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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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arsday, December 20, 191 J Legal Publication.s NOTICE .OF BONI) SALE ,11 RY M. KNIGIIT SCIIOOL v (&apos;T NO. 311 MANON COUNJ ASllINGTON ENI,,'itAL OBLIGATION B0 D$ 1962 $130,000 dice is hereby given lhat Mal'Y4, ght Scbool Distriht No. 311,  County, Washington l)ropOSe$ e under date of Dec(,nt)er 1,' 1 a general obligation I)onds in cipal sum of $130.000. .id bonds will be in denemiIlatl' 1,000 each, will ie nl.llilbCred I[ 130 inclusive, will bear lnlere$t de of not to exceed 654 per I) imyable semiannually , days of June and Decelnu,e, year fronl date of issne, wi., tble both prlnell)al and mtel'eSL office, of the Mason County ql'I r in Shelton, Washington, and  are in order of their number miber 1. of each of the follow Amount Year Amo $5,000 1974 $ .,t $5,000 1975 $,t $5,000 1976 $10'- $5,000 1977 $10, $5.0( 1978 $10, $5.000 1979 $10, $5,00(i 1980 $10fl. $5.000 m81 $10,. $5,000 1982 stO! ° $5,0o0 . . " d ie School district has l.eScl'%'@ ,i t to redeem any or all of the 0, ding bonds of this issue at P, rsc numerical order on any.', ilaynleut date on and after [aday, December 20, 1962 Real Estate i|, i EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ;ATION IDEAL Its lovely hi)me is truly a faro- Large living room' with Lace, sel)arate dining roonL en with eating sl)ace, two bcdroonls downstairs with blete }atll, two large bed- )stairs with complete .U basemcnt with roonl for l;ioI1 l'()()|]/, Sit lTOllnded by land seeh|ded. On Anglesidc $19;500. i'v 1=o MOVE IN P$14,000 (is h(nile has follr l)cdroonis 011 Oll(¢ floor, two cornpletc ;"recre,qtion r(iom witil fire- k',liv, ing room, separate dining % kitchen with lots of cup- 'ds large w(wkshot), fenccd-it l, Located downtown, conic in Jhelk this one, HANTING DOLL HOUSE H ELEGANT DECOR IIs, home is brand new with nling hardwood floors, hand-. '" ,l:ii:ep!ace, dream kitchen <, table-top stove, natural kty iiVthe cupboards, formica eonners three bedrooms with and a half, ceramic tile, love- gh.t fixtures in every roonL alks' and lawn are in. Car- 9, v}itl' lots of storage space. !hiSe(or $14,650. i • IRV ONE DREAMS OF OME LIKE THIS] :0u drive up a cn'cutar dr,re- i:' which is surrounded by a !ful, private, wooded yard, ttil excellent view. Five acres s fro,o date of Issue. '" i 0t]nd. this spacious home, Eo- le school district am authori'ea vote of the qualified electors  t in town. Massive living [utions of its Board of Dirt i,iorml dining room, kitchen and regularly adopted has ir a.'larbi¢-top counters with cer- bly i)lcdged tllat it will nlake, levies of taxis without litnltaU h tile .floor, panelled dell for :) rate or amount upon ail the.Pr lportant man of the house. y in the school district subje¢t,i :0usts}-planned bedrooms, two tion in amounls sufficient to  principal of and iuterest oIl, fete •baths. Maste,' bath has Is (,f this issue as the same all! .to-care-for tiled floors, and me due. .,'ed fixtnres, shower. All bed- )tice is further given that se's,- 00aS on one floor, balcony looks for (be purchase of said er rt on living room. Gracitls en- be received by the Treasur ,][! )n County, Washington, and t ,hall to a circular stairway. 