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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I mrsday, December 20, y, December 20, 1962 Jr ' ' " - ............. SHELTON-=MASON. C0UNTY. JOURNA:=-- Published in C tmsfmastoun,. U:&-A. , Shcif0n, ,Was, h'mton [Uler Drubs Blazers i ,Junier High Open _. guars []ere Toda I'NIOII lli(;ll ILANKI':TiA W L pt  B SQUAD STILL LOOKING FOR INITIAL SUCCESS Little Climbers Lose Heartbreaker To Olympia Cubs OI,YMPIC B TEAMS Climbers held the Knights to a managed to net 1,']. W L pf 1.'a close 10-9 margin in the first Jim Anderson led the scoring Port Angeles ............ 2 0 98 70 qmlrter but in the second period for the Coach i-Iarold Wi[son's East ............................ ] 0 57 38 ttle Knights broke away with an team with nine beans against, the lh,r . ................... 2 (|lliMnl ................... 2 "I'OI'SOII .................. ] ishingi ()ll ................ ] eli(m ........................ 0 pI(ins ..................... 0 nil alia .................... 0 I,asI Veel( VIiller 37. ShelLeD 15. 07100 0 73 ................  Line Misses Let Olympia Off The Hook, 43-41 1 68 23 i oilINIGHTS LANCE CLIHBERS ¢OHFERENCE BEBUT I)LYMPIC. 'I'AN1)ING (AA) ....  ..... " loquianl 38. Jefferson 30. ,Vashington 33. Ccntralia 29 Tlds Aflernoon fefferson at ShelLeD. Vliller al Hopkins. :hquiam at Ccntralia. lilter ran off and hid f! lton. 37-15. in opening j$ ;h baskethal] action for kze]s last week. Cn'.)ot tl radar-eyed Walt • .cored re(ire points tilan i](, Bl:tzer lineup with 2f Kittens ran up quart cls of 6-0. 23-4 and 24-11. "here was hope for the ful VCVOI'. ill tile kVO rkl]lan' nner in v,,licil the Blazer ders took ca.l•e of the 1V .quad. 28-]I. Coach J alson's proteges blanked i icy the third period and b , from an carly 4-4 dead l[Ltt-C conllnand at tile iods i)y 8-4. 16-7, 20-7. SI mey's 8 t)oints led a ]need scoring attack. ] 'his afternon the BlazersJ in at home, hosting deffe] 31ympia in Sllelton gym s at 2 o'clock.  he iineups: >rAIISITY GAME ] ,LEI 37 Nil F, LTO tor 22 f Arch lcock f to' ire 4 c Swish! son 6 g Ols0 Hhoff 5 g Prepperna 2 .: Miller.--Wood. Bond, I) ki. Strong Hoonan, Enke n'son Shelton---%Vinn B. Ji M. Johnson Bryant, El' of. N(,orc hy Qnarters .................. {3 17 "1 13 ton ..... :: ...... 0 4 7 B SQUAll GAME I]:I'N 28 ley 8 f asLeller 2 f Tv tr 2 c Hopk ,11 g utz 4 g Ibs: Shelton--.T. Mat' kham 2. Pm'vis 2, Joslin shall 2, K. Masteller 2. Cartier. d. Armstrong. n,w.son. Schooler. l.eiC zel, White. Jnarez, Vat en. Henderson. Con .................. 8 8 `1 ...................... 4 3 0 GI£ANGE LEAGLLIJ " W ms ........................... 42 hside ....................... 37 ock .......................... 36 .on Valley .............. 33 end .......................... 29 c .............................. 271,,,, omisi ...................... 27 mllmn .................... 24 ,fi gh g"mes - Joan Sharp y Cook Jl'. 202 series .-- Joan Sharp  Emsley 522 mona 3 (Bob Florek $, e I (Max Mikkelsen 4,1 side 3 (Carl Emsley 5! on Valley 1 (Webb Rost Matlock 3 (Jim Rossn Cloquallmn 1 (Jim S Patrons 3 Tom Olson 5 0mish i t Dutch Stanley W L pi pa st ........................ 2 0 107 85 ,st ........................ 1 0 60 40 tral .................... 1 0 48 43 Uth ................... 1 0 49 36 eli.on .................... 0 1 40 60 rtb ...................... 