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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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 + Orre Nobles, 72 .... L g" G f L ft O Appre " f" For Fru'f Cak + e ion e s e ers n Cl¢l Ion i es i . Dies In Sea÷fie Weather I Letters of appreeiaUon con-prisedatreeeivingyourgift. Dast talion as we scored high in a SP45erryCbeatham, SWE3R. L - tinue to roll in to Fred B. Wivell night I passed the fruitcake battle yesterday and the morale Lawson, Pfc. Louis Jolliff, EM2 1 Orre Nelson Nobles, 72, died American Legion Post from Viet- around to the men in my platoon of the men stays at a very high Gary Combs, S/Sgt. C. E. Lear, t  Friday at his home in Seattle.He was well-known in the Mason HlghlLo 0Preclp ham militarymen fr°m 1V[as°n andI assure Y°U that n°ne went level'"w CS2 Jimmie L Burts and SP5 ' " County for the Christmas pack- to waste. They asked me to not John Barklay, a sailor aboard Kenneth H. Lewis. ' 2 ages sent them by the Legion only thank you for the fruitcake the aircraft carrier Kearsarge, county area, and particularly on December 14 Post 31 sent 70 Christmas fruit- i. LToN POLICE COURT ton, speed too fast for conditions, Hood Canal where he had his December 15 35 20 last month, but for thinking of the men in wrote: "A person doesn't have cakes accompanied by a Christ- PIAppearing on the docket in $13 forfeit; Margaret Krise, St. summer home. He was born in  e - 16 40 22 One of the most interesting Vietnam in general. I fully tea- much to look forward to over mas greeting on Post 31 letter- :_:lton Police Court before Rt. 1, Box 154, Shelton, physical Sumter, S D. and taught at Bal- L)ec moer -- among a batch of 13 letters re- lize the great job you are doing here, but with people like you it heads signed by approximately e Rolla Halbert Monday control of motor vehicle while in- lard High school in Seattle 32 December 17 36 23 ceived by Adjutant Ruth Moore and I can honestly say I am makes us happier not only at 100 persons present at the Post ,ediCt were David S. Pearce, toxicated, $29 fine, operator's li- years before retiring in 1952. His December 18 37 27 .14 last week came from EM2 proud I am ,affiliated with your Christmas but all year around. A meeting when the packages were etlW. 13th, Port Angeles, negli- cense held 90 days, 20 days in first teaching job was at Tahuya 1/2" snow Thomas O. Moran from Yokosu- organization, million thanks to you all.' prepared for mailing. This is the :driving, $300 forfeit; George jail, suspended, in 1919. r .... h,, 19 39 28 05 ka, Japan, dated Dec. 1. Pfc Gary Holt commented in Other replies of similar vein second year Post 31 has carried ge, 424 N. 8th St., Shelton, Kmth" L Meyer, 631 Park, Shel- Hm ............. home, Olympus Manor ..... Moran writes: ......... Thank you hts note of apprecmtton: "Every- were recmved on Chrmtmas greet- out thin pro]cot. Last year 55 ere to purchase dog license, fehjP:e,g'3,$1t:2r8t,; Ehet:tt, nae?:nUmnia°/l wath,fatr arm:anY( rs December 20 34 ±/2' sn?lv rYstmmUeh:2: ;houry dfo, thing is going well with our bat- ing cards or GI stationery from cakes were sent to Vietnam. alfine, $2.50 costs, $10 sus- /led; James Crowley, transi- defective equipment, $13 forfeit; tained art, carving, 'ceramic 1-3/4" snow recognize too many of the names ldrunk in public, five days in Joe Leete, 3886 W. Iowa PI., paneling and brocades from all -.; ...... nr a 24 hour on the note enclosed with the I"% l 'I' !  