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December 20, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 2012
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II Look for more children's Christ- mas greetings throughout today's Journal & Herald! By EMILY HANSON ~ T h o m p - had good defense -- we just advantage -- and the over- (~nib,(~masonco~t~b,.com, tl~Y~i] s o n weren't scoring." all victory -- over Mary M. ~~~, J ................ l~r snagged Both teams had trouble Knight. ~L six steals, scoring in the first half, "The change of tempo The Mary M. Knight ~I~I~Y~I I " O u r heading into halftime with was for future games," Dig- boys' basketball team add-~_~ de fen s e Three Rivers ahead said. "My thought is, we~~~ ] ~ I ed to both its win-loss col- ~'~ ~ was excel- "For the second half, we will need to play that way umns last week. FRIDAY: lent," Dig- opened it up and playedto get all the way to state The Knights Owls be- Three Rivers41 gle said. faster," Diggle said. so I wanted to see how we gan their week with a 64- MMK ........... 35 " T h e y Mary M. Knight out- did." 49 victory over Ocosta onput pros- scored Ocosta 23-14 in the He said the Knight Owls Dec. 10. TOMORROW:sure on third quarter to pull ahead, need to work more on that ._._~~~~~~ :~i~L_~_l "They played well," head Mary M. Knight the ballbut troubles in the fourth style of play. coach Tim Diggle said. "We at Neah Bay, and made quarter stopped the team's Adsero led the team controlled the tempo of the 7:30 p.m. O c o s t a momentum, with 11 points, while Wil- game. At times, we slowed -- make bad "In the fourth, we had aleygrabbed seven rebounds 6~ it down and worked our p a s s e s lot of turnovers and fouls, and handed out four as- ~---.--- ~-i~--e'~$~! 4th Grade / offense and got our shotswhich we got steals out of." Diggle said. "Three Rivers sists. Senior Juan Jimenez "-~t~--~ Bordeaux Elementary ] that way. At other times,The Knight Owls suf- went to the free throw line picked up five steals. / we workedthe fastbreak." fered their second defeat a lot- that's where they Diggle said to do bet- dner Accountln ]' Nick Dierkop led the of the season Friday, los- got most of their points." ter in future games, the lal' 4 Owls with 16 points, while ing 41-35 to Three Rivers Three Rivers went 16- Knight Owls must work Blake Adsero put up 14 Christian. for-24 at the free-throw in practice on eliminating Don Gardner, CPA, PS [ poinds. Adsero led in re- 'In the first half, I want- line while Mary M. Knight fouls and turnovers. bounds, grabbing 11. ed to slow the tempo down hit just 4-of-6 at the line. The Knight Owls (4-2) 601 W. Railroad Ave, #B o Shelton / Kyle Willey passed out and run ,more set plays for Winning the quarter are set to play at 7:30 p.m. / six assists while Austin practice,' Diggle said. "We 16-2 gave Three Rivers the tomorrow at Neah Bay. ~60"4~'8~6~ J By EMILY HANSON ~k St~ "We struggled on The Lady Owls picked up their ~,mily',?i; ~ our half court de- pace in the second quarter, he said. ...... fensive rotations in "We started pressing and causing the second quarter," turnovers that got us some easy bas- The Mary M. Knight girls' basket- Valley said. kets and into transition," Valley said. ball team continued to come out on The second quar- "Our defensive rotations were better top last week. ter was the only one holding them to one field goal." The Lady Owls squeaked past Ocosta 34-31 on Dec. 10. "Starting with a new lineup, we came out aggressive and our defen- sive pressure was good," head coach Lance Valley said. "We were missing two starters due to sickness and two other players were battling illness." Freshman point guard Jaycee Val- ley led the team with 11 points. She FRIDAY: during which Ocos-The second half started slow for MMK ........... 