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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(It ii, « sdaYLDcenfll? 'tries in this area 1‘ State Committee for 8 new industries. S. B. Anderson, f” ANCE ‘ R380!" escriplion, 'our Rexall d born of and expe- ‘ic of you!“ D. STAMI 33R“ DAYTON HALL 7% Miles out on Matlock Road V0; PE Pelt lin0r. Admi55!0“ 50¢ Tax Included ‘ p Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 BhOWT McDonald’s ‘ Rhythm Aces TURKEY DRAWING December 23 rst Church Of ChristSueniiSi SHELTON, WASHINGTON WELCOMES YOU SERVICES day ........................ .. 11 ‘a.m. ednesday . . . . . . . . . _ . .. 8 p. in. day School ........ .. 9:45 a. m. ading Room at the Church 302 Alder Street Open Monday thru Friday 12:00 to‘4 p. in. Tuesday Evening 1 7:00 to 9:00 a fertile field for expansion and Wednesday Evening new industries, the booklet point- luring the 6:45 to 7245 ed out in urging that particular Fmshw t \—————’—"nr——vfl_wi t attention be directed to assisting .’o.~Eaey V‘: Sunday Deccmbcr 2,} , "and _cncoui'agiiig‘ established in- to sears , ‘ (dustrzes. . I T Show . CHRIST JESUS The. industrial analySis hand— dfor avea -book is the third of a series of gofpel‘csL 'stian Science Literature 21- notits Va] ble at all times at the 110‘? try £0 urch or on request by mail. amember’» nch of The Mother Church hammoY"t e First Church of Christ. ‘nothmg Scientist er 21,7}9744. Analysis of past and present in— togttlier th a survey of potential re— rces was proposed today by Post— ctory Employment as a step to- rd providing jobs for returning terans and civilian workers. The dustrial analysis and resource dy would be the basis for de- ing what industries might be .ived and expanded as well as viding data to be used in seek- chairman of ’the local citizens’ committee for post-victory employment, said the proposal is included in a booklet published by the State Planning ‘Council and distributed by the ipost-victory employment public lrelations committee. Written by iP. Hetherton, executive officer of lthe planning council, in response ‘to a request by Governor Arthur .B. Langlie that aid be given lsmaller communities to expand their industrial payrolls, the book- let provides a procedure whereby the people of a community may analyze their industrial possibili- ties. Although primarily intended as a handbook to guide the self- analysis of smaller cities, it also ,“H...__..—— urvey of State’s Potential Resources Skokomish Grange roposed by Postflf’ictory Committee Meets Friday . by Mary Valley Skokomish Grange No. 379 will hold their regular meeting this' Friday evening, December 22 at which time the drill team will put on the third and fourth degrees for a number of members of other Granges and including their own candidates. All grangers are urg- ed to attend. Mrs. Arthur Jones of Puyallup visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. Mrs. son, Alvin Michael, came home Sunday from the hospital. Mrs. Ted Ferris and son Ivan and daughter Dolores, of Olym- pia, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Daven- Alvin Hulbert and baby. port and son Richie, of Tumwater, were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley. , Linda Johnson has been confin- ed to her home for a few days with a slight case of flu. The school teachers are pre— paring a very nice Christmas pro— ‘gram for Thursday evening. We Mrs. Doris Wilson was hostess at a Christmas party for the Jun- ior Girls Club. A delicious lunch was served after which gifts were exchanged. An enjoyable time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stackhouse re- ceived word from their son Maur- ;ice, who recently returned from the Hawaiian Islands and is in ' the hospital at Walla Walla. Mrs. Bea Thomas entertained at a Christmas party for the “SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL 1Thursday evening. Gifts were ex- are sure it will be worth seeing. 