f'| • m I| ,I)L $.2.50 costs, pe.ver, Colo., speeding, $13 for- over ;he AOtldiiwhen it burned periot"ending*at "8" a.m. as re- 3ake; Ionian  t°utjnkhejpn;nd Lrcm .|ISS | O rresent L, nr00stmas flay IVid H. Johnson, Rt. 2, Box • n 19 .. .. , modeled after ported by the Rayonier, Inc ....... diShelton, drunk in public, $25 .... SItERIFF'S OFFICE the shrine mmnd Miyajima, in weather station met anare mer fr omer . serwcemen } It's almost time again to clear• is doing all they can to encourage given Dec. 21 at 8 p.m. ]n the 1, $2.50 costs; Harvey Robin-  . . . Japan, was built by Mr. Nobles ................. tha .a fa . am their homeland the chimney, and hang the stock- the true spirit of Christmas, Reed Building Auditorium. All ruce J wtyers, 1959 E Unmn and formerly stood m the canal r** o rutJa, nepmg maintain ann restore ,.St. Rt. 1, Shelton, drunk in Olympm, no valid operator's h- near his home. He had traveled Temperatures Thursday thru worth peace. . . • . proaching, and soon the tinkle of lost. To continue the spirit, a make-up for future Children's ec, . " • .' ' " .. ings, for Christmas is rapidly ap- which unfortunatly is sometimes proceeds go to costumes and 3O days in jail. POLICE joan agmy, Jz :rmnos Pt. ping place for world famous mal high and low of 47 and 34 aboara a ±z-mot ocean-going tug will be heard through the crisp :LII. LTON eense on person: $18 forfeit; widely and his home was a stop- Monday to average near the nor- "I am at thts time station ea sleigh bells and voices of carolers night time performance will be productions ' Road Olympia driving on persons ....... Preciita+ion expected home-ported in Yokosuka, Japan ............ .... , tlla2ence Boring reported the _ .'. . _' ....... • uegrec, p t  .............. " cmar nlgflts, tu above the sing- I | of half a case of beer from snoul(lero roaaway, .zJ zoet; He is survived by four sisters, to average more than normal, we rotate wtn anomer tugo me ing and sleigh bells, the laughter [  | usseu togers, AJaer, ne- Mrs Don H Healy Mrs Cla ....... .- Thursda-- -"-ht Frida-" same cross between OKOSUKa, ...... I  ;.%.. • ltresidence, k i " . • , , • - ,,,amy 'y -, , y . , o[ eager young cmmren can De . : ton, drun n pubhc, $25 forfmt, ton  Noren and Mrs 0; ..... Vmtnam and Subc Bay We are ........... I ... ,,L. , | .lars driven by David H. John-  . ..... : an ±wonuay.  _ " . neara, uecause tins ]s rmy me i j ,,'.?,1[I21 . = ,.,rnrr .,.r, ......... Hughes all of Seattle, and Mrs. gone rom our home port on a holida., +hat honors +h ........... I . , .'J-')_. J ;, and Mary Saeger collided  .......... ..,., .:.,...o - • '  rotation i, for about three   "   .... s- I  ..'-..-[ • = ,Jlttighway lff'. and Arcadia St.. . narms Stone, mremerton and '. . . members of toda.,'¢  o-ieh, . I .-% ..? . R%l:t51Y.  :.: I Building permits approved by two brothers, George W., of _ - mon.ths prowdmg var.mus tow To keep right in steo with the I k, | j,rs driven by Stevenson Bond the Mason County Commssmn Bremerton, and W 11 a , of Ta- • • * ........ hmes. the Shelton Hh School ] ; .flr,.rr | t0I. Rudolf Ziegler collided at " " i i m - servmes ann assmtmg m sawage . : --.?. r ( .ath and Railroad. at its meeting Monday were to coma. Alllll operauons on snps, m mstress. Children's Theatre is now pre- | J/lJi, 1 I 'aald Moore reported vandal- Don Rothenberger, cabin, $800" No funeral service was held at [ill[Ill Ilt[]ltli In me year ana mree monms ,)arin, it second rrodnotion I • -- -:- "'q I ' ' •  aboard the ATA 196 we have , ....... 