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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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C at00s ESA Program Bridge Club • Featured speaker for the De- ::!&apos;.-':})::.:!:::!::i:i:i:!:<:i:i:i ............. i:i:i:i::.,:-.::!:: ........ i • The winners in Monday night's cember 13 educational meeting :::y:.:...z.2":::y:::..%::::'.::::::::::.%:a:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: master point play for the Shelton llQIR--mmii,--.;, WIImQIII of Beta Zeta Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha was Ralph Bur- A HOLIDAY FAVORITE in the home of Dorothy Costa is her Cranberry Relish Bread. With her in the above Jour- nal photo are her two children, Michele and Pare. Cranberry Relish Bread Is Change From I'foliday Swee÷s have two children, Michele, four. and Pare, seven. CRANBERRY RELISH BREAD 2 cups sifted flour 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp. salt sa cups sugar 1 egg 1/3 cup orange juice 3 T. vinegar 2/3 cup water 1 tsp. grated orange rind % cup shortening 1 cup coarsley chopped raw cranberries 1 cup chopped nuts Sift dry ingredients into. mix- ing bowl. Beat egg, add liquids, orange rind and melted shorten- ing. Add all at once to flour mix- ture. Stir until flour is just dam- pened. Add cranberries and nuts; stir just enough to blend well. Turn into greased loaf pan. Bake 60-70 min. in 350 degree oven or until done. Cool before slicing. More and more hostesses are serving unusual breads during the holidays. This is a welcome treat because, as a rule, we all eat too many sweets during that time. This week we are featuring Dorothy Costa's Cranberry Relish Bread. Dorothy is one of those "busy busy'" housewives who always has a full schedule. She is vice president and ways and means chairman of the Pioneer PTO, a member of Vicki Lee Orthopedic Auxiliary and is active in St. Cecelia's Guild of St. David's Episcopal church. She also helps with a Brownie troop. She refinishes furniture, sews and makes paper flowers, Christ- mas decorations, Raggedy Ann dolls, candles and anything and everything in the line of handi- crafts. She also co-writes the Pi- oneer area news for the Journal. She and husband Gordon. h Simpson Timber Co. employee, bridge. Mr. Burbridge, of Seattle, represented the Washington So- ciety for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc. He thanked the chap- ter for money contributed by all ESA chapters in Washington and mentioned the work the society does for persons in Washington state. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Bob Seibert. An additional education pro- gram on "True Religion" fol- lowed the speaker. Members par- ticipating with short programs on various religions throughout the world were the Mesdames Gene White, Ray Rice, Martin Lund, Dick Holland, Tom Ogden, Floyd Ridout and Kyron Wilson. As a result of a recent pro- ject, Mrs. Bill Kimbel an- nounced the chapter would be able to present Exceptional For- esters, Inc. with a check for $400. It was also voted to send a check to the local Christmas fund. Following the meeting refresh- ments were served by the hostess and Mrs. Ken Evans. The next meeting, the chapter Christmas party, will be held next Wednes- day in the home of Mrs. Dick Holland. Mrs. Hansen Selec÷s G|f÷ For Lynda Bird • Representative Julia Buffer Hansen was chosen by Speaker of the House John V. McCormack to select the Congressional wed- ding gift for Lynda Bird John- son's wedding. With funds contributed by most of the members of the House of Representatives, Congresswoman Hansen selected an engraved sterling silver punch bowl and chantilly ladle by Gorham. CHRISTMAS PROJECTS KEEP SCOUTS BUSY • Mason County Girl Scouts have been busy getting ready for Christmas. Brownie Troop 172 made hand puppets and yarn dolls for the children in Viet Nam. Junior Troop 306 made hand uppets, yarn dolls and octopi for the children at Buckley. A Court of Awards was lield by Junior Troop 308. Brownie Troop 121 made Christmas tree decora- tions from pill bottles and Brownie Troop 108 made tooth- pick snowballs. Brownie Troops 43 and 5 and the newly organized Junior troop made tray favors for the hospi- tal and nursing homes for Christ- mas. Between 135 and 150 Girl Scouts went caroling last Friday in downtown Shelton after which they met for cookies and hot chocolate at the Baptist Church. Society Editor Marj Jacobson Phone 426-4412 Duplicate Bridge Club were for Xz2;.ii..:i;2;j;2i.;.:;!i;!