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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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eag,00 2o ..... BOWLERS . Give a XMAS GIFT GERTIFIGATE For Bowling Balls, Bags, Shoes, Stirts, etc., fron SHELTONMASON l u i ii COUNTY Malmen Win Lopsided Verd¢t At Tumwaler For Third In a &apos;Row' I,y Denny h/.Tner -" Losing ()sly two matches--both by (u:,cisi(m Shelton's rugged ,,*,;r'est.lJog team easily thln/lped the TtlBiwater Tb|mderbirds. 4026, la, st week for the thild straight over- whehlling victory. In their only a,ction this week, the Hig'helmlbers are billed at TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood C, anal Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft I;'riday, Dee. 21 l-It h 1'34 a m 8 6 ft Lg; .:Z:::77:::::: 6:i: a.;k' 6.0 ft. High ................ 12:40 p.m. 11.5 ft. Lmv . ................. 7:50 p.m. 2.3 ft. Saturday, De(,, 22 High ....... ::x ...... 2:41 a.m 9.4 ft. Low . ............. 7:26 a.m 6.7 ft. ¢€ " ? l , _ .... JOURNAL-- Published in Ohstmastow', U,S.A.", Shelton, Washington .... Thursday, December 20, rsday, December North Mason Shades , Miller .Drubs. Blazer@.m00f"00000000 Obimacum, Loses To in Junmr Hugh Open00l Forks Over Weekend J a,uars ilere T By IPenni, Shelly -- ..................................... JUNIOR Ill(all ILASKETB/rur a/-,/m i= wereThe Bulld°gs °f N°rth Mas°n :!!!ilai up against some superior W!!!!i ,.( po(!!irlL: ' W L pt played in two very close games Miller. ......................... 2 0 P]' last weekend and came up with Hoqu am .................... 2 0 781 - one loss and one win. On Friday night Lira Bulldogs leffe,'son 1 1 56; : r: .... ashm.'ton ................ 1 1 Ul Line Misses Shellon ........................ 0 1 I.,.-.... = €.st, alia ................... 0 2 6,1nlUIn I0 kl marksman.Forks hit overThe 50SpartanSper eentfr°mof !opkins ...................... 0 1 2a|il_UT I J Jack Stewart's cycle CI tl) end - el' - the - month \\;,Vhite tgiver tonight. scranll)les. The present three,.n]cet victory Palfl JohlsloI1 ctll](* ill ;t clrlse Pro Shop Al Pile fourth grad .Hab Aitken fifth Westside Lanes, Olympia Tropbies will be presente(t at |ll( C]llb'S NeW Yeal"s parly xvllen PHONE 943-3882 th.. ,,ew omce,'s w.1 hegil, thei," i streak is the hmgest in the three- L year hist(u'y of l-]ighclimber wrestling. ' At ']'lnnvvateF, tile Climbers i started the night by wilming tile firsl lhl'()(, matches as ,h)hn Coch- ran, l":alph Noll and l-'oy Gripp all I the, Derricll Singer tmnle. .................................................................. ¢ ................................. ternls. Next meeting of tile '['vail- pinned their ]nen. Geral Rodg'ers blazers will be held I)ec. 22 at imd Bruce Crawford added two lllol'e pills later with six leani- t)vires taking decision victories. Crawford's victory was the swift- est. coning in lhe first round. Nell won in tile scc(md rOllnd, tile other three ill the third. Th!: results: 103 Ibs. John Cochran S pinned N()t'III O'lkland T, 3rd round. 112 lb, -Ralt)h Noll S pinned Tom Anderson T. 2nd. 12t) [bs..Roy Gripp S pinned i")ouy" Meeds T, 3rd. 127 Ibs. Joc Snyder S. deci. siom'd l.)e. Hinzpeter T, 5-4 133 lbs. Dan Harvey S .deLl- stoned Ltn Starkey T. 13-4. 138 lbs. Dave Turnvr T (h:ei- stoned Paul Brown S, 5-0. 145 lbs..-- Geral F{.odgers S deei- stoned John Gosl.iek T. 7-1. 