't()r, o the school district a ..;il ba,ement This hOlne has e of .aid Cou/lty Tre.asl0y .G,.,:,. s" that wotlld take tu; County Courtlmuse in Shet,L: xt:(..,. hingt(m, un(il 2:00 o'clock er'to describe, so call fill' tin fit: Standard Tbne on tile ftntlnent. of Jaauary, 1963. at which tl will bc liublMy ol, encd bi ;rNNED FOR .SlII'eF and said Board of eh bid sul)milted sludl i)rovide! pavnleat of accued Jntel;est to u hdlVery and shall Sl)ccil'y el :lie lowest rate or rates of inte' t l)l'elllillnl flhove par a.t wlllCII ev will i)llrellas( said bond.'t, the lowest rate or rates of IB2 tt wldcll the bidder will l)urC! bonds aL" liar. ., e o1' lnol'e rDtes Of interest |llli} 1 for ttte honds, wiiicii r'a; llitlst he ill ninltillle of ()nc- or one-hnlh (1/10) .f o ne (1(,) evidenced I)y a singl¢ f( 1' 'll('.h s(llliallnllal ilttereSt: , trlltl n ) •ate niay (x('e d wig (6/<), All bonds 'matmqng o{x ! date must bear all rate. ' qt is r,'(Itlesl,:d thai 'aC]l hid. illterest cost OX't 1' .tlie Ill . bonds less the t)renlimn, ;If s I tho.netbid effective inter,;st, ,.ate 0RTANT PEOPLE hree bedrooms, fun-filled fam- :room off kitchen so mother ';Watch what is, going on. For- living room with plush car- push button tdtchen is filled 1: .magical wonders that m- !e all Hotpoint appliances, ta- !ep stove, refrigerator, dish- her, gm'bage disposal. Two is all tiled, patio built for er evening I entertainment, )ort With mm y features and t-size workshop. Come and in- t this home, for only $23,5?0. Estate -- Insurance  Phone 426-8272 -- DICK SUE DANIELS (Bean) DANIELS '426-3434 r bids shall l)e sealed aad;e of ttm Stale (,f Wasllil]gto: ecolllllalliod [)y a (tel)osit (:()lit (SL;) ol tlw Illll,)llnl eltllel' ill (!ash of" I)y eas] ried cho('k made lmyal)le Ill "CouuL' Ti'esul'el" for t)f the s(•hlml district 11 or ('b(,ck will 1)e w it' the hid i:: n,t tueecsful bidder shall fail or lo ctmll)lele tbc t)ul'cllase of S within thirty (30) days tcee|)tallce of Ills bid Lq)osited sllsll be )1 dish'iet, [! school district l'esel'ves tile ject any and all bids live any c l)rinted bonds and tbo..o )I•estoll, TllorgTilllSOIl. n & Ellis. bond lillgtOll, !Pl)l'OVillg the issua nee or (bese bonds shed the successful biddel: lsc of tile s(hool district, :Y ClStOIIIaI',V sigllSltll'e an(l nonli|igalit)n eertt tehlded in the elosing TED at Shellon, lay ,if December 1912. JOHN B, COLE hason CoL|lily Tl'easuFer  216-13-20-" ................... :L2----- NO'.FICE OF IIEAR.ING. #11 i, hise Applleat on No. 532 Aell dl the Mallet of tim Appltcat°ilti I ....... ). No 3, Maslu County. a e;: . al eorporaliou, for a frane]n ',' '=" Our Friends... ary State Highwsv No. ' | ding you and yours loads .grand wishes at Christmas • and may it be the mer- est one you ever spent. A; • ROY DUNN n Cimnty. Wasl.tngton. pil IEREAS, the Public UtilitY.,Hli No. 3. Mason County, a Intll"l ration, has filed with the ',i01 n State Highway CO ilall, 1] ' the provisions of Cbaptt" :l ordi{ml'y session, LaWn 0f 1/'$'1 2]lal)tee 13. Laws of 1961, ai, tlc iou rof a [/'allellise to cOII.p0 tO a]ld IllSilltahl a p0WCt tl Lll}On a I)ortion o1' pi.JtnarV .,ilt] Rray NO. 9 hi Ias011 ' COBtJ ingtou, for a period )1" l:-l( (25) years, at Lhe foil( Wllh' ;inning" I1(. 1l, la)int t,n the, ' side of Pl'hlltll'y : No, 9 (Olyolpie z hwate(t aud t)f P('c()rl ce of the Di]'eetol' of, tti )lympia, Wasbingtou, si lg on the soutll eor he City of Shelhm, Was al)l)rOXllllal( r's Stalion 486+00, 111el evally southerly east 6' 3' s dt of Sl)l)ruximate HigllwsY r's Slalion 41#+30 of the NW /. of lnsllil) 20 North, ge d,, | hellCe c l'oss!l!  