'cream and cake was emoyed. '. family Male, Female Clouds The Navajo Indians believe that there are male and female clouds, that winds from the north are male and winds from the south female. G r a n g e Economic Club last changed and later a lunch of ice Mrs. Barbara Dale, of Olympia, , visited at the home of Mrs. Bill Sallee. ‘9 Mrs. Fitzgerald of Oregon, is spending a few days with ner sis- ter, Mrs. Jess Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Davis and ‘ have moved to Seattle \ where he will be working with the Y.M.C.A. but expects to spend iweek ends in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. O’Dell Richie have “9—..— _Page 3 Water Troubles For Bremerton ing the Navy Yard, is having its troubles on the Water question watershed and endangering its water supply source, in the am- ount of $250,000. Casting about i‘moved to Shelton. Obedience In Tampa, 8 draft registrant has faithfully notified his local board each of the four times he has moved The City of Bremerton, includ- l since March. He didn’t tell where. for larger future supply of water and threatens suit against the for the fast growing city, Brem— government for damages alleged erton is by the new railroad crossing its 1water rights on the Hama Hama river, across Hood Canal in Ma- son county, entailing a 50-mile pipe line. fit Mae. 9. thinking about filingi Love Meaning Nothing The origin of the term love mean- ing nothing, in tennis, is thought to derive from such an expression as “to play for money or for love." DANCE _AT_ KAMILCHE GRANGE HALL Saturday, Dec. 30 PUBLIC lNVlTED Sponsored by G. W. Club Music by GENERAL WELFARE CLUB ORCHESTRA (No Dance December 23) aturdayr, Dec. 23 i i [$533583 Boston, Mass. (ice at =_”‘~ ,.__ _,,,., hicago, P ‘i gmxaaaixsszsgw llas, Kan ;nds of ti“ ‘ . subcommittes on industrial devel- ., YOU CA , s l opment to be responsible for put- FW. ting the suggested procedures into -—— ii - ’ gig, Enlistment For ,t’s Christmas! So ' t’s Celebrate! . . .t’s celebrate by recalling every day what Christ- i-j- is and what it means. ,t’s celebrate by Incver ubting t h a t eventually 0d shall triumph. Let’s lebrate by making children ppy and by opening our arts to those in need. ' That’s the way to have the Merry Christmas we wish P you. Shelton Concrete Products We ms: ~ . ma 1m:- i ‘ i! , I out. .t ,versity of Washington, the Wash— lington State Colege, Department is available to the larger cities which are financially able to em- ploy trained personnel. Coopera- tion is offered by various agen- §cies in providing technical advice to any community undertaking the analysis. Pointing out that too much con- fidence is placed on brand new types of industry such as plastics, synthetic fibre and chemicals as employers of labor immediately following victory, the publication embraces tables showing the .present industrial development :and possible industrial opportun- ities of the state in a large var— iety of manufacture. The pamphlet proposes that the citizens' committees make a. list of the industries now operating and compile data regarding their ,operation and markets and as- semble similar information for all industries which have ceased to exist in each community within the past 20 years to determine why each terminated its opera.