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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1967
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Matlock: Sunday School To Present Program On Friday Night By DORA HEARING last week Wednesday with Mrs. • MATLOCK- The Matlock Community Sunday School will present its Christmas Program at the Community Church Dec. 22 at 7:30 p.m. I. C. Ford and Mrs. Bob Dawson hostess. Mrs. Max Cash birthday was celebrated. The next meet- ing will be Jan. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Townsend and family of Aberdeen were cal- Mary M. Knight School: . rt Seventh Eighth Grade Cage Teams W'"ii I i By TER SA TRIMBLE uled by the State Department of The Board of Director : Education. cided to have the new 1967 • Dec. 14 the seventh and The use of teachers aides was delivered by railroad fiat € eighth grade basketball team de- feated Little Rock. The score for the seventh grade game was 27-5. The eighth grade team defeated Little Rock by a score of 40-16. A pep assembly was held at 11:30 a.m. Dec. 15. Winners of discussed   through the use of federal funds 3:rs. Walker, Mrs. Faubert, and Mr. Hollatz will be hired as teachers: aides• The ele- mentary curriculum will be given further help by the use of both Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Faubert rather than having it driven during the winter months. Permit For ¢ 13 Your correspondent wishes you lers at the Elvin Hearing home the pep jug were the seniors, who will be working with small ] c all a very Merry Christmas. Sunday evening. !i;2!gg:PibPsetialtee;d; y A Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin Mr• and Mrs. Bill Chrisman ThheeldCrt:ds:?a:t :r;%  Buo ske d ] ,I and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing of Tacoma spent Saturday with school gymnasium• "g ool students m January ........ ; attended the open house in Elma Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and Saturday afternoon in honor of Susan. Mr ay B Kin ers Mr and Mrs I C Ford spent Mr. and s. J . g y .... 64th wedding anniversary Tuesday in Bremerton with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of J.R. Singleton and Mr. and Mrs. Wenatchee spent from Tuesday J.D. Simpson. to Sunday with Mrs. Augusta Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Breh- Portman and Carl Portman. meyer, Jr., and family called at .......... the I. C Ford home Sunday 2¢u-. an(] lwrs. '• . newson or _  ...... " Grandview were Friday over- mr.. ano mrs.•,LU(] rtossmamr n'rght ,_o,est_ v,-e .....r," ..---a .....vr,' atten(]e(] a turin(lay parw m. T E ......... honor of Mrs. Larry Chamberhn narot(] tt[u . . . Thursday evening at the Cham- " - " • - mr. an(] Mrs. neroert Bren- berlin home in Shelton gamzed Dec. 11. Herb Breh- tion of all relevant factorS,  O meyer, Sr. spent Thursday eve- Mr. and Mrs. James Rossmaier meyer, Jr. was erected chairman, cluding the effect of the proP0be nmg at the Elvm Hearing home. and girls of Olympia were Sun- Kenneth Gribble was sworn in as . ............ ,,,=,,,.• Mrs. James Commet returned day dinner guests of Mr. and the new board member along :)clenrls :erv#ces worK on navigation, fisn an."c ........ liIe, conservation, pOllUtiO , " | home Thursday from Seattle Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. wlm ne recumbent board mem- • "Unto us a child is born, the general public interest. ua where she spent two weeks at Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers oers tmrence raJmer and Herb unto us a son is given: and the Comments on these factors.ter the University Hospital. The Com- spent Saturday evening at the Brehmeyer. government shall be upon his be accepted and considered  an mets moved last week near Lake Edward Valley home. Supt. Eugene French made a shoulder• This verse from Isai- determining whether it would e Nahwatzel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley report on accreditation require- ah is the Golden Text of this in the best public interest. sc The Matlock Ladies Club held spent Sunday evening with Mr. ments for the coming year and week's Bible Lesson in all Chris- grant a permit. Replies to ttrit its Christmas dinner and party and Mrs. Archie Kelley. indicated that the full impact on tian Science churches, Sunday, notice should be mailed to react i our school will not be known un- December 24, 1967. The Lesson- Corps of Engineers not later .. • " " dw |QIs P"ta-'°n: til he attends a meeting sched- Sermon is titled Christ Jesus." Jan 14 to insure considerati°]t.