Hiahway No. 9 il the exisliag 1mid t,''y shte of said hi TItEREFORE, RIqBY GIVEN ( a bearing will bo beht ation hv the VlashlngtO ';I 3" CoalliliSioll at it ig'tlways-Li('.eaes /Va,biilgtOll, (m the 2 try, 19611, at 1:30 o'C "aJ,ion []Lel'eafLt!P a,S d. ill od al Olylul)ia, Vashlllgt011' lay 1,1' Och)h!l', 1962. r. A. BUGGIC. , ,r, m J)irector O1' HigllV.$.fl 12/13--  Wingard • Bogrand Legal Publications NO. 3407 NOTi('E TO CREI)ITOlt 1N TIIE SUP1,HIOR C()URT OF THE STATE (iF WASHINGTON I'OR MASON COUNTY (IN 1I.OI-]ATE). In the Malter ol • lht, c,nill)hl('d eshlle of Gli:OllGl,] RALSTIN an(l SNOV/ ADA t.ALSTIN aka. ADA RALST1N, L)o('e:isl'd. N(VP]C]_q IS HEREFIY (liVEN lhut till, tllldel'SigIled has heen al)pointed Olld has quaiifiod as Adlllillistl'a{lll" O1' Iho Eshih' lil• G('lil'ge Ralstin and Snow Alia I)dtls/hl. aka, Ads Rals(ill, (le- (•l'asod; liiAI all l)el'SOllS llltving' elIlilns ilgilillsl said (h,(.t,as(q| lll+t, htq'cby i'(:- quired hi Sl,l'Ve Ihp salile, dnly verified, lili th,, llndorsig'llOd l:Lvi'lin E. 'h'(hnia- hart oi' hi, illl(ll'llt,y of rel'orll IlL lhe atldl't,•s l,ehlw stated llll(I file the salne wilh Ihe Ch'rk id" lho s:ii,t Clllirt, tll- !:olher wilh I)i'(iof id' such servi(•e wilh- in six nhlnlhs aftei' tlie date of first i)tli)licalillll ()f this lll)lic(, i)l' ttlo salIlo will llo h3i'ro(t, /s/ IY£LON l'. Mc.CLANAHAN, .\\;dniinish'ator anll Atlorney Pro *,u 1;YRON E. MeCI,ANAHAN, Att,lrnl!y for Eshite ()l•l'icl  ali(I P-si ()ffiee A(]dl•oSs; ' MaHilii (]llllllly (iHIl'lhi)llse Sliclh m. W;isliingh)n, 12/1:t-20-27 3t ,€ HOOD GAHAL FOR SALE In Hoodsport -- real clean, two- bedroom home. Garage, patio, walking distance to stores, part- ly furnished. $7650 -- terms FOR LEASE Three bedroom, unfurnished, 17 acres, shop, view, oysters, 268 ft. waterfront. $65 month IIOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone TR 7-5211 or TR 7-5575 Evenings • TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS -- And all through this 4 bedroom home the family is preparing for an exciting holiday. Dad is putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree in the spacious liv- ing room (with fireplace) while Morn is looking after the holiday food in fine convenient kitchen. Upstairs, the children are asleep in two of the three large bed- rooms. This pretty home is priced at only $11,500 and can be pur- chased on easy F.H.A. terms. • ALL .THROUGH THE HOUSE 0u will =find the finest of mater- ial, taste and extras in this charm- ing home. For example it has forced-air heat, full basement, 2 fireplaces and large ecreation room. If you are looking for a gracious two bedroom home, then this is it! Some appliances are included at $11,750.00. • NOT A CREATURE IS STIRRING . . . in this brand new 3 bedroom Mt. View home. It is vacant, so we can show it to you whenever you like. $400 is all the cash you need. You will appreciate the arrangement, loca- tion and the price of only $11,950. • THE STOCKINGS WERE HUNG BY THE CHIMNEY in this new, on-the-market, 4 bed- room home. The pretty living room has a fireplace and hard- wood floors. The kitchen has lots of cabinets and/ there is a full basement. Also, there is a new roof and new outside paint. This spacious, well located home can be yours for only $9,500 with easy terms. • THE CHILDREN WERE NESTLED all snug in their beds in this