- tions. Suggestions for reviving the latter types of industry are ex- pected to result from such stu- dies. i‘hese investigations are to be supplemented by inquiry into raw materials not now utilized. Wastes of existing industries may hold promise as possible raw materials for new operations, it was pointed This was emphasized fur- ther by listing several industrial and agricultural research projects. iundertaken by the planning coun- cil in cooperation with the Uni- l 30f Fisheries, Department of Con- servation and Development and 'other agencies, to utilize more ,fully the state’s resources. I An analysis of the data will ,develop conSIderable information fsuch as sources of raw material, ithe markets to which Washington goods are going, capital require— ments per worker, the technical skills, and problems facing each {industry such as need for further financing, for marketing studies ,or for research to solve immed- ‘iate problems. Suggestions for manufacturing new products and by—products may be uncovered as post—victory employment commit- tee publications entitled The New Washington State and may be ob- tained through the planning coun- cil office 404 Transportation lBuilding, iympia. In transmitting it to the governor, J. N. Emer- lson, chairman of the planning lcouncil and its committee on post- victory employment, urged that; local citizens’ committees create i l Seabees Open Calling more men for the SEA- .BEES! It; has been 13 months since enlistments were taken for the ‘Navy’s famous Construction Bat- talions, but now 'the Navy finds itself with many huge building , jobs facing it on the road to Tok- yo (latest SEABEE jobs out there ‘are the airfields on Saipan from which the B-29’s hopped off for Tokyo! )- SO now the call is out for thous- ands of men to be enlisted as petty officers in such construc- tion and cargo moving skills as winchmen, hatch bosses, stove- dores, welders, draftsmen, car- penters. SQFYGYOI'S, pipefitters and plumbers, I'lggers, general elec- tricians, line and station electri- cians, and heavy equipment oper- ators including those of cranes buiidozers, patrol graders, and carryalls. Here‘s a. chance for men of draft age and over to get in and help in the final phases of the war! Skilled men up to 50% years can qualify if they pass the SEA- ,- Ideal Gift! —. Standard Bushel , APPLE BOX! ............. ................... .. ORANGES .............. .. lb. 10¢ New Crop Sunkist . . . California Navels GRAPEFRUIT ........ .. lb. 6¢ Texas White Marsh Seedless . . . Juicy! LEMONS ................ .. lb. 12¢ Sunkist . . . For Flavoring and Drinks! APPLES ........ .'. ....... .. lb. 9l/z¢ Delicious Std. Bushel Apple Box $3.98 CELERY ................... .. lb. 10¢ Calif. . . . Make Cheese Celery Sticks! BROCCOLI .............. .. lb. 21¢ Tender Broccoli for Holiday Meals! DATES .................... ._ lb. 49¢ A Hydrated Sweetmeat . . . Delicious! GRAPES .................. .. lb. 23¢ Deep Red Table Grapes . . . Calif. Sweet Potatoes For Holiday Dinners! They will Make the meal . . . Well matur- ed and of Nice Size! California! Try them Candied! Um-m-m-m! lb. 76 FOR XMAS! Winesaps . . . Luscious Washington Apples dividualiy Wrapped and Packed! Take a Box home for Xmas!! The PRIME U. S. NO. 1 GRADE Washington Co-op. “Broadbreast” Turkeys . . . Wing-Tagged . Top U. S. Government Graded “A” Prime, Plump. Well- rounded ou unblemished birds . . . Your Satisfaction is Gua- ranteed in a Wash. Co-op. “BROADBREAST” Turkey. Drawn, Tendons Pulled, All Ready to Stuff!!! They are the Finest on th market!!! \ UP TO 20-LBS._ Per Lb. ‘ 51c Roasters . . . . .. lb. 46¢ Leg O’Lamb .. . lb. 36¢ Grade “A” . . . New York Dressed! Tender and Juicy . . . “Good” (7 pts.) Grade A Fryers lb. 46¢ Pork Sausage. . lb. 35¢ New York Dressed . . . Plump! Bulk, for Dressing Mixed Nuts Assorted Nuts for the Festive Season! Wal- nuts! Pecans! Almonds! Filberts! etc. (No Peanuts.) lb- ' Fruit Cake Hostess . . . “Jane Martin" Ring Style Fruit Cake! Rich Ingredients! (1-1b. Loaf Style 35¢) Walnuts Fancy California, Diamond Brand—Large soft shell. Sweet and Juicy, In- $3.59 lb. Jumbo Shrimp . 