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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 22 SLTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAT;- Published in "Ghrstmastown, U.S.A.," SheKon. Washington &apos; Thursday, December 20, 19{ i i i i [sday: December 2 Real Estate Phone .t26-3034. P/12-13-20. h(!rcby calls for sealctl l)iu# or tile. Live cleaning. Lunlbernum's lVlerc.antilc aeighbors aed frie.ds ,n ,,ur ,,- Pets, stock Company. 12/20 cent sorrow wtll always relllain with us as a pre('loos ttlOttl(,l',')'. Our tPREE PiIPPIES availabh'. Six weeks I)II2Gi}STED with inferior transistor sincere thanks and gratitude for all old Ior Clu'ishnas. Phone 426-6660. radios? Unsurpassed Sony performs those comforting act.% J 12/20 where others fail, Reduced prices, Kermit Thomas Custom aligned and uaranteed. TO (lIVE i{wa;--7--veik--old--l)0bei:ian g Mr. and Mrs. Erling Olst.n t)Ul)Pies. Will make good Christtoas t?omponent HI Fi, $98• Clu?ster's and Sous, 12/20 Radio & T. V. 426-3743. 12/6-2/7 gilts. ,t26-8355. G 12/13-20 Wanted Hay & Feeds WILL DO babysitting in my home.. Fcnccd yard. 426-4617. D 11/29 tin Bfi-BY--S-ITING-Z--iY--fiohTd-a(-tlie HAYMatlock.for sah!.Phone$25 26-8781.e1" ton. Ralphc 12/13-1/3C°°k' Union-Skokomish junction. Hour, day or week. 426-289;• B11-ltfn -- i , EXCEPTIONAl a & VALUES i la(:e," sei)allate dinin en with eating spa  bedrooms downstai • lete th, two larl ......  '*-" upstairs with ( ....... .... ', ...... __..,falll basement will1 1 For Sale For Sale., , For, Sale ....... ,, For Rent ,- I Miscellaneous Lost and Found Legal Publications Legal..PubnS .lo, t,..._......_ . l,O,)m, .urro. .FEED your teathrcd friends this TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. FOR SAlAC--Stewing or roastin/4- hells C, ALI ......... ' .... ")N' winter, wild third £ecd front Shelton Ogden• 426-6156• and secluded. On A ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For LOST -th,hl-link bracelet witih small NOTICE .OF BOND SALE ,t19500. 25e, live..126-8100. B 12/13-20 for rent. Heat, water and garbage expert painting and wall papering, chnin Ke, psake. Liberal reward. MARY M. KNIGIIT SCllOOb _1["' "J' ' ]-JSE'l:J'"i{f;}l- bhi:i(W }'ii / .]tle. -call furnished. Inquh'e 1119 Franklin, call Bennett Painting Company TRICT NO 311 MASON CO[JN'IYv . . a.e, .... Call 426-3089. D 12/30-1/3 Apt. 5. Phone 426-6496 B 10/18 tin 426-3248 B 11/8 tin ASlllNGTO .-8' '-i;1-iiY---G,-(i--i&,l-t'- e--ii:l:;h---Si;o-;s ""(he ffBE]SRlii:-diipie{}--r:ir-rei{{.-gr}g6-hiid ' ----(--Aiii)-i-17--APPiii,icih;rioN ......... 6 ENERAL OBLIGATION BOilIJz!'$]4,000 results of regular Bluc Lustre spot ut lty room. electric heat, water, The kindness tnd ,ymptt y ,,f €I2.00 lis home has follr 13 ,7 '-"' 011 one floor, two ( ., • *' ....... ,' " ',..)o,, scm County, Wasigngton, prop $t=it, _:. .,..cvra issue under date of December 1.,,  Kitchen v, lth lots its general obligation bonds la 7IS, large workshop, f i)rineipal sum of $130,000. 1. Lo(ated downtown, nora]nail  • , Said bonds wdl be m de )l(eek this one of $1 000 each. will be numbered t,---. ....... 1 to 130 inclusive, will bear intere$]t   " a rate of not to exceed 6% perATING DOLL HC num) a able semiannually on )1[1 ff'At'r rn¢ first days of June and Decemovt & " each year from date of issue, williES, home is brand m payable both principal and In r-erl;''- :-''re,t16 nat uWOOCI" IIOOl," " the office of tile Mason County *".t,." r.;,,,o . ...... surer in Shelton Washington alia l,!... . .v.,.,., uy,,,, mature in order of their, nunlb0r]J:('ollo )lh Lapin-cop stove, December 1 of each of the f rill]lily ii'F the cnpbourds, 2112 tn Marine-Hillcrest Hardware. s-LAti"7?)(JD--fSr s--l27"Yo'-u'--ha---l-u ".$-9"5"6 11/29 tin par cord, We haul $1.2.50 cord. gXYE--h--i:Gi:i'ii-z--fig'-iiN--bibr "fill:n: Le.ngth desired, Call 426-4363. Nlell $/I.49, 21") exposures, liroecsslng in- on Olympic I-Iiway So, Mac 10/11 tin eluded. Zlegler's Studm and Camera ....................................................... Sllop, 11/29 tin good working condition. (:all 426- 2'16 L El 2/20 We are open Sundays. Shelton Maxine Hillcrest Haxdware. 426-8162. 3129 t/n time to apply Mosslte from Gray- stone of Shelton. Free use of spread- er. Phone 426-6661. 4/10 fin fL--ffWL'-trX--SLti, service add tmppltea. John Rice. Phone 42fl-611). Free demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn trailers, boats, tampers. $198.50. $aeger Motor Shop. 426-460. 