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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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...................... i ...................................................................................................................................... ii  I||(V Tecomb(r ,,0 .q6  kHELT ' [ASON COUNTY JOURNATLJ Published in CChr8nao/wn) V  A J) Shelon WahlngorL i,  :/ 'Um==mmmab====lm=mul====lw=u==m======n===K=l=U===mu========= COUPON COUPON  COUPON  COUPgN lox 365 ANTA CALLING thelton, Wash. IANTA . . . please call . . . YOUR LAST CHANCE TO HEAR FROM SANTA BY PHONE IS... Friday, Dec, 21 - 7-9 p.m ......... ame ....................................... .................... Age ............ Sex ........ ,ddress .................................................................. Phone ............................ 0y you plan to give child ............................................................................ (Lf more than one child in family include above informa- tion for each child) NCLOSED PLEASE FIND 25¢ FOR EACH CHILD TO COVER COST OF CALL AND HANDING, ,.u w u n u = | ,o n w n | nl n | m u w | u u | | | n a I1|| n u uln n nun u n iI nn nan wllnu|nll01nlUnllmnumI THEY'VE JUST ARRIVED... You'll Want To See lhe New Frigidaire 1963 APPLIANCES Wondeflul WaY-to remember Hem! Give her a  lY IFRIGIDAIRE" liDISHMOBILE • It sanitizes. Does dishes in germ-killing temperatures up to 120 times '* longer than average hand washing • 14 place settings*; or I F.. 4 Lbs. 89 holds a day's dishes for average family of 5 • Can be built-in later, If desired Model DW.DMF C)JL 38°z 59 • 4 Frlgldalre Colors, plus white O÷. • *NEMA standards ibb, .... 2 2'/'Tin,= 5  only s2399s P'NODUq2.T Or' OIENINAL. MOTORI Frost-Proof Thriftiest World's easiest Frigidaire Makes! 2 . aQIme.wl 30" ElectRo • Even the freezer never Model RD-39-63 In 4 colon or white! needs defrosting--with exclusive Frost-Proof • Puil 1 Clean Oven pulls system! out like drawer, cleans like • 100-lb. zero zone free, r| a dream. , Twin glide-out fruit and '; • Automatic cooking with vegetable Hydrators. ch 41 Cook.Mastgr oven control e, Storage door has egg shelf,' t .................  ..... I • Instant heat With Speed- butter compartment--room Heat surface unit. galore foreven tall bottles! :e or 29 .Frigidaire dop,ndabllily, tool) -lb. Bag Frigidaire dependability! ........ Model FPDS.t4T.I z00°'s9 s2147, =339 tins / 95 T W/T x 27 /a-oz. pkg. WIIPJ tahiti  taillMI Pearl 69 1( T '4'T Rfl" --Tin THE FAMiW REFRItaERATOR IZZD''Z:]RL'I" 2 ::::29 g IOC, 69 ii iiD :k:: ................. 39 Jj 0 Ou# Everything needed to-take sparkling pictures, black and white or color! Flash bulbs, batteries, film too! LIMITED TIME ONLY, = Yours FREE with purchase of Any Frigidaire Appliance Appliance Dept.  2nd Floor LUMBERMEN'S MERONTiLE Skokomish Community Church To Present Christmas Program Sat, By Mary Valley SKOKOMISH ...... The Valley has taken oll the spirit of Christmas with all the beautiful colored lights and window decorations. The Community Church will present its Christmas program Saturday at 7:30 p.m. After the program awards will be given to the Sunday school classes and later refreshments will be served. A cordial welcome is extended to dl. Mr. and Mrs. Vera Hill attend- ed the 'Open House' of Mr. and • Mrs. Don Henry at Lake Cush- man on Saturday. :Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Gravatt and family visited Mr. and :Mrs. Wil- liam Ridley in Shelton Saturday. THE ROUGH AND READY and the Stitch. and Stew 4-H clubs held a Christmas party last Tues- day evening in the Community Hall. Games were played follow- ed by refreshments and exchange of gifts. Their leaders are Mrs. Doris Whitmarsh, :Mrs. Ethel Ri- chert, and Sandy Carny. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whitmarsh and family of Seattle spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whitmarsh. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cleveland entertained at a Christmas party in their home last Saturday even- ing. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Givin of Hood- sport, Richard Endicott and Frank Gray of Potlatch, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whitmarsh, Mr. and :Mrs. Vern Hunter, Rev. and Mrs. Wal- lace Bell, and MY. and Mrs. Joe Whitmarsh, Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak shopped in Olympia one day last week and while there called on a former re- sident of the Valley, Mrs. Marie Sallee and daughter Jean. SHARON BELL celebrated her eighth birthday with a party Sa- turday. There were 14 guests pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Sjoholm and Parry Jones of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dugger and ]astly the exchange of gifts. Sundaydinner guests of Mr. and are receiving congratulations on MRS, GEORGE BARKI,EY and It's A Date Today, Thursday, Dec. 20 DES Past Matron's Club, 12:30 p.m. sack luncheon, home of Mrs. Minnie Hack. Navy Mothers Club Christmas party, 7:30 p.m., Memorial hall. Rotary Club weekly luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Junior high basketball, Shelton vs Jefferson of Olympia, 2 p.m., Shelton gym. Friday, Dec, 21 VFW Post and Auxiliary Christ- mas potluck party, 6:30 p.m'., Me- morial building. Olympic League high school bas- kett)all, Shelton vs. North Kitsap, B teams 6:30 p.m., varsities 8:p. m. Shelton gym. Santa Claus at Santa's House, 6:30 p.m. Final night for gift stores to re- main open, until 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec• 22 State Patrol