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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 2012
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Harstine Continued from page B-I nosy neighbors drive her to distraction. She invents an insane twin sister to scare them oil. It does not go as plam~ed, to say the least. If you are at all interested in acting or in helping, they would greatly appreciate you get- ting in touch with them. Call Karla Lortz at 427-5318 for more infbr- mation. Bridge Community Church invites you to its annual Christmas Eve celebration at 7 p.m. on Dec. 24. Join in familiar carols celebrating the birth of savior Jesus Christ. Share in the observance of Communion and candlelight, reminding us of Jesus, the light of the world. All are welcome. The church is at 500 E. North Island Drive, Shelton. Turn left a half mile after crossing the bridge onto Harstine Island. Call 426-5221 for information. Agency on aging seeks funds for its clients The Lewis-Mason-Thur- vere impairments, which im- often outside of the budgets of for food, and would enjoy a stun Area Agency on Aging pact their ability to perform those on small, fixed incomes. Walmart gift card to purchase is seeking donations fbr low- baAc day-to-day ,ctivities. Many of the agency's clients groceries. income seniors and disabled M~my have substanual needs have pets, which are often their • A 48-year-old man on a adults who are not connected that go beyond the services only source for companionship, hmited income, who suffers to other programs, currently available through Pet food, htter and veterinary from a severe long-term dis- Infornmtion and Assis- community resources, orga- gift certificates will be utilized abihty. He is "chair bound" tance/Case Management, a nlzers said. and appreciated all year long. and has daily pain, spasms program of the agency, pro- In addition to these needs To make a donation to one and discomfort due to his med- vides individuals with infor- listed below, the agency main- oftheseindividuals, ortomake ical condition. Currently he mation on and assistance tains a Special Assistance a general donation to the Sloe- has no bed. He is requesting a with accessing a wide variety Fund, which helps low-income cial Assistance Fund, call 427- twin mattress with a memory of social and health services, adults year-round with emer- 2225, ext. 101, or come to 628 foam topper so that he can get It also helps support vulner- gency need for basics such as W. Birch St., Shelton. out of his chair and stretch out able adults who struggle to food certificates, utility bills, Here are a couple examples: in bed. These items are not remain in their homes, housing and medications.• Elderly male who hvesavailable from Medicaid, and Most of the agency's clients Warm clothing and much- alone and manages his dia- he is hopeful that someone can are low-income and have se- needed household items are betes on a limited income provide himwiththisgift. Baked Kibbie with Tabouli Salad I 7:0C 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 The Hobbit Daily 2:40, 6:00pro Additional Shows [] Jack Reacher Daily 1:45, 4:15, 6:45pm Additional Shows B Serving all orgamc, fair trade espresso drinks Ingredients 2 cups Bulgur 1-2 lbs ground lamb cinnamon black pepper salt ground doves allspice 1/4 to 1/3 cup ground hickory 1/2 bunch fresh parsely leaves 1 bunch scallions 4 ripe tomatoes 3 or 4 big doves of garlic 1 stalk celery 34 sprigs of diced fresh mint juice and pulp of two lemons smoked almonds Tabouli Salad Add 1 1/2 to 2 cups of Bulgur to a large mixing bowl and cover with about 2 cups of boiling water. Let stand for a half hour, or until the Bulgur has ab- sorbed the water. In a separate bowl. add finely chopped ingredients to B1 g she scrambled to find a way ue rass to bring the band to Wash- Continued from page B-I ington, if not Mason County. I threw everything I order to keep the music go- could at her," she said. ing, women have to keep it Burtscher's contacts in going." the bluegrass world were Burtscher first saw able to schedule three shows Lynch, another of her blue- tbr Lynch in Washington, grass idols, perform at the including the Triple Door Wintergrass f~stival in Bel- in Seattle, and the Grove levue in 2011 and struck up Street Brewhouse in Shel- a conversation with her af- ton. ter the show. The