*;.;..:.@2;.i.;..;.ii :!:i ............... ,:::: ;.:.: :::: .: : ::::: .: ::::::: :: ;.'. A DECEMBER 2 wedding ceremony in the Overlake Park United Presbyterian church in Bellevue united Mrs. Patricia Kelly Ganty and William Richard Stone Jr. in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Cora Kelly, Belfair. She is a University of Washington graduate and employed as a consultant at Polyclinic in Seattle. Parents of the bride- groom are Mr. and Mrs. William R. Stone, Wausau, Wis. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and works out of the Seattle and Alaska offices of Employers Insur- ance of Wausau. Following a wedding trip to Hawaii the newlyweds are making their home in Bellevue. .- .. .......... These refreshments were served A n| DNII  TUE J by the Jayettes. The Girl Scouts I BIB V i  n I  and leaders extend their thanks II .........  to the Jayettes. 00JJ00lb TOWN 'imAillll BBIIilBB MONTHLY Gn SCOt THE SPRING WEDDING plans of Miss Terry Lynn Brown -- "- " -- LEADER MEETING HELD and Knute Alden Adams are being announced during the TODAY, THURS., DEC. 21 Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport The monthly neighborhood holidays by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith, • Rotary Club luncheon, noon, ha.. . ..  .. meeting of Mason County Girl former Shelton residents now living in Seattle. He is the uegree oI honor,  pm, e- Ming Tree Cafe. . .... • • Scout leaders was held last Thurs- Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court moma i nail. ..... day in the home of Mrs. Louis SOil. of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Adams, Tacoma. The bride- agies,  p m, alrporz nail house annex. • • • Tylczak. A list of people to re- elect graduated from Highline High School in 1965 and is Port commission, 8 p.m., court WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27 ceive the Girl Scout complimen- now a junior at Western Washington State College. She house. Drivers license examiner, 10 tary calendars was made. Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m., a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base- Thanks is extended to each per- is the granddaughter of Mrs. Mary Buchanan, Shelton. PUD conference room. , ment. son who supported this project. The future bridegroom, a 1965 graduate of Puyallup High tIood Canal Woman s Club, Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., It was decided 1968 Day Camp School, is also a WWSC junior. His paternal grandpar- 11:30 ram., Potlatch clubhouse, court house annex, will be held th¢ last week in ent are Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Knute Welcome Chapter OES Past Mason County Hospital Dis- June. Matrons Club, noon, home of trict Commission, 10 a.m., court The starting of the Welcome Olafson, former Shelton residents now living in Tacoma, Florence Weeks. house. Wagon Association in Shelton are his maternal grandparents. A March 16 wedding date FRIDAY, DEC 22 Beta Zeta Chapter ESA, 8 p.m., 'was discussed. Mason county in the Faith Temp!einTacoma has beenset-_ Ruby Rebekah Lodge 8 p m, home of Mrs. Dick Holland. will be the first group in the Tall IOOF hall ' " " THURSDAY, DEC. 28 Timber Council to have the as- ---"----'--'---= .... =-':'--------- ..... SATURDAY, DEC. 23 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, sistance of this organization. STELLA . -^ Min  Tree Care Mrs Gerald Klokkevold was I € • Drivers ucense examiner, iv e, • . . ". . _ , m - 5 n m co,,rt house base- Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., votes m as Mason county Neigh- ment ..... Timbers restaurant, borhood chairman. The next Salt-asha-ers 8'30 ,, m fair Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court meeting will be held the second grou,Is7 ........ house annex, Thursday in January. BEAUTY SALON SUNDAY, DEC. 24 Shelton churches invite you to  1428 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH attend the church of your choice.  (Corner of Highway and Dearborn) MONDAY, DEC. 25  W W  Merry Christmas, Drive care- l L A I] [i I€, fully if you are going to be on J00lJ00zr00llnl[ ' • •! Open Monday fhru Safurday the highway, "- ----" " """ = q :d TUESDAY, DEC. 26 . kT_RJ] Evenings by Appointment Only Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, ..= / Timbers restaurant. V]  426-6659 City commission meeting, 8  O# p.m., city hall. BI,.. A'n Operator will be on duty SUNDAY, DEC. 31st Teen Meet, 7:30 p.m., Timbers I il ----- - ........ res00.,=t. _ EVERY SAT= NIGHT by Appointment Only. pl r" ' ' -'ll0000rJ ,o=oo ,u, z=oo Com e÷e Beau÷y Se v00ce 00lt. Morlah Lodge No. 11 The BEST Permanent Waving- Manicures Hair Styling and Cutting F. & A. M. in COUNTRY WESTERN MUSIC Wig and Wiglet Sales and Service Weanesday, December 27 Featuring: "TEX MITCHELL" and HIS BAND (St. John's Night) Stated Communication ADMISSION $1.50 Lodge Opens 8 p,m. George a. Howard, W.M. Phone CR 5-2248 or OR 5-2922 Arnold L. Cheney, Secretary Located on the Old Belfair Highway II I _  Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County J,ournal - Thursday, December 21,1967 OPERATORS: Linda Densley Jane Ellerbroek OWNER-MANAGER Stella Winter north-south, Don and Gordon Bennett, Lenora Dudley and May Graler, Bob Quimby and Sally Kelly, and a tie for fourth be- tween Ted Brodie, Wayne Soper and Col. Dudley and Jack Graler. For east-west winners were Bill Batchelor and Mary Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Umphenour, Bruce Kreger and Clyde Ruddell, Vic King and Norm Hulbert. The club will not meet Decem- ber 25 or January 1. The next meeting will be January 8 at 7:15 p.m. in the PUD auditorium. All bridge players are welcome. Chrisfmas Parry Enjoyed By Beachcombers • The Beachcombers Garden Club held its annual Christmas party and regular meeting last Thuusday in the home of Mrs. Orville Kager with Mrs. Lee Lop- riore assisting. Mrs. Clem Hell was in charge of the short business meeting. Decorated containers filled with home-made cookies will be presented to the Allyn House as a gift from the club. Members held a .gift exchange, played games and enjoyed lunch- eon together. Golden Age Club The Golden Age Club will not have the usual potluck meeting next Thursday. The group will not meet again until January 11 at which time there will be a regular business meeting. 4-H Club News | LIVEWIRES • The Livewires 4-H Club met December 6 at the Southside School. Before the meeting the girls made Christmas cards by stamping designs on paper made by carving potatoes. The meeting was called to or- der by Chris Flint and Kerri Kimmberly led the flag salute and the 4-It pledge. A discussion was held on sending triangle- shaped scarves to Buckley. New officers were elected with Wendy Hovind as president; Ker- ri Kimmberly, v i c e pl-esideht; Carlerl' Neal, 'secret2 , ".Susie Swayze, treasurer; ChriS PFtint, reporter; and Merrieann God- ding, community service. BUCKAROOS • The Buckaroos and Mission- ettes, members of a junior ser- vice club sponsored by the As- sembly of God church, caroled for patients in the Shelton Gener- al Hospital and the Shelton Manor Nursing Home last night. Refreshments were served to the carolers in the home of Mrs. DeLoss Zachry, leader of the boys' group, the Buckaroos. Mrs. LaVerne Younglund is leader of the girls' group, the Missionettes. AN OPEN HOUSE Christmas day will honor Mr. and l Kenneth E. Rose, Arcadia Shores, on the occasion of t 25th Wedding Anniversary. Hostesses for the event will] their two daughters, Martha and Janis Rose, who will guests between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. assisted by their br0 ers, Hank and Tim. INTERNATIONAL Order of Job's Daughters, Bethel Belfair, will have installation of officers at 8 p.m., ber 29 in the Masonic Temple in Belfair. Queen Donna Lee Dishon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. shon, Shelton.