1217 tfn YCTKN-'-'PIT/M.P" more water a-- longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co. 419 Railroad. 3/16 t/n FOR SALE -- Wood, 16 inch and over. C-'H, B--'Lc-K---(Sp---L-7il'-jt Slab $12,50 a cord; Pole Wood Alder road and fill gravel, washed sand and Maple, $16 cord, 426-4867. and gravel, drainage gravel and pea S 9/6 tfn gravel for driveways. Norman An- MEMBrRSHIP in Shelton Golf Club• deraon, Phone 426-8552, John's Creek $500 valui for $75, Terms. 426-8649. Sand andGraveL Bayshore. 7/25 tfn B 415 tf BUY your Holiday flash globes now t'HILCO CONSOLE 21" TV for sale. and save. No. 5, Reg. 81.80, $1.59. Good pictm'e, $40, Call 426-3020. M-2, reg. $1,56, now $1,29. Ziegler's ....................................... S J2/20-'27 Studio and Camera Shop, FOIl SALE - Boy's Schwlnn bicycle. Z 11/29 tfn with at'.eessories 26" wlleels, good [V-6-1-SALE-Upright piano, in ex-c:: coudi]loa $35. Trunlpct w th case. lent condition, Terms or casll, Phone $60, Pimne 426-4563. Z 12/20 Union 898-2263. E 12/13-20 pulleys aria shafts. All types sift- years old, $80 or lraae, ill on 10 vage, Shelton Junk Co., First and spee.d racer. Phone 426-4823. Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 ten 1 12/6 tfn O--R"L.a-rgo eelectlon-' "r- NEW SPEED QUEEN automatic clee- coaditloned ranges, refrigerators, trio dryer, 3 drying temperatures, 2- washers, drTers. Eells & Valley A year parts guarantee, $163 at Lem Pllanee center. 6/6 tfn Wavr0n Refrigeration, 2nd & Cota. o:, 205 Cots St., phone 426- 4802. 211 tfn THE BEST USED FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 40" Ehmtrie rangre, per- feet, like new ............... $89.50 Large Frigidaire refrig- ]2/6 tin T-A-'P'PA'R:,n -o d'o) fin g your kitchen or building it new hen'm, you owe it to yoLIrSfi]i* to sce and price tile new TAPPAN built-in ovens and surface units. Six colors to choose from, prh:es to suit+ any budget. Terms avaihlble. Lcm Warren Ro.frlgeration. 12/6 tin Fence screens to go at 3(]q/r €)1"1" while. they last Oraystone of Shelton, 7th al,d Park. 12/6-20 C'iKi, T JX--d fKiT.,-'--., "-//,l f - i.ii8/" fertiliz+,rs, l:uY two sacks, your second sack al bali f)riec Three bags for I.h(! price of tw G 'ayston¢ of EMERSON TV ana stereo. See them at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cota St. 4/12 tfn stamps for sale at the Journal, $1,25 .__c_h=2 we..Cg_ta- ......... /!g_" TRADE your old camera m on a new Zeiss 35ram automatic at our new ............................................................. discount pre. Reduced from $132,50 FOR SALE--Ski rack. uscd one st, a- to 899.50. Ldmitod ume only. Ziegler's son, cut down to fit Corvair. $10. Camera Shop. 6/28 ,.Zn 426-8469. W 12/6 tin Arcadia, 426-4378. V 8€t6 t.fn and fireplace wood $14.00 cord. Ph, I-G+JR--U+I-iC--+-:7,-{+I--: 426-3010 after 6 p.m. F 7/19 tin ing machine repossessed wtth full 7Jb-0'LD-Z-'OiT'IJSE- a monthly charge balance due of ooly 843.50. Want account on food? Below retail prices, responsible party to assume balance free home deliwa.y, no gimmicks, no at only $5,00 per month. Machine ntgt prlces. Uncondltional guaran- will zig-zag, overcast, sew on but- tee to satiffy you. Olympia 943-3720. tons, malce buttonholes, all without Dll-ltIn attachments, Guaranteed. For further SifE--'O-0t--VIiE--'st+oc-K)-f'"+firepilice information call Olympia 352-8551, equiI)roent. From fireglow to Frank- ._anytime. 11-ltfn lm stoves, grates to glass doors. Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. All. View. 11/15 tin PYLON  I--()T- CRACK, chip or peel. Pemlanent finish and sealer, does not discolor with age. See _G_raystone. 5]25 tfn DUTCH BOY PAINTS -- We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine. Hlllcrest Hardware. 428163. 3/29 tfn Q-IEENEST--LWN-'ih i block. Use Galbraith Golf Green. Grayatone of Shslton. 426-6661. 4/19 tfn FOR- SALE--Hand-made--gift items. Phone 426-6129. Mrs. A. O. Charlson, 11/29 tin Pb-L-X+f/(5I'V "ciiie]'-+iiii h - K i  reduced up to 25%. Buy now SAVE. Zlegler's Studio and Camera Shop. 11/29 tin ,-ZXiSbKK-Si+;K-Stiin iind-'i;ai'nid'-}irh your best buy at Shclton Electric Co. your best buy. 12/13 tin nlounteu 7:50x14 snow tires and chains. Also 4 matching tires suit- able for recap. Call 426-3225. A 1Z/13 tin RO&DMASTER bicycle 24 in., gout1 condition, $20. Pilone after 4 p,m., 426-8287, M 12/13-20 120 BASS accord]us to trade for good hay. Also duplex for sale or trade. Phone 426-3169. B 12/13-27 gi'iTEg --gfYi515" [h-+C]Ti7 -E f K-KdW:--$18. lhole 426-8260. Zl/23 tln Sporting Goods EVINRUDE SAL¢ and semlce. We are open Sun@ays. Shelton Marine Hillerest Hardware. 