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Patricia Landsaw
Patricia E "Enie" Land-
saw, a resident of Shelton,
53, died Dec. 5, 2012. at
home surrounded by fam-
She was born July 9,
1959, in Bremerton to
Charles H. Smith and Mar-
jorie Napoleon.
She graduated from
School in
in May
1981 in
Patricia Shelton.
Landsaw worked as
a clerk m
many local establishments
before becoming a cook.
Her hobbies included
crocheting, beadwork and
sketching. Her family said
she enjoyed cooking and
loved children, taking un-
der her wing many of her
son's friends.
She also loved her fish
and animals, as well as
feeding birds. She was
an avid football fan and
took part in a number of
football pools. Other than
the Seahawks, the Dallas
Cowboys were her favorite
She is survived by hus-
band Clyde of Shelton;
sons "Charlie" Landsaw
of Shelton and Trenton
Landsaw (Cassidy Gott)
of Olympia; mother Marge
Napoleon of Suquamish;
sisters Keli (Larry) Par-
rett of Seattle, Vicki
(Mike) Johnson of Walla
Walla, Dena (Mike)
Swisher of Bremerton and
Solange "Jill" Perrot of
China: and brothers Ken
(Jo) Potts of Shelton and
Curt (Jacki) Stracke of
She was preceded in
death by father Charles
"H~" Smith and stepmoth-
er Memory Smith.
A service was held Sat-
urday at Hope Chapel.
Memorial donations can
be made to Children's Hos-
pital and Regional Medical
Center, P.O. Box 50020
Mail Stop $200, Seattle,
WA 98145.
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Shelton. Online condolenc-
es can be sent to the family
Lawrence Cardinal
Lawrence Charles Cardi-
nal, 84, died Dec. 6, 2012.
He was born June 29,
1928, to Lawrence Cardinal
and Anne Vizzard Cardinal
in Shelton.
He graduated from Irene
S. Reed High School in
1947. He went to college
after high school and joined
the Marine Corps. After
his stint in the military, he
moved to San Bernardino,
Calif., where he worked
for a construction company
in the office. He returned
to Shelton several years
later and went to work for
Co. He re-
tired from
after 35
family said
he was an
Lawrence excellent
He loved to listen to big
band musm. and he was an
enthusiastic swimmer and
cyclist. He enjoyed math-
ematical problems and sta-
tistics. He enjoyed trying
to figure out an equation
to maximize his return on
investments or which horse
would win a race based on
As well as keeping in
contact with friends from
high school, Larry was a
great listener and enjoyed
talking with people from
all walks of life, includ-
Edwin Muck
Edwin E.' Muck, 77, a resident of Shelton, died Dec. 12,
2012. at Fir Lane Health & Rehabilitation. Arrange-
ments are by McComb Funeral Home of Shelton.
Lawrence Cardinal
Lawrence Charles Cardinal, 84. a resident of Shelton,
died Dec. 6, 2012, at home. Arrangements are by Forest
Funeral Home of Shelton under the direction of Dave
dancer and Barbara S ley
singing. Barbara Staley, 77, a resident of Retail, died Dec. 12,
2012, at Harrison Medical Center in Bremerton. Ar-
rangments are by McComb Funeral Home of Shelton
under the direction of Ron Larson.
Wilda Nordwell
Wilda M. Nordwell, 85, a resident of Shelton. died Dec.
17, 2012, at home, Arrangements are by Forest Funeral
Home of Shelton under the direction of Dave Lucas.
irvin Fletcher
Irvin L. Fletcher, 7I, died Dee. 14, 2012, in Kamilche.
Services took place Wednesday at the Squ~n Island
Home of She!ton.
ing those he met during
his morning coffee at
Blondie's to casual ac-
quaintances he met at the
airport. An important legacy
He is survived by
numerous cousins and
Larry was preceded in
death by father Lawrence
and mother Anne Vizzard;
and brothers Ken and Leo
A service will take place
at 11 a.m. on Friday, Dec.
21, at St. Edward's church
in Shelton.
of residents and former residents free of charge.
Kathleen (DaVis)
Kathleen J. (Davis ~ Sch-
neider died Dec. 14, 2012,
at her daughter's home in
Belfair after, a long.battle
with cancel". • .......
Kathleen was born in
Port Or-
in 1943,
she grew
up and
School and
Kathleen gradu-
Schneider ated from
South Kit-
sap High
School in 1962.
She married Rudolph
Schneider and raised her
four children in Belfair.
They were married for 25
Kathleen worked as a
security guard for Weyer-
haeuser, and later became
a foster parent through
Olympic College in Shelton.
Kathleen's family said
she loved her grandchil-bur of Gig Harbor and
dren -- she would read Jackie Wilbur q Kenneth
to them and take them Shattuck) of Bremerton:
on rock huntm.~ ~ps andgrandchildren Josheph
shopping~ b-q~te~poems- ~ and Mathew Kogoy, Shal-
and stories irr-h~rr spare ey-and Katelynn Shat:
time, some of which were tuck, Anthony, Lorianne
published, and Daniel Wilbur: and
Kathleen and Rudy pug Pugsly of Washing-
started a small jewelry ton.
business in 1990 -- Kat's She was preceded in
Kreations. death by her parents Glen
The two of them tray- and Blanche Davis: sister
eled in their motor home to Glenda Laudermilk: son
Oregon, California, Mexico Daniel J. Wilbur and hus-
and other areas looking for band Rudolph.
agates to make jewelry, A service will be at
which they sold to vendors, noon Saturday, Dec. 22, at
Kathleen and her hus- the cemetery across from
band's highlight of their Sedgwick Junior High
retirement was being park School in Port Orchard. A
hosts in Sitka, Alaska, for private family gathering
several years, will follow at a private lo-
Kathleen is survived cation.
by sisters Vicki Thomp- In lieu of flowers, dona-
son of Montana, Karen tions can be made to the
Rowland of Ellensburg, YWCA women's shelter and
Lucille Rominger of Kelso Mothers Against Drunk
and Gloria Maulding of Driving of Bremerton.