0 2 90 106 rt Angeles 0 2 7`1 98 l,asl Week t 60, Shelton 40 Uth 49. Port Angeles 36 err 58. Nortt 47 This Friday Prth at Shelton Nt at Central Uth .at West lgeles at Bainbridge Inl gast Bremerton applied con- ill pressure with a full-conrt 'ense which forced Shelton in- constant errors as the basic a rm-away 60-40 Olympic lea- baskethall victory ove: the 'hclimbers in the Shelton gym tlrday night. WAS A SOUR baptism for e Climbers in Olympic league ge competition after several lsons of high success against Ympic teams In non-conference ty. Phe Climbers simply didn't have le speed to cope witl the bnsv- !dy pressure which the Knights e ab.them and the game turn- !into a route early as the visi- ts built up a 17-8 first quarter rgin and pnshed it to 33-14 at •  half, Phe Knights also paid special .ention to. blanketing" Bill Sloan. lton's long-range g.lnner, do- the. job so well he didn't get hot in the first quarter and a r-below-par nine for "he entire Zae, of which he made four to  lYIike Carte and Bill Smith for  honors at eight points. &LL TltREE were outscored by Knights and tied by another. Tienhaara Look game honors 17, of which he made 14 in first half, followed by Darryl at 12 and Greg Morrison at scrambling-type defense the Climbers to only 43 field attempts, of which they made 17 for a good 36.2 average. On the other the Climbers made only six 15 foul shots, compared to 22 38 chances for the Knights. made only 19 field goals in attempts, so the bulk of the came at tile foul line. Climbers fouled cansislently their more agile rivals, Were whistled 26 times a- 12 for East. The. lineups : 60 SHELTON 411 4 f Carte 8 12 f Powell 4 8 c Smith 8 on 10 g err 17 g Sloan 8 East - Beach 5, Garrison Campbell, Niemann, Scheyer. She,u., dphster 5, Olson 3. Walker 2, 2, Jeffery. Anderson. Score by Quarters 17 16 15 17 60 8 6 13 13-.-.--40 ING RALLY FALLS AGAINST BEARS Journal Wahl [our-line lapses let the Climbcrs ...... vn at Olympia Friday and spoil- l.L:f$ ggfg. [a fighting comeback which had _.l!tory half spelled out before .... ""'"':":::"T:}"':":":":'":-'';,.':i',lling short by a scant 43-41 : :: . " 'i:: , rain. ST : : 5:!ihelton came storming back an 11-point deficit late in the .:.:_::::: quarter-to almost nip the with a mighty last period but goofed the victory-pos- ty by bad marksmanship at free throw line. FI(I1UI{ES show the Clim- converted only three of 12 Dances while the Bears made of22. Fronl the field the Clim- outscored the Bears, 19 of 54 of 63, but Olympia control- the backboards with a 51 to Climbers allowed themsel- be out-maneuvered in the for position for the re- :ept for the first couple of when "the Climbers gain- '!-0, 3-2, and 5-2 advantages, Bears were front-runners game, gained quar. margins of 13-9, 26-19, and tth their widest lead at 1: CLIMBERS outscored the 14-7 in the final quarter big Larry Powell and Jim setting the pace with *oints each. The Bears made field goal in that last per- it combg in the early me- They made five of seven opportunities after that and all that kept them m [,e game. Meanwhile. the Clim- missed four of six free STALEMATE -- Larry Powell of Shelton (dark shirt) and Ed Rogel of Olympia each had a firm grip on te ball at this partic- ular moment. They jumped it off on a held.ball in Olympia's gym Friday night when the Bears eked out a 43-41 victory over the Climbers. (Photo