426-8163. garbage furnished 426-8150. N 11/22 tin LAWTON APARTMENTS. Bachelor unit Ideal for single me or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All untllities furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 12/4 tin EO-OD APARTMENTS -- bleer- ful ene aud two bedroom furnished apartments, lots of closets. Near Shelton Airport and prison site. phone_. 426-3772, S 10/11 tfn FOR RENT -- Ree Apt. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage,yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4686 or 426- 4836. D 8/29 tn 3-BEDROOM home in nice tea-idOl dl&trict. References please. Also two. earoom country home 11 miles out tn Dayton area, $35, Inquire 526 Franklin. B 11/29 tin SMALL-m)dern cottage, rent fre'-in e);ehtmgc for maintenance work. Ideal for couple or bachelor. No children, Call 426-2420 after 7 p.m, D 11/22 tin CLEAN, comfortable, one and two bed- room furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. Heat, elec- tricity, water, garbage collection in- cluded in low weekly or monthly winter rates. Mill Creek Motel• Call 426-4420. 9/6 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tfn i-'g-R--Go M BtNG-A-L-6WT---)--gT£- ide, $45 per month. Phone 426-4475 days, 426-6692 evenings. S 10/4 tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished h-¢u.e--f rent. Phone 426-4644. S 10/25 tin CLEAN. one-bedroom house, part fur- nished. $40. 426-2081. B 12/6 tin RENTAL '+Qb-I-P'ME N T UtIAIN SAWS, Rotary Lawn Mowers, Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers, Floor Waxers and Polishes, Wheel Barrows, Electric Saws, Electric Drills, Saber Saws, Sanders, Exten- sion Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe Wrenehet. Shelton Mm4ne Supply, 426-8163. 617 tfn I°URNISttED modern ai)t., close Io town. Water and heal furnished, Phone .126--1481 or 426-4895. 12/I3 tin furnishPd, 1619 Adams. S 12/13 tfa i:qi'];aT, i:K-ti;fi,. .4i,-:K--d}751;-i5 BABYSITTING WANTED -- Will care for children in my home. Daytime Reasonable. Close to school Call 426-8537 C 11/8 tin TR-i&,-I-S" TOPPED, trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4828. 2/13 tfn ,rANTED--A ride to Bainicr School Friday, Dee. 21st Will pay gas. 426-6991. Ehmva Frazier. Ft" 12/20 SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth- ing. All work guaranteed, Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotte. phone 426-2433. 3/8 tfn think it can't .be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn LADY WANTS WORK by hour or day. Has own electric scrubber. 426- 4378. V 8/16 tfn H'OUSE TRAILER towing anywhere in state. Phone FL 7-5358 or FL 2-4940. /-NP'- -- 1000 rec-appable--tir, es. OK Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tfn Robert Slumate, Olympm. 9/20 tin ii / WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 HAND SAWS ] & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 2/8 tn ALFALFA DAIRY HAY Fine stemmed, soft, leafy, green, 2700 tons, first, seconl and third cuttings. Also tops, bottoms and feeder hay, delivered anywhere lead lots only. Call collect evenings SU 1-2180, George, Wash. If no answer call OL 9-2003, Marysville, Wash, i .,i i Real Estate 20-ACRE ranch for sale or leasc. 6- room housc, lmrtly furnished. Spring water, wood for beat. Call 426-64,t6. Mc 12/20 tfn TWO-bedroonl. partly furnished sub- urban heine for salt- • or lease. Phouo ___.26-4147_- ................ s )2_/-o.o_tt_a FOR SALE OR TRADE for water- front: newly painted, remodeled two bedroom, large baekyard, trees, con- venient to stm'es and highway. Phone 426-3240 evenings. R11-ltfn MUST SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hill- crest home, furnished or unfurn- ished, large garage, corner lot, close to school and stores• Must move. Will sell at real bargains. Phone 426- 8549 afternoons or eveningS. M 12/14 tfn BECAUSE OF DEATH in family, am forced to sell lncolne property. Also four large cleared lots. 426-3477. Call evemngs. A 10/18 tin SALE -- Large bedroom, livingroom, dining, carpet, drapes. Small down payment furnished or not. Phone 426-4336. C 8/2 tfn NEW HOME -- Excellent downtown location, three bedrooms, 2A baths, panelled living room, R. H.Keenan, 2nd and Birch• K 6/21 tfn crater ............................... $135.00 Shelton, 7th & Park. 12/6-20 3/29 tin .md freezer . ............... $135,00 pbone 42b-4,,2. S 12/6-20 ment' at Waits Marine Supply, on G.E+ auto. washer and dryer ................... $150.00 17" Zenith portable .......... $79.5{) 21" Zenith table model. ew picture tube ....... $99.50 21" Mahogany console .... $59.50 21" Zenith table model .... $59.50 21" Silvertone Console, .......... $59.50 LOtl}+ge chair arid otroman ......................... $60.00 DanvenporL and chair ........ $60.0{) Rocker .......................... $35,00 Dinett.e set .......... $45.00 Daverm & nlatching chair .. $45.00 Automalie wood heater, like new ............................ $95.00 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cota St. 426-4702 B ]2/2(} I/3 i:,T;//:iib" i:i;:;.i:ETii-i,ih i--2 'I;E:/F-XS:s ]leifrs. Hvr(,l*ord ow :llld (:+),l f. 14"lqdct + ('a}ve,q. Weanel. pigs. I)]ow, disc. fartl 'al2.oil. 1)'N+!(i hath s't. Ph(,n. 426-8243. (3 12/20 Io()R SALE---3-yr, old size Pattl-illay. pal doll. ike new. Call 42(9-8489 be- ['l)l'(  ,it)ell el' a[t4'r 5:30. S 12/20 (;37ii,q;i-"I{iXST'REES-Z-Ciit- rour ¢)wn Used Cars ()r we'll CUt. Reasonab](, prlccs. Jolu i,aym(anl R()ulc 2. Box 176. 1929 MODEL A Coupc motor in good near l)it,n(:(,r sclloo]. 426-.1966. C+)mc tend tion, body fair. Best offer over ;d'h.)" 3:30 R 12/20. $150. 518 El]nor. W 10]11 tin I:fXi:iiii.7-Iffi-iTf(TiTiFs-d'n-gffCiTi= ij 5-8--- ii X lii-i!i L+ K - -X hshd 0i= - -S ik-ii 0-ti bte. 1t0" x .52 :z. World Boeks. IJD- wagon, new meier, good white wall llgl:qercd..(.;hair, Atl (,x(:e]lctll c,)ndi- tires, Jew gas bills, 1713 No: Madi- t-[,m. Ph<mo ,12(;-681! ('vcnings. son. 426-6665. L 11/29 tin WAX-+ib -i6i--'--''/VL-6N--iiiE transparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- bing, Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Graystona. 6125 tfn amazing, improved finish for floors und furniture that lasts and lasts and lasts, 5/25 tfn USED OARS 1.961 FMcon 2-dr. auto trans ............. $169S I,X)0 Ford Ranehwagon ..................... $1895 1960 Ford Falcon 4-dr. deluxe .......... $11. $4S tPim and automatic transmission 1959 Ford FMrlane ............................ $169'5 1959 Ford sedan V-8 4-dr .................... $'II ItlCll Automatic transmission 1957 Chevrolet 4-dr., r & h, ..................... $895 Automatic transmission. Extra incentive to buy before Dec. 31, ask us about our $40 - $20 - $10 divi- dend offer. 426-8231 Jim Pauley, Inc. Dealership -- 5th & Railroad Used Cars -- 4th & Cota St. GASH PAID FOR Good, Glean, Used Furniture H ' and Appliances. KELLYSF N T CA00L ' UR ITURE 421.004,, FOR DEPENDABLE I APPLIAHCE SERVICE " T ALL MAKES & MODELS CALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Lumbermen's Mercantile Go. 3rd and Railroad Phons 426.8211 (.'tlrch£Rers. No work r('quh'ed. I+(. ]. Box 32 H()o(ts|)()l't O,' l,hone 877-5306. W 12/13-20 beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- +(SrC-idCNT=:VBi;iidT-ioh'J,.-;l;?c= port TR 7-5244. 1119 tin tric boat partially furnished. Phone 1955 t;HEVItOIET VJ ton pick (U, clean, I)lyweod ('.alnl)er ou back. $615 casll. 213 Grove St, A1)t. 2. F ]2/6-20 1955 BUICK Cones 'tib}ii.-lil i'hallidil 3, good, tu'es good, ptdnt good, new Iof). $525. Pholl(: 42(i180|i;I af|t,F 5::0. II J2/]i tn l,'Olt ALE -- 1955 t'IU l(.'k C('ntury hard top. 1955 Ford 6. Phooe "t2(]- 43,19. D 12/20 tin l';(')l-SAi.:lL::19)7"(Jli;;v:"-,l-'lo},r st a-t-io J { wagon. Pewter stcc |'ilhg. power br'lkes, aLltO, t i"a OSl IllSH(.) 10 n, LJndcr 45,090 mi. 8900. John Reblnall St. ['i. 1 Box 20 B, Union. R 12/20 tin i;7;JTXE--i;F-di;-i7 Ki;;.,q' - oK-'-. 1947 Pontiac. 7 tires and wheel. Now clutch, upholstery like new. Vahw $300. Pllonc 426-4908. C 12/20 19,19 STUDEBAKEr)., J fi ton tlniek. Phone 426-2204. M 12/13 till MAKE (1t+'11']C]! 1951 Ply)noulll, ,n top sliape, Rubber good. New pahlt jr)b. ! D,:,an Dowell..126-6,t13 D J2/13-20 For Rent FOR RENT  Large two-bedroom, heated apartment. Close in. Call 426-6283. S 10/18 tin house, water and garbage furnished, Phone 42(I-8150, N 5/25 tin heated apartment. Adults only, In- quire 311 No. First, phone 426°3025. P 6/28 tfn RENT A TELEVISION SET AT OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cota Ph. 426-4702 426-3134. H 12/20 tin FURNISHEDAPAiTMENT avallable at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn bILgO, ,qew*q'. Wa|er. un/urlliSllcd, $60. Sl)clal rales JOY (,Iderly WOll'lall 426- 3575 J 12 1 ........ - ........... / 3 tin. ]fOR It]NT -Z--b6b.