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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
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trsday, December 20, 1 lrsday, December 20, 1962 &apos; !i" • Civilian Defense +/' s ? +00/HAT S GOOKIHG IN WHOSE KITGHEN. Warning Sounds ! steady blast of 3 to 5 minutes]: means probable attack ,l: $ s • s Short blasts for 3 minutes :i ° " " Step up adder wt,,... L.awton Joe V. Simpson:: DRENGSON'S salad dressing recipe is just the thing to rk up those uninteresting winter salads. It only takes a few to whip up and you will be surprised how LJood your sal- taste again. is the time of year any i: salad ideas are welcome. Barb special salad dressiDg to prcparc and will perk whole meal. joined a Junior Orthoped.ic (JOG) when she was in school. She is still in JOGS) as a lcader. She is advisor to CROSS the Alma Burke JOG group. The pur'pose of the group is to support the Seattle Orthopedic hospital• Bake Sales and Car Washes are. two of the projccts •thcse groups employe to raise finances. The Junior high school age girls were Barb's first group. Thcy are called COGS. She had the same guild for fivc years bcforc she transferred to the oldcr girls. Hm dcvotion to Orthopedic work doesn't end here. She also wor/(s with the adults. She is sec- retary of the David Shelton Ortho- pedic Guild and is City Chairmap for JOG. Barb has one girl, Michelle, who iS Six" years oldJ '. " SALAD DRES,ING 1% Tbsp. Mayonnaise -t Tbsp. Catsup t3 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce 2 Tbsp. Red Wine Vinegar 'Po+Taste: , ©nion Powder Garlic Powder Celeiy Salt Suga Accent Mix all ingredients well with a Salt and Pcpper beater. et/ngs ealth, happiness ead. It has been ,ou . . . thank you! 426-4411 'crgreen School County ELL SERVICE OWALCZYK +,llyn CK STORE M. CASH atloek GREETING DRAWN BY CAROL EVERS Age .11 Mr. Vicw School MANLEY'S FOUNTAIN W GROCERY S STOCK tpeview, SHELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "'Christmastown, U.S.A.', Shelton. Washington L'agrL ! 9 Christmas Party Is Festive Occasion The anmml Christmas party of the Shel-Toa Guild of the Tacoma Ortlaopedic was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Dan Davidson. A short business meeting was held and contents of the coin box- es werc turned in. ChrisLmas gifts were exchanged and a song fest was held. The hit of thc evening was the arrival of lVhs. Norton Carlson in a roaring 20's costume. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Troy Schumacher and Mrs. Caro- lyn Ragaa. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenscs in the Mason county Auditor's or- rice this past week were: Charlcs V. Belander, 33, Port Orchard and Clayene J. Cameron, 26, Port Orchard. Albert J. Seely, 58, Bremerton, and Ionc Tzex, 51, Bremerton. Hector Barbour 54, Shelton, and Clarice Carpenter, 56, Shelton Richard E. Ramsdell, 39. Taco- ma, and Viola C. Carlson, 32, Fair- fax, Va. Otis R. Greer, 19, Bremerton, and Nancy Woodall, 19, Shelton. Allen R. Furnish, 23, Belfair, and Bonnie J. Lewis, 24, Belfair. Ray Blanton, 45, 'Woodland. and Nadine Mann, 32, Woodburn, Ore. Spring Plans Being Made By Guild The Donnie J. Ortllopedic Guild held its December meeting at Ju- di Manke's home. It was rcportcd the Guild assumed a good profit from the bake sale which was held in Nov. The procccds will be sent to the Mary Bridges Ortho- pedic Hospital in Tacoma. The guild is :also planning a combina- tion rummage and plant sale for a spring project. Following the business meeting the annual Christmas party was held amidst beautiful Christmas decorations. Games were played then refreshments were served. (00'00WANI'ADS * High School Spotlight + i !: : ::3:' \\; \\; \\; \\; WENDY BRICKF_RT takes a special interest in track events and has several medals of her own for the 880 and the broad jump, She plans a career in teaching music after she finishes college. It isn't to() often we run into a track "star" in the female set but considering Wendy lrickert's background it comes as no sur- prise to find she has several track medals. Wendy is the only girl in a family with two brothers who are stars in their' own right. Her father is a Junior high school foot- ball and track coach. With two younger brothers a girl has to be fasf" on her feet! With a coach for a father she can expect special help• Wendy, now an ISR senior, has given.up running and jumping and has taken up coaching. She is con- centraLing her ability on helping girls who are interesled in this sporting event. Music is of special interest to Wendy and figures in her future. She is a member of the High school band and the Clarinet Quar- tet. She also gives clarinet les- sons in her spare time. She plans to attend Washington State col- lege after graduation to bedome a nmsic teacher. Teacher's Orientation, Civics, Band, German II and Math are her subjects this year. She belongs to Pep Club and Honor Society in addition to band and the quartet. She is also utility chairman on the band council. . Water Skiing, swimming and rock collecting are Wendy's hob- by. She enjoys her activity in the American Legion Auxiliary as a junior member. Wendy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill BrickerL. She has two brothers, Mike, an ISR so- phomore, and Brian, an ISR jun- ior. She is 5'2" tall, has blue eyes and brown hair. Colfax, ¥ash. was her 'birthplace. The family moved to Shelton when Wendy was in the 4th grade. LIFE OF M/00O9OWELL IS FE00TU]IED AT B SHARP dR. 0000SII] CLgG P00,00TY The B-Sharp Junior Music Club, at'filiafcd wit:l t, he ,n,: ano Na- ti(JR: Federation of Mtl:dc tJlHb.