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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1944
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Ease 6~ Activettes Honor Mrs. Charles Savage Members of the Activettes gathered at the home of Mrs.‘ John Stevens’On November 28 for a farewell party honoring Mrs. Charles Savage. Other guests in- cluded Mrs. Ed McKinney; Mrs. R. E. Duckham, Mrs. Gene Han- son, Mrs. Pete Melin, Mrs. Dick Watson, Mrs. Fred Snelgrove, Mrs. Everett Fourre, Mrs. Robert Million, Mrs. John Ballard, Mrs. John Replinger and Mrs. Steven- son. After a Dutch lunch was served the group presented Mrs. Savage with a wallet and a guest book signed by all the members. In Spokane Mr. and Mrs. A. Almaden will leave Sunday for Spokane to visit their daughter, Mrs. George De Lateur. They plan to be gone sev- eral days. . Say It WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. . Phone 232 78M iGirl Scout Leaders Enjoys Xmas Party The Girl Scout Leader’s Asso- >ciation met at the home of Mrs. Alfred Michaelson Wednesday evening. Plans for the troops singing =Christmas carols were completed and the need for more troop lead- ers was discussed. It was also an- nounced 'that Mrs. Cora Kelly will take over leadership of Vera Morgan’s Lincoln Brownie troop. A social hour followed with games the main diversion with prizes going to Irene Hughes, El— eanore Norberg, Teddy Helberg and Alice Gee. ' Little Miss Karen Michaelson, as Santa Claus, presented the gifts for the tree, after which a delicious luncheon was served to Miss Alice Gee, Miss Irene Hughes, Miss Eleanore Norberg, Miss Teddy Helberg, Miss Ruth Hillier, Miss Esther Johnson, Mrs. Cora Kelly, Mrs. Beth Perdue, Mrs. Florence Moyer, Mrs. Bar- bara Walton, Mrs. Mildred Gon- ter, Mrs. Phylis Goldschmid, Mrs. Ellen Price, Miss Karen Michael- son and the hostess, Mrs. Michael- SOClfll LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor sannrw-mson COUNTY 3901mm (VGNTS pHONE 1M Dahlgren—Johnson Wedding Saturday Alice Johnson and Ernest Dahl- gren were united in marriage Sat- urday evening at ther Masonic Temple at six o‘clock before an altar decorated attractively in White with candelabra forming the background. At each side of the altar stood two white Christ- mas trees with tiny white bows forming the only decoration on the trees. From the trees up the steps to the altar were pine bows in white and a large bouquet of yellow and orchid chrysanthe-» |mums. l Justice M. C. Zintheo perform- ed the ceremony before about 50 friends. Lillian Myers of Olympia, sister of the bride, and Williami Dahlgren, brother of the groom, attended the couple. The bride was smartly dressed gold lschwander. Large baskets of pas- 'te1-colored chrysanthemums and Stella Lane is Bride of Ivan Neuenschwander The Mount Olive Lutheran Church was the scene Saturday evening of the pretty wedding of Stella Lane and Ivan Neuen- lighted candelabras decorated the altar before which the couple re- peated their vows. The Reverend R. C. Muhly per- formed the ceremony at nine o’clock. Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki played the wedding music and sang “I Love You Truly” and “The Lord’s Prayer,” accompan- ied by her daughter Bernadine. The bride was attractively dressed in a floor length char- treuse jersey gown with silver beads embroidered over *the shoulders and the back. With it she wore a feathered calot of Am- ercian beauty shade with match- This Christmas you can. Still Give The Gift That Lasts ‘ The Whole Year ThrOugh A Subscription To The Journal SOIL Tacoma Visitors Tacoma visitors Monday were James Needham and son C l a u d e Strobe, Rosemary Kidwell and Mrs. H. G. Mrs. Tommy, Mrs. Angle. of Christmas her corsage bouquet. Her attend- ant Wore a suit dress of brown with matching accessories and an orchid corsage. “I Love You Truly” and “The Lord’s Prayer” were sung by Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki, who played the wedding music. She was ac- companied by her daughter, Ber- nadine. A reception followed at the Dahlgren home. The lace covered table was centered with a three- tiered wedding cake topped with the traditional bride and groom and a tiny silver bell over their heads. , Following a short‘ Wedding trip to Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Dahlgren will make their home in Shelton Where he is employed. Bordeaux P.