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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 i  ill i i i.,ll!l ' ii i i iiiii i i Salvation Army appeal contribntions are coming in well, accordirig to the commit- tee treasurer, W. H. Anderson. However, the local committee wants again to bring to the atten- tion of every citizen tile needs which must be met by this great organization. Am food, shelter clothing and other acts of kind- ness are given every day to those less fortunate, the local Salvation Army committee is asking for the support,of every citizen. ........ TS TV SE' FOR RENT iR LhRDO : E : , ELECTRII) .... 4th & Cola 426 6602 i i i ,, ,111 Recipe For Tragedy, Combining Cleaners With Bleach.Can Kill Many "rock hounds" use acid in cleaning specimens often in laundry i;ubs where bleach is sis0 used. Household bleach is a solution of sodium hypo,chlorite and if any acid substance is added it will .release poisonous chlorine gas. ' Recently two housewives using a well - known toilel bowl cleaner added househoht bleach when not' satisfied with the way the clean- er was working ou stains, stirring the mixture with a toilet bowl brush. Death came in a few minutes to one while the other needed a hmg perlod of hospitali- zation 'and treatment. This could happen .to you or any member of 3our family. To be sure you NEVER cambine clean- ers and bleach, keep them stored in separate places and keep both well away from food storage and medical supply areas. Vinegar and other acids ;will also liberate chlorine, gas' fiom bleach, NEVER let children play with such com- pounds---they might aeeidentally combine the two and add them up to tragedy. ............ I. -From Lapidary Journal) ,,, ,--i__-*:-:-,r----- ,,, ,, , ,,,:----, Act NoW TO Help Make This Christmas ,, , S,H,LTON-MASON CQUNTY, ,JOURNAl>---Published in "Cl, ristmasown, UiN:A.", Shelton, Wastfington: The Bed Ever For Someone HARD. OF. HEARING Let us sh0W you how Beltone may enable you or a loved one to hear the glad sounds of Christmas--- be • part of family festivities. COME TO SEE US AT . . . Eells & Valley Appliance Center Friday, ; 21 , tveen 10 a.m. and noon if you can't  come In 'phone 426-4663 and we will ca(! at youe home. BELT00E HEARING AIDS Daniel E. Brunerl Certified Hearing Aid Audiologist 106 E. 4th, Olympia Phone 357-3521 Thtlrsday, December 20, 1 rsday, December ill, iiii ..... ,, Clubs At Allyn Holding Annual Christmas Parties I" "" '" "" "" " flooo uanal 00ommunny t;nurcn I :00,)WaArS O00K filled in with wrious goodies they, Archer, Karla and Karen Schil- A steady blast of 3 to 5 minutes .( .. !-'(. '.i '!', '!., exchange took phlce. Everyone re-] t.h,'ee years old. " means probable attack ' * pLl't. ] LesS for the Beach BunelTs Christ- in Shelton and the H. C. Commu- ' ]*-"---'- Francis Jones (Baker), and[ miis t?arty. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Blue Shower given for her last Wedne.dav evening. Twenty-four friends, ieighbm's and relaliws gathered at the home of Mrs. Ruth Nelson 1o help Jackle get ready for the new arrival. Hostesses Mrs. Ruth Nel:on, Mrs. Alfrt.da Lock- wood, Mc;. Rae B;'own, Mrs. M ar- gie Beeson, and Mrs. Judy Von Oster: fixed Christmas cookies, ice ceam snow bails, and coffee, tea, m.d punch were served as re- freshments, Mrs. Nelson had her home decorated in lovely Christ- man motif, One ganle was played. Jackie received nlany lovely baby gift& all of which I'm stu'e she'll find very useful. Mr. and Mrs. Einor Anderson fl'onl Gig Harbor were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell last Sunday. Allyn residents ' wish to extend their sympathy to Mrs. William Catder,'on the [leath of her mother Mrs. Fauver of Portland, Ore Fu- neral services were held Friday' Dec. 7, in Portland. Other local survivors include Mrs. Merrill Ison granddaughter, and her children. " MR. AND MILS. Sal Christel and daughter, Carol, Tacoma, wiht Mr. and Mrs. Bi 1 Stock and Henry Stock all of Rocky Bay were vi- sitors and dinner guesl., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock last Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Young and her children, daughter of Fred Stocks, were also dinner guests. The day had a rather upsetting end as Margaret's son fell against the hearth of the fire place and had to rushed to hospital to have eight stitches taken above his eye. We hope Todd is feeling better and doing fine now. Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Roland Baker had a chimney fire. Thank goodness not much damage was done. All the 's were gone at the time of the fire, Thursday the Beachcomoe,  r- den Club met at the home of Mrs. Vera Izetts for a short business meeting and annual Christmas Party. The meeting was presided / over by former premdent, Mrs. Mildred Gaetana. President Mrs. Ads Grigg had been called to Ca- mas, to help her daughter welcome the stork. Club members brought individual decorated Christmas trees for patients at Allyn House, which were delivered after meet- ing. Cedar swags were made for Victor Cemetary Gate and the A1- lyn Church. Hostess Mrs. Izett, served a de- and members , , licious main dish daughter, Terri, left for San Ped- ro, Calif., to lrleet her husband who is serving in the Navy there. Her nlotller, Mrs. Rolard Bffker, ac- con.lpartied her. Mrs. Baker plans to retm'n home with son, Bob, who will finish his trining with Navy in time to Ue l10Dle for Cilristmas. WE IINI)ERSTAN]) Elmer Bee- SOIl i'Ki(1 a l(l[; of exerc,se rest 'i'tlu'sday afternoou. He was back in woo¢l working on Chrisl.nlas Lockwood and get their Christmas Friday evening Birthday Club met at the home of Mrs. Vera Izett for their ammal Christmas Party. Mrs. Izett had her home decorated so lovely in Christmas motif. Members brought cookies, cakes and candies all of which were ever so tasty and decorated so pretty and Christmasy. As this was the Christmas Party they met in the evening instead of dmSng the day. Each member brought a gift for the Christmas exchange. Names were drawn for the next year and dues were paid. It was decided the Mrs. Margret Rice would be Hostess for January, and Mrs. Elaine Kowalczyk would have it at her home in February. . AND . Kenneth Ouhl of Tacoma, spent Saturday as guests of the Howard Wynn's. La- ter the 3ohn Doodigians of Port Orchard joined the group for din- ner. Ken and 3ohn go to school with Howard. Don Hatter and son, Eric, of Seattle visited with Mrs. Grace B. Wilkerson this weekend. Miss Cathy Edwards, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Edwards of • Victor, was guest of honor at a Birthday Party given last week. Her guests were Kim and Tam . . [ [ ,. - .... . = HOMES PAYROLLS GOVERNMENT ,, SCHOOLS GREETING DRAWN BY 3ANICE D ANIELS Bordeaug School Age 9 RELY ON Hemphill and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Boyce, Mr. and Mrs. Earl TelTell, Mr. and Mrs, Jewel Von Osten, and Mr. and Mrs. James Von Os- ten and Karen were all tlerc. Nanles had been exchanged ear- lier in the month and it was inter- 9Strillg who had who's name and the gift chosen tor each pe'tson. Mrs. Clements had the outside of her honn  decorated as lovely as the indool's and all tier Christraas lrees when his eqtdpmenL became i.hings looked very h)vely. After tuck and lie couldn't get. it. (sit so tile gift hmch was served. lie llad to walk ou(. six miles fm ...................... .............. help. Ghld lie was okay. " ,In" lVh'. and Mrs. Earl otfe resl- UlilWIIUD dents of Seattle and summer re- Im ........ r sidents of Lakewood, were callers l II dI I_ at tile Earl Terrell honm Monday. iinmmiinll.U iiiII n m. and Mrs. aeg Engman wereIVmIImUIIR00| vlUU paid a visit b4V Reg's nephew, Way-  ne Caster, Iittusviile, Fla. He islU__  .... .J _,J..