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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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 9,.':-:.::::::::: ::... ::;:: .:.:. ::.:+:.:.:.:.:.:.:+ +:.:: .:.:.:::.:.;.: ,:.:,:,:+ ';. IER TO MERGE a color TV from EELI & VAL- LEY APPLIANCE CENTER? t I.T.T. .e Boa ational t Corpo rated er ; 'er illS. st , iier Boards of Directors of Telephone & Tele- Corporation and Rayonier today approved the agreement under which would become a wholly- subsidiary of ITT. of the transaction call [he exchange of .1975 shores common stock and .2675 of a new ITT $4.50 pre- stock for each share of common stock. The pre- ly L stock will be convertible common stock at $122 t'5 hare. merger agreement is sub- o the approval of Rayonier riV 01ders who will meet 3 h 6, 1968 to vote on the mat- d receipt of a favorable ling and certain other legal €i 0ns. lr: NEW LOCAL ffl, !ORATIONS FORMED i S ales and operations of rmen's of Lynnwood, Inc., e Lumbcrmen's of Shelton ?station Cabin divisions of lahl Investment Co. have an appreciable increase the last two years. arder to provide for con- growth, and to enable I¢ Primarily responsible to share in the future, two Corporations were formed bcr 1. 0: bermen's of Shclton, Inc. e operated by Lawrence 0n, Vice-president and Gen- : ,lanager. Lawrence w a s [rly assistant manager at 0od. Gayle Wentz will be [!esident and Manager of Ca,fare and Appliance Sales. Ibermen's Vacation Homes, i|Vill operale under Merle tie  as Vice-president and al Manager. Merle started rogram for lhc Slettedahl rig ten t Co. in January of @t a Akin, accountant for Slet- Of hwestment Co., will be ry of both new firms. nbermen's of Lynnwood will e under Curtis Kehoc with %istancc of Robert Carlson, flY assistant manager at , being promoted to Vice- ent and Assistant Manager e%d. ledahl Investment Co. will /e in control of the com- and will coordinate finan- Id policies from its offices lton under Robert Slette- (0RNER V,eather outside is fright- es a popular song, and it rue as of the moment. It  e frightful lint the money- Sales in Shelton during t¢ hristmas shopping season I1 k Check these merchants r ,' . !rt LER'S S ll O E DEPT., 0 Manager Ted Stroyzk has [0 * galore and all for a I)! e klous low price. Ted has cal ar ever), member of the ess . . . id e akc this a merrier Christ- N %p by JOIINNY'S MUSIC . 'r0 Owner Johnny Halvorsen, te %sic-makers by the doz- q£1 from organs to records, r0Sl 1 top-quality merchan- those last-minute gift l is the place to IPNNEY'S 'r,agcr Eldon Kahny has jt0[ Sale items, just for this eS|e, so make sure this is a i¢ "1 Your Christmas shopping e.:. bad! Don't know what to tl e family this year? Why not I¢;I (" SAEGER i]¢ ?TOR SHOP Vlce What We Sell" it Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 Owner George Valley has just the model to fit into the decor of your home. And he's got it for just the right price . . . Ken Chapman, owner of EVERGREEN DRUG, has just the stocking stuffers for Christ- mas. From candy to transistor radios, and many, many other items. Make this a must on your shopping list . . . C of C Hears WCC Inmates • Three inmates from the Wash- ington Corrections Center were speakers at the Chamber of Com- merce meeting last Thursday night in Heinie's Broiler. The three, all members of the Gavel Club at the Corrections Center, delivered talks on the need to make moral judgements, liberty and duty to ones country and the meaning of Christmas. The young men were intro- duced by Bill Clark, recreation director at the center. The young man who spoke on the meaning of Christmas stated it was hard to explain what Christmas means, but, each per- since the individual must decide between making a choice or not doing so. Legal Publications NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO, 9099 State of Washington Department of Water Resources Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That