-t{tifk-iti-;fi: ;lit heine, newly redecorated. Will rent with option to buy. Owner '126-8132. ........... Rll-ltfn Convenient to mills and downtown stores. CRy sewer and water. At Idghway bridge.' S 4/4 tin vileges, lor rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426-3487 R 4/19 tfu you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments now available by day. week or month. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 7/t6 • tin APARTMENT for rent, one bl-k" "fl;iill downtown. Laundry and utilities furnished, except lights. Phone 426- 2461 or 426-3288• B 8-9 tfn FOR RENTo}" Sale'-Lal;ge one-bed- room house, close to school, fenced yard. Phone 426-2259. S 4/26 tin stairs apartment. Ceraznlc tile 'kit- chen and hath. Anlple closets. Phone 426-6424 after 5 p.m. J 7/19 tin FOUR-ROOM furnisled apartment for rent. Call 426-6345, S 8/$0 tin 1,o-FK R--ENa]7ou-'K iiii 7!i 2169, B ]2/13-20 I FOR RENT 22 BEDROOMS: Yes, 21/2 bedrOoms large living room, dining, kitchen and utility. workshop area, too! Close to grade school, $55 per month. Call 426-8277. EXTRA-NICE large 2 bedroom apartment, ground floor, down. town. Call 426-8277, Waterfront Realty 317 Railroad usma FUINITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE Home l%rnishings -- 2nd Floor Eells & Valley Appliance Genler Your Washer.Dryer Headquaders Always Ihe best deal, by George! at Eells & Valley Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tin ,i BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 t.fn ii i i i lU Classified Service McCULLOCH SALES and Service. We are open Sundays. Sl)elton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn fi-Kg-- O-N--W f 17,L-- S P-R- Y-[ -E x t  F l'di" and interior, Free estimates. Work aranteed, Bennett Painting Co. one 426-3248, 5/10 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool £nsula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn Z A-Xb'5-gN- gMT, g$%ihiK se:VfS7 -W- are open Sunday. Shelton Marine. Hlllcrest Hardware, 426-8163. 3/29 tin FURNACE CLEANING repalrUag, In- stallations, oil conversions, Shelton Furnace Co.. 321 So. Third. Dial 426- 6121, 5/1 tin and general mason work, Call Hodgsons first! Phone 426-6844. POR SASE -- Duplex 84128 with 10 lots, Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone 426-8150. N 7/23 tfn bI-eiI'EREb--B-¥--O-W--ER -- 3 bedroolr lshhnd Lake home. 50 ft. frontage° good dock. new 12 x 36 sundcck, fire- place, hardwood floor in living-dining area. Includes 50 ft. lot across .road. Reasonably pri}ed -- $10.800.06. Call 426-4603 betwecn 7 and 10 p.m. E 10/4 tin g A]L--iiii:5 iie7 "" d'erS'i;-- fii;71"s. - -Sh Cranberry Creek road. Large work shop. 5 inilcs from Shelton. School bus and mail at door, Phone 426- 8376. Mc 11/29 tin ffgiSYiU-di- ]i,;iise--i:i;{,s-;ii i," 6 y- :o w n e r. Skokondsh Valley. Easy tel'ms. Call 426-4121. N 11/29-12/13 E XC ,q t'Ti (YN-:gL--i.i;-Z, h - i-;ii{ fi=.;7-2: btdroLHll bOlllc. 6 nlih.!s 1]'Jill town, 5 hlocks frluil uew Pioncer Consoli- daied schbol. .l acres wooded bord- ered by eve(*k. Cenlent fief/red ga- rage, Autoltlatic j{,1 water systclu. I:hmsc ah)ne worlh Lhc l)rice, $4,600, Term.. Troy W. Handlton Realty, HllSS EvallS. ago'Ill...t26-8775. t'-'/6 tin ............................. +H_6./+21+.tfn room--a possible fall-out shelter, EXPERT AUTO GLASS fnstallatlon. FOR SALE Superb view, top quality home on Angleside designed for spac- ious living. Panelled living room, dining room, kitchen with break- fast area, 2 bedrooms, den de- signed to double as third bed- room. 22 baths, utility room, double garage, enclosed storage Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/26 tfn I5+-IGE.Tc)-+'S and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Semilce, 1t15 Cots, phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn ,chimneys, planters, call R, E. Mason, 426-2278. . 