1¢to an automobile. Ryan Butt Homes, residence, hm request. 'Tn* h;ma= Tale o€ -hri=- ] '- llJ-'hW'" | 22500" Kenneth Miles  A • . made seven trips to Vietnam as- . ':" ,,":=:': . . ." Y . + I  v I ¢' .Ul Chase reported he found frame, ............. $2,500. resting MSTS m Smgon, towing mpner., zms .Is an original .play  " Licenses barges u the various rivers wrlttten and directed by Debl Ho- lcYcle in his driveway. P [ " z" J , .bert Marcy reported a tow FERRY RECEIPTS m.. • where we have bases, man and Barb Hubbard. The I | t ][ taken. 11-_  _l _ _ - - - - , ................ la.. involves do-s s-mrrels I ] P" // •  I f 's t°le']]lrence k aB°rlng Sort'ldg2 t°rep°rted tl0 tcecelp "ts from the ....... Harsune .ts- II IIl--m ' ' i ns we wnt De. . in Z0KOSUKa until t .)' s ...................... , ....... f ....... IlU . Applying for marrmge lee es March receiving a yard over- and even one of Santa s helpers. | . Vlgf-U ...'/gYl4rr/' | b s en: ;;wre 9;75%, =eceoKrffing'tgo F in the Masoncounty auditor's of- haul, repairing equipment and Christopher will be seen by I J I _^1 a. cigarette lighter taken -- k; ........ " ....  rice this past wee were: holding maintenance and will be .............. r .............. I ........ I me vmson ounty ,.ngmeer's wz- o.,. ;. wUis 1  "v.,m an n _ ..... .... , ^.. +.; .... +t. rvergreen, Do ueaux, outrsue, I I'hristmas is friends and family gamerea ,o- I I his home. • ' ......... Christine Suncox, 17, Tacoma. I wish again to thank you • " | ,,,,ther to share in the beauty and magic of | rice vRmAv, DEC  2 ..... " .............. ,,,o, (,, .... o-, ....... , --,v ,u,,. and Mt View schools on Dec 13, "  the l ,e_,lelynn Miller reported her SUPERIOR COURT Lo.w .................. .1=45 a.m. -0.6 ft. Nicholas Flakis, 28 Seattle, veterans of past wars and con- 19, 20 and 21 respectively. I ,,on And Christmas is a "specia time for us I SP' car vandalized, rugn ................ :z a.m. ±.x t. and Sharon Jacobs, 28, Seattle. filets for remembering the ser- The cast has been selected, I ..... -" ,- -, - - - ........ tamers I e. Mildred Rye reported New Cases Low .................. 3:30 p.m. t).. ,t. r ...... ,r .... o a..,+^ vicemen and fighting men of our .n n ..... ; . .... . ...... l to extena our tnanKs to our wonaerTu, u | .trnas Tree lights stolen. .  . ;= 7.a n    ft a.e u ..... , o, .............. v ...................... - t .... t Natmnal anK of Mason Coun- *"s ...................... " .......... and re-i Teten 24 Shelton country toaay ............ I for their years ot ma patronage. I ...... ............ DAY DEC 23 o . , " Thoma- O Mar-- ....,o.. fluctea fluting scnool ume Tne • / tlY Renecker, Jr. reported a ty against ±vtr. ant/Mrs. : Ynee- .,Jr, ,  •  .......  . a,, v, ,.o,, " • , villlPrayed with spray paint, land, collection on note. Low .................. 2:42 a.m. 1.4 ft. __tonalo rte[rmann, zz, equ.m, Generally, the appreciation students vathm the class are di- l I State of Washington against i, n n0 a m 13 1 ft anu r'enny leme, x eqmm. was expressed simply and brief- rectly responsible for ever de I / tt0arles Renecker reported Leon Martinson, doing business Low 4:30p.m. 55ft. " " • • - "l'ntheproduction Thisisto | ^ I^. r.