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December 20, 2012 |
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By NATALIE JOHNSON Cole Road, Island Lake, Lake and 16 mph in Hoodsport. PUD 3 deactivated the ditch just south of its intersec-
ncltalie'(a) Cushman, Lake Limerick,Mason Lake Road was power lines, allowing the cou- tion with State Route 106.
the North Shore Road and closed between St. Andrews ple to safely exit their car. Personnel from the sher-
Timberlakes. Drive and McEwan Prairie "All ended well," Byrd iffs office, Washington State
Winter hit Mason Court- "It's pretty much all over Road on Monday morning said. Patrol and fire crews stopped
ty in force Sunday night, the map," said Joel Myer, affer wind blew down several While much of' the county traffic while waiting for a
bringing heavy rain, 50 mph public information and gov- trees and power lines on the experienced rain and wind, snowplow to clear a path for
winds, power outages and ernment affairs manager for road. areas near Matlock and Hood cars on the highway.
inches of snow to some parts PUD3. One couple was trapped Canal received up to sev- The sheriffs office has
of the region. Sunday night, wind gusts inside their car in the 2100 eral inches of snow in only a urged locals to drive safely in
Power outages caused by reached a regional high of block of East Mason Lake few hours Sunday afternoon, winter weather.
falling tree limbs and wind 55 mph at Totten Inlet, and Road after power lines came grinding traffic to about 20 "We're just encouraging
cut power to about 2,600 Ma- speeds of 49 mph in Shelton, down around the car, said mph on U.S. Highway 101 and people to be careful out there,
son County PUD 3 customers 33 mph in Belfair and Lake Chief Deputy Dean Byrd of causing a truck to drive into a adjust their speeds," Byrd said.
around the county, in areas Cushman, 32 mph in Mat-the Mason County Sheriffs
including Walker Park Road, lock, 30 mph in Grapeview Office.
County continues discussion on lodging funds
By NATALIE JOHNSON The LTAC board advised the commission
natalic(/:i~/~soncounty.comto deny appl4cations for Celebrate Hoodsport,
Olympic Culinary Loop and Traveler Days
Arts Celebration.
The Mason County Board of Commission- Commissioner Terri Jeffreys opened a
ers voted to allocate about $150,000 in lodg- discussion on the agenda item, saying she
ing tax money to the Shelton Mason County thought the commission should consider
Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, but tabled funding Union's Traveler Days Arts Celebra-
the vote on several other applications, tion, despite the LTAC board's advice against
The commission considered the recom- it.
mendations of the Lodging Tax Advisory Pam Hanson, president of the Union Tour-
Committee (LTAC) on applications for fund- ism Association, said that last year the group
ing for the promotion of tourism, received $5,000 for PumpkinFest and $5,000
The LTAC board advises the commission for Traveler Days, which they used to adver-
each year on how to spend the county's lodg- tise the events out of the county.
ing tax funds, which can be spent by local or- '~7¢e are just a little dumbfounded," Han-
ganizations on out-of-county advertising, son said. "We're just asking you to reconsid-
The recommendations included grant- er."
ing $35,000 to the North Mason Chamber Hanson told the commission that events in
of Commerce, $66,605 to the Shelton Mason Union benefit the entire county, because to
County Chamber of Commerce, $93,600 to get to Union, a visitor has to drive through
the chamber for Joint Tourism Promotion, Hoodsport, Belfair or Shelton.
$66,000 to the chamber for video advertising, Jeffreys suggested tabling the proposal
$7,000 for Allyn Days, $5,000 for Bluegrass until the commission's next meeting Jan. 2,
from the Forest, $2,000 for Hama Hama Oys- but Shelton Mason County Chamber of Com-
ter Rama, $4,000 for the Hood Canal Celtic merce Director Heidi McCutcheon asked the
Festival, $6,000 for the Mason County Forest commission to vote on the chamber's appli-
Festival, $5,000 for the Mason County NPRA cations for Joint Tourism Funding and video
Rodeo, $2,000 for PumpkinFest, $1,500 for advertising to allow them to stay on schedule
the Shelton Old Time Fiddlers Fest, $2,400 for current video production.
for Signs for Schafer State Park, $200 for the The commission approved both applica-
Spencer Lake Fishing Derby and $2,500 for tions, and voted unanimously to table the
the Taste of Hood Canal. rest of the proposal until Jan. 2.
