Bedell. Mrs. . Dorothy Pinkerman. Mrs. Debbie Browning, Mrs. Ann Richert. Mrs. Lois Simp- son, Mrs. Jeri Stentz, Mrs. Leota Whincry, Ron Casebier. T. V. Dunning, Joe Simpson. Fred Archer, John Cole. John Stentz and Dale Grytness. Rev. Alfred D. Sandoval is the choir director. Mrs. Melba O'Neill. the accompan- ist. Great art is the contempt of a great man for small art. --- F. Scott Fitzgerald ,, , , , ,,,v LETTERS To The Editor BUOY TENDER PI{OVES TO BE A BUSY I)UTY I)car Bill : Since I have moved from my last duty station I thought 1 would drop you a line a.nd tell y, ai a little about this lifeboat station. As far as company is cimeerned this place is probal)ly one of the busiest places there is. Just to show you some facts about this last summer we had close to 450 assistance eases, anything from a for ,au" children. Vqc t)uy thcn what wc can afford and the iines of wtmt they would like ....... lalt not st) at Christ.ross. We are snowed with advertise-. nwnts every time we ttllql aroull(|. Morns and da.ds, where are the S,VOP: t'2tg (lOllS, the honlenlade ihings we g.t and cherishe(t all the- yen):? What's to happen to the "real story of C],'istmas?" .A. I¢ichert r Two Are Fined i ln Justice Court Ta'o persons were fined for driv. ing offenses in Jdge Rr)lla Hal- bcrt'a justice court last week. John H. Strong was fined $103.25 aud sentenced to 10 clays in jail for a violation of the safety Re- sponsihility Act, Vernon 1:'. b'arrell was fined $100, . assessed costs of $2.75 and given a s|sl)en(led five-day jail sentence cm a charge of driving while ini.oxicated. Arrested for being drtmk in puh- lic was Ernest t(. \\;Villis. 7 Karen E, Weston, 20, Sheltmi, was eomnfiLted to Western Stale H,)spital. She was arrested last W(.'ek on a charge of a lnioor ell- small capsized boat to a charter Shelton. tering a tavern. boat with engine trouble, li'roln  ....................................................................................................................................................... the iinlc 1 have been here (a over 18 months) I have seen ald been in on enough heart attack an([ droxvning cases to last rne for the remnin(ter of my enlistment in 'the U.S.C.G. I didn't think ranch about lhe news from We;Aport before I came into lhe service but sin(:(, I've been tere and seen some of tim foolish things people do just to go fish- mg even when storm warnings are ap. Most of the time timse sticking to the rules were timsc that were hit by a break wave and capsize(t and lost everything. There wcrc a. couple of men from Shelton that this happened to this summer. You never know for surc when this ocean will do omething strange. All I want to say in this letter is: Folks, when you see any of these storm warnings up please pay heed to them and also listen to the advice given hy the men o,, theo Coast Guard patrol boats. I1 may savc your life and a lot of lln- necessary and unpleasant work for us. I believe there were around 25 heaXt attacks and drownings this year. I want to sec everyone enjoy their fishing outings frmn here at Westport. so let's everyone read and heed all the boating rules. Sincerely yours, Jerald E. Mallory, Grays Harbor LBS, Westport, Wash. WHAT'S ltAPPENEI) TO THE REAl. STORY OF CtlRISTMAS Dear Editor: "Hooray! It's a Hasl)ro toy!" 'Tin getting Jet Puff Balls for Christmas. are you?" "All boys like Remco toys, and so do girls!" Today, these are familiar say- ings in every house wilh a tele- vision set. Parents where has the real meaning of Christina s gone ? Where Ls the ex plana tion of of Christmas. namely thhe birth of the Christ child. Jesus? When someone else has a birthday wc explain the celebration to our c:hil- dren by telling them it was the (lay solncone w'as born. Is there any reason why the most miracul- ous birth in history shouhln't Im approached in the sa.nle In}tllllel"Y Why then isn't it:? Why should the television ina dustry, the advertising industry, and other indnstries tell us what we have to buy to keep our chil- dren happy for Christmas? At a birthday celebration we aren't forced 1,) buy these elaborate gift, Shelton Woman Told Niece Sa00e On Guam Mrs. Helen Vanlieu. Shelton has received word that her niece Mrs. Eldon Robinson. came through the Guam typhoon safely. Mrs. obin- son's husband is eml)loyed by the govcrnnlenl. (in Cllaln Mrs. Vtmlieu had asked the Red Cross to check if her nlcce ald family were al] righl and was re- cently notified they were. Mrs. Vanlieu expressed appreciation o the Red Cross fr)r their efforLs, She said the family had gotten letters from Mrs. Robinson gince the typhoony also. GREETING DRAWN BY TOM BOLTING Bordeaux School Beckwith Jewelry It has that good old fashion flavor which can only be obtained from fresh cream, milk, eggs, tugar and flavor. You will receive many compliments when you terve this nutritious, delicious G NOG DRINK. Order Several Quarts Today HOLIDAY NOTIOE , n Chr, 'm Da b the i . There wi I be no home deliver'es o "st as ,y y Kitsap-Masop Dairy drivers. Unless you instruct us other- wise we will leave double orders on Saturday.  } WILL APPLV FOR " THIS SAME SCHEDULE THE NEW YEARS HOLIOAY ALSO!  for your next festive dessert SERVE E STORE ICE C Greatest Holiday,Dessert Yet I Order from your milkman, or pick it up at your favorite grocers. KiTSAP - HASOII DAIRY 3rd at Grove  Shelton Phone 426-4473 The Staff wishes to take this opl)ortunity , to say... Age ii . %. . !;/.; Gt.EETING DRAWN BY KEI'£tt I3OREK Evcrgrem School