large family home that can be yours almost immed- iate y. You will love the attractive living room with fireplace and dining "L". The handy kitchen has lots of built-ins, plus breakfast nook. Also there is a large lot, double garage and hot water heat. $11,500 is the reduced price. See it now!! MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME 321 South First Street SHELTON EVENING8 CALL / '1NCE H I M L I E---4-501 KURT M A N N--4321i  from the gang - at - Walerfront Realty 317 Railroad and Insuran©e Legal Publications No. 3361 NOTI('I*" O1,' ilEAR]N(: FINAL Rl,:lq)lUr AND lqCrl'l'll)N l,'Oll i)l,'r Ill BUTION IN THE S1)PIgRIOR COURT Olr THE STATE OF VVASIIIN(;T()N 1¢O1 MASON COUNTY. In the Matl.ol' of the Esi.ate of JAMES H. RUTLEDGE, Deceased• Loda V. f{ulledgr, Exoctarix ol said IP, state,, #ills fih"d with said COUl't her final l.,,)lii'l lind petilion f(H' distrihu- Lion, aKin4 • Ihc Cotiri lo lettle sliid reporl, dis(rihulc the /u•qwi'tv to Lhe i)t,l'qi)llS ll'.rpt(i onlilhd and disellarge said Exel!tlti'ix, aid i'(, )l)i'L alid l)eti- tion will I)i, helil•d tdi Ill*' lllh day (,f .[ Ill '%' 196',L at If} .Ill ill 1he Ci)lll't- lql(iln ill 31lid Court, ill tb,' Cllull[y (,)tlrihl)tise itt helh,n, Wii,dlingion, Dale l I > ]lltb (I Iv i' Df, eonlher, 1962. H A I.L'Y DEYETTE, C]erk of the Superior Cimvt By TECKLA VERMILLION ])l'l)tlly (h-rk. ROBERT L. SNYI)ER, Ait(n'lit'y at Law, 125 w, N. 5111 hel/i,n, \\;Va>hinghin, 12/13-2(#-27-]/3 4t OF BRE.ATH? after not much exertion? better see y0urd0ct0r! N(#. 3-108 N(#'I'I('I,; TO (711E1)ITOR IN THE SIIPIRIOR COURT OF TI/E ..:., i!: STATlC OF WASIIINGTON FO MASON COUNTY  : i :;.: :: : 1N PRORATE In 1he Mattor of lhe estate of Myrtle r . - B. !]lOll la S, Decoased. Nolive is llerehy given that ,the tin- .,.7' :: dersiglh,d ha.-I been aPl)ointed and has qUlllifi,,d as 1be A(hnhlisLrator of tile l':stale ,d • Myrrh, I-L Tbolnas, deceased; lhal all l)i.l'l,llS Ilavtnl. clainls against • ',a i(I dl't'eased al'e herelly i.i., itl| i,e(1 L(, SOl%'i! tll, sanil% dilly veril'ied, (li tile Illldersigned Adlninistrator or his at- (ol'ney ill" record :it the address be- h,w stated and file the Slllne with the Ch.rk .f 1he said coul'l, together with I)rollf of stl('ll service willlill .ix Iltt)lltll.q after ltle dab, of first Imblieation of Ibis notice or the sallIP will be hal•fed. l)at,' ill first ptlbli('ati(nl: E)e('(.lllber 6, 1962. IRANK H. THOMAS CLENN E. CORREA Atlm'nev 1'," Es]aie Bell' Bt'fi hit nff Sbel((m, %Vashinglon Groups At Matlock Hold Annual ,amssom00t Christmas Parties For Holiday "k STAR vALUES -k By Dora Hearing MR. AND MRS. JAMES Fred- "k BRAND NEW LISTINGS! A MOST ATTRACTIVE 2 BED- ROOM ANGLESIDE HOME.-Life time shake roof. Ig-sized fire- place in an appealing living room. Fami dining area. It's partly furnislled; includes drapes, elec. range, washer, refrig, all merged neatly in an efficient kitchen. Ex- tra built-ins. Room size bedroom rugs. The "most" for your home investment at only $9,500. and we can arrange easy terms. BANK AUTHORIZES QUICK MATLOCK -- Mary M. Knight school program will be presented at the gym at 8 p.m. today. The Matlock Community Sun- day school will present its Christ- mas program Friday evening, Dec. 21, at the Matlock Community church at 8 p.m The Matlock Grange will have an open meeting and pothlck sup- per at 7 Friday evening, Dec 21. and will have its Christmas party and exchange of gifts. Mrs. I. C. Ford was hostess for the Matlock Ladies' Chlb Christ- mas dinner last week Wednesday. enburg of Hoquiam were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. El- vin Hearing. Recent visitors at the Max Cash residence were Mr. and Mrs. Olan Erickson of Seattle. who helped celebrate the birthdays of Mr. ana Mrs. Max Cash's son, Earl, and his wife. Rill. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing, ac- companied by Mrs. Clifford Ford of Lake Nahwatzel. attended the Christmas party and meeting Ol World War I Vets at Shelton on Thursday e{ening. MR. AND  MRS. Orville Bienick SALE, SAVE $1,800. NOW. Large All enjoyed a turkey dinner and and family ahd Mrs. Agnes Bienick family home. 4 big bedrooms with the following men joined them: of Whiskah Valley were Sunday anaple closets. Full daylight base- Lud Rossmaier, Robert Trenck- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs ment includes laundry, shop, gar- nlann, Leo Pierce Ira Ford and Edward Valley, age. Records indicate low fuel E1vin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs, Lud Rossmaier costs for oil furnace. Unique rock , - . .  spent Sunday at Napavine with gardens. Patio shade tree. Make Legal Publications his sister and family, Mr, and offer of $850. and your own mon- ' ' Mrs. Morris Leman, and visited thly terms. This won't last at the NO 3352 grandma Rossmaier, who is stay- low, low price of $7,950. Call us N(ITICI,: OF HEAI{IN(I FINAL right now, REI'ORT AND I'I:TI'rlON FOR ing there while cenwilescing from I)ISTItlllUTION , her recent illness. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O]" THE * $450. CAN PUT YOU IN A STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Then Sunday evenlnK the Lud MASON COUNTY. Rossmaiers visited with Mr. and GOOD 2 BEDROOM HOME. In the blatttw ,,f the F.state (if JEN- Mrs. Engene Rossmaier at Bhic.k Spacious living room, panelled NIE E. ZINTHEO, D,('eas:d. dining with built- ills. Nice clean Jack 1L M tys. Exect t,l' ,)t' said Es- Lake. kitchen includes utilitiy area; ,W e tate has fih:d with .'ski C.uri his MR. AND MRb, EARL Walker filial re#)orl and I)etili,,n for (tish-ibu- repeat this is a good sound family 1toll, asking the (JO/ll't l) sellle said and soil l)all, and Mrs. Eli Brad- repot(, (]islril,llte tllp In'oDel•ty tl the sha%v, spent Sittnrday evllling home. Separate garage needs ira- p,,rsons Ihrehl entitled and h, dis- with the Frank Hollatz family. proving. Fenced yard. Priced for eharffe said Exe(uit,r. Said rcimrl and immediate sale $6,950• and $50. petition will bt. lward ,m tile 4th We are sorry to rei)ort "P:tt day of Janua 'y, 1(#6:4 lit ]0 A. M.. in Walker blts boen ill the ]last 10 monthly. * $300 CAN MOVE YOU INTO  an olcier 2 bedroom home ou Angles(de. All on one level. Build an equity here towards your fu- ture home. Cement floored util- ity, garage. The price is only $4,300. Pay $45 monthly. See it soon. (he Coul'tl'(iOlli O[ said C-tn't, ill 1he COllllly Coul'lll(,use al Sheltoll Witsh- illglOll, Datpd ibis 30th day of N(,venibor. 1,(;62. HARRY DEYETTE Clei'k Of |hi' /ll)CI i(i' COIll't. ROBERT L. SNYDER. Attorney at Law. 1251 No. 5th. Slleltnn. Washington. 12 6-13-20-27 4L days with an ear infection. Mr. arid Mrs..l. D Simpson oI Brenlertoll were weekend vi.fitot', with Mrs. J R. Singleton arid Mr. and Mrs. h'a Ford. The Matlock Sunday school went Christmas carol snlging on Sunday evening, which was en- joyed by all. * SECLODED FAMILY HOME ............. ;:" ..................... LOG-SIZED FIREPLACE. 