°r Co pl Sp T 0 , u e Go To okane o 0 '° O,00M00,C }! Pick UpoAdopfed Daugh÷er : ' and By EL KID A program was put on by the : SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT | .............. children and young people of the A:'ON Mr.ana lrs. community with almost all parti- LK)yle nowar moore, to po- cipating. Working on the pro-  1' kane last week to pick up their cram commtiteo w,=ro M. M,,- b • t ................. " little adopted daugh er, Jeanne n Short, Mrs. W. A. Tibbits, Mrs. i - irven'ng 0000'ourses th Marie, was born Oct.. 23 and Bob Clayton, Mrs. Klaus Hoeph- welgne(] six poun(]s, an(] tnlrmen ner Mrs Dlo ],hm, ,, es ..... ve - ' ................ ounc ne Joins fl orothers, " "  " -- nn _ __ young people helping were Pam " lan. 8-11 Winter 196s- e|et ]at._ rJcKy, an(]y uo y, Te(](]y " " - .  ' and Kay Howell, Karlene Mc- I " . [ ann tommy. . __ . Lain, and Nell Short. T. A. Tib-  Reg#stratmn Quarter, [t L, ran(]parents are mrs Tneima bits la ed t . . . * , . ::. _ , p y he role of Santa. A owaro. ssaquan an(] mrs. Tea hearty thanks is extended to all  WHO MAY ENROLL -- Any person 18 or older may enroll m evening a erry,_• .bnen:°n' . , those who put so much effort " courses from Olympic College without special arrangements. Stu- ?gl amraay evening, mere was a • • ..... forth to. make this gathering a | dents under 18 must get special permission at registration. [ good mrn our at me annua success Christmas party held at the hall .I CREDITS  All courses carry Olympic College credit Academic courses ..]lb Arucles ........ Ior a L;nrismas DasKe ch is being gathered for the George listed 100 and above are college transfer; academic courses below 100 ,d I • km Johnson family. Gifts, gift are developmental courses. Vocational courses provide credit towara |vrYrl/'* IJ/L4 wrapped for the children, clothes - |llo • tr v, • • , * m v vv food or monetary donations may j job proficiency and advancement. All courses may be used in degree iti Iv be left at Howell's Grocery. " programs at Olympic College. All courses may be used for high o • Mr H' RIJ+ .and Mrs. Ed Pearson and I school completion credit. ! Pe ...... "1 1 " "-- family motored to Tacoma Sun-r ,11 = day for the annual family gather-  REGISTRATION -- Registration will be in class the week ,of January 8th |to 00rnnr"e00--- __ in theMcGinnis.home of Mr. and Mrs. I -through 11th, and all classes will meet in the Angle (High School) Lt .... Building. Check the schedule to determine which night the class e ':'* • S u n d a y, family members t1 The American Forestry Asso- .........  - " at ciation recently accepted an gamerea m me uoyJe nowara meets, come that night, and register in class. For registration a stu- flo • .., ......... ,, ;. n,... home to celebrate the birthdays ! dent should have the following information: social security number, t • - or ,o my an(]/)on nowara rom- p,c National Park as the largest ...... •  place of birth, local address, and 1st high school .attended. a tt |re (nan;ae fhHe aofhrn.;.a fho my was nve unaay and Don ten ..... • " ..... • ' .............. . ' Tuesday uess ...... were mrs Tea g h ! FEES -- All courses are $6.00 per credit unless ,otherwise stated. Check champmn m the Rogue River  ". .... • . • • erry, vlrs oaessa r'almer, Mr : o1Nati°nalympic ForeStchampionin locatTheed an- *'mrs. vere=" tewar ....... an(] cnn-. " t the credits on the schedule and multiply by $6.00. Fees are due at dren and Mr and Mrs Bill along the Cameron Creek trail  _ - • .. • | registration. Welding students pay an additional $2.50 for six of the [u rown an(] aaugnters Threeappr°ximatelYForks andS½ one-halfmiles frOm,mile ""  ten sessions. Fees are the same if you wish to take a course for non- V credit. Credit fees do not include the cost of supplies, equipment and , ,s abOVesevenIwer CamerondiameterShelter.