3/1 tfn AIT-I'F iCiA-LE E -D-iiIG" -   c-e -  yen, and highly ciassified sires. Dairy. beef and charolats, 7.00, Pi- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, 426-2084. C 12/15 tin ............. "-Y:R6M E "-tUiiK .......... Garden rotovating, field plowing, well- aged older sawdust, pit-run gravel, Phone 426-3678, B 10/4 tfn aocurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn V;-Bff scrap Iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mill Streets. Phone 426.8626. S 4/7 tin DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone 426-6364 Moving Anywhere In Mason County 2 fireplaces--one in living and one in bedroom. Many builtins and carefully planned storage areas. Shown by appointment. Phone 426-6141 Saturday thru 'Tuesdays, 11/29 tin TRADI good tmuse in Skokmnish van h'y, erase to highway 101, for Christ- mas trcc or Umber land. .Phone 426-6084. R 11/8/ tin }'.a+2-Tt-U.E--WXTZR- O--N- hon,e. rcwY leqecorated, 7,cz acres. For J"l;,llt Y2 Owncr' Will hclp finance, I I . : 6-8132. Rll-ltfn NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long.lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or do-R- yourself With nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 G V 7/26 tn 2nd & Cota St. Phons 426-4663 3/2 tfn OrvMle "Dutch" Stanley, fully qualified by experience and special training, is now handling our service work-on television and radio repair and maintenance. Having at- tended RCA coor-television school hc is qualified in this special field also. EELLS and VALLEY APPLIANCE CEHTER Your sales center for RCA color TV, black and white TV, table model and transistor radios, stereo and 2nd and COTA STREET PHONE 426-4663 ShcMton Consolidated Scllool Dis- trio{ No. 309. ht:on. Washhlgton, r(!IIIoval or delnoliti(,n lllltl rt'lllO,'a! O[ t]lc huildings and/or I t I Ipt'(.)vel t £:11 (s s i t u a t e d on Lot : 8, Bloel 11, David Shelton's Second Adddition tu tim City t)f ShcLton, Mason County, Washington. IMds will he received by the District tit the office of Laura T. Murphy, Clerk, ill the, Evergreen Seheol. Simhon. Washington. until 8:00 p.m., January 8, 1963, at which tinll they .will be publicly opened,' read :th)ud and exanincd. BLds subnlltted alter 8:60 p.m, of January 8, 1963, will not bc coilsldcred. The propcrty which is the subject of tiffs call for bids includes one house and tWO OUt- buildings. The right to reject any or all bids, or parts thereof, and to waive any and all infornialities in thc fornl of bids • subnlitted, is hereby reserved. Specifications covering in detail the sul)ject ulatter Of this Call for Bids are on file In the office of the Clerk of tit Board and are subyect to pub- lic exanflnation during office hours and copies thereof will be furnished to interested persons on request. By order of tile Board of Directors of Stlelton Consolidated School Dis- trict No. 3091 Shelton, Mason County, Washington, December 11, 1962. Signed: LAURA T. MU'RPHY, Clerk of the Board 12/20-27-1/3 31 No. 3364 NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL REI'ORT AND PETITION 'FOR I)ISTItlBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, In the Matter of tile Estate of VIO- LET M. PROBERT, Deceased. Gary L. Probert, Executor of said Estate. has filed with said Court Iris final report and i)etition for dis- tribution, asking the Court to settle "said report, distribute, the property to tht persons thereto entitled and to dischargc said Executor. Said report and petition will be he.ard on the i 18th day of January. 1963, at 10 A.M. in the Courtrooul of said Com't, In the County Courthouse at She[ton, V/ash- ington, Dated this 17th day of December, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of tlm Superior Court; By TECKLA VERMILLION Deputy Clerk, Robert L. Snyder Attorncy-at-law 125 North Fifth Slleltou, Washington 12/20-27 1/3-10 4t NO, 3362 NO'/'ICE OF HEAItlNG FINAL Ri';PORT AND PETITION ]!'()It I)ISTBIBUT]ON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE' OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matte'r of the Estate of C. F, ZENTNER. Deceased, Violet Zentner, Executrix of said Es- tate. has filed witb said .Court her l'iaal r(q)ort t,ntl p(:tition for distribu- tion, asking' the Oourt to settle said roper[, distribute the prbet'ty 'totlCte l)ersons thereto entitled and to dis- charge said Executrix. Said rel)ort and and l)etition will be heard on the 11th day of January, 1963, at 10 A.M. ill the Courtroom of said Court, in the Couniy Co'drtbouse at Shelton. Wash- ington. Dated this 11th day of Deceulber. ]962. HARRY DEYETTE, Ch!rk of the Supe)'i,o' Court. l:,'y ' TECKLA VERMILLION, Del)ut y Clerk. BOBERT L. SNYDER, Ath)rney at Law 1251/2 North 5th 12/13-20-27-1/3 -It No. 3359 NOTICE OF tlEARING FINAL ltEI'ORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPER'OR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON (OUNTY. Ia the Matter of the Estate of LULA M. JONES, Deceased. Ada C. Clothb:r• Executrix ef said Estate. has filed .with said Com't bet