2 h:n'ge " bedrooms, spacious panelled living room, floor furnace, cheerful din- tug room. •You'll enjoy the sunny :.:. entrance. Immaculate throughout. Well lighted kitctaen, cabinet in- terior enameled in melon-glow. Double insulatioa. Large attic sto- rage. Separate garage, shop. Fine garden, bulbs, shrubs, loads of varied berries• Two big lots. Just what you've waited for and only $600 down. Sensibly priced at $6,600. $50 per month. * DOWNTOWN  E/S'Y WALK TO SHOP'S; 2 nice bedrooms. Large liying room inc?udes carpet and efficient oil heater. Neat kitchen and a trim looking bath. A sound investment at $7,70 G $1,000 down" and $50: pei' month. * EXCELLENT FAMILY PROPERTY VIEW LOCATION. Fine ,t-bedroom home, 225' corn- er fenced frontage on Angleside. Hardwood floors throughout, circ- ulating fireplace, healthful hot water furnace. Attractive living and dining rooms. Appealing breakfast area is well heated Large lawns have sprinkler sys- tem. Rare blooming shzbs, roses, garden. This substantial family home can be purchased for only $11,500. Terms arranged. * KING-SIZED LIVING ROOM IN LOVELY PASTEL BLUE Plush wall-to-wall matching car- pet. Handsome space fireplace, outside fuel feed. Floor furnace, 2 bedrooms with hardwood floors, (possible 3rd bedroom) Garage, shop and sealed guest room over. Paved patio, beautiful flower gar- len. Price reduced for immediate possession at $9,000. Terms can be arranged. * 100' FRONTAGE ON' ISLAND LAKE. 3 Bedroom; m0dern con- temporary, board and batten ex- terior. Enchanting view, open de- sign living-dining rooms. Glass- door fireplace. Colorful kitchen. 2-car facilities. Party-sized float and approach ramps. Landscaping and shrubs in. Built for care-free family living. Well worth the $20,- 500 price, terms arranged. CALL 426;4666. LaBISSONIERE AGENGY Age 11 GREETING DRAWN BY JIM WOOLSEY Evergreen School HILLCREST MORGAN, EAGRETT LUMBER ODMPANY Ann and Francis Eacrett Harstine Island School To Have Christmas Hay Friday Night By Donette Glaser HARSTINE - The H_urstine Is- land school ldaY will tw held ;it the school ]rri(kiy night• a 7:30 A Christnuts #rest will lie pr(scni.ed l.o ca(,h in'o-school gra(]c, school all(] upper grade school sttldelit fr¢lal Hai'stine. The Christnlas treat in an annual gifl from the Harstinc Island %¥o- men's chlb. The children will also have their Christmas trcc. All persons are invited u) aLtend. Tho Harstine Island Women's Chlb held its anl:ual ChrisLmas parly at the beautifully dceorated Tierney home a.t lhP north tqld. Friod chicl¢cn, waldorf sal:td. 11ol rolls and Cin'istmas cookies wer just sonic of Lhc food on the menu, There worc S l-llcn*thers and six gLlCStS lind till'CO children present. The tree war sprayed with snow and decorated with ormlmenLs. The nulntlc was decorated with greens and ;i sin:ill i)oinseLti lights. Mrs. George T. Waitc Jr.. was co-hostess. A gift cxchangc among, nystery sisters and an exchange among those present brougilt many ohs and ahs. The next niecL- ing will be the second Thursday in January-Jan. 10 14t, 12:30 p.m. with Mrs. Gene Seward and I)ol Smith as co-hostess. SOCIAL CLUB met Friday night at 1.he hall It was decided to pro'chase a fire truck--which arrived on Harstine Saturday and has a 500-gallon capacity. It is a 1934 Dodge with a 195,t De- Soto motor, red