- nOW visiting with tile Joc Eng'- I nRR zmrfl irarlv nlall!'I of Paulsbo. I IgMy yqN[I g IHII h Eugene Lockwood of Desmonds, B" Mrs Nerl Vance-- and daua'hters, Gall and Sllsan ¥ " .." , -' LII,IWAUP ..... Liliwaup Corn- came to visit r. and Mrs. I refl munity Club met last Friday eve- nifig. Thirty four members aim tre'a last Sunday. frienff$ attended tile potluck din- SIMPSON TIMBER COMPANY i DOUGLAS FIR AND WESTERN HEMLOCK LUMBER, ACOUSTICAL, INSULATING AND HARDBOARD PRODUCT, PLYWOOD & DOORS FOUNDED IN 189'5 ffer. The meeting wan called to older at 7 ip.m, by the president, Jack Leimback. It was voted to have a Christmas pothtck (|illnez' at the next card party, which Will be Dec. 28. Nine tables of pinochle were played Friday evening, high score going to Ernesta Aaro and Byron Miles; second high to Edna Haines and Matt Kaare, 300 pin- ochle to Esther Cristensen and 3ark Leimback. Henry Monzlck won the door price, Edna Haines and Cecil Gilbert were hostesses. HOOD CANAL Womans' Club and Hood Canal Garden Club will hold their annual Christmas par- ty tonight at the Woman's Club- house at Potlatch. A Christmas potluck dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. Members' families will be guests at the affair. Mrs. Frances C. Akers of Hoodsport is chairman, assisted by Mesdames Cecil Gilbert, Ed Hough, Bernice LeimbacR and Marie Turner. A program will be held later in the evening. A Christmas potluck party was held last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin. Those at- tending were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd By Joyee Scott t=IOODSPORT Hood Canal Com- munity Church Smlday Scimol pre- sented their annual Christmas pro- gram on Smday evening. The small children delighted their friends and loved ones with their "pieces" and songs. The entire Sunday School was represented in the pageant "The Heart of Christmas". A hush that could be heard (is there such a thing?) rose ft'oln the audience when they realized the Babe in the Nativity scelle WaS real, none otheI' than tiny Stephen Gray. We wonder at lhis season of the year what the world's reaction wollld be if they realized the 13abe was real! The Scouts wish to thank the conununity for their response to the swag sale. Sonic ()lie said.., they went like hot cakes! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grubb enter- tained the Foresty folks at a Christ mas party in their home on Satur- day night. Those attending were the Bert Tolers, the Crunlbs, the Baskins, Bob Nesbitts, Jack Raes and Bob Minty, Larry Lysen, John Kwiatkowski and Janice Nyberg. The parents of Bob Nesbitt are house guests in their son's home and attended the party with them. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Nesbitt live in Silver Spring, Md. They left home last week in ileal' zero wea- ther so they are really enjoying out' balmy days. Mr. and Mrs. Terry h'iedman are Iiarents of a baby girl. Mrs. Friedman will be remembered by former friends as Joanie Johnson. MR. AND MRS. Jerry Sproge and Rory and Mrs. Nola Hagen of Tacoma spent Thursday visiting the Bob Smiths. Sunday Brent Hagen and Gene Maynard came from Tacoma to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Dolt Henry had Open House for all the Cushman employees and their wives on Sa- turday afternoon between 1-5 p.m. A steady flow of guests enjoyed the lovely decorations and the Christmas goodies. Mrs. Henry entertained the mew- 'ing Club at her home Thursday evening. Pollyannas for the past year were revealed, gifts exchang- ed and a time of Carol singing nity Church are having a Holiday Banquet at the Women's Club House on Saturday night. Lighted Clu'istmas scenes con- tinue to appear in our little h)wn. The H. I. Millo home tool( on a new look this past week. Tbe yard is filled with sheep, watched over by the Good Shepherd.At the home of Emil and Gert Lauber, a light- ed cross has been added to the coh)red lights that outline their house. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Borg arc again displaying their angel • scene, enhanced with light. "With all of this beauty about us we can not help but be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. To all the readers of this co- lumn, I wish a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year. At least one salt block or salt feeding box of loose salt should be provided for every 25 head of cattle in a feed lot. ,:;:. Step up ladder Lawlon Lumber Joe V. Simpson: DRENGSON'S Pk up those uninter to whip up an taste again. 