-T.A: Meeting Held Last Thursday Eve The Bordeaux P.-T.A. held its December meeting last Thursday evening with an excellent crowd in attendance. The Bordeaux Glee Club, composed of more than 30 boys and girls, led the singing of “The Star Spangled Banner” un- der the direction of Mrs. Robert Spring and accompanied by Miss Arbuthnot. Following the flag sa-’ lute, the Glee Club sang a group carols: “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, “The First Noel,” “O Come All Ye Faithful," and “Silent Night.” A Christmas reading, “Santa Claus and the Mouse” was given by Bobby Ea‘ in a gold colored suit with accessories. Green orchids formed "i I ..‘ .- .- .u n .. .- .n .- .-I .- .- .- .1 tt. 1 1 ’HM Ch~t_ ismsam— driest: wéffgreseiiid Lutheran Christmas Calendar ANNUAL CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS SERVICE CHRISTMAS EVE December 24, 7:30 p. m. CHRISTMAS DAY FESTIVAL “Christ the Savior Is Born!” 11:00 a. in. services CHOIRS SOLOS CAROLS SERVICES SUNDAY MORNINGS, 11:00 December 24 and December 31 Tune in for Christmas broadcasts THE LUTHERAN HOUR, St. Louis KMO Sunday, 9:30 a. m. w KVI Sunday 7:00 p. m. Christmas baptisms by appointment Phone 395M or 230 Lutheran Bookstore in church on Hillcrest Religious Books, Pictures SUNDAY WORSHIP Choir Sermon Prayer Songs at 11:00 each Sunday Sunday School and Bible Class 9:45 each Sunday Rev. R. C. Muhly, Pastor 705 Dearborn Street Phone 395M Church office, hours 8-12, phone 230 Mount Olive Lutheran Church HILLCREST ON THE .HIGHWAY Shelton, Wash. 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIlllll’ o by LaVonne Norby, accompanied by Mrs. Donovan Palmer. Roll call was taken and the ‘fourth grade was announced as the winner of the parental attend- ance award. Mrs. James Morre re ported that the apron sale which had been held November 18, had lnetted $88.75. Her committee, composed of Mrs” Myron Lund, Mrs. Len Walton, Mrs. Chet Hill- lman, received, an appreciative ‘round of applause from the aud- "ience. Earl Jordan, chairman of the [committee appointed to investi- gate the possibilities of the P.- T.A.’s sponsoring a Boy Scout ]troop, reported on the findings of his committee, but action on the question was tabled until the Feb- ruary meeting. It was voted to contribute $10 to the Mason County T. B. Lea- gue during its annual drive for funds. The temporary plan, which ,Was adopted at the September ‘meeting, whereby the organiza— {tion would hold alternate after- i noon and evening meetings, was labandoned in favor of holding all ifuture meetings in the evenings, ithus enabling both working mo- l‘thers and all fathers to take an active part in the P.—T.A. Richard Hudson, the school principal, spoke briefly of the pre- lparations that were being made for the school’s Christmas pro- gram which will be held Decem- lber 20, at 8 p. m. The meeting ,closed with thesinging of “Joy {To The World,” accompanied by Mrs. Earl Jordan. The beautiful lighted Christmas .tree then became the center of attention as the entire group en- i gaged in an exchange of gifts. Re- and 5th grade mothers with Mrs. Myron Lund and Mrs. Robert ,Price in charge of the arrange- ments. They were assisted by Mrs. Len Walton, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. E. D. Boysen, Mrs. Earl Marr and Mrs. Howard Moy- ier. l ,Barn Dance Put On at U.S.0. John Pat Kilcoyne, H. Y. Smith and Harry Bertting were in charge of the Barn Dance put on at the U.S.O. hall last Wed- ‘nesday evening. Gay decorations of farm posters, straw, etc. gave er won the door prize,“a live hen P.