(4 • ' i are $15.00 II_ It is feet in Two *...... .v-.(lmlDeIm IP textbooks. Non-resident fees per credit. feet above the ground) and 179 r feet tall It is one of a grove ]o- . = == • = I REFUND OFFEE POLICY  If thnough no fault of the college a student cated on the sandy creek bottom" Men Jll'ena  wishes R refund, the college will grant 80% refund between day of  between the 3,500' and 3,650' eYe- vations. No specimens were (lnl It--[AAI {ae=Al IA enrollment and January 25th. Ater that date no refund will be $ found to be ,growing on the hill-  w mmm  granted, A student wishing a refund must make the request. " sides above the. creek bottom.  00sfdes the E00elmann spruce, E Ore= -- Hugh & 01OvmDIc Nafl____.onal Park now has mcl.ay and Henry anastrom, V OLYM IC COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL OR MODIFY  ,oo,.A ,,o=t,,.,, ,-,n ,,=n,, both of Simpson Timber Co., Douglas ........ fir," ..... Pamfic"? "Lsilver .... fir,=2' .... Shelton, were among 25 Oregon, V ANY PART OF THIS SCHEDULE IF ENROLLMENT IN ANY CLASS IS Alnino fiP gnr] w¢torn hmlaol wasmngon, California and Colo-  LESS THAN ^' 15 OR IF ADEQUATE INSTRUCTION CANNOT BE EM- --r ....... , ....................... r -o l - • aa umoermen to attend the All the champions, except the • - . | PLOYED. OLYMPIC COLLEGE WILL ENDEAVOR TO NOTIFY INTER- nPlrnn 'm..n, ro ]ngtr] management (]evelopment course --"'- .............. - ......... in linear programming here on on the western slopes of the ....... . .v ESTED PERSONS IN CASE OF SCHEDULE CHANGE Olympics me uregon tate universiw cam- t i3e " ation of ign "n ' " " " termm b ess ] pus, Dec 13 15 The three day trees is" based nn tho m,m of th courSeis.o was sponsored. . by the Di-. } Pourse No Course Title Day Room Time Credit Fee v 1 n of Continmng Education dimensions for circumference,  ACADEMIC CLASSES" ........ .,  ,.^ ..... and the OSU School of Business Height, ana l,*au. zu u,c wva, -- an(] Tee nology I inches of stem circumference (4' above the ground)is added The course was designed to I English 91Fundarnentals of Literature Tues. 10 7-10 3 $18.00 the total height in feet plus one- give managers a basic under- Marine Sc. 101lntroduc. to Marine Science Mon. 10 7-10 3 18.00 | quarter of the crown spread foot- standing of linear programming, i Psychology 1 01Clen eraJ ! age. This gives a single figure a mathematical technique which ! Psychology T-Th 15 7-9:30 5 3O.00 'denoting aggregate growth, with can be used to aid in production  Speech 104---Beginning Speech Mon. 15 7-10 3 18.00 circumference as the No. 1 fac- scheduling, equipment analysis } tor, followed by height and and assignment of limited ma- OCCUPATIONAL CLASSES: i crown spread, terials or manpower to tasks. T & I 11--Auto. Tune-up & Curb. Tues. Auto Sp 6:30-10:30 2 12.00 I NOTICE : T &l 35-- Apprentice (Auto Mch-Appren Only) . •  Mon. Auto Sp 6:30-10:30 2 12.00 i T & I 91Welding • Tues. 23 6:30-10:30 2 12.00 , v  T T& 144---Drafting Thurs. 26 7-10 2 12.00 • i  Y T & I 108--General Blueprint Reading Mon. 26 7-10 2 12.00 [ Due ÷o fhe Holida Season, I T &ll0B--General Blueprint Reading Tues. 26 7-10 2 12.00 T & 1 109--Advanced Blueprint Reading Wed. 26 7-10 2 12.00 v we will be closed . . . ' t & ,12--B,ookkeeping T-Th 14 7-9 2 12.00 | SATURDAY DEC 23 , T &l 31--Typing Refresher T-Th 11 7-9 2 12.00 I I Home Econ 45--Begin. Bishop Sewing Wed. 13 7-10 2 12.00 Home Econ 46--Inter. Bishop Sewing Thurs. 13 7-10 2 12.00 ! a -n J I LawH°me Econ 4g--Tailoring II Tues. 13 7-10 2 12.00 ! " Enforcement 102Criminal Law Thurs. 9 7-10 3 18.00 SATURDAY, DEC. 30 I (by Spec. Arr,) .. ". ACADEM,C Olympic Coil COURSES: I ecje and Hoodsporf Jr. High = • / | ' i .;  Course No. Course Title Day Time Credit Fee NaTiOnal IlanlOT , English 93--Vocabulary Thurs. 7-9:00 2 $12.00 SONCOUNTY i English 142--The Novel Thurs. 7-9:00 2 $12.00 V JAMES SEMIS ES 7-3891 or FRANK WILLARD 426-3502 Member  Olympic College Shelton School District 3rd & Cola 426.8234 Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 21, 1967