Hunter; daughters Debra
Wilbur (Richard Hatch)
of Belfair, Jonnilynn Wil- See Obituaries on page 8-8
JoAnn Paradise
JoAnn Paradise. age 85, a long-time resident of the
Shelton area, died Saturday December 8 at Northcliff
Place Adult Family Home. She passed away peacefully
of natural causes, surrounded by the loving presence of
her children and husband.
JoAnn was born on December 19th, 1926 as Billie Jo
East. She spent her childhood and young adult years in
West Seattle. JoAnn married Tony (Anthony Paradise and
started a family. JoAnn attended Seattle University and went on
to teach elementary school for several years while raising her four young children.
JoAun and Tony bought property in Shelton in the 1960's, where they later moved
and established permanent residence in the Lake Limerick community.
JoAnn worked a variety of jobs. but most enjoyed spending her time playing piano,
painting, dancing and socializing. JoAnn was an avid Gardner. loving grandmother.
bargain hunter, and chocolate connoisseur. JoAnn spent 30 years vacationing around
the globe and was an extensive world traveler. She lived a rich life and will be missed.
JoAun is survived by her beloved husband Tony Paradise. their four children:
Shannon Paradise-Pynn. Janice Paradise. Patrick Paradise. and Wade Paradise: and
her brother Bob East. Her legac) lives on in them. and her 13 grandchildren and 15
No services are being held. Cards may be sent to Paradise Family at 2411 Bush
Ave NW Olympia WA 98502. Memorial gifts in JoAnn's name can be made to
Alzheimer's Foundation of America by calling 1-866-232-8484.
Paid Obituary Obit
~*-*~ Legend Says -*-*~
Eleven Years
Eagles with
shrouds of Love
In loving memory of
Bruce A. Johnson
Who rides the Warrior's Spirit Horse .3%e araong the Stars ~*",
May 17 1944 - December 20 2001
Love - his W'ife, Peg
The Humphreys Family would like
to recognize those in attendance at
the Mini-Dome Dec. 8, 2012 to honor
Jerame Humphreys. Your displays
of love and affection, sharing your
stories and taking the time to loin us
- uplifted our family.
A heartfelt acknowledgement goes
out to Jerame's Aunt Tony, Uncles
Jon & Marty, cousins Rick, Katy and
Jenny, and Grandpas Dan and John,
Gassy Blackateer and the Lummi and
Snoqnalmie Tribes for your love and
support during our loss. Mahalo.
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Shelton Memorial Park
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Shelton Memorial Park ex ~enses are additional
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In Loving Memory
Gary Cooke
3/1/58 -- 12/24/08
I have slipped the surely bonds
of Earth and danced the skies
on laughtered-silver wings and
touched the face of GOD.
-- Mom
Janice Ione Biggs
• Janice Biggs, a resident of Shelton, age 76,
passed away at 3:00 am on December 9th,
2012, with her daughter and grandson at her
She was born October 30, 1936 in
Bellingham, Washington, to Frank and Iyone
Brumm. In 1955 she graduated from Central
Kitsap High School in Silverdale, Washington.
Janice married Leon Fox in 1960 at Star of The
Sea Catholic Church, Bremerton, Washington. Their
daughter, Terri Lynn, was born on November 11, 1966. In 1975
she married Alan Biggs and moved to Shelton.
Her work career began at Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone in Bremerton, and
then onto her life long career in banking. She worked at Pacific National Bank of
Washington, and Hood Canal State Bank, in Shelton, which is currently West Coast
Bank. In January 2011 she went to Columbia Bank until she retired in January of
Janice loved life but her first love was being a mother and grandmother. She was
a homemaker and loved cooking Sunday dinners for her family. She made the
best Apple Pies and will always be remembered for her pumpkin rolls. She loved
her career, Monday mornings, and every co-worker she ever worked with. She
always loved heating what everyone did on their week-ends and made her working
environment fun. She was a silent teacher, touching and giving credit to all those
who needed support. Janice loved family, friends, golf, tending to her yard,
Seahawk games, and Neff Diamond.
She is survived by her daughter, Teni Lynn Twidweli of Shelton, grandson Alan
Trenton Twidweli of Shelton, brother Wayne Brumm of Arlington, Washington,
and several nieces and nephews. Janice was preceded in death by her father, Carl
(Frank) Brumm, mother lyone (Whitaker) Bmmm, and sister Noreen Koskey.
A celebration of life will take place at 2:00 pin on Friday December 21st, 2012, at
Faith Lutheran Church, 1212 Connection Street, in Sbelton, with an open house to
follow at her home, 716 Elizabeth, in Shelton.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012 - Page B-7