-T.A. were senior hostesses. Sunday another potluck supper ‘party were made and the Christ- mas tree decorated. Mrs. Wiley was in charge of the even- ing. ‘ ‘ . ‘Pat Rhodes Has ; Party Saturday 'Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rhodes en-i Etertained with a party at her thome Saturday evening for Altai 'Bailcy, Irene Bailey, ’ Bev. Bur-| reil,- Harriet Smith, Charlotte iRoss, Agnes Anderson, Donna lLemke, Marjorie Ann Valley, Mary Eliason, Florence Fcnti- man, Mildred Carter, Winnifred, l Collier, Joan Frisk, Ramona. Jack- i lson, Tom Kidwell, Don Wilson,l |Johnny Dunbar, Guy Beckwith,i Gordon Adams, Al Eaton, Dicki Daviscourt, Harold Wilsonp George Booth, Donald Cropper,‘ Don Zamzow, Tony Nelson, Jackl Collins, Mickey Compton, Gene‘ iBergeson, Dick Oltman and Larry , l Cardinal. I To Seattle . Mrs. Genevieve Rowand and Miss Ruth Creasey will sp Christmas holidays in Seattle. erly purchased. Mrs. Kullrich an- lfreshments Were served by the 2nd Merrill the hall a festive air. Lud Shear- (the hen, “Hor'tenSe” is now the mascot of the dispensary at the .N.A.S.) Members of the Bordeaux Joann ' Miss Pat Rhodes, daughter ofg also shared honors. ing long gloves and her corsage bouquet was of American beauty rosebuds and gardenias. Her maid of honor, Viola Rowley, wore a moss-green chiffon floor-length ,gown with a gold sequim Juliet and a gardenia corsage bouquet. The reception was held in the church following the ceremony. A large bouquet of pastel-colored ‘chrysanthemums centered the l I long lace covered table. At one end was the all-white three-tired cake topped with a miniature bride and groom and Viola Row- ley presided at the coffee urn. Busy Club Meeting Held at Hoodsport ' A veritable Christmas work- shop was the Hoodsport school. club room of the Hood Canal Wo- man’s Club Thursday, December 14, when the Garden Department ‘ of the club had charge of the program, Following a brief busi- ness session, conducted by Mrs. Frances Hill, vice-president, the afternoon’s activities were in charge of Mrs. Vera Linscott, chairman of the Garden Club. “Guest star” of the afternoon was Mrs. W. Kullrich of the Shel- ton Garden Club, who brought with her Christmas wreaths, charm strings and other Christ— mas decorations and a display of beautiful corsages made by mem- bers of her club for the benefit of their Kneeland Park fund. Those she had for sale were eag- swered questions and was gener- ous in explaining procedure to the Hood Canal women who spent the afternoon working on cor- sages. Among the projects of the club’s ; annual Christmas meeting was a “Bring and Buy" sale under the chairmanship of Mrs. Wilma Vail, proceeds going to the Washing- ton Children’s Home. Articles pur- chased included many home-food delicacies and Christmas novelties. Mrs. Zoe Scevasponsored a ta- ble illustrating new ideas in war- time Yule gift-wrapping and demonstrated her own clever craftsmanship with packages made gay with ordinary mater- ials. Among them was a package done up in red and black news- paper with a dashing red bow; a plain tissue covered box sprink— led with colored catalogue cut- outs for a child’s gift, and a con- tainer for home-kitchen gifts: imade of two gaily-ornamentedl i paper plates. Mrs. Jessie Hilligoss was in 5 charge of the collection of Hos-1 pital Gardens and received a num-4 ber of artistic small dish-gardens I made by members for patients of the local airport hospital for bed- I side cheer. . 6 Mrs. Mary Nance was chairman of the USO. servicemen’s gift committee and her table was cov- ered with attractively-wrapped , gifts brought by those who w’ished } ed to contribute to the tree at ithe Shelton U.S.O. Mrs. Cecil Gilbert, in charge of ' centerpiece displays, was compli- lmented for her arrangement of red candles, red tree-balls and1 cones done on a base of delicate Thuia! greenery and made inter- esting by the addition of choir- iboy figurines. Another nice ar— rangement was a huge green can- dle with' silvered cones on an oval I mlrror. Entertainment was in charge of iMrs. Margaret Jackson, who i sponsored a tree foliage namingl icontest, and