December 21, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 21, 1967 |
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Percy M. Pio Bookbinding
Published in "Chrstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 26 Pages -- 3 Sections
d ,y December 21, 1967 Entered cond clan matter at the post office at Shelton. Wuhington 98584
under act of March 8. 1879 Published at 227 West Cota. 10 Cents Per Copy
0000lmow Closes Schools, Makes Driving
lazardous, Postpones Activities
now which fell Tuesday ly Wednesday morning and had slick and driving was hazardous, ones as vehicles had difficulty
°on a and evening made
nd driving hazardous,
|aUsed no real major prob-
Id conditions Tuesday eve-
CaUsed cancellation of sev-
vents, including the Ju-
iss Pageant at Mt. View
II, the Junior High School
Concert, the Shelton-El-
,zketball game and the Shel-
hool District's adult educa-
Louis Grinnell said that
],Mllter concert would be re-
Ll.led after the first of the
two schools, North Mason.
d Canal, were operating
lday, With -the others
1 because of : the . ,hazardous
|COnditions. _ ,.
I in the Shelton, Ivlary m.
g, Pioneer, Southside, Ka-
i. ", Grapeview and Harsfine
ets were closed, resumed
S-es were to have
if road conditions im-
and no new snow fell.
street crews were sand-
.,cut down on the slippery
:,-"Oras, but had had to do no
: Plowing. rt ent
county road depa m
e crew plowing roads ear-
had crews sanding county roads
Tuesday afternoon and Wednes-
day morning.
No roads were closed because
of the snow, although many were
the engineer's office said.
Neither the Sheriff's Office or
the Shelton Police Department
reported any serious accidents,
although there were some minor
Youngsters were enjoying the
holiday from school and the acti-
vities the snow provided with
snow men, snow balls and sled-
ding in evidence all around.
The volunteer weather ob-
server at Rayonier Inc..reported
that 1 and one and three quarters
Da-. Beck Ma " of snow fell between S a.m, Tues"
I" rrlage that one and three quarters inch
• :.
cense Obtained Her day and8a.m. Wednesday2;
L Smaller amounts were a re-
u e corded for the two days prlous.
I" Former Teamsters Union plications are by law public rec-
Pjesidcnt Dave Becl, Sr., Seat- ords, and have always been avail-
tle('a'fi'd his bride obtained theii - able to th public aiid press in
marriage :lice nse:ilt%Mas0n Coun- the auditor's office here, the ap-
ty, it was leailed tllis week, al- " plication : the'" couple made was
though no record of the applica-
tion for the licensa has ever ap-
peared on the public records in
the County Auditor's Office.
Beck, 73, and the former Helen
Reynolds, 55, Seattle, applied for
the license here Nov. 8 and the
license was issued Nov. 11.
The couple was married in
Seattle Dec. 5, according to the
license returned to the auditor's
office here and now on file.
Although marriage license ap-
not placed on file with the others.
County Auditor Ruth Boysen
said the couple had requested
that the application not be made
public, and that she had honored
their request.
The fact the license was ob-
tained here was revealed in
stories about the marriage of the
couple and their honeymoon in
Hawaii which appeared in daily
papers in the state.
:00Iouth Jailed For Theft Of Vehicle
K. 21, St. Rt. 1,
is being held
City Jail after be-
on a charge of
larceny in connection with
a car in downtown Shelton
the permission of the
Patrolman Alvin C. Johnson and
told him he had just observed
an Indian boy steal a yellow sta-
tion wagon.
Johnson observed the vehicle
on a downtown street a short
time later and gave chase on
slippery streets, stopping the ve-
hicle at the intersection of the
Northcliff and Brockdale roads.
Investigation revealed that the
ear was owned by James Cross,
2025 Adams St., a police patrol-
Cross signed a stolen car re-
port on the vehicle and Strong
was arrested on the charge.
Police have also received a
hold order from Strong's parole
learned of the theft
a passing motorist hailed
Watson Off
Plann; '
]1 Glen Watson, elected as com-
missioner of public works in No-
vember, resigned from the city
planning commission this week
since he cannot serve as both a
city commissioner and a mem-
ber of the planning commission.
A letter of resignation from the
planning commission from Wat-
son was read at the city commis-
sion meeting Tuesday.
Fire Chief Allan Nevitt re-
ported that both of the city's fire
trucks had been serviced by
American LaFrance, the manu-
facturer, and that some parts for
the older truck were being
Street Superintendent Bob Tem-
ple reported that there would be
no garbage pick-up on Christ-
mas or New Year's days, and,
that pick-ups for the rest of each
of these two weeks would be a
day late,
ON FRESH W beats going to school by..,
early Wednes]g morning, following the an-
nouncement that there would be no school that day, the
hills of Shelton were alive with sledding youngsters.
Christmas Fund Tops
1 That deluge of donations we
beseeched last week for the 40 et
8-Journal Christmas basket fund
came floating in like the snow-
Nice going, neighbors! Beauti-
ful work l The crescendo of cash
and checks piled up to a $504
total for the week, more than
doubling the $370.50 which had
been contributed during the pre-
vious month.