00P/o//day is the time of was enjoyed, salad ideas are welc( The American Legion Auxiliary special salad will have a Bake Sale at Walt Car- to prepare and penter's Saturday morning: Vye whole meal. Morris will be in charge of the joined a Junior C sale. MERLE SMITH had the Christ- school.(JOG)sheWhenis stillSh¢ ....' Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pot- mas meeting of the Legion Auxili- tras, Mr. Walter Allison, Mr. and ary at her home last Wednesday as a leader. She is Mrs. Giles Conroy, Mr. and Mrs. night. A1 Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Wig College young people from our ... and best wishes for health, happiness .:: ..!] Jessup and Captain James Dick- community are arriving home for son. the holidays. Jane Shumate drove and success in the year ahead, it has been The evening was spent playing 1Lp from California with other i: cards. Mrs. Virginia Allison, who student from Washington. Twin has been ill the past two weeks Judy was home for the weekend all her friends wish catching to be done. Dav'd i!:!i ' a speedy recovery. I Sund is home frmn V. W. C. E Mr. Broton, father of Jenny Wayne Scott. was home for the 118 So. Third St. 426-4411 }i Hoff is home t'rom the llospitallweekend before going to Olympia :;i!i{!:i!! 11 \\;\ I1 and getting along nicely. Mr. Sig'-I lo work this week. ::.:.:Z;?;;i!:!;!;;i!:::}::i::{!;.!!!7i:!:::.:!!::::;:;!!!i}!.!::::?:i}iiiiii!!i!`:!}!::!>` ill  CORNE a real pleasure serving you...thank you! , . g/* $/a,Ma.*d Ma ® C. C. COLE & SONS; lfilc. who underwent surgery in Vet- erans' Hospital at Walla Walla. is getting along nicely, and is expected home soon. People trav- eling on )ood Canal after dark will see a beaLttiful display of out, door Christmas trees. There are fi,, in and near Litliw'mp. MR. AND MRS. Maurice Kaare. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kaare, motored to Auburn Sunday to attcnd the 50th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Peterson. Mamie Kaare was maid of honor when the Pet- rsons were married, so they are very old friends of the Peterson's. Mamie poured at the reception. The Kaares got to see many old friends they hadn't seen for years. Mr. and Mrs. Des Cheatham. granddaughter Sinda and Vic ,'ichardson of Hoodsport motored to Seattle Saturday to attend the wedding of Mrs, Cheatham's niece M:aureen' Hoyt to Tom Nisson. It was a beautiful wedding with 200 attending. Christmas decorations ccorated the chm'ch. Mr. and '{rn. Nisstm are honeymooning at Harrison Hot Springs, British Co- mmbia. WINNER, AAA TIIAF SAFETY POSTER CON Grange News When progress met Friday night Santa was there to distribute gifts to. the many bright-eyed children who were sure they had been real good all year. The lecturer had prepared a program that was en- joyed by all and after a gift ex- change all enjoyed, a potluck sup- :.}el'. After a pothmk diuner Sk0ko- llfish held a short usiness meet- lag. The lecturer had prepared a $0od program that gave each :nember a chance to participate. They were happy to have Mrs. Charlotte Whitford, with thegn. The Agate also started with a sumptuous potluck dinner. After everyones appetite was well saris- fled the group repaired to the main hall wllere everyone was treated with candy canes, popcorn balls ad oranges followed later by a gift exchange. It was pleas- ing to see so many children in at- tendance. Cloquallum announces that they will have their Christmas party on Saturday evening. Santa will be there to see that all good children are remembered. Mary Watko will show slides and to finish the cele- bration the home ec-chairman pro- raises doughnuts and coffee. GREETING DRAWN BY SHARI GRUVER &gc 11 Evcrgreen School GOTT OIL COHPANY- Distributors of SHELL PRODUCTS In Mason County / DORAN'S SIIELL SERVICE JIM DORAN On Mountain View HJELWICK'S STORE MRS. E. K. HJELWICK Brinnon t MAPLE COURT SERVICE SAM HANSEN Matlock Road BILL'S SHELL SERVICE 1ST & COTA STREETS ALLYN SHELL SERVICE FRANK KOWALCZYK Allyn MATLOCK STORE MAX M. CASH Matlock GRAPEVIEW GROCERY JULIUS STOCK Grapeview, GREETIN( Age 11 MAI