1.54 lbs.. Mike Lmnbert S de(i- stoned Los Halstead T. 8-2. 165 lbs.- • Jim Rodgers pinned Virg Halstead T, 3rd. 175 lbs.- Jim Lamont S de(i- stoned Dennis Teague T, 11-5, 191 lbs... Hendrickson T deci- sion,.,d Bi'ian Snyder S, 5-3. Unlimited--.--Bruce Crawford S High ............... 1:13 p,m. 11.3 ft. Low . ............... 8:28 p.m 1.4 ft.. nn(lay, De('. 23 High ............... 3:35 a.m. 10.3 ft. Low . ............... 8:24 a.m. 7.3 ft. High ................ 1:45 p.m. 11.4 ft. Low . ................. 9:03 p.m. 0.7 ft. Monday, De(', 24 High ............... 4:19 a,m. 11.0 ft. Low . ................. 9:16 a.m. 7.6 ft. ................ 2:16 p.m. 11.0 ft. Low ................ 9:16 p.m. 7.6 ft. Tuesday, De('. 25. High ................ 4:58 a.m 11.7 ft. Low ............... 10:03 a.m. 7.9 ft. High ............ 2:48 p.m. 1.1.0 ft. 'Low .............. 10:45 p.m. -2.1 it. Wednesday, Dee. 26 High ............... 5:35 a.m. 12,2 ft. Low ................ 10:48 a.m. 8.0 ft. High ............... 3:22 p.m. 1'1.0 ft. Low .................. 10:45 p.m. -2.1 tf. Thursday, De('. 27 High ............... 6:11 a.m, 12.6 ft. Low . ............... 1'1:30 a.m. 8.0 ft. High ................ 3:59 p.m, 11,0 ft. Low ................. 11:21 p.m. -2.4 ft. BAN'rAM LEAGUE Timber Bowl ............... 26 I0 Cook Plant Farm ........ 25 11 Shelton Journal ............ 20 16 Lion's Club .................... 18 18 Boon's Plumbing .......... 14 22 Morgan, Eacrett Lbr,....14 22 Eagles Aerie ................ 14 22 Wilson Company .......... 12 24 Hi£h games .... Sonja Ahlquist 168, Bruce Hoard 148 High series ...... Sonja Ahlquist their field goals. They also have one of the state's leading scorer's, Larry Thomas, who managed 19 of the Spar(ass' 47 points. The Bulldogs came on hard in the sec- ond and third quarters and came within 3 points of the Spar(ass go- ing into the last quarter. Individual scoring for the Bull- dogs went: Wayne Crosswhite 12, Joe Caskey 11, Doug Miller 7, Mike Stevenson 4 and Dennis Shel- lYT'e-- junior varsity had to fight all the way to the last seconds of the game but they came up with a 50-48 victory over the Forks B team at the end of a 3-minute overtime. The following night the Bulldogs were host to the .Chimacum Cow- boys. NM took the early lead and widened the n}argin to a 9 point lead by halftime, allowing Chima- cure to score only 2 points in tile second quarter. This lead was maintained through the thlrdquar- ter but the Bulldoga got careless and almost lost tire game. N.MASON 32 CHIMACUM 31 Stevenson 5 t' Postma 12 D. Miller 8 f Nelson 2 Crosswhite 9 c Snider 6 McKay 2 g Mason 3 Caskey 7 g Wegner 8 Subs: N.M. Shelly 1, Shellgreen, G. Miller. Chimacmn----Nordberg, Westergaard, Shold. O'Donnell, Morgan. North Mason 12 9 7 4---32 Chimacum 1O 2 8 11--31 Engineers ........................ 34 22 Raih'oad .......................... 33 23 Mill 1 .............................. 29! 26 Mill 2 .............................. 29 27 Insnlating Board .......... 26 30 Shops .................... " .......... 25 ._, 30 :, Loaders .......................... 24 32 Loggers .......................... 