show is particu- "We went to all three of larly special to Burtscher, her stage performances," because it falls three days Burtscher said. "I said, 'If' belbre her 34th wedding you're ever out this way, let anniversary with husband, me know.' " Melvin. Then, earlier this year, "It's a real honor that a she noticed that Lynch's star of this caliber would band had a show scheduled say, 'OK, l'll play this little in Bend, Ore. Burtscher said gig in Shelton,' " Burtscher include a half bunch of fresh parsely leaves, one bunch of scallions, four ripe tomatoes, three or four big cloves of garlic, and optional ingredients including a stalk of celery, three to four sprigs of diced fresh mint and the juice and pulp of two lemons. vegetables. Mix thoroughly and cool in the refrigerator. Baked kibble To the remainder of the Bulgur, add ground lamb meat, a dash of cinnamon, black pepper, salt, a pinch of ground cloves and allspice, and some diced garlic, 1/4 to 1/3 cup of ground hickory smoked almonds~ Mix this together like a meat loaf, and put the formed loaf in a 9 inch glass pie plate. Lightly score the top with a knife. Sprinkle with re- maining ground almonds and lemon juice. Heat oven to 395 degrees and bake for about 40 min- utes. Serve with lemon wedges; sour cream or plain Greek yogurt and salt to taste. Tabouli should be served cold and is best a~r sitting in the refrigerator for a day. said. "I'm just tickled pink ing at 7 p.m., then The Clair that she's coming." Lynch Band will perform at Lynch has been named 8 p.m. the 2010 Female Vocalist of Tickets are available at the Year by the Internation- the Grove Street Brewhouse, al Bluegrass Music Asso-online at grovestreetbrew. ciation, has released seven tom and Sage Book Store in albums, and, on Dec. 2, re- Shelton and at Music 6000 ceived a $50,000 fellowship in Olympia. grant from USArtists. Tickets cost $18 for adults, The evening will begin $8 for children younger than with a meet and greet at13 and entrance is free for 6 p.m. at the Grove Street children 6 and younger. Brewhouse. After Jan. 1, ticket prices Local Bluegrass favoritego up to $20 for adults. The Runaway Train will open childrens' price stays the for the national act, start- same. I D Make sure you get the gift::: you really want this year with a PCU Gift Card. ......... ii~iiii:: This year, make everyone happy by giving the gift that never disappo nts ':: Stop by any Peninsula Credit Union o branch and purchase your Visa Gift Cards today! ..... Peninsula CREDIT UNION 360:426-1001 + ,:, !?: ~+ : SHELTON, BEI~AIR, PURl ORCHARD, POULSBO, POR~ ]OWNSEND Nursing Assistant Winter & Spring Quarters 2013 Work in a high demand healthcare field! No Prerequisites! i-he Olympic College Nursing Assistant Program prepares students co assist in prov,ding care for clients in acute care, community-based, and long-term care settings. Attend a FREE Information Session! Thursdays (check website for dates and times) OC Bremerton Campus ' Health Occupations Building (search Nursing Assistant) OLYMPIC COLLEGE ¢ Keep your job while gaining skills to increase your wage potential ¢ Part-time program; two days per week; last module is 4 days per week; can be completed in one quarter Pay for full program at one time or pay as you go for each module separately For more information, contact the NA Program at (360) 475-7554 i~ Carley A. Jacobs, PA-C We are pleased to welcome Physician Assistant Carley A. Jacobs to our medical staff. Carly has a Bachelor of Science degree in biology with a Spanish language minor from Western Washington University, and a Master's degree in Physician Assistant studies from Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA. She has worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant at the Cordata • Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center and St. Joseph's Hospital in Bellingham, and as a Physician Assistant at Woodstock Internal Medicine Specialists, Inc., Woodstock, VA. She is board-certified with the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. With experience mainly in primary care rural medicine, Carley has a special interest in women's health and preventive medicine. Mason General Hospital Mountain View Women's .Health Clinic (360) 426-0955 vn~l 2300 Kati Court, Suite A, Shelton, WA 98584, l~ Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012