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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1967
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ih Mason School: atie Blair Is Chosen Girl IMILY MEYER becember's Girl of the Month been chosen by her service the school and community. le Blair was elected by Girls' members as the senior girl has given her services to of the local and school pro- k Katie is this year's Girls' I president and was the Girls' secretary-treasurer last . She was her junior class' urer last year and was the [chairman for the 1967-68 r Ball, "Rhapsody in Blue." ag her Sophomore year she l inducted into North Mason's ! ch of the National Honor lety. Katie has served on the al staff for four years and t this year's co-editor of the ikan Log." During her sopho- ;/ e and freshman years she ; active in the Drill Team da the Girls' Athlete Associa- Outside of school she is a ber of the Baptist youth dl Wship and is very active in church's activities. After luation Katie plans to attend W *tern Washington State Coi- l  and seek an ambition to be- t] e either an elementary or l J School English teacher. Her tt *rite philosophy towards ser- ;a, is: Be willing to work for SJ s and others will be willing ti0 Ork for you. • is year as a Christmas pro- the Girls' Club Officers have fled to send donations to the le Lane School for Girls. 'iner Areas Na÷ional Irk Are Open he Hurricane Ridge Winter Area in Olympic National k is scheduled to open for kend operation Dee. 16, Supt. Things needed for the girls in- clude such items as sweaters. skirts, party dresses, pajamas, house coats, and lingerie. It has been asked that donated clothing be up to date and pressed and cleaned. Cosmetics and jewelry are also appreciated by the girls at Maple Lane. Craft materials such as yarn, crochet thread, tools and games are needed. To help the Christmas spirit along the Girls' Club would also like to give some fruit, nuts, fruit cakes, and popped corn. Assorted greet- ing cards are also needed. If all the girls in the student body would bring at least one of the items mentioned above, they could help make Christmas much more enjoyable for the 150 girls at Maple Lane. Don't forget the Girls' Club- Boys' Club Talent Show is Jan. 10. We would like to have as many of the students as possible participate. If you are interested please contact Crystal Lamb. On the program so far is North Ma- son's first Hippie Wedding (bride and groom are still to be an- nounced), local rock and roll (?) bands, pop record mimicking, in- strumental talent, and possibly a majorette performance. This gives you an example of the many kinds of talent at North Mason. If you are one of these unusually talented people and have not signed up for the Talent Show, do so now in the Student Activities Center. After the first of the year the Girls' Club plans to take the of- ficers and selected members to visit the children in the Rodgers School for Handicapped Children. Their purpose is to enable mem- bers to see the work being done to aid the children and to get to know the children themselves. Last Friday night the Bulldogs played Chimacum at home. Dur- ing the half-time North Mason's Drill Team made their first bas- ketball performance an enjoy- T. Gale announced to- The wilt be closed Day and will reopen laily operation from Dec. 26 Jan. 1. Ski tows and sales and rental facili- Will open Dec. 26. Ski in- will be available start- ett able show for all the basketball The area fans. The Drill Team is headed |'tmas by Captain Karen Squires and |aily Advisor Miss Bonnie D. Branam. ?gh i The Bulldgos also played Pment Charles Wright Dec. 12 at home. [, Will Both the varsity and junior var- Ition sity came out victorious. leC. 23. Food service will be Mr. Olson, the baseball coach :.d on Dec. 26. and shop teacher, made a beauti- |Sllowing the holiday period, ful danish modern walnut coffee larea will be open with all table which was used in a fund lities operating on weekends raising. The proceeds went to- [ on Washington's Birthday. wards the purchase of a pitching re storms common during machine for North Mason Base- |tertime may make it impracti- ball Team. to maintain an open road to The Honor Society met last |area on any scheduled day of week. Among the topics for dis- :ation. _ . cussion were the December trip, e Hurricane Ridge Looge, point system, 'activitles, and ated by National Park Con- chess. Members now have a wide !)ns, Inc., and managed by  variety of activities to choose Demunbrun, will make from. They have been .given per- t lble to the winter visitor mission to go on any trips as an [ counter service, souvenirs, Honor Society function as long as they have filed an activity slip with the Honor Society and have I quipment rental and sales, lockers, rest rooms, and aing room. rope ski tows will be op- by Avon Miller and Ted *Son who will again offer Y and half-day tickets. te ski school directed by Hen- 4. Brown will conduct ski es ranging from children's instruction to ski racing. !e are available in class, an adult with them. The Society is also making plans for a chess tournament to run through Janu- ary and February. If you would like to enter the tournament, do so by contacting Steve Bunting. The Nomahi News came 'out last week. This edition featured Barbara Schillinger in the "Se- nior Spotlight" and Bill Landram Campbell was featured in the "Band Personality". Kathy Bee- ber's purse was the favorite ti pof "I Spy", and "Light Another C a n d 1 e" forgot Georgann Wright's birthday. There was a very good article, "LSD and You," about the drug LSD. "Won- der Mother" was in the issue with her usual good advice and the North Mason society column "Onions and Orchids" was full with all sorts of good stuff. The next issue will be out the week after Christmas vacation. The Lettermen's Club will have concessions at all the home var- sity, junior varsity and junior high games. They will be featur- ing all kinds of pop and candy. The proceeds will go in the gen- eral fund for later service pro- jects. Sandi Fleury has been working hard on the Christmas Assembly which will be held tomorrow. This will be an all-school assem- bly, that means grades five through twelve will attend and take part. The assembly will fea- ture a skit by the seniors plus many other enjoyable perfor- mances. The Christmas decora- tions were put up by the student council Christmas decoration committee headed by Theron Harder. The Junior Class held a suc- cessful sock hop in the cafeteria after the North Mason vs. Chima- cure game last Friday. The Sep- tagons, who are also members of our student body, provided the music. The student body has been re- minded that guests for the sock hops are to be signed up in the office prior to the dance. These dances are school functions, not public. School clothes are to be worn at all sock hops. Pants or pant dresses are not allowed. The Junior Class will sponsor pickle sales at noon in the Home Economics room. The Sophomore Class is still selling "Happiness is a Bulldog Victory" buttons for 50 cents and blue and white pom poms for 35 cents. All juniors who are planning to attend college should sign up to- day for the College Conference Our Shel÷on Branch will close at 4 p.m. Friday so that our employees can ,' more fully ' enjoy the Christmas holiday. THURSTON COUNTY ,, FEDERAL a'lrivate, or private basis, in the "Limelight" while Scott =___=_____=__ ST. MARTIN'S COLLEGE ! Olympia, Washingfon ! t Spring Semester, 1968 : i CLASSES OFFERED 3 P.M. AND LATER Units Course No. Description Day Time Room Instructor 3 Ace 351--Federal Taxation TTH 7:15-8:30 302 Mr. Damitio i 3 Ace 401--dvanced Ace TTH 6-7:15 302 Mr. Powell 3 Acc 450--Auditing MW 7:30-8:45 302 Mr. Mozell 3 BA ll5--Economic Geography TTH 7-8:15 318 Mrs. Minden 3 B 320--Production Management W 3:45-5& 3088 Mr. Friedeman 6-7:15 304 Mr. Fredeman 3 BA 403--Administration TTH 3:45-5 314 Mr. Helmholz 3 Econ 365--Gov't Regulation of Business TTH 4 310 Mr. Clabaugh 3 Econ 420--Foreign Trade TTH 3:45-5 316 Mr. Lee 3 Econ 486 Econometrics MWF 314 Mr. Surer 4 Ed 301--Human Growth & Development TTH 3-4:30