23 33 High game .... Glen Robertson 223 High series --- Glen Reibertson 546. A forfeit victory over Insulating Board handed the Engineers (Glen Robertson 546 ) tile first hal f championship in the Simpson men's bowling league last week and dropped Railroad (Stan Ahl- quist 509l, a 1-3 loser to Mill 2 Bill Schirmer 495) into second place. In the other matches Mill ] Chuck Thompson 529) grabbed third place on a 4-0 victory over the Loaders Hal Moore 524), and Shops (Roy Anderson and Roy Petty 475) escaped last place by whipping the Loggers (Norm Cas- tle 480), 3-1. 7 ......... FRATERN AL LEAGUE (final first half) W L Fuller Construction .... 39 21 Rotary Club .................. 35 ,,. 24 l/ Kiwanis Club ................ 35/ 24.., Lions Club ................... 31 29 Shelton Hardware ........ 27//., 321§ Eagles Aerie ................ 26 34 Moose Antlers ............... 23 37 B & R Oil ...................... 36 24 Moose Lodge ................ 35 25 Wilson Company ........ 331,2 2g," Rituer's Broiler . ........... 33 27 Ziegler's Camera Shop 23 37 Verle's Sporting G(,)ds 22 38 Got( Oil ........................ 20 'a 391,,'., High games-.Bert Hoard 246. Fred Snelgrove 244. High series- Bill Bosch 601. B & R Oil pintoes flagged the scoring limelight in men's Con> mercial bowling play last week with lead-offnmn Bill Besch cast- ing a 601 series (214-175-212!, aneho'rman Fred Snelgrove g'etting a near-miss 599 170-185-244, lt't Board nabbing the night's single I ')4(i and as a team ..... ,? ....... piling up staggering 1058 and 1037 single games and a 3011 total. Even so. thcy bagged only a 3-1 victory over Wingard's Sport Shop (Joe Engen 553, on a 916 second game. In other play---WiN son Company 4 ,Dan Wilson 579), Verle's Sporting Goods 0 (Harry Peterson 515; Moose 3 (Bud Knutzen 593). Ritner's i IDick Gardner 515); Ziegner's 2 (Dean Perry 554). Gott Oil 2 [A1 Luhnt 503). MERCItANTS LEAGUE W L Ralptfs Serv-U .......... 34g 17V._, Old Mill Tavern .......... 32 20 Prepp's Rexall Store 26 26 Bill's Shell Service ...... 26 26 Thurston S & L .......... 25 27 Timber Appliance ...... 23 fi 28V= 1,ast Veek Miller 37. Shelton 15. HI)IC t, VI'ANI)IN Hoqui:lm 38. Jefferson 30. W VCashington 33, Centralia ........................ 2 This Afiernoon i Jefferson at Shelton ..................... 1 Miller at Hopkins. th ...................... 1 Hoquiam at Ceniralia, ton .................... 0 ....... . ..................... 0 Miller ran off and hid Angeles ........ 0 Shelton, 37-15, in opening lmsl Veek high basketball action for 60, Shelton 40 Blazms last week. 49. Port Angeles Smooth. radar-eyed Walt 58, North 47 ilor scored more points This Friday entire Blazer lineup at Shelton the Kittens ran up Central leads of 6-0, 23-4 and 24-11,. at West There was hope for the e]es at Bainbridge howcver, in tile manner in which the Blazer; ast Bremerton ap graders took care of the B squad, 28-11. Coach JI ] pressure with a which forced I Knutson's proteges blanked let in the third period and b cbnstant errors as from an early 4-4 dead a run,away 60-40 O: a.Vay to iake eommand at thel. basketball victory in the St periods by 8-4, 16-7, 20-7.  