by AI Carter) I AIRBORNE CAGERS -- This flying basketball, devoid of any control, sent-Bob Walker (23) of Shelton and Greg Tinker (32) of Olympia into orbit in an effort to haul it down in Olymp=a gym Friday night. In the background Rs Jeffery (25) of Shelton closes in on the play, Olympia snatch:.; a thrilling 43-41 victory in the non-conference gme. (Photo by AI Carter) BUSINESS DIRECTORY TV Service ' ! Floor Coverings • Radio- TV • Linoleum • PhOnographs • Tile • CB 2:way radio • Carpeting LEROY'S TV SERVICE • Formica Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 REX FLOOR COVERING Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 flre Service ..... I • New - Goodrich • Recapping • TJeed I OK RUBBER WELDERS Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 Radiator Repair i Boiling out i _SO!derilg zew eor BOON$ PLUMBING HEATING, SHEET METAL 623 S. 1st. Ph. 426-3483 m i Electrical " • Fatrbanks-Morse Pumps Florist North ........................... 1 1 88 86 VVesl ............................ 1 1 76 87 Shelt, on ........................ 0 1 38 57 South ......................... 0 1 34 ,15 Central ........................ 0 1 46 51 Game Ro Far Nol*tl 51, Central 46. Port Angele 53, West 36. East 57. ShelLon 38. West t0. North 37. Port Angeles 45. South 34. By l)tlllly Vagner ShelLeD Junior Varsity basket- eers have run up a three game los: ing streak after being nipped by the Olympia Cubs, 40-39, Friday night and slaughtered by East Bremerton Saturday ,night, 57-38, Friday night the Little Climb- ers trekked to Olympia to re- venge the defeat opening the sea- son. After one period which f9und the Cubs with a ten point Ifiaz .... gin of 11-1. the Little Climbers rallied for 19 points to make the score 21-20 at the half. Shel- ton then gained a four point mar- gin by the end of the third period of play, leaving, the score 33-29 Olympia made a last quarter splnrge gaining the triumph by a close 40-39 score. The losers continued their poor shooting as they hit 0nly 13 of 45 from the floor wiile managing 13 out of 19 from the charity line. East Bremerton continued the Little Climber losing streak by tromping them 57-38. The Little 18 point spree. After the intermis- sion the Knights and the Little Climbers played to an even pace a tbirdquarter margin of 37-25. In the tidal period the victors poured in 20 points while the home team OI,VMPIA 4(1 SIIEI,TON 39 3arber 7 f Clary 1 Kent 2 f Rlchards )avis 11 c LaBissoniere 2 Leach 10 g Anderson 5 Padgctt 2 g Barnes 11 Knights willie Floyd Barnes was Iflgh against the Cubs get:Ling ele- ven counters. The Little Climbers hit 15 out of 47 from the floor while hitting 8 for 23 from the foul line. EAST 57 SllELTON 38 Henry 4 f Richards 2 Windal 7 f Clary 5 Kennedy 5 c Kelly 3 Fisher 4 g Villines 6 Busby g Anderson 9 Subs: Olympia .- Kern 5, Bailey Subs: Shelton--.Barnes 5, La- 3, Backman. ShelLeD .... Kelly 8, Bissoniere 6. Kadoun 2, Brickert Kadoun 6. Brickert 4, Villines 2, 1, Carte. East; ...... Johnston 9, Bailey. Gibson 9. Strachen 14, Moe 3, Score by Quarters Slate 2, Berteaux. Huguenls. Olympia 1.1 9 13 740 East .................... 10 18 9 2057 ShelLeD 1 20 9 10--39 ShelLeD .............. 