drivers licenses ex- aminer, 1 a.m. o 5:30 p.m., police station. Santa's final visit to Santa's House, 2 to 4 p.m. Suuday, Dec. 23 Shelton churches invite yon to attend the church of your choice. Monday, Dec. 24 County commission's weekly meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Christmas Eve," and through the house ..... Tuesday, Dee. 25 MERRY CHRISTMAS : Wednesday, Dec.. 26 State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., police station. Thursday, Dec. 27 Dirt DobberS Garden Club Christmas party potluck h,mche- on, 10 a.m., home of :Mrs. Delbert Weston. Golden Age Club potluck, 6 p.m., Memorial hall. Rotary Club weekly luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Care. . .r Art Point Wedding InvitaHons THP. ULTIMAT IN QUAI.ITV. Invitations that express without words that you arc a person of good taste :ind that your "once in a lie- time" event will be correct in every detail. 100 for $14.95 and up The JOURNAL ........... : ..... • - *r Page 1T :Mrs. Don Desk were :Mrs. Nancy Doak and son Mike and Frank Minor of Shelton. Mrs. Martin Smith made a bu- siness trip to Olympia one day last week. Mrs. Bonnie Williams, Mrs. Be- verly Lyman, and Mrs. Carol Ho- ward shopped in Tacoma last weekend and while there were overnight guests of Mrs. Don El- la Coughlin. The 4-H Builders served a din- ner to the bowlers at the Timber- bowl on Sunday. Those of the committee were MY. and Mrs. Bob Whitmarsh, Mrs, Beverly Lyman, Lucy Blake, Janice Blake, Sandy Lyman, and Agnes Kelly. MRS. ALICE CROSSAN :Mrs. [ Bonnie Williams, and Mrs. Beverly [ Lym,an chaperoned the 'Guys and] Gels 4-H Club Christmas party l which was held at the Community J Hall last Monday evening, with l 32 present. I the birth of a new grand-son born to Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dugger. The new arrival weighed in at seven and one half pounds and has been named David. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson drove to Sumner to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Johnson and family. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Johnson and daughter Kimberly of Seattle joi- ned them for a dinner honoring Klmberly on her first birthday. Skokomish Grange members met for the last meeting of this year last Friday evening. Every- one enjoyed the potluck dinner which was served at 7 p.m. A short business meeting followed the dinner and after the closing of the Grange the Lecturers program took over. It consisted of games, Christmas Carols, Two composed by Martin Smith and read to the group by Mrs. Smith, a solo Away in a :Manger by Carrie Blackwell, daughter Mrs. Hunter spent the weekend in Seattle with their hus- bands who are marketing Christ- mas trees. Mr. and :Mrs. Kelsey Tanner drove to Black Lake Saturday where they spent the day with :Mr. and Mrs. Fiut Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nelson had as their guests over the week- end their niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shea of Yakima. Callers at the Coble home on Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanning and Mr. and :Mrs. Lester Crossan. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh :McSweyn received word that their son Kieth of Marblemount is in the hospital with pneumonia. Your correspondent and husband wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed news for the co- lumn. JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS Just Arrived--- A Fine Selecthm ;1" UNUSUAL 00iFTS which will make your Christmas Remembrance something different COME UP AND LOOK THEM OVER WHILE YOU DINE AT . . . LAKE CUSHMAN RESORT Open FRIDAY & SATURDAY evenings  SUNDAYS til 6 p.m, Open By Reservation Anytime FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES -- Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5388 RKE R • -Across the avenue from Santa's House Men's WALLETS • MORROCO WOOL .0 COWHIDE • SEAL SKiN from $395 MEN'S JEWELRY By ANSON from ,lOO Men's & Boys' SKI PARKAS Men's WHIPCORD PANTS Tan - Grey - green 'lSgS Top quality by SKYLINE Washable WOOL SHIRTS Warm,  $12.95 Water repellent, Large variety of to styles and colors. $29.50 '129s By SKYLINE Shop NOW for Men's SPORT COATS SLACKS, and SUITS "Curlee" Suzt and Sport Coats. A name you can turst. FREE! A white Van Heusen shirt and a Wembley tie with purchase of a suit or a sport coat and slacks of $45 or more. Imported WOOL BLEND SHIRTS ¢ Good Selection Hen's Rain Coats new dark tones cotton or dacron blends =149s ,169s By "GAME & LAKE" to • '299s Van Heusen WHITE SHIRTS "VANALUX" wash 'n wear with Century collar! shOO • I GIFTS FOR HER I Jockey THERMAKNIT The, "original type" cotton insulation under- wear  much warmer and stronger than the (so-cslled) cheap substitutes on the market. TOPS -- $3.50 and $3.95 Drawers -- $3.95 Lrge selection Men's WARM GLOVES & MITTENS from $29r 5 wools, plastic, leather, fur-lined, wool lined, or fleece lined. Ski Tow Mills _ - _ _ - • SKI WAX handy package contains black - red - silver _ _ - _ = Practical. Glamour, New Foam Lined $[[,S5 to Garland Sweaters- Skirts- Slacks CORDUROY CAR GOAT S $2495 , BLOUSES By "SHAPELY" and "DONLEY" SWEATERS from $6.95 to $1.5.95 SKIRTS from $9.95 SLACKS from $5.95 FREE GIFT WRAPPING from =39 s Large Selection MEN'S SWEMERS Name Brands Penguin and Pebble Beach $23,95 A t t t t 3 t t Sportscaster Quilted SKI PARKAS Solids, patterns, reversible nylons quilted with d24eron '19 9s to' 9s ALSO -- Stretch pants or genuine ski pants. $13.95 up Edelweiss -- A & T -- Jack Winter MR. AND MRS, SHOP Ol)en this Thursday and Friday 'Til 8 p.m.