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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 2012
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people have been utilizing herbs and spices since 50,000 B.C. At first, they were most commonly used in wound healing and simple medical treatments. Now many herbs and spices are known, not only for the flavors they add to food, but also for their ability to help prevent and treat many chronic By MICHEI.IE diseases• LAPP Just as changing our diets improves health, we can also contribute to keeping our bodies' healthy by cooking with 2013 Dodge Dart Be/ow blvo/ce WOW/ SE Package 4 cyl, auto, u connect, not a base model 1C3CDFAAGDD213914 MSRP 19,180 Gillis Discount 685 Sale Price 18,495 Military 500 Final Price s17,995 • jo_t VIEHICLE$ o¢~ only, subjt~*t to Wk~ sal~s, • Ad expires 12/31~0 • NO credit cacds KCt~=¢I on ,~141ide p~Jrcha~. "SIS0 de< ~ may be app,*d to fill prke. M=y not qu*lily ~x ii ~Jnt~s. See dR~r for d~tllh, ShaRon WA (360) 426-5585 II herbs and spices. Using herbs and spices in cook- ing adds flavor without the addition of salt, sugar and fat. Cinnamon is a spice :* with many great attri- butes. It has anti-microbi- al effects, meaning it can stop the growth of bac- teria, fungi and yeast. It is anti-inflammatory and also contains antioxidant power. Cinnamon also aids in lowering glucose levels and regulating insulin so it is often used to help manage type II diabetes. Oregano is an herb that provides the same benefits as fruits and vegetables. It contains very high levels of antioxidants. Just one teaspoon of dried oregano has the same amount of • antioxidant power as three cups of broccoli. Oregano also aids in food preser- vation by preventing the growth of foodborne patho- gens. Rosemary is an herb with antioxidant proper- ties and antimicrobial activity. It reduces inflam- mation which is a trigger for many chronic diseases such as arthritis, Alzheim- er's disease, and heart disease. Rosemary is also known to have certain aro- matherapy effects includ- ing pain relief, and mood improvement. Turmeric is a spice with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory proper- ties, which may also aid in lowering cholesterol. The main advantage that this spice is known for, although, is the ability to improve brain health and preserve mental function. It has been associated with prevention of A1- zheimer's and dementia• Ginger is used as a digestive aid. It helps to ease motion sickness, nau- sea, pain and reduces vom- iting. It is an antioxidant and contains anti-inflam- matory properties. Ginger has also been shown to have cancer preventing activity. Cayenne pepper is a spice that contains cap- saicin, the active compo- nent in chili peppers. This compound helps to block pain in treating some dis- eases, aids in regulating blood sugar levels, and has also been shown to kill and slow the growth of lung and prostate can- cer cells. Cayenne pepper is also linked to weight loss. It has properties that enhance metabolism, in- crease fullness and stimu- late fat burning cells. Garlic is a spice that has been shown to im- prove heart health by lowering cholesterol and reducing blood pressure. It is also known to be an anti-carcinogen. It may reduce the risk of several types of cancer including stomach, colon, esopha- gus, breast and pancre- atic by damaging and slowing growth of cancer cells. Peppermint is an herb that has a relaxation ef- fect on stomach tissue. It can help to reduce bloat- ing and relieve abdominal cramping, nausea, pain constipation and diarrhea. Because of these proper- ties, peppermint is often used in management of stomach cancer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and gall- bladder disease• • Michelle Lapp is an AmeriCorp member and Washington State Univer- sity Master Gardener Jennifer 360-427-3189 :;I 2505 Olympic Highway N0~h, Suite (Behind McDonalds) LMP#MA00014205~ "-' '1 BRIAN R. OU5ON, D.D i FilLY DEN115 Y " N.$8 C hman Dr. Telephone '- Hoodspod', WA 98548 877-5151 Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012 Kamryn Hyland Season's Oreetings from 4th Grade Mason County Christian School ~..~ ~ -- T]:,inh Of Us.4s Family -- ...... r,";,,',,+ E ~~ 1109 Northcli, Rd. • Shelton, WA 98584 ~~' (360) 427-2646 • Cell (360) 490-1356 i s - AvaLynn Sophia Thomp- son was born Dec. 7, 2012, at Capital Medical Center in Olympia to Christina Marie Reding and Dwayne Douglas Thompson of Shel- ton. She weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces. • To submit a birth an- nouncement, email pr@