the singing : Christmas carols led by Mrs. Mar- garet Anderson, who advised the' corsage-makers to sing While they worked. So busy was the day that members brought their own ,lunches and thermos bottles of icoffee, instead of taking time for la more elaborate luncheon hour. ‘ The club voted to follow a similar plan for the next club year. Finished yearbooks for 194445 were presented by Mrs. Ruie Dick- linson, chairman of the yearbookl committee. I Mrs. Zoe Sceva, Mrs. Elizabeth 'Robinson and Mrs. Frances Hill [will be luncheon hostesses at the 'i January meeting. was enjoyed by about 30 men and v - ‘“ . hostesses. Plans for the Christmas Bum" at Raus Honors l'l‘wo Couples Wednesday Wednesday, December 8, Con- Igressman-elect and Mrs. Char-l lles Savage were honored guest at a “going—away” dinner at Rau’s i on Hood Canal. Mr. and Mrs. Edi McKinney, who Were celebrating“ ltheir 10th wedding anniversary, Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sav- age, Mr. and Mrs. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCann, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Bates, Mr. and l Mrs. A. D. Mongrain, Mr. and ' Mrs. Dick Watson and Mr. and‘ Mrs. John Stevenson. A large wedding cake centere the attractive table. In Tacoma U.S.O. Hostesses Hostess Organizations for this week: 0 Dec. 21»—Virginia Lund’s Sew- ing Club Dec. 22—Activettes Dec. 23—Tuesday Reviewers Dec. 24—Lucille Kullrich Dec. 25—-Hos‘tesses at Large Dec. 26—Mason County Wel— fare Group Dec. 27—Girl Scout Council Dec. 28—Moose Ladies Dec. 29—Shelton Dance Club Dec. 30—Mrs. Guy Hutchin- son’s Group Dec. 31—Capitol Hill Club ____.___..__——__—.—-————— Erickson—Rodgers Wedding Tuesday Miss May Rodgers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Rodgers of became the bride of Edward V. Erickson, Tuesday at the Utica, Mont, evening, December 13, Mount Olive Lutheran Church Reverend R. C. Muhly performed. the ceremony at 7:30 o‘clock. The bride was smartly dressed in a light blue suit with a blue hat and black accessories. Her corsage was of pink carnations and she carried a White prayer book. Mrs. John Luhm, matron of honor, wore a dark blue suit with black accessories and a gardenia corsage. The bride's mother chose a two-piece biege color dress suit and a red rose corsage. . John W. Luhm was the groom's man. “Following a wedding trip to Portland the couple will make their home at 1112 Railroad. The groom is employed at Simpson’s railroad shop. O.E.S. Party At Back Home The home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hack was the setting for the an- nual Christmas luncheon Club, O.E.S., on Thursday of last week. A deliCious luncheon was followed by a short business ses- sion, then the guests were taken to the “Rumpus Room” on the second floor, where a 16-foot tree was set up and beautifully dec- orated. Gifts were drawn and a social afternoon followed. Each year Mr. and Mrs. Hack have a tree and entertain in this lovely room which is filled with interesting objects and souvenirs with memories of the Hack fam- ily’s varied experiences, including the mounted head of a deer bag- ged by Mrs. Hack during the hunting season, soon to be added to the trophies. Lilliwaup Tree Party To Feature Impromptu Fun With impromptu entertainment furnished by those present, spon- taneous fun is to be the theme of the Christmas Tree Party plan- ned by the recently organized Lilliwaup Community Corporation for Friday evening, December in the Lilliwaup community hall. Children and grownups of Lilli- waup and vicinity are invited, each bringing a gift to cost not more than 25c. Adults will bring presents suitable for adults and children for their age group. Adults who fail to respond if called upon for some contribution to the program will be liable to a 25c fine, the committee states. The younger generation may have to give a “forfeit” as in the old- fashioned parlor games. Coffee, doughnuts and cider are to be served. W.S.C.S. Reports Last Meeting, The Women’s Society for Chris- tian Service met