PLAT L OF LAKWOOD COOP'ERA- 'rIvE WATER ASSOCIATION of Belfair, Washington on De- cember 14, 1967, filed applica- tion for permit to withdraw pub- lic ground waters throttgh two Lkewood Plat &. of Section 12, Township 22 N, 'i.nlge 2 W., W.M., in Mason County, in the amount of 150 gallons per min- ute, subject to existing rights continuously, each year for the purpose of group domestic sup- ply and during irrigation season for trrigation. Any objections must be accom- panied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resource within thirty (30) days from De- cember 28, 1967. Witness my hand and official seal this 15th day of December, 1967. FRED D. HAHN, Deputy Director for Assistant Director, Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources wells situated within Block 4, (SEAL) 12/21-28 2t The best thing you can give a son knows in his heart what it ---.DD'O' skier is skis from CLINTON'S means. BIKE &SKISHOP. They feature The spirit of Christmas pre- MERRY CHRISTMAS I the finest in ski equipment, so vails in many ways, he said, stop in and browse. You'll be people are more friendly and amazed what you can find., helpful and thinking of others. I Jim Wilkins, manager of the Children are Christmas, he ! MONEY SAVERSTORE, has spe- said, and the day would not be ! ALL OUR FRIENDS d t cials all over the store, not just the same without children. Santa 'O n during, round, thiSBe, beSeaS°nsurebUtto allstopyearin, JOHN SELLS and Ernest ttamlin, members eently attended the Annual Conference of Christmas.Claus is also part of the spirit of ! CUSTOM[RS t you can save lotsa loot.., at the Shelton School Board, Board Clerk the Washington School Directors Associa- He closed his remarks with Leave the best 'til the last? Doris Hilhnan and Supt. Louis Grinnell re- tion ill Spokane. the question "Why can't the  • You can, but up to LEROY'S spirit of Christmas prevail ! T.V. & FIREPLACE SHOP, -- - " throughout the year since it! CLIFTON|S of SHELTON I they're all going fast. From color brings out the basic goodness in TV to fireplace equipment, 40 And 8 D?c?r?ion s??ne$ Entry man". i Bill l they're all available here. So, The young man who spoke on pull in and make your selection moral judgement stated that in- nd Ginny Clif+on I soon.., k J --* I ! • E "e " Ch " ma ning of Dec. 21. tellectuals, who go to great | I Everyone gives watches for  ' '11 I1 I"1 . €: Home Decoration Contest, being Below is the registration blank, Christmas. Why don't you be dif-  • i.,,t u z,, z t   sponsored by the Shelton Chum- which can be filled out and re- lengths to stay neutral should  4t ferent and give one form BECK- ber of Commerce, are being re- turned to the Chamber of Corn- make moral judgements, h & Railroad 426-8665 WITH'S JEWELRY? Owner Guy Y l]" /:P'']'or " " To make no choice in itself is , I craved, merce, P.O. Box 269, Shelton, to making a choice, he commented, . ..4a.zl Beckwith has the finest selection Entries will be judged the eve- enter the contest. " ' '  " " " of watches available in Mason County, so stop in and choose • Delegations from T hurston  1 yours now . . Voiture 151 and Lewis Voiture 83 CHRISTMAS HOME DECORATION CONTEST 4g" Hey Gals! Need a special injected a load of life into 40 & 8 hair style for that Christmas or Voiture 135's December prome- Mason County New Years party? STELL&'S nade last Thursday evening, but BEAUTY SALON is going to have an operator on duty Sun- departed considerably "enlight- Please enter my display in the following category as ened" of loose coins after Chef marked below. day, Dec. 31st. You better hurry, de Gare Jay Umphenour finished as it's by appointment only . . . levying fines for the visitors' dis- Congratulations to R. H. Wal- orderly" conduct and various Lighting ................ Religious ................ Open ................ drep of Rt. 2, Shelton, for win- other infractions of decorum. ning a $45 power saw at the Voiture 135's own voyageurs drawingLUmbermen'Slast Saturday°f Shelton.. special, thealS° fineC°ntributedpot as wellSUbstantiallYas chippingt° Non-Religious ................ Commercial Entry ................ THIH/S Sl/d IE dd We at the Journal would like to in the voluntary donations to the My name and address of my display is: (print or type, $#0P AND SAVE MONEY take this opportunity to say 40 & 8-Journal Christmas fund. thanks to all of the merchants Along with some of the same by who participated to make this the visitors, the Christmas fund annUalcess. It ChristmaSis our hopeiSSue a suc-that you all was135,s enrichednurses bYtraining$33 andfundVoitureby ................................................................................................................ ,Name) SHELTON'S Money Saving00 Discount Store enjoy the merriest Christmas $15.50 before the jolly evening .ii,.,i. ever .... DL was out ................................................................................................................. (Street or Rt. & Box) Chemisf Joiner graft Of ALMOND ROCA .......................................... i a;;; ......................................... STEAM-DRY IRON   ounce size, Reg. $1.50 Rayonier Laboratory Here Only $877 Now 99 c • The addition of Harry A. 4x8 3/16" PARTICLE BOARD Linker as Research Chemist to Olympic Research Division of '1.69 each Rayonier Incorporated was an- . .: , ..... , ,. ,.-,, ' nounced recently by Dr. Edwin ! FRENCH TOUCH L. Lovell, Manager of the Sbelton Open Sat., Dec. 23-- S to  nee. HI-INTENSITY LAMPS : HAIR SPRAY research laboratory. Linker is a native of WaUa for any close work Walla. After graduating from 14 ounce can high school in that city, he ent- ered Washington State Univer- Only $299 t Only 39 c sity where he received the Bache- ]r.,UMB]]BL]BN'S lor of Science degree in Chemis- try in 1965. He entered the U.S. Of Shelton i11[jlljlilffjll[jil[ltl[jl[jij[tll[L,lilliliil Army shortly after .graduation and was discharged last summer. CHARLES ANTELL Linker and his wife, Betty, MM' have taken an apartment at 2317  ..._.. S AFTER SHAv i SHAMPOO Jefferson in Shelton. Among their 1st & Pine 426-2611 favorite hobbies FAR EAST & HIGHLAND LEATHER ]I Amber E or Cremerinse are photography, jR - gg camping and stamp collecting. Harry Linker Regularly $2 each ]i 14y 2 ounce size Now 2/$ lS9 Now 2/$1 Leave the Best INDOOR "til Last? EVEREADY BATTERIES i XMAS LIGHT SETS Enjoy Your 50€ Value 7's Fireplace ..,,- X '  e:% Now 2/29 c Only $1zs •  o€  Shop Our Complete .-Krl q ""  -,$\\;'.l;t' k'' °°"% '" ,r- o r .-'!  ' cO  .\\;O ,o u," o:,.. ^@_ .¢  .to lw4W INDOOR INDOOR Corn Poppers ,,ro,o*;, XMAS LIGHT SETS XMAS LIGHT SETS pop corn at your hearth \\; @o o 15's Twinkle 15% for old fashioned fun I Only $239 Only $27s O 1 ' 149 ,..- Sylvania I W z=a ........... ,. i'. ,::.  Stereo } Antennas !i:!i i..::iii:>"" " 10-8:30Oaiiy GAMES • GAMES FIREPLACE TOOLS =79o 4200 Color TV / See h,ow much a new 10-6 p.m. B - "'=- large se,ection s  ----  antenna improves ./ !! GAME. standing or wall set Portables / your reception, /./  MONOPOLY- SCRABBLE- SORRY brass -- black -- antique copper and  stronger, sharper, Fir place Matches and Containers 1.25 - 3.00 .... "'- ' / [ Many, Many More, Fl STARTER 0070- 1 if0 Components / clearer pictures  O/ [ CAREERS, SLAP-STICK and aooessor,racUve v ---  _  all for a low, low a convenient a I  e Money Saving Price! Brass or Wrought Iron ir|it ilPiPVll  Glass Fireplace Doors and Metal, LO0 oR mDUNO uOLDERS ,-oor.,: Draw Screens Guard Against Sparks mmmmli&mE[i[ (,1 set with matching magazine rack) GIVE YOUR FAMILY T H E ,,,c= oooo ,,,,,,,., neat way to nanole "=I" your fire logs FIREPLACE BAR-B'Q [40 with a best buy" ' " Reconditioned TV nd Fi pi Sh oo ]2o Cota Street . Shelton ; 426-2818 Thurs.,Fri'&Sat LeRoy's IV a re ace op Mt. OUR LLA MORE ,,.w Where Y DO R BU S - Thursday, December 21, 1967 - Sheiton-Mason County Journal - Page 5