Fairgrounds committee meets for first time
By NATALIE JOHNSON mittee include Richard Ad- amson, Cynthia Brehmeyer,
............................................... Jnlie Gray, Steve VanDe-
nover, Marvin Faughender,
The newly formed Mason Ed W. Makoviney, John
County Fairgrounds Advi-Dobson,Eric Sehallon,
sory Committee met for theSteve Bloomfield, Heidi Mc-
first time Dec. 12, discussing Cuteheon, Jack Krause, Tom
the mission of the group and Strong, Ray Peters and Ma-
the future of a county-runtayoshi.
fairgrounds facility. At the meeting, the group
In October, the Mason did not have accurate dimen-
County Board of Commis- sions of the land, with esti-
sioners voted to create the mates from members rang-
fairgrounds committee, anding from a 5- to 45-acre plot
tasked the group with pro-of land.
viding the commission withThe land is actually about
information onthefeasibility 47 acres, Keates told the
of financing a fairgrounds. Shelton-Mason County Jour-
Mason County Director of nal Tuesday.
Parks and Facilities John Ke- Some members of the corn-
" ates led the meeting as a rep- mittee questioned whether a
resentative from the county, facility designed specifically
and was unanimously elected to house a fair, such as the
the committee's chair, one in the 2009 model, would
The committee's term be financially viable.
lasts until Feb. 28, 20].3, un- "Are we whistling Dixie
less the county comm/ssionhere?" Krause asked.
votes to extend it. Several members agreed,
As a framework for their andinstead suggested design-
discussions, the committeeing, and potentially funding,
members are using plans a facility that would serve as
that were developed between a larger events center.
2007 and 2009 for a future"I don't think there's any
county fairgrounds, question the old time (model)
The 2009 "Mason County of a county fair is on shaky
• Fairgrounds Development ground," Keates said.
Phase 1 Report," prepared Dobson, Peters and other
by Foster and Williams Ar-members agreed, saying that
chitects, followed an earlier hosting extra events would be
study by the Helix Group, the best way to support a new
and included plans for a fair- fairgrounds into the future.
ground built for between $25 Schallon expressed con-
and $30 million, cern about basing their dis-
That plan assumed that cussions off the 2009 design
the new facility would be lo- plan.
cated adjacent to the Mason '~ais schematic is not de-
County Public Works build-signed to be a multiple events
ing at the intersection of U.S. center," he said. "This is going
Highway 101 and Dayton to require a huge revision."
Airport Road. Dobson noted that to sup-
"Our focus is finance, theport the facility outlined in
finance portion of the project, the 2009 plan, it would have
and not location," said Matt to generate well in excess
Matayoshi, committee member of $100,000 of revenue per
and executive director of the month.
Economic Development Coun-The committee did brain-
dl of Mason County. "Scopestorm a few options for fund-
creep is a real concern here." ing and sustaining a new
While the scope of the fairgrounds facility, includ-
group's responsibility under ing creating a new county-
the commission's direction is wide tax.
narrow- restricted to thefi- "I think that's the way
nancial feasibility of the proj- to run what we're thinking
ect -- several members of the about here," Adamson said.
commission said it would be Krause and Gray, the Ma-
difficult to discuss financing son County Rodeo Associa-
the fairgrounds without hav- tion chair, suggested using
ing a feasible plan for the size funds to build a new fair-
and amenities of the facility, ground while staying in the
The members of the com- old one.
Peters also suggested pur-
suing state and federal grant
"You have to work that
side," he said.
However, Peters noted
that the facility would need
to sustain itself into the fu,
ture, not just through the
"I believe we can come
up with all kinds of ideas to
finance this," he said. "We
need to have that fiscal plan
for how we're going to fund
Gray suggested that add-'
ing specific buildings to the
facility could help make it
"An indoor event center
would pay for itself," she said.
Keeping the county fair-
grounds in its current loca-
tion is likely not possible,
committee members said.
The current fairgrounds,
at the Port of Shelton's Sand-
erson Field property, was
first leased to the county in
Because the port's 1997
master plan amendments
labeled the land "airport re-
serve," the Federal Aviation
Administration has ordered
the port to revert the land to
airport use, or another ap-
proved commercial use, at
the end of 2013.
'Tne port's got their hands
tied. It can't stay where it is,"
Schallon said.
The next committee meet-
ing is scheduled for Jan. 2 at
3 p.m., at the Mason County
Jail training room.
In the meantime, Keates
said he would compile an ex-
haustive list of all of the fund-
ing options open for the com-
mittee to discuss, as well as
get more information about
the land itself.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Th ursday, Dec. 20, 2012 - Page A-3