December 20, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Del Bosque / Farnsworth
Emily Maria del Bosque bridesmaids were Teonie del
and Bryton J. FarnsworthBosque, Izabel del Bosque
announce their marriage,and Rebecca Murdock.
The couple was married The best man was KC
on Sept. 1, 2012, at the Port- Huffman. The groomsmen
land, Ore., LDS Temple. were Eric del Bosque and Eli
The bride's parents are Farnsworth.
Shelly and Aldo del Bosque of The bride is a 2010 gradu-
Shelton. The groom's parents ate of Shelton High School.
are Colleen and Glade Best and The groom is a 2009 graduate
Michelle and Evan Farnsworth. of Riverton High School.
The maid of honor was The couple will reside in
Alexia del Bosque. The Herriman, Utah.
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Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012
Obit Frank was a member of the Shelton; brothers Gunnard Leeberg
uaries Eagles, 40 et 8 and the Laborers' of Shelton and Harry Leeberg (Ann)
Continued from page B-7 Union. He loved hunting, fishing, of Olympia; sisters Lillian Settle
the outdoors and yard work. He (Merv) of Shelton and Millie Nicho-
Frank Leeberg ~~ liked mechanics las of Shelton; 33 grandchildren, 53
Frank Gustave Leeberg, 89, a ~ and was a wonder- great-grandchildren and 14 great-
resident of Shelton, died Dec. 14, ~ ful story teller, his great-grandchildren.
2012, at Shelton Health & Reha- family said. He He was preceded in death by
bilitation Center. enjoyed spendinghis parents; wife Arzilla; son Chet;
He was born June 9, 1923, in time with his fam- brothers Martin and Robert; sis-
Rjukan, Norway, to Theodore O. ily and numerouster Frances Haywood; grandchil-
and Anna (Unseth) Leeberg. friends. He was dren Larry Leeberg Jr. and Julie
He moved to the U.S. at age 7, fond of his dog Deyette and dog Bear.
and attended school in Shelton. He Gypsy. A service will take place at 1
learned to speak English from his Frank Frank is sur- p.m. on Dec. 29 at Hope Chapel,
friends and classmates. After high Leeberg vived by sons 421 W. E Street, Shelton.
school, he joined the Army and was Larry Leeberg ofMemorial donations can be made
stationed in Grand Junction, Colo., Tacoma, Marty to The Salvation Army, 1505 Fifth
where at a dance he met his future Leeberg (Star) of Tacoma and Gary Ave. E., Olympia, WA 98506.
bride. Leeberg (Joanne) of Shelton; daugh- Arrangements are by McComb
He married Arzilla Fishburn on ters Marlene Wooten (Rick) of Bel- Funeral Home of Shelton.
Aug. 16, 1943, in Grand Junction. fair, Sandy Deyette (Roger) of Shel- Online condolences can be sent
He was a laborer in the construc- ton, Linda Huggins (Jack) of Shel- to the family at www.mcombfh.
tion industry in Mason County. ton and Diane Puderbaugh (Kris) of com.
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