at'day night. Looney's 8 points led a d WAS A SOUl{ b balanced scoring attack. Climbers in Olym This afternon the Blazers again at home, hosting Jeffe competition aft of Olympia in Shelton gym sl of high succe • ic..teams in non ing at 2 o'clock. The lineups: Climbers simply VARSITY GAME speed to cope with MILLER 37 p:essure which t] Failer 22 f Arell a.t,.them and the Hancock f Lq int0 a route early White 4 c Swish, S built up a 17-8 ft rgin and pushed it GIEETING DRAWN .BY PHILIP BAINETT Age 11 Mt View Sclmol MASON GOUNTY STATIONERS Helen and Del Cote 118 No, 2nd pinned Frank Huber T, 1st. 304, Bruce Hoard 276 DO NOT SIGN INITIATIVE 30 CONSERVE OUR SALMON CLUB Wally Henderson. chairman Route 3. Shelton The junior varsity team wasn't so fortunate. They lost the game with a 48-47 score. The team was paced by Gary Miller, who scor- ed 22 points. The Bulldogs teams have one game per week for the next 3 weeks. This first cortest will be held at Port Townsend on Dec. 21, the second game with Quilcene at NM on Dec. 29, and thirdly, Jan, 4, with Vashon. The junior higl school boys play- ed Marcus Whitman last Friday afternoon and again ended up with two losses. Tte ninth graders' score wag 43-25 and the seventh and eighth graders did a little better with a 24-22 score. % r Just the people Everything else in the picture on the preceding page was made entirely or partly of cellulose -- one of nature's inexhaustible raw materials. It grows ...and it grows aburidantly. (Just see the hemlock on our Olympic Penis, sula tree farms.) With sound forest management, Rayonier continues to produce nearly 2 billion pounds of cellulose year after year, much of it in our mills at Port Angeles and Hoquiam. Our customers in the United :States and all over the world begin the processing that changes cellulose into miles of rayon, billions of cigaret filters, tons of cellophane, plastics, Bull Moose .................... 22 V'a 37 s, High games - Howard Fuller 222 High series -- Howard Fuller 558 Split picks .... Floyd Boswell 5-7. Walt Wolden 6-7-10, Don Johnson 5-8-10 Eagles 3 (Frank Marler 493), Shelton Hardware I i Buck Ma- ckey 545); Kiwanis 3 (Gary Co- wan 481), Bull Moose 1 (Walt Tyynissmaa 468); Rotary 3 (Jack Swanson 487), Moose Antlers 1 (Cec Crow 527; Fuller Construc- tion 3 (Howard Fuller 558), Lions Club 1 (Clyde White 508), Fuller Construction won the first half pennant. Wilson 6 g OlS( Olympic Plywood 22 30 Mehlhoff 5 g Prepperna half. . ........ Subs: Miller Wood. Bond, I he Knights also p Kimbel Motors ............ 22 .30 inoski, Strong Hoonan, Enk ntion to. blanketing High games--Hank Bm'chill 247, Peterson. Shelton--Winn B. J IBItoll's long-range I Dave Harris 237. loyd Miller son, M. Johnson, Bryant, lii  the job so well he " 224. High series--Floyd Fuller 599. Vonof. hot in the first que Score by Quarter, r-below-par nine for Hank Burchill 584 and Floyd Miller . ................. 6 17 t 1 e. of which he m Shelton ........ .< ...... 0 4 7 Mike Carte and Bil: Fullm 599 I)ut their respective 247 * * • trn honors at eight t and 224 games together to base a B SQUAD GAME i&LL THREE were o 1058 team game rblled by Bill's J'ee Knights and tied Shell Service in Merchan league SHELTN 28 MII=,LE.Ie Tienhaara took g bowling last week as Bill's rallied Looney 8 f 17, of ,whieh he fronl an opening defeat to a 3-1 B.Masteller 2 f Twmw.. first half, followed OlsonViCt°rY517°ver. Old Mill Tavel. (Bob OlsonGUnter 2 gC Hop. at 12 and Greg i Ralpl;,'s Serve-U (Dick Johnson Knautz 4 g . -fL.,1Ekst,s sc/'ambling-t) 482) climbed into 1st place on a Subs: Shelton---T. 2¢tarshall d the Climbers to o: Purvis 2, 4-0 whitewashing of Kimbel Mo- Duekhan 2, . . .,JosHn al attempts, of whicl tors /Jerry Christy 482. Prepp's Marshall 2. K ±wasteuer z, ,eommendable 17 for Rexall Store 3 (Dave Harris 582- ton. Carper, J. Armstrong..cent 'average. On 237). Thurston County Savings & ...... Jamieson, Schooler, .ez(ld the'Climbers ma Loan 1 IRon Stricldand 558; Wetzel, White, Juarez, va/15 foul shots, com]; Olympic Plywood 3 Jim Simmons Wegen. Henderson. aJ 38 chances for t 516). Timber Appliance 1 /Hap Sheltc, n .................... 