% met at the Evergreen sclu)ol fol. its Christma.s party. Tile program consisted of a cla- rinet trio by Kristiv Look, Juli- [{en,'-:bul'g and ltlrbll'a ])lllll)al'. Clu'iatin( Sytsma and Cyntlua l¢i- Eagles Auxiliary Cancels Meeting E'=tgles frmn the local group who aLtended tie Dstrict Meeting at Montesa no Sun(b)y a|'e Mr. iLl'l,] Mrs. Lloyd Lewis. Mr and Mrs. l-Ierlliun Lorenzen Mr. and Mr,,+ Louis Herzog, Mr, and Mrs. Alberl Lord. Mr. and Mrs. Lestet DorseLL, MI',< Earl Leggett. Mt's. Tennv. Stockwell and Mrs. Edna E+nee- land. The l:)ecember meeting of the Auxiliary has been cancelled The next meeting will be January S. I965. Open House Slated To Fete 40th Anniversary A well known local couple, }{It. and Mrs. Archie Lemke, will be feted at on Open House Dec. 29 from 7-10 p.m at the Dayton Com- munity hall The occasion is the 40tb wedding anniversary of the pair. A cordial invitation ba.s I)eetl isstied by the+ family of the feted couple to all of their friends. Drivers, remember that few pe- destrians realize how cornparaLi- vmy invisible they are ..... double your Caution at night fall ..... triple your caution on unlighted streets and quadruple your caution iu bad weather. Most of the acts listed as the canse of an accic)ent are due'to a driver's faulty attitude. The Washington State Safety Council urges you to protect your life by complying with all traffic regu- lations. ;'e :ult4 a dll('t, .lanice \\;,Vil:on ;+t ':ohL an+ Ja',qco 'VJ};3OlI, C yli[hJ,l Aicd ;rod Ct'.visliuc Svt,'+ma nm,',e .;p ;I trio. (hl'i:.;tllas • SOllg'S wcPe c)loseu by all. Joy to the World was sung by the 5Lh and (ith grade Gohlen Age Club Donates To Funds The (Johh:n Age Chtb will mee[  Jill' :t t} ),]II. I,<)iill,,!]£ flftxt 'Phljrs- :¢y :( the 5,icIT!OFia} hall, 'Phero +,'+ll I>e :l +','A/ttrt! I',t[CI'. The elnb has donated $25 to the 40 & S ,lollt'nal Christnms fund Ri:Is, t at:el 525 to tile th)gers schtnfl. Mrs. F'c(-k gave an il]telestiiv, ,evie¢,, of the life of E(Iw;tl'd Ma,c- I)o\\;,.'eil \\;\-ilo was i+ttl' fii'.sl 4I'caA • ttll,,.jtcti ,t' lilttqic. At 1112 age Of 15 tli; I/'dektt fo)' I)layh3; Lhe i')i+ I ;t'do Was alre'Jt;y ObVlOllS st:) hJ,'-t pa- I lr/,.II1S S,Qill hiIll t() [,.bll'ope fol' hi',; i !\\; i)ttl( '0 !UP|II}a2 Vvel'( pFctllt 'i :,¢' :1':I t:!::.ill;!i;', Sirs. Mirianl Phillips is a new nmmber. lell)bcl,a al'o /'enlJnded of Ptl(' I'IlI'iilIUI¢ tiLle (.w','l.l'7 }'Ori(ht' 1111('1 2itHI'!,N,/ :it. ;22 :{ill'Oa(:t ::lV(lllle, :vai.'h;L f-h, ;;t!y(:!d th,q'e 12 ye:,rs I 0 Lord, who len(is me life,lcnd :+Lt(lying. plucticing and teuclfig, lme a heart replete with thank- • ..$ .... tqe llltll'Flod (Ill(? Ol his bcst ptlplls, I] fuln(¢:qs. ',tn American girl ....... Shalcespcare Ivlusieians fl'OlU tile [J. S, t)t:t'kl: Lhe MaeDowells to COllie holne anci/ ................................................. help ru&l,:e a lnnsical Alneriea. Th(: ottp]( + eontplied ;tll(l settled on a l {art'i/ in New tanlpshil'e. T}I( need for pt'ivaey ]roln tile; consLant supply of guests prornpt-i ed Mrs. MacDowell to have a small house built in the woods bey- ()lid their honle an(l furllished :tS a studio so her husband cottid e:mpose in quiet. After her hts- hand's death Mrs. MacDowell had: TO THE TEMPTATION' .'evel'al nu'e of these study ]lOU- ses built on her property which are used Lo this day by poets, a'c- Lists and musicians. Mrs. Peck played MacDowelI's F, coch Poem on the piano for the group. A dellcious lunclmon was en- ioyed by the girls. After which Leslie Surratt and Diane Turner ef the Pizzicato Junior Music Club accompanied the girls in ca- rolling to the sbut-ins near Evcr- 4reen school and the hospitals. ("OOP. '+u'r4r,ou M../"NW' POTEGT,/ ( \\; we 00,va 4 I  You womK\\; > HOMELITE C CONVIIRTIIBLIt DNIVer + CHAIN SAW BUILT FOR THE FARM/, • Converts from direct to gear drive in 9 minutes or less • Cuts level with the ground • Instant starting in any weather ONLY $1499s for direct drive with 14" bar and chatr HAVE A FREE DEMONSTRATION TODAY! Saege¢ l00o00m' Shop On Hillcrest ",k;e Sel'v(,, Vv'h:tt VVe Sell m If you took away the Rayonier Cellulose what do you suppose would be left? (TURN THE PAGE AND SEEJ ++ !il ii!! A IIL