-- ,1|..._/ .... ,.^.  .... ,.^ 1 hit fires slashed. - ....................... : ...... E " Y " dward Sordarov, 51, Tacoma, ly, hke Army Pfe Garth L Get tm and Edna Turner, 37, Tacoma ty did on a Christmas reetin (t.,'Seph Duffey, Jr. reported " . . " ................. • • • • " a. r.o] IJuuu ¥1*la. ,uttt ,,,. I'e] as IAne .Auto Wrecking, unpmd High .................. 9:24 p.m. 8.3 ft.  ..... " ...... " card g g promote a broader range of tal- ! I lSt[nas Tree lights removed taxes, (five cases). SUNDAY DEC 24 Lmarms raugnton, zo, emng- • - ..... I r..,.  ...... ---,J:--  ...... - ,',,-- -,,-- -  broken. William Reese against Mr. and __ ^'°- m " 8 ft ham, and Martis Pavey, 23, Bel- "Received your gift, it was eros to appear trom wzthm the m- | .......... ...raum ugretnu ,,vu mmrs I bert Kramer reported Christ- Mrs. James Smith, collection of .L..w .................... .:u 3"m" 1;'0 t" lingham, very much appreciated. It is a dividual, making each play a | | hee. Tree lights taken, note. gn ................ u:b . . -'-o-" Robert Hansley, 51, Seattle, warm and welcoming thought to unique experience for the class I  I V lll l lkllll | ited. Virgil Manke reported a FIRE DEPARTMENT iih ................... "11: p.m. . . and Lillie Gaston, 48, Seattle. know there are people btck as well as the audience. | Jibe Il| IIIJ|lll l -icle taken. - ............... : .... . ....... name who take interest in indivi- _ ....... I | MONDA'" EC 25 Lwell Lewiarsh, ±, neiton, ....... : ......... The Chi£aren s Tlaeare group 0clller Leboki reported the Dec. 16, 2:40 p.m., a chimney . z,ff  r 4 4 ft and Betty Rogers, 17, Shelton. uu0 ffom£ers in iorelgn lan(:lS; LOW a O a temg a normal GI amongs " t of Christmas tree lights, fire at the Bill Tabor home, 706 • " ................... : " " " " Arlen Cuzick 26 Shelton, and " t.,r,JP.,J.,,.,,n.tlltt {lith Bikadi reported someone Franklin Hgh ................ 11:12 a.m. 12.9 ft. Moll.. A -' l'-ner ' °-^1 *^- normal GIs, the cake was de- $1Ull.l.lllill[l[ll[il[IiUUll[I,J[lli .Yed paint on her car. " Iw ................. 6:18 p.m. r 2.3 ft. . . -,u , , ,, o, ..... voured in entirety within 30 min-   . [ e Medley reported a string TrE,DV no a Cedric Casey, 48, Shelton, and utes Thank vou aain " i  •  I r.e-, ,- ,  • ** , Ilhristmas tree lights taken. - ............ 9 0 ft Vmla Booth, 47, Shelton. From E7 J a Messer came b. • €.  jr • lr" VULVIIV t.7 I rugn ................ lz:az a.m .... • 1" atwoo re,orte ub ,+  .... 6 0 *t Henry oe 4, Sho,to, ana t, gate ropy, m  /'Z U+']i %._ __ .,,_ ,, Z e* .. n* rlmO ........................ +ooo .... • 00v00c3qrnE, ! ":  taken from his car. IJI .... ----141'h ................... 11 :a  m 12 7fat. Blllie A. Davis, 23, Kent. . I have been deeply involved [o = . ll[,l, lLi l',,l-l- II P Lrs driven by R. E. Miller I  Wlh'='illiam Rollins collided at qW I_w .................... 7:06 p,m. 0.7 ft. in the battle of, Dak To in the   A lrl%T £ast severat weeks ana your let-    +.... , | I .L II || | h and Turner. Amaml_ul WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27 a,d Oma@.4f ter and excellent fruitcake were     [i I J&lJIJ.l,ll. [ rs driven by Samuel Ma- lrr High ...................... 2.12 a m 10 1 ft "'l i....u a definite, -uplifting to my ps irits.*" , =_. 'lerandMaryJ Oftecollided Low .................... 6:48a.m. 7.2ft. -Donald E Berg, 20, son of You cantmaginehowgooditis, "1[ ,, I [ourth and Pine. - -- - High ................ :12:30 p.m. 12.6 ft. Mr nnrl Mr." Earnot . o., to have people at home thinking  i lr _,,,,---  _1€ ii II "1 I 1], = ;o : ,: L |?Vo stolen bicycles were re- Shelten General Hospital Low .................... 8:00 p.m. -1.6 ft. Sh-*elton".wa-spro-naot"ed'No-v "lT-to of us over here." 1 I -- €= aa) I '_:_'Rz I l |'red at the Swimming Pool I Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Sayler, THURSDAY, DEC. 28 Army specialist four at Ft.'Riley, .SP4 Alan D. Biggs wrote: "I  ""mr  I l/'' i_ city police patrolman and Potlatch a girl December 13. High .................. 3:24 a.m. 11.2 ft. Kan., where he is assigned as a wish I could write each and ,  " |' "  l n County Deputy Sheriff. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Evans, Low .................... 8:00 a.m. 8.1 ft. metal body repairman.+h:,.the every one of you and thank you    / /zl./ . //[RIFF'S Route 1 Box 263, a girl, Decem- High .................. 1:12 p.m. '12.5 ft. 264th Maintenance Battalion s for your wondei'ful gesture. I  _ ...... | l-',Y./;lllll lie 9FICE her 17.' Low .................... 8:48 p.m. -2.7 ft. 384th Maintenance Cx)mpany. must admit that I was quite sur-  • 'J • ___ [ Herbert Nauer reported a ,[. broken into and two sleep- , .... o ::::: l Lbags, a tool box, an electric • :...., ............  ...................... .. " .............. ,.-  l [1 /  L . and miscellaneous hand  ....... ::: ::: ......................... ::::r:v. .................................. :::.:::  .... ,:: e,. | ii:+iiiil i :iili i iiiiiiiiiiii:i l 1  r__. I  / portable .... I .. l a ales Accetture reported I :ii}++i+}+ JrJ ii!+iTi  +i:+!i{}++}++i IT T   WI • I  i | keeps everything ' +l,t 100 Oaristmas trees taken. : } : !: :!   "  " : .Kumin reported he found a  i n I iiiiii II I i ii • 1 Ill J I j "" ll | organized, handy /'E[ in the Skokomish River, ,i +,,++++ i i +++ ++++++l I ........ + I I" " ', i.. / aSeparateSconvenient I i ,llger Spaulding reported a I+:+:++ +++++++i++++i+i++i+++++++ {+ii:ii++ +++i++++i++i+i+ii+ii+i+iii++ iiii!i;i!!i:: i;iiii:ii i 1 i i:!i! :ii!iiii+*:**+:i!!i ii!!i iiil. iiii :ii!iill :ii!i!i " ;S small parts in ,Ill broken into. i k h K  ' s; : 1. Ruth Fortner reported a _ +!i :i" :!. .!!. iii ii'Up taken. It was later re- iii !i i  I=. I++++++ + + V++ + +++ IkW +++++++, ++ +:'+ loll] .,a'l"NIt ...,...,,o...-. ,• I ='d°rg+'+M i. ..o +uc00 r+o+to00a++ ++ ++ ++ + + ",-'- I. +oo.oeo,a,,00,o manoerS,m+ li gelding came to his place.  ++ii+++++++i+: • . ::" +++:++++;++++++++ . " -"l(+  • • _ -- I --   mlnlatures. BARTON'S  "-,(. / themtoyour  ,, E'Hlis Bloomfield reported the I .. ...... " " "" :Y::'- .............. • " ;" * ................... =_ "v+"l " N II. I,JL • ,,_ J I 1 famous centers of inuts ll  / fin-ertins Easy to arin t :! tires taken off her car. i  L, • ,+ilN 1 • n I  i  cremes lib $249 ' / handle makes the caddy + :ligurian Blake reported a beer cord,als, frmtsand  . .... [thrown through a window I ,. ,,  |AI|I|W| "|VV''' I l*"  I l " 21bs$4gB Il | portable. Perfect gift item for l dCanalSchool. l+l]llA 4.#q#b I "MIIIA v'"   'eee P IIiiI |  31bs.$7.47 ++vd I the handyman, k[ ' " Gre -liVe"dicta x 123" high i v. Shanley reported a break- I k U l// II V -- * ' 9 Y " lilac Wilcox reported a break- " . Ill I 't the Golden Pheasant Tav-! U I  Boyfriend? BOSS? KJ *3.98 1 :-tcl signs were down on At'- | " - " | I Ma or Pa" 1 Regular $4.98 . /!"