Wednesday, Dec- ember 13, at 2 pm. in the Meth- odist Church with wives of Ser- their vicemen as guests, for Christmas program and tea. Mrs. Brodt told the Christmas story after leading the devotions and Mrs. Bernice Stewart was in charge of the musical program. Those taking part in it were Frances Fentiman, Mrs. John L. Dotson, Mrs. John Steinberg, Mrs. ] Bernhard Winiecki and Mrs. Stew- art. Carols were sung by the group. Mrs. Walter Elliott~gave the greeting to the servicemen’s Wives. Navy Mothers Will Hold Xmas Party The Navy Mothers will hold their next meeting on Thursday, December 21 at which time plans will be made for their installation f which will be held at the first meeting‘in January. Each mem- ber is to bring a gift for ex- change also. The meeting will start at 8 p.m. at the Eagle‘s Hall. Friendship Club Reports Meeting The Friendship Club enjoyed their annual Christmas party at Southside Community Hall with Betty Wolf, Margery Yule and Wilma Saeger as hostesses. Marguerite Chase told the story of “The Other Wise Man,” the old carols Were sung, games were played and finally Santa Claus, as played with great style by Mrs. Swiger, came in to distribute the gifts. , Refreshments in holiday colors were served at small tables. There were 23 members and five guests present. At the last meeting the birth- day cake was presented to Mrs. Harry Hurst. Mrs, Charles R. Lewis Will Present Recital Mrs. Charles R. Lewis will pre- sent her pupils in a recital Friday afternoon, December 22 at p.m. at her home. The rooms will be decorated in the holiday motif and a Christmas tree and carols d ‘ will be enjoyed. Taking part in the recital are Gordon Grant, Joan Dodds, Rolf Schlosser, Geraldine Carlson, Jo- Mrs. W. R. Brodt will leave Fri- vita Durand, Joyce Story, Edith day for Tacoma where she will: spend Christmas with her daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Loring. , Another daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Whaley, of Seattle, Willi also be at the Loring home for 1 Christmas. To Port Angeles Mr. and Mrs. John Steinbcrg end the will leave Friday fora few day’s Christmas visit in Port Angeles. Johnson, Frances Johnson, Mar- lene. Cain, Barbara McElroy, Er- nestine Crane, Laura Ashbaugh, Annamae Jost, Jackie Halbert, Winnifred Eells, Mary Janet, Swanson, Jim Hale, Joan Soper and Winnifred Collier. Visiting Sister Miss Cecilia Bell will in Reedsport, with her sister. spend Ore., Garden Club Receives More Park Donations . The Garden Club, which is pro— ; gressing quickly now in the plant- 'ing of Kneeland Park, received 'donations for this fund from Mrs. :Hclen Forrest, American Legion gAuxiliary and the Roy Kimbel family recently. A report on the Christmas cor- ‘isages the club has been selling Iwill be made next week. 1 Mrs. Walter Kullrich has com- pleted decorating the Shelton lib— :rary in gay holiday motif. Keep- ing the library furnished with {floral arrangements is one of the iGarden Club projects. §Miss Hatcher Home Miss Carol Jean Hatcher ar- rived home Monday from the Uni- versity of Minnesota for the Christmas holidays with her par- 'ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hatcher. She will return to Dayton, Ohio, Where she will begin work. Girl Scouts and Brownies Will Carol on Friday The Girl Scouts and Brownies, under the direction of Mrs. John L. Dotson, will be around the shopping district in Shelton on Friday afternoon singing Christ- mas carols. In the evening they will carol at the hospital and to shut-ins, finishing the day’s pro- gram at 8:30 p.m. at the U.S.O. where Mrs. Al Klassel will serve refreshments. Q ' Parents of the girls are urged to make arrangements for the girls to get home from the USO. Sunday, twelve Girl Scouts will andl meeting of the Past Matron’si carol at the N.A.S. at the 10 o’clock services. 