lighL and siren. It had a classified class B rat- ing. Plans are being made to take the truck ¢)ut later this week for a trial run. It is now "at home", in Marie Crouche's gar- age. The truck will be put into use as soon as possible. Also be- ing hloked into is the possibility of forming a fire distrct here on Harstine, The fire truck was a token gift from the Vashon Is- PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON HISTORY GRANVILLE O. ItALLER was a. professional military man. He served ill the Seminole and the Mexican wars before tle was or- to the Pacific Coast. in 1855 In 1853 he was COlYlnlissioned a maor and sent to The Dalles. Ore. Later hc was ordered to Idaho to chasLise Indian murd(uers of the Ward family. He protected emi- grants in Iiaho and EasLern Ore- gon in 1854-55. Following the mur- kier of A. J. Bolen, Indian agenL to the Ya.kima Indians in Washington, Sept. 23, 1855, Maior FIallcr was sent to Fort Simcoe. When he reached there ill October he was sl#rr(/inded by Yakinla, s and KlickitaLs and'forced to rctrellt. He served in the Civil War fronl 1861 to 1863. Hc was charged with disloyal conduct, was dis- missed frown the arnly, but later was vindicated and restored to tetive ,qcrviee with the rank of colonel. He dled May 2 Jg97. About one out of 17 drivers in- volved in fatal crashes are f(innd to be in a 1)hysical condition that could bca conl.ributing factor in the accident In about 3/5 of lhese cases the drivers are fatt- glw/1 or asleep laird loire ])cptil'tlllOlll slid is onu Lhey got theil sLarl with and hope it is it start for a i•it'o departniont hcl'e. Colllill o" honlc Lhis week were Mel alld PalllCl).( CaFncs illlfl chil- (]l'Ol'l (If I)CS Moincs. who si)cnL Sattn'duy ovei'nighl; with Paulene's folks, the, John HiLchco.ks. HARSTiNE ISLAND (]l'a n g't' nlet Saturday night al tlle hall. Therc were 12 Inenlhws and scr- oll children prcsont. They hchl tileir (]hrist I)llls ])arty tollowing tllc reKtllar nieol.irlg. A vel'y bc.atltiful Christnlas pl'ogr}tlll V,ItH prepared slid presented by the Lectllr(r, Ml's. Philip Chalmmn. Word was received on the Island that Mrs. Stephan Franich (Hel- en Glascr I }las sllccessfully un- bizteit.ted BOSTON LOS ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO Interesting Accurate Complete InternetlonM News Coveroge The Christlon Science Monitor One Norwoy St., Boston 15, Moss. Send your newspoper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check er money order. [] i yeor $22. [] 6 months $11 [] 3 months $530 Nome .ddress C ity Zone State P8-16 Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (m|nimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional insertions 25 each. Rates for larger ads on request, Classified display $1 per cohmm inch. Card of thanks $1.50. Read- er notices 15 word minimmn $1.00 or $2,00 per column inch, "Not Responsible" notices $1.50 per insertion All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be m{de when billing is necessary. Page 2 i i . i HI FAST ACTION FROM WANT ,ADS (lcrgone nlajor surgcry and in now recuperating aL her horac in Fife. The LiLtll•Cn SinHTlons i Margie Glaser) and children (if Rosedale spent Saturday (ivcrnighL with her folks, the H A. Glasers. The Simmons will bc spending the lion idays in Spokane so this was it pre 'hristmas visit• , J ,t MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCII Washington and J Sts, Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Moiing Worship .... 