7-02. 38¢ Cranberry Sce. 16-02. 21¢ Dunbar Brand . . . Wet Pack Shrimp! Ocean Spray Brand . . . Appetizing (40) Green Olives pt. bot. 42¢ Blanched Raisins. . lb. 17¢ Early California . . . Giant Green Olives! Extra Choice Quality . . . Cello Package! Small Oysters. pt. 69¢ For Dressing . . . The Small “B” Size Sirloin Steak .. lb. 28¢ Acme Utility Grade (No pts.) Bf. Pot Roast. . lb. 27¢ Arm or Blade Cuts . . . “Good” (5 pts.) Lamb Roast . . lb. 34¢ Square Cut Shoulder . . . “Good” (4 pts.) Lanib Chops . . . lb. 43¢ Juicy Lamb Rib Chps . . “Good” (7 pts.) EDWARDS COFFEE Rich Flavor . . .‘f ." Vigorous Strength, A Value in the Ec- onomy Jar! Reg. or Drip. (1-1b. 28¢) ' 2-lbs. 55¢ Nob Hill .. . 2-lbs. 47¢ Ground Fresh when you buy! 1-1b. 24¢ Airway 3-lbs. 59¢ Brazilian . . . Ground Fresh! 1-1b. 20¢ Black Tea . 2/4-02. 43¢ Canterbury . . . Distinctive Flavor! Kadota Figs .... .. 14'/2-oz. 14¢ Sundown . . . For Holiday Desserts! Apple Juice ........ -. 32-02. 23¢ New West . . . Tasty, Appetizing! Tomato Juice .... .. 18-02. 10¢ Sunny Dawn . . . Fancy . . . Full Quality Asparagus .......... .. 19-02. 34¢ Sunny Skies All-Green . . . Tender! Cream Com ...... .. 20‘02. 11¢ Tendersweet Golden . . . Rich, Creamy! Fancy Peas ........ .- 20-02. 14¢ Sugar Belle Blended Peas . . . Sweet! Tomato Juice 101/2-02. 3/25¢ Campbell‘s . . . Vivid, Sunny Flavor! 2 -mmyasayswassssszss NOTICE CLOSED , 5 Tuesday, Dec. 26 C To Take Our Annual Inventory We MELI. CHEVROLET co. 3% ii . fig BEES p h y s i c a 1 requirements, . Drop in at the Navy Recruiting station today. The address is 113 Old Capitol. Olympia Will Be Sierra Pine Toilet Soap . . . With the Fragrance of the Pines! 2 Bars 13¢ White King Toilet Soap . . . Beautifies as it cleanses! 3 Bars 14¢ W00dbury Facial Soap . . Try a. Wood- bury Facial Cothail! 4 Bar Deal 24¢ Swan Soap . . . The four-purpose Soap with gentle action! 3 Lge Bars 29¢. Frh. Bread 11/2-lb. 13¢ Mrs. Wright’s “Enriched” Bread Large Fresh Milk qt. 13¢ Pasteurized 4% from Selected Dairies Fresh Eggs . . doz. 62¢ Wash. Co-op Grade “AA” Medium Cherub Milk 6 for 53¢ 0r Federal (1-pt. per can) talls NuMade . . . . . . qt. 47¢- Mayonnaise . . . For Perfect Salads Sleepy Hollow 1-lb. 21¢ Syrup Blend of Maple and Cane Sugars Pancake Flr. 40-02. 16¢ Suzanna, For Waffles too! Um-m-m! Duchess . . . . . . qt. 37¢ Salad Dressing.' For Tempting Salads Royal Satin Shortening . . . Pro-Cream— ed! Hydrogenated! Pure Ve- getable ! l-lb 22¢ 3-lb 60¢ Pumpkin 28-02. 14c Libby’s, Solid~Pack Geniune Pumpkin! 28-02. Mince Meat 33. 490 For Rich, Old-Fashioned Mince Pics! 37-02. Cocktail 29-oz. 34c Libby’s Fruit Cocktail Five Fruits! (80) 29-02. Fancy Peas‘ £23160 Pictsweet Fancy Big Peas, Tender! 20-02. NO SALES TO DEALERS! Prices start Friday 1944 subject to market change and stocks on hand in Shelton. T0wn House 46-02. 31¢ Grapefurit Juice . . . Economy Size! Green Beans 19-02. 16¢ Briargate Cut . . . Fancy, Full Quality! Hiway Corn 12-02. 13¢ Whole Kernel Corn . . . Extra Standard! Minute Man Soup 3 pkgs. 23¢ Hi H0 Crackers .... .. 1—ib. 21¢ Tom & Jerry Batter 1-lb. 36¢ No. 1 Walnuts .......... .. lb. 41¢ Filberts .................... .- 1b.. 42¢ y'Baby Walnuts .... .- 2—lbs. 74¢ English Maid Mincemeat 37¢ Bleach ,White Magic . Cleans, Bleaches and Removes Stub- born stains! ,1/2-gal. 18¢ P&G Laundry Soap. The Popular White Laundry Soap . . . . Large Bar! 3/10-02 Bars 14¢ OXYDOL Granulated Soap . . Washes White without Bleaching! 24-02. pkg. 22¢ Honey Bradshaw Honey . . . Pure Table Honey of Exquisxte Flavor! ‘ ,l-lb 29¢ 2.11) 55¢ Crisco Shortening . . . Pure Veget- able! For Delicious, Digest- ible Foods! l-lb 24¢ 3-lb 68¢