35 ta outscored Mary the Lady Owls, with Three Rivers Three Rivers30 M. Knight, 16-10. outscoring them 12-8 in the third "Melodie Sny- quarter. TOMORROW: der stepping in as a "Then the fourth quarter, defen- Mary M. Knight starter played well," sive intensity picked up and caused at Noah Bay, Valley said. "All the some turnovers," Valley said. "Ash- 6 p.m. girls stepped up and ley Sowle hit some crucial shots for played hard." us and she played well." The Lady Owls Miranda Sowle led the Lady Owls ~d . J Vii , ' - • , "= .. - ,' , , • Alexander Dolton Moran 4th Grade Mary M. Knight School SPIKE'S HYDRAULICS . grabbed six rebounds and two steals made 16-of-56 shots from the field with nine points, eight rebounds, and handed out three assists. Coach and went 1-for-2 from the free-throw eight steals, five assists and two .~ & FIRE EQUIPMENT i Valley said she controlled the whole line. blocks. Jaycee Valley also scored nine ~ I,,EROY VALLI~y, OWNER game. Mary M. Knight played another points, and grabbed eight rebounds. Playing on a sore ankle, junior close game Friday, defeating Three She had four steals and three assists. 206 East Pine • Shelt0n, WA 98584 Hannah Frost put up 10 points, Rivers Chri§tian 35-30. "Jaycee and Miranda both played ;,~t ~*~ ~-i A. • o~*~ *J~,~ ~*~-n snagged 14 rebounds and had six Valley said he started the game well handling the ball and play- |~uvI "¢f.u'~ gr II-O~-~,~-~ I steals and four blocks, with a different lineup, because sev- ing post," Valley said. "The girls all "Carlie Adsero battling sicknesseral of the girls were sick for most of played hard and gutted this one out." ...... had seven rebounds, three steals, the week. He said he hopes the team will be I ~ ~ ~ .~ I two assists and a block," Valley said. ,, "We came out very slow," he said. healthy this week and can get back I ,~ ~ ~X~)~ ~ I For the first time this season, the Our defensive intensity and move- into its rhythm. I "- I~,',~l I Lady Owls were outrebounded, he ment of the ball on offense weren't The Lady Owls (5-0) play at 6 p.m. I ~.~,:,~-~F~/fl I said. there." tomorrow at Neah Bay. I ~ _ ~_ ~ J By EMILYHANSON teams havesevenplayerson they miss playing. Its also dic~datoughgame. ' / | ~ ~..---1 ] I] I emily@masonco~nb,.comthe field, while in a 15s game a great way to recruit assis- ~he alumni girls are the I i ~ ~ I ~ J ........................ the teams have 15 players, rant coaches and people to hard hitters and the current liI I ~ ____L___J ] / |I I She said the games will help out with the program." girls are the speedy girls," II ~ ] "--------~ l~ I , . Greeting drawn by For the third year in a begin with current girls play- The boys alumni team she said. If they pass, the I / I 6 '~rna Miller- ] r I I row, Shelton rugby players ers versus the alumni girls, leads the series 2-1. _,Thi's is current girls will win. If they li I ! "4thGrade I_~ I I [ and alumni will hit the field which will probably be a 7s the first time the girls have do hard hits, the alumni will I ~ [ Mt. View Elementary ]~'*"~ I I I to determine which is the bet- game because turnout has taken part in the alumni win. It'll be a toss-up." [ ~ ' . .- I ter team. , been typically smaller than game. The alumni games are i --- ~ ~ ~ The Shelton boys andthe boys' program. "I think the record for the free to attend and Robbins I Merr Christmas From All Of Us at-- I girls' rugby alumni gamesOnce the victory is deter- boys will change," Robbins said they are a great way to [ ""-l.--,.~ .----- " ....... I are set for 11 a.m. on Satur- mined, the boys will hit .the said. "I think aside from the see how the sport has evolved I • ~ ~I~ ,- 1 ~. day at Oakland Bay Junior field in a 15s games fact that the current boys in Shelton. I • . I • , ....... ~ l ~¢ ~ : High School. ~rhis ]s our third year do- are mt~m]dated by the older "We started playing these I I "It's an all past players ing the alumni game," Rob- boys, they're more in shape games because the kids want- I ATTTOlk/IOTIV1F ~ I from 7s or 15s "-ame~ bins said "The Ion er w 'r .......................... -- -- tg ~ . g e e an~ can wm. eu m see now mey woma uo I ................. I against the current ones," co- around, the more people say For the girls, Robbins pre- against the alumni," she said. I zu~ uJymp~c n~gnway ~orth ° ~nel! on : ~ I • • ~ Amos.are head coachKaseyRobblns said. 425- 14 7 ~.4~ ~ .... ~ 426-1467 Rugby has two styles . of play. 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