final rep(wt and petition for distribu- lion. asking the Court to settle said report, dbtribute tim property to thc pers,m.s thcre to entitled and to dl- charged mud Executrix. Said report and pc]it]on will be beard on the 181h day of January, 1963, at 10 A.M. in Ibe Courtroom of said Court, in tilt: CoLI)lty Courtb<use st Shelten, W ash- illgtoa. i);Ited ]]li 17th (lay of December, 1962. HARRY DEYTTE, Clerk of the Superior Court. l,)l)crl L, Snyder At[ol'I+t('y-at -law 125 L:: J01'lh Fifth Sbclton, Washington 12/20-27 1/3-10 .it ............................. U.S. Treasury,Departnieat .... Internal Re've}luc Service N(ITICt:. OF SEALED BID SALR December 20th, 1962 Pursuant to authority contained tn Section 6331 of tim Internal Revenue Codv. tile ft)liowlng described property has boca seized for nonpayment of dcliuquellt tnt.ernal re.venue taxes due l'rot Shelton Hotel Co., 101 Railroad Ace.; Shelton, Washington. The property will be sold in as- cotdance with the provisions: of Sec- ( ion 6:-135 of t)l¢ Internal Revenue. Code dud ]he regulat[en8 thereunder st public sale umier sealed bids which will be opened on the 15tb day <if January, 1963, at 11:0(} A.M. at Room 111; 1()07 S. Washhlgton, Olympia Wa.htngt on, , Item or Group No, Dcscrit)tion of Property: Gpoul) No. ]: 25 full bottles (fifths) (,f liquor and .!7 part filh:d bottles if]film) of liquor; 22 24-oz. bottlcs and 1 gal. Ct):',) Cola. 30 bottles of ginger ale and Q lill ne Water 19 tans fruit iuice; 1 (al. fountain syrup 1 Gill. chm)wr. 2 Gala. Tom 2ollins Mix, Groul) No. 2: 11 fun bo[tles and 7 I,m'( filh,d b()ttles wine; 18'/z cases I)OI I led beer : Ill isc.el I anet)Ll items, d l'llgt.h (alldy, I))ll n tits, gUlll, . eigal's,' ' etc. Groul No. 3: I Tyler Reach in hold box. r*!frigoratcd: 1 Toastmasler Bun 'Warllll,r t drll'WCl.. | (.]as Tosster Ser, No. 3-19i7, 1 Potat.u Pvelcr {Navy U,"cd). The .':('ized l/ropcr(y will be ofrcrcd ['OF Stilt! .tlS gl'OUpS of itelns. Oni.v the right, lille, and interest -f Shelf(o/ Hotel Co. in and te the I)rnt)Clly i ot'Icred for sfllP. Pr t),,q),!('t ix'o biddt!rs a)'c reqtieste(1 hi write of c:-dl in t)erse]l ltl lll( of- fire. (if Ill(, Distriel Dh'eclor at Room I11, 1007 So, WashingLon St., Olylnpia, Wllshintton ]'or: the purpose oi + secur- illt2 [llt(q'nd ]cVellUC Service il'orlu ":222. ';,,11,(1 Bid For Purchase t)f Seiz,'d Fh'ol)(!)'ly, anti i'()r Infornultlon O,)lp.t,l'niuI4 ll.:D(,(,liOll oi Tilt! ])rof)el'tY. Ili<(:-'. 111usl i)e :;ub)uitted (I 'ectly te V,!I'I (). li')'.\\; '. 10<)7 S. Iv'ashillgt,)a. ()]Vt)lpiL \\;V:lsh.. pri<)l' h) Ihe lhnc So|. foi' ()I),'llill'r Ih(' bids. tHJs lllust bP ;t(('ll)ll);llllCd ])3" lhc |'till :),lloLnlt of the hid if the h)tal i)i(l ix $200 or less. f ill,' (l)l hid i move then $200. 20% ()I ,hi' hid or 8200..whfehcv(,r is great' t'l', tllU.l I.)t, subndticd thercwith. Plylllellt ]it full LIpOll acccptan(,s ¢)f th(' }ligll,st bid, paylllent to b(' llht(Ic by Cash, Certified or Cashier's or Trcamn'ers check drawn (in ally ]):lilk t)r lrosI] CO. incorporaled under the b,ws ef the 1hfihd States or State ,v by U.S. Pustai Memey Order. Checks ()1' OllC,V orders to b(! llladc 1)ayable tt, ]uternal t{evt.nue Sclvice. NI+JAL S, WARREN, (District Dir,,etor of Internal Revcnue) By VERL O. FRY, (Revenue Officer)' 12/20 ' it years: Year Amoi Year Amannt 1964 $5,000 1974 $-;! 1965 $5,000 1975 .' 1966 $5,000 176 'i 1967 $5,000 1977 $1, 1968 $5,000 1978 Slim 1969 $5,000 1979 $i.05 1970 $5.060 1988 $10, 1971 $5,000 1981 $10,. 1972 $5.000 1982  1973 $5,000 Coun:evs three bedroo and a half, ceralnic t ght, fixtures in ever mike.and lawn are with lots of storag lli.g.'t.'or $14,650. z,. RY ONE DREAMS ( ME LIKE THIS! The School district has resCl'0d:! Ill' d/'ive np a mrcula right to redeenl any or all of the,° standing bonds of fills issueat lt whioh is surrounds inverse numerical order on ahY,U ful, :private, woode est payment date on and after .... ttii excellent view. Fi years from date of issue. . 0dUnd this spacious hc Tile sehool district as authorlZ .i= ' law, vote of the qualified elector$ ', ill' town. Massiv{ resolutions of its Board of Dirm'fn*'n! ., ........ room, amy and regularly adopted llaS,i....i'^ ÷^dining vocable pledged that it will )naRS'-i[ "-au-uP counters v num ,ex,,es of taxes without lilaitS!a. ' tile .,floor, panelled as to rate or amount upon alutllTlaorta!lt rnan of th perty in thc school district toii9, r°Llsly planned bedro( taxation in amounts sufficient ot ilete •baths. Master t the principal of and interest bonds of this issue as the same -to-care-for tiled rio( beconle due. fed fixtures, shower. Notice is further given that S e bids for the purcbase of said D will be received by the TreasUi'er, Mason County, Washington, ann: directors or the school distriet st• office of said County TreaS.U, in the Ct)unty Courthouse in Sh02 Washington, nnlil 2:00 o'clock i PatAh(. Standard Time on th "l day of January, ]963, at wllicll t IS on one floor, balco: rt on living room. Grs ,hall to a circular i: basement. This he ; featut:es that wet el"to describe, so cal llntment. bids will be publicly opcned bJ, :NNED FOR Treasurer and said Board of w tors. , ,|0RTANT PEOPLE .. Eaeb bid snbmitted shsli lU.ovtd-=iree bedrooms, fun-fill in. payment of accued interest to .L[ of delivery and sball specil'y einroom off kitchen so (a) the lowest rate or rates" of tntS,Wttch what is, going and premiunl above 1)av at wbtCU I living roonl with ph bidder will purchase said b0nd$;, (b) the lowesl rate or rates of i=a push button kitchen eat at whicll the bidder will pur.' .magical wonders 1 s0id bends at" par.  all Hotpoint applim p stove, refrigeratc One or ulore rates of Interest nla fixed for the bonds, wilicll rat0 rates nlust be ill nlultiple of one-MS (1/8) ,,)" one-lentil (1/10) of oa0 cent (l'/,) evidenced by a sinai02 pen for ) a( h s .qll annual int( rest I n mr, and n) rate may (xced s ii cent (6'c). All bonds "maturiilg same date must bear interest ? • ,alne rate, ' ' II is r('qu(st,;d thai ,'at'h bid stl the total interest cost ovcr the l,%re the bonds less the l)r(::nliulL If Sl and the net effective interest, rat0 ler, garbage disposl a all tiled, patio b er evening entert )0rt ith many featr t-size' workshop. Comc :L this home, for only <%'+,,, ANGLE AGENt such bid. ¢I All bids shall be sealed and; );ei+ till Estate- Ins that ,it' tile< State of Washingt01}, B  'Phone 426-8272 - lie acceml)ani,,.d by a del)osit"e tI' ' ),,r seat (5¢/,) t)}' the mn,,unt of, t i,i(I, eith ]' ill ,ash or hv (aslderSdi.._ .;. DANIELS ..... 'lified (:h,ck made "payable tod]0ALD' (Bean) DA Mason-County Treasurer for the'" ': '426-3434 dit of ti)e seht)ol district, wllicll*11 "' ntonnt or check will b(hreturne d! tO .lll _ bidder if the bid Is  ot aecepted'ls, 1he suceesft,I bidde,' shall fail or ; '.- ICCtboudsto (6mp]ete ,hi' purchase of fa,"/ within thirty (30) days. tl,,t;'.,R.m/' tile aeeel)tance of his bid, t le aln),,.:-.7: .... , ...... so deposited shall be forfeited to " sehool distriet. The school district reserves the to reject any and all to waive any irregularities The printed bonds and of Prestou, Tborgrimson. Starin & Ellis, bond Washington, epproh'ing tlm issuane, e of 1hose bonds furnished tl)e successful biddt expensc of llle school The cSstolnary signature t.ion and nonlitigation Col,it be ineluded iu the closing DATED at Shelten, 3rd day of Decetilber 1962. JOI-IN B. COLE ZISOII County Treasurer * 12/643,0. , • NOTICE OF IIEAR.ING. l,'rauu, hise Al)plleatlan No. 532 In the Matter of the '"' P.U.D. No, 3. Masou nit]pal corporatioa, for a ,,,,hstruct o,,e, ste and ,n+a,,, Our Friends power pole lhlc upon Primary State Highw Mason County. Wa.b.lngton.. "l WHEREAS, the Public Utll trtet No. 3. Masou Count you and yours corporatiou, has filed :,lrand wishes at Chri: ington State H|ghway under 1he provisions of R imay it be the extraordinary scssion, LaWS and Chapter 13, Laws of 1961 one you ever spen' plication for a franellise to (,perste and maintahl a line Ul)On a portion of p].imal Highway No. 9 in Mesor, Wasllint}ton. for a period live (25) ycars,'Itt thc cal i( )nt : Bcginnhlg at a, poiut on the erly side of Primht wsy N,). 9 (Olyul IIOW h)cat ed and offke ,d' the Dh'ector of,.Iti )it Olyn,pia, Washington. being on the sonth cot' of the City of al apl)roxiulate neev's Station 486- geaerally tbc east(rls to approx]nmte IleCl"S Stalion 411-}-30 !', of the NW 4 of Townshil) 20 North. Ran W.M., illonce Stai,e Highway No. with the existing polo w,sterly side, of ssid.hi NOW THEREFORE, HEREBY GIVEN TI)ai n hearhlg will be hcl appliesli,)n by the 1.-lig]lway Ct>oui)issiol) ttt i the highways-Licenses Btiil Ida. X¢as]linglon, OI1 tilt'< January, t96}1, at 1:60 <)r as'a, oon lhereafter as be had. Dated al Olylnl)ia, VasllJllgton' 30|h day of October, 1962. A r. A. BuGGE, . _..aye. Director of Hignw ,€ 12/13-0 "' I Y DUNI Wingard Bogrand Wate a