11:00 a.ln. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p,m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p,m. Eugene Breid, Pastor FOURSQUARE GHUROH 910 E. DEARBORN Rev. Lewis Wysong, Pastor "The Head Of Ghristmas" Presented by the Sunday School SUNDAY EVENING- 7:00 P.M. Sunday School ......................................................................... 9:45 p.m. Sunday Worship ................................................................... 11:00 a.m. EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED i SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor CHRISTMAS SERVICES . . . SUNDAY. DEC. 23 Sunday School ............................................ Classes for All 9:45 A.M. Christmas Program (By Children) ............................. 10:30 A.M. Christmas Message, By Pastor ....................................... 11:30 A.M. Evening Christmas Service ............................................... 7:00 P.M. REVIVAL SERVICES WITH Evangelist Dale Helle Beginning Wednesday, January 2, 7:00 P.M. 12/20 It 2/I F-iRST 6APTlST CHURCH Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 -- Broadcast over 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship KMAS "CHRISTMAS IS FOR YOU" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 1280 - 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service CHRISTMAS CANTATA By The Choir "Love Transcending" WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26- Bible Study for the family. Four groups, according to age i ,, MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCII MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Highway So. & Cascade Gerald Herman  Pastor Suliday School ....................................................................... 9:45 a,m. Adult -,ible Class ............................................................... 9'.45 Morning Worship ............................................................ 11:00 ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest Snnday, December 23 .... 7:30 a.m. -----Holy Comnttmion 9::}0 a.m. - Church School .... Presentation of White Gifts 11:00 a.m. - MorninK Prayer and Sermon 7:00 p.m. Church School Chrishn'ls Pageant - Prosenta- tion of Mite Boxes Monday, December 24 Christmas Eve 7:30 p.m. - Family Service of Holy Communion and Sermon 11:00 p.m. ---- Choral Eucharist and Sermon Tuesday, December 25 .... Chrimnas Day 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon THE CHURCH IS ALWAYS OPEN FOR MEDITATION AND PRAYER , i , ill FIRST OHURGH OF 0HRI00, SOIENTIST00 I 302 Alder St,, 8helton. Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a,m, -- Church 11 a,rn. Wednesday evening testimony lnee¢lnga 8 p,m, teadtng room located in church, Reading room boura 3 to 4 p.m. Mon, & FH, Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a,m, Family Smwice 6:30 p.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service THE METHODIST GHURGH Nor'tk 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS. Minister 9:30 a.m. Sundity School and Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 pan. Youth Fellowship i ,, FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 8:1.5 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult ible CIa 11:00 Morning, WQrship Sevlce CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Cllurch -- National Lutheran Coutl011