9 9 7 13-38 JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS FROM GREETING DRAWN BY TAMI MASON Prices Effective DEC. 20-21-22-24 Right to limit. Made The Good Old Fashioned Wayl TURK YS BONELESS HAM Fiesta or Holiday, Ia € IIJ' Fully Cooked Ib ]ff HORM, EL--;'Ib: tin- --$1791 BONELESS TOP ROUND STEAK 2 Chc 89* CANNED , • "1 Shipped In Heated Trucks! The very best 53 ¢ 4 to 6 LB. Avg. LB. i H i i im i i SHURFRESH  303s G*RANBERRIES Whole or Stra,ned 5/$1 Grand with Ham .......... ALUMINUM F01L Re.o,ds hea duty 25-,t. ro,, .................... 59* MAYONNAISE STUFFING ............ " 49 Iila ,-o. pkg ........................... ' SHUR-FRESH ROLLS BROWN 'N SERVE White or 3/99 € half & half, Doz. STUFFING BREAD SHOR-RS. 22,+0. ........................... 33  BEST FOODS "THE WHOLE EGG MAYONNAISE" 32-OUNCE JAR "SHORTENING SNOW DRIFT "SNOWY WHITE" All Vegetable LETTUCE Crisp Full Heads, 2/29' Extra Large ........................................... EACH RADISHES or GREEH OHIOH$ .ore S0 YAHS Fancy 4/39' California .................................................................... LB, bIIRIIDI;IIIIIII: Ripe 'N Red .................... LB. PKG. EUPEROR GRAPES "°°' c.,,,..o,. , , / , Fruit ........................ LB. 2/45* 2/25' At Serve-U you'll find a host of holiday items: Dates, Mixed Nuts, Oranges, Tangerines, Romaine, and Brussels Sprouts. 3-LB. TiNS 9) EVAP MILK FANOY HARD MIX o .... i i BUTT R " °"'" ' $1 CHOC. DROPS DARIGOLD € , E ee o. oo. 39' o. oo.00 1-LB. POUND Powell converted three of to be the only High- who would connect at the line,, e Clhnbers did an effective of holding down Ed Rogel, da's -2 centg( who caused so much t)ffuble the wee wlen he made 27 during ars 55-42 success. This time lied 14.. lineupsi ' [PIA' 43 , SHELTON 4i kN CARLSON n "9 f Powell 9 Bordeaux School fth'l f S. Smith 8 1 c Goodpaster 4 PRICALLY s g moan 0 t, ': g Carte 6 a 2/Hazelrigg 2, Lamp, Fle- Shelton --- err 2, Walker 2, EBB, secretary; 't, Jeffery. D A N i E L$O N, manaG ., ScOre by Quarters 13 13 10 ?.-=43 9 10 8 14--41 • Electric Heating • Planto . . Westinghouse Appliance for all occasions OPEN FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 5/1 '°"°'*' 419 Railroad Ph. 42G-d283 • Flowers , , , , Shur-Fresh $ SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. EVERGREEN FLORISTS ' Fancy ,' 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 ' 10-oz. pkg. i Dr'lllgHl:no Ilypo-/llergie'" cosmetlea [ . 3/'1 ]I'I • Prescrtptloasmeticaa Rubistetn co.- Allt4) lal!IS ..xoo.,o..,,.,,.o MINCE or PUHPKIN PIE ............... ............. I NELL'S PHARMACY JiM PAULEY, INC. H • FOR FESTIVE SNACKS € i Pri ing ' " Draperms ,, N,B,G, RITZ GRAGKERS 16-o= ............................................... 39 l Quality Work • custom made p White or Assorted € o're estimates SCOTT FAMILY NA KINS °oct ................................. 2/25 of All Kinds . • NOrk guaranteed • THE JOURNAL J.C. PENNEY CO. 227 Cota Phone 426-4412 305 RR Ave, Ph. 426-828 ............ ' ..... ---- i i= 3 sieve PEAS whole BABY BEETS Fr. sliced GRNEN BEANS 5/'1 16-OZ. TINS ................ cream style CORN whole kernel CORN 6/'1 16-OZ. TINS ................ i ...... . ,, . _ PHILADELPHIA I CIEAM CHEESE I 8-OUNCE Jlll € I PACKAGE ..............  | , A , , ,,__1 OPEN Les Joslin '/DAYS WEEKLY, 1 mile NrtR;;d;port UNIQUE GIFTS FOR L,... AcCI........L.. DRIFTWOOD -- SHELLS -- CERAMICS -- RUSTIC SIGNS We ship them Anywhere or You 16276UMMIT DRIVE • PHONE 426-6373' THE KEY TO SECURITY, Star Route 1, Box 34, Hoodsport Phone 877-5421 i i i i