1 Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. George Glenden- ning and two daughters of Seat- tle spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Burford. Mrs. Glen- denning and Mrs. Burford are sisters. Activettes Slate Christmas Party i The'Actlvettes will hold their Christmas party on Friday, Dec- ember 22 at the home of Mrs. Elliot Spring. Mrs. Fleming Byars will be hostess. There will be an exchange of gifts. , Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs- Walter Lipscy visited last Sunday in Tacoma with Don Summers and in Ren- ton with Mr. and Mrs. Truman. Tough. Mrs. George Cooper { Entertains Club . Mrs. George Cooper, Jr., enter— tained at her home Monday eve- ning with a dinner for the mem- bers of her bridge club. A Christ- mas tree and an exchange of of gifts were enjoyed before the group began bridge. Prizes went to Mrs. ‘ Elmer Smith, Mrs. Neoma Edgley and Mrs. Carl Hellman. Other mem- bers present were Mrs. Bill Smith, Mrs. Glenn Edgley, Mrs. Harry Christopherson, Mrs. Mary Bax-. ter and Mrs. Cooper, Jr. Use the Journal Classifiedsw you’ll find they really go to work! I GET THE NEW MIRACLE WALLFINISH at. .- Cottey College, Nevada, Missouri, .T ‘ Visit Here 1 Mr. and Mrs. Delford Sharpe, and son of Sedro Wooley spent last week in Shelton with Mr. and ‘ Mrs. Ray Sharpe, Sr. Home for Xmas Miss Jane McKay, a student at is home for the Christmas holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don McKay. Visiting Here Betty Lou Kump arrived this Week from Santa Barbara to spend the holidays with her fa- ther, Otto Kump. i To Visit Here ' Milton Stiles, of Seattle, will spend Christmas in Shelton with his daunghter Frances and with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burford and son. To Vancouver Miss Margaret Baldwin and 26612196121, day, a . ._, _‘..__ . - hurssiay, Marriage Announced Mrs. William LeDreW' , ed this week the recent -- of her niece Miss Mildr sor to Thomas J. Harris, are residents of this city; yr ,ATEE To Bellingham Miss Mary Stansell wi Bellingham for the C ‘ holiday. For EVer cessful business is con ‘ I ADVERTISING. B] FIRST BAPTIST CH J. O. Bovee, Pasto ‘ Bible School at 9:45 a. ‘ iv Well res for all ages. Sunday Morning Worshi A Christmas message given. Miss Irene Burieght will spend the Christmas holidays in Van- couver, B. C. [Many are RUSH, Distance only for Buy War Bonds [ J. L. Catto Hardware 130 S. Third firmer; .1 e Dru-It! ea , rue All Wool Front! Fully Lined MEN S’ CASUAL i COATS 8.90 A Gift of Importance! Natty cheC/k fronts, all wool, combine strikingly with rayon twill fab- rics. Something he might not buy for himself, but would just; love to have you get for him! You'll find it in tans, blues and cocoa. Large, Medium, Small Sizes. ON SALE FRI 500—1-lb. Boxes of “KW eat Limit of Cream Chocolates ............................ .. d. i All Wool Plaid, Check Front BOYS’ CASUAL COATS 7.90 Way up front in fashion trends! A two—tone casual jacket with a sport weave front and asolid color sleeve, back, and collar by way of contrast. Fully lined. A gift he’ll beam over! Tans, Blues and Cocoa. Sizes 8 to 18. DAY MOR N I NC. Delicious it 57¢ Two Boxes #3 has thousands of WW! cailsla deliver his thrislmas i PORTANT—sforthere is no holi- day for war. So please use Long on December 24,25 an’d'Zti. THE mum TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH con? Young People’s meeting To p.m’. At 7:30 the Sunday h Christmas program will i i , A cordial invitation is e all to attend. 7:45 pm 4 512 C Sh lvin V ’ Hooc n bing : Deming PHl ;‘port 17 ma Home C 3 en E A. 9 a.m. ZWEEI . 7a.m. i .JOSIE F URGENT, IM- essenti‘al calls 'A,--- as w'w-k-w _.r for Victory Telephone 497 Choice of Brim Widths, "‘ o 'l MARATHON FELTS 590 my Stroke your hand ovel'v" ‘ beautiful fur felts and f‘ soft, smooth and supple are! This is the work pert batters! Rich insi tails please the eye—ray in linings, soft leather "‘ * bands. A hat to be pro, “Acclaim” is pictured- styles, too! A Comfortable, PraG Play-Tog! LITTLE 1301f JIMMIES ' 98¢ Sturdy cotton fabrics. 1‘ ~ cords, twills, printed 5’ Double bib fronts, adJ ' suspenders straps, two K pockets. Nicely made/n scams anywhere! Sanfof . sucessful washing! Age ,