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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,—,"-'.‘.i.- 21, 1 ’3‘, Bezefhhel‘ 4944. .w M . V. . _.. .. ya‘ ##flagmawwaragawmmmmflfifi waananmsanahawaawanaasaawanwnwna - a a “a . ._, 4 . _ n % ii 2 '9 . a it a it a i ii if a it a a it it 3 3‘3 ti h & & i i -* i ii i i ii 3i K 3% a it a a n n ii i l! 53 fig ii. a it a a it i. it n ALL i‘é . : ' .~ -. t ‘1‘}, h! . . . I“) % ,- h h V" r t d V: out on the porch means Santa Le . May the sweet old Christmas Lil \. A jibe 3,33 3111‘; Uncle Joe in his We hope oldl Santa will not forget mly story bring to you this year a : g 1 '. c1 m. Nicholas. > you this Christmas of 1944, but that the deeper meaning a larger “on? , («m if“ . Yes. there Santa Claus and there will p; he will cram that stocking so full it if: de_ . . ’ ' ' ' ‘ E7 all)»: ‘ E alert-'23s BE :1 Santa Claus in the good old U.S;A. can hold no more. on Of “S'JO‘V and'peace and gladneSb i; ‘ r, 1. lino. bl.,,l-1i.. Hilly]. . | We wish for you and your family this: season Goodpcheer.y good fellowship, and ‘ 'p than 1t ever has before. ' fm (if: Christmas of 194445 a typical American ChriStmaS_ F .Meny Christmas to you an! . E ‘b ' V ‘ph‘, , V .. ' . .' I ’. V T! ' i "3.; i . J' I ' ' ' ‘ , a O Shelton Hardware r _ She“? Meat & Ice, . Pdntm’lum Cleaners i it Shelton Pr1nt1ng-& Stationery Co. i M CityMarket 33$- ' §§ v v' g ‘ s: gmgsnasasxmmsg‘sms##sumsmmswxvg gxmwmmmxmmmmmmmmmmmmmgmmmssssgmg smmsfismmmsfimmfimxmxMmfimmsxmmsmfimm msxmmfimmmmmmswgmmmgmmxmmmxawmmg i i i wwwaxwémagflawufiwgmmauflamm mmwmmwaflsggkmwfluflp ‘ ’ .. .: ll Good Cheer! There’s nothing quite like it. And od' cheer is an affair of the heart. It cannot be I thheld and hoarded to gain added value with days or years. Good cheer must be Spent! Let us all radiate good cheer this Christmas of ‘3‘ for there are reasons enough for good cheer we but pause to reflect. Ias 2% Merry Christmas greetings from all of us to all of you. Ivan Neuenschwander farm k‘md’ * Whether Christmas be white or mght green, we hope it will be full of merry charm for you and yours, with an a. full abundance of all the good things that ;eason are part of happy Yuletide . . . ~ f~""’§-€’<"-’.... . .r.‘ e ‘ Shelton Cash Grocery . . W i {if} .. a... v. 1'91“)! -h»:~:-_;a:_;—-.; ;X'-;‘L'n. r ay?fl.g5”yiaa.97/ 2 ‘ .inn it Jay:fo ,/ .~ What stauncher tree than the oak, and what stauncher friends than ours? Each year at Christmastime we realize more keenly than ever that our success in this community is deeply‘ rooted in the firm soil of friendship. 'We cannot tell you in so many words how much these friendly associa- tions mean to us, and how we cherish them. But we know you‘will understand. In this spirit of appreciation We send our sincere good All during 1944 we have been storing up . cur gratitude to the people rof‘this com- , munity, as they have come in day'afte'r day. Now that Christmas is here it time gratitude to you in one great big wish for to make delivery. So here it comes . . . our Christmas wishes to you and to: all those dear to you. Wilson’s Cafe ROY RITN ER, Proprietor --mmmmmvmmmm$mmmmmmmmm We have much to be thankful for this Christmas, and we want to express our thanks to you. ' May this Christmas season of 1944 be g” a big, happy, merry Christmas. M. C. (Neil) Zintheo Real Estate and Insurance Telephone 157 #smmmxmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmxmwm “33.711311 beaming faces tell that‘Christmas is ‘ near. we are reminded again of the . of friendship. He who has no friends, thong 3, have amassed a fortune, cannot be happ". We have many friends in this area—friends from many years back as well as friends Who have become friends during this past year. These friend- ships are a great source of pride and happiness to us. To all these friends we wish a very Merry ' an especially happy one for you. Olsen Furniture Company istakableli Chr1stmas Agaln! ' whethe \ roodsd egg Who will say that smiles were brighter s an 1 ‘p or spirits keener at the Christmases of our fathers than they are today? 9 3hristm35 ' uller, and At any rate, friends and neighbors, md_tl'lan1‘> that’s the kind of a Christmas we are relatmns' Wishing for you this Yuletide of 1944-— just a good old-fashioned Christmas! Andrew’s Photo Studio Turkey and cranberry sauce and plum pudding are symbols of the lighter side of Christmas. We Want you to have these, too, this Yule season of 1944, plus all the other joys that give Christmas2 time its transcendent glory. We welcome this opportunity to extend to each and all our heartiest greetings. Werberger Winery s v magmas» . Wmsamrzmmirwr" ’ ’ 91% :7 engineers“ ~~ ‘ u v“ Christmas Season. Markham Variety ‘ Store Loads of Happiness To You! Christmas of 1944 is going to be a BIG Christmas. See if we aren’t right. May YOUR Christmas be bounteous and full of good cheer, and may our greeting and best wishes add just a little to your plea- sure this Yuletide. Munro’s Mens Store ' . ’ Wfigflfifiwflflflflflflflfimflflfi . \ We’ve got it on good authority that this town is among the first along Santa Claus’ route, and that he’s scheduled to make a long stop here! We hope that “Santa Claus will be good to you,” and that this holiday time will be one of exceptional joy and happiness to you and your family. Daviscourt Bakery H a‘ As we approach the beloved anniversary of a great Event we are reminded again of the many Christmas seasons we have seen come and go. Time has changed everything except friendship. We are proud of the fact that we number among our customers many of the town’s “oldest inhabitants”——-friends who have become dearer to us with the passing years. Once again we say Merry Christmas to all. Herbert G. Angle -. . “. . . and on earth peace, good will towards men.” And to each of you who read this message that enraptured happiness which comes only at CHRISTMAS- TIME. ‘ McConkey Pharmacy '1' '2 it grammes i.