=., AustinP°int" reported a .re and i b NEW RCA VICTOR PORTABLE COLOR , I . Give them some too. ll_ O  It S on/ air ''+l:taken'IpY Gruder reported a vehi+le , IIr=22ylii I Thise×cRingSportaboutisthelowest-pricedco,orset,nRCAVictor , " ' ,, ' 11t!tltttIIllllll+l!ItlItlttlltl | ! liB./ -n,o, I]IN[ i history. Weighs less than 42 pounds--a breeze to carry around, t ." c""=t-;.'.V°".PL";:| =Itlltlill [ 'l COUNT There's a d" " " ments. Hnea wim mi, t Iliil .=.;'.-.__ illiii I Isappearmg handle that lifts at a touch. New rectangular I B ".._..€ w,,oo, c,ooo,,,/ Itllft!ltll [ ow I Illlil JLAH Igll|i; II Color tube produces 38% brighter highlights this year One.setVHF I m +00HIIUI00h® co00o+.0000r ho a / It:lllllltlll ! . Illl m-.- C- -- - Ililll|li 1 fine tunin ........ " V  iILII Jl=" -/ U colorru g nes, olsor / I[ ]llr-JI 4 I1 I+,1!ii .earing on the docket z'n Ma- I 'lllBII 1 ' L/ lUlll[}l! 1 U. automatic cnroma contro Keeps_ color intensity_ the i =. -   .. Christmas stockings.1 | InNuI[ ut . I]111111.[ BIB way vou woo+ ,+ ,. .......... .+ ,o ,.o, oo li(000000i!t .0"°ty Justice Court before .............................. 'L Pro-Tem B. Franklin I tlL l[[ '+ ii,,ill I L Nwvo...u*.o, sw, rz+..P+o tree. 4gCn©h. 1 [[i+_ ![in.,Ep.laiglndUring the past week i I Kll@lii only   A e. I B '1 ,+--+ ) 4[IIUV:) i ,,A Stocking S+uffer" =Ward A. Crawford, 1503 S. oriel EJ 507 • Lmberg Reg g8€ Shelton, driving while i ,,'moa, m.'.,,.'mtu,, ' ,NI#N _ _. ....... /Oraan00zer iated, minor consuming .+:F $170 forfeit; Albert John- I Z  Plastic Models . now 2/99* / , " , +o ed |  .I/  • I  / perfect turmable for o g iz , ,@ ;dgewood: Apartments, Shel- i ' "_-..: .. -, .  .V_ |  All $100 1 compact storage • • • spins con- "  +5--. 9 / [E]double shelf saves cabinet space P';-.-J."I"2_4.;/''__...-"_ |  t., "-.  t ...+..+ 1 tents right to your fingertips. ,  Y. uustn Yowder . now VU I -.,_ .  ,,,,. Broxident- Reg. $19.95 / [] revolves smoothly, brings back / I / *  , $ of cabinet up front Branch ! ..... ...... ] i . Elec. Too÷h Brush, now 13.95 1 m manyotheruses, for medicines. | BUG-SCREEN COLOR AT BUDGET-PLEASING I-'HtCES l/ ,i, ]liil |  . / for c'osmetics, lotions g will close &t t L i - Christmas Design, Re-usable or Throw-away | Lst coors here. $' 'ml41 4 p.m. Friday ;L. • " T I s Z.3"/ i !1 i . Plastic umb er / . 3,, h so that  ,'+,:'. I 10¼ dia. x5 hig Re. I T.,he:HI_L_LR,E'T°G.J". gT-RCAVictor combines j I I ' 25 10-ounce l,4g .-ou,oo SZ.Z00 / _.. .. ii 1 Our employees can) V =,,,, ,a/,u va!ue.,n mis low-priced Contemporary l ". - -.- I  -r r /  +Z.O I c°ns°lette" N°tetne°verhang ng t°P shapelyapr°n le -- J 1 "1 4lJJ i I Ll° d's Transist°r Radi°s / / more fully ,1• co erailn andspeaker.SCulpturedCholce, cornerof wood-grainmOlding' finishes--Au-6" ova duo-  IE 1  UU olidY State Table Model Teak Cabinet I enjoy) I tumn Mano.gany or Natural Walnut--on hardwood -- I / I ! - I q -- -- veneers ano so ds H 29 s ,  3 -  =. the Christmas  i . -- :, W--33'i D--22. J E  ,. [ II  , . Only $11.59 / i Wllh VHF' Wireless Wizard' Remo " J  W  ! h°llday" I I .... teConUot-+.,,Z.R. /  I l Many Other Models to Choose From. | ., 9 • o, + ./[ BBBBB ........ + , '" ++++ EIBi]I]BB'--i lli00i00 I i + i ,/ergre00m URS > ' ' + = .. FE )E] L CENTER , ot+=o € ,,, LI2PLIANCES O TV O sTEREo O FURNITURE Pho,e426-463 j IPver, ree. $;   • ,, Thursday, December 21, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3