8 8 4 .%tst made only 19 fie Smith 515) Miller . .................... 4 3 0 .at attempts, so the t ........ - ............................... ferenee came at th RECREATION LIL GRANGE LEAGU ':]enClimbe]'s fouled W st their more a Rainier Bern: ................ 35 17 Palr(a]s ............................ 42 , were whistled 2 inst 12 for ast. Shelton Recreation ........ 33 19 Southside ........................ 37 "he,lineups: Olympia Beer . ............... 26,, 252 Matlock .......................... 36 L" Ritner's Pink Ladies .... 26 26 Shelton Valley .............. 33 T 60 SD Lucky Lager . ............... 25 27 Pomona .......................... 29 -aey 4 f Lemke's Service ......... :..242 27V, Agate .............................. 27, .Y 12 f Olsen Fm'niture ............ 231,;, 28 L Skokomish ..................... 27 len 8 c rr 1 Northwest Ever,, 36., Cloqualhlm ................... 24V i;rion 10 g High games .... Donna.Coleman High games --- Joan Sharp Ienhaara x7 g 198 Henry Cook Jr. 202 [bs:' East 7, Beach High series Mary Alice Cros- High series Joan Sharp" .Carter, Campbell, san 498 Carl Emsley 522 {}ehardson, Scheyer. Split picks -- Sally Pierce 3-7, Pomona 3 ,Bob Florek 4?°'P ster 5, Olson 3 Mikkelsen Eva Hansen 5-6-10. Agates. 1 (Max Emsley ekert 2, Jeffery. A Olsen Furniture 4 (Alice Cros- muthside 3 (Carl san 469), Rainier 0 (Millie Daniels Shelton Valley 1 (Webb Rost Score by Quar 451); Olympia Beer4 (Ma,:y C:'os- 492); Matloek 3 (Jim Rossgngltto n 11 16 san 498), Northwest Evergreen 0 470), Cloqualhml 1 (Jim S,e!! 6 (Rutl Schnader 412); Ritner's 3 380); Patrons 3 (Tom Olson -..: ..... ' .... Skokomish 1 (Dutch S:anley 4'UING RALLY FA (Bobby Barnett 482), Lucky Lager - ...... aORT 1 ,Sharon Huisingh 373; Shelton USO Journal Wan! 0000Z'00GA'NST . Rec 3 (Donna Coleman 476), Lem- otr hne lapses let t ke's 1 tAdair Neau 424). Olympia Frida fighting comebacl half spelled short by a -' came stor an ll-point defici quarter "to alm( wit.h a mighty but goofed the by bad marks line. FIGURES sho s converted only I mees while the From the fiel outscored the Ben Of 63, but Olym backboards w argin. Climbera allow to be out-maneuv for position t t for the firs when "the CII: 3-2, and 5-2 Bears were fl 0Ut.the game, I mrgins of 13-9 ', "With their wid CLIMBERS m 14-7 in the fi Larry Pew( th, Points each. The e,field goal in tl coming in th( They made fi' opllortqnities afb all ..that kept gar0e. Meanwhile  missed four o P0well conver chances to be th aer who would co Climbers did of holding dowr) 's -2 cent' much t)gubl he mad, 55-42 succe photo film and paper-- and about 6,000 other useful, plentiful products. 14 . • Take away the Rayonier cellulose? It would be almost as easy to take e! , --  :)I'IPIA' 43 . S] away the peopl,, e 11 GREETING DRAWN BY ALAN CARLSON olE}lle,,, '9 [ Ag Bordeaux Scho i iiitth' :L. f • ii:@i!'::'*:  LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY ..,,za ,, ; G . ii Royonler Incbrp0roted ' '. i HoulSm, Port A.gMe=, Se. Iron, Wmhlngton , .......... NATURAL RE;OURCES'CHIMISTR a,d She ' '