The total at presstime Wednes-
day was $874.50, somewhat short
of the $I,000 goal sought, but
these few days remaining before
Christmas might even see that
deficiency rectified. How about
it? Christmas basket workers
(40 & 8 voyageurs, 8 & 40 part-
ners, some of their families and
some Legionnaires and auxiliary
ladies) will get at the task today
and tonight in the PUD 3 audi-
torium of assembling the food
and toys into huge Christmas
baskets, then Friday will deliver
them to over 80 unfortunate Ma-
son County families. The deliver-
ies Will be handled by PUD 1
and 3 staff members, 40 & 8 voy-
ageurs, shariff's deputies, and
city policemen.
Before going into the list ,f
new donors during the pas week.
we have two corrections to make
on last week's list. In lhc 7)15Q
total listed last week we unimen-
tionally skipped a $10 comribu-
tion from the Ladies Auxiliary
Madrona Barracks, Worhi W>'.r
I Veterans, and the S5 was k:[
off after Mr. and lVIrm Edward
Kroh's donation.
Now on with the new. The
week's list includes one c<mh-i.
bution of $30 from the pets, rand
at the State Patrol Academ.
which was accompanied by he
following note: "Ench.)sed is .ur
check for $30 which reprcsen
the contribution of the perso;mel
at the State Patrol Academy m
support of your Forty and Eighi
Christmas Fund in Mason Coun-
ty, It is our pleasure to avsisI
you in this vital and immane
program. We wish you much suc-
cess and thank you for the priw-
lege of allowing us to participate
with you in making this a napp
Christmas for some needy famio.
ly." It was signed by Lt Riley
J. Bryant, Academy Comma>der
Another fine boost came [>,,.
PUD i employees, who [w;*-
,.'', 555 Close]y seeondinv it iIerJrt F, omer $5, Mr.
f, ,v he wed<'s' big, est cont:ibu- Mrs. Oliver : A:sf0rd $5. Mr.
hm wa a SJ0 ch+*k from Lun'> Mrs. V. T. Connhlly $5', M.r.
berm<.,', of Shelton.
!tet'e arc d:e otber: Chri Cur-
lis $5 ,Mr, & Mrs. Russell Smilh
S!IL ;'orqc Saupe $5. Cushman
l)evkpn-ent Co $20, Oscar Lev-
in $5. Mr. & Mrs, R. C. Brigham
.qJ, A:r. & Mrm t{ocky Hembroff
S:0 kh', & Mrs. Chares C le $5,
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Umplenom" $5,
i\\;:r. & Mrs Inn McDermott $5,
Mr. :nd Mrs, Don. B. Smith, $5,
Frank':- E|ecn*ic $5, 0 K. Iin-
Mrs. Ed Faubert $5, Prepp's
Iexall Store $10. Mr. & Mrs. Er..
nest Campbell $2,50. Mr. & Mrs.
M 1£ Needham $5. Dr. A. C.
.:nketter $10. J. K. Bennett fami-
ly $5, Grayslone employees $20
Mr, & Mrs. Leo 17, Young $5.
Anonymous $5. Ed :fall $2, Mr.
and Mrs John Lo:'::z; $5. and oN
tier {,,iris of Rayonier $6.
tinter donors wishing to tmip
see,, 55. Bii) ,: Jean
C,;q:.,v i PE:O $5, Mr. & hrs.
G(,:-rf;e ('. Lowell $i0, 1;2psiloD
SL'an:a Alpha (Beta Zeta Chapler
:;10 1ahfff: Qtfick-Stop $1(L Dr
::: Mrs { W No:wold $5. Pan-
K,r::u: Cleaners :I, Virginia
l)•iver SIL,' Mr. & Mrs. l)'vin
Mc:AJ'htn" g]0. '. & llrs. John
Hlia:<on S5. Nfr. & Mrs. A. E.
make up the fefieit may send or
Ells $5,
hrin their contributions to ihe
Journal offiee.
Timber Sale
"lhvo u'acts of timber in Mason
County are being Offered in its
January sales, e Department "
])obey::.; <L Lfi,,,; Samuelson $5, of Natural lesources said this
:Mrs. Get;. Partlow $5, Home Gas week. They include ;he hlill
Co (kh,o spox' $1.0 Warren Lin- Creek sale, nine miles southeast
c=oln $5, Mrs. C)mr}es ' ]L Lewis of Shelton, 2,300,000 board feet
$I0..'-'.0th Cemm3 [ hriftway $20, valued at $92 580 and the Beaver
}': ; " : ; l (2{[: ? L{5 " ll ' : 3' } : t ) ti $5 . Creek Thbming sale, seven miles
? <:n.,: (:::>h v,s Y::;.5) D,':> m:rt-hwes! of Belfair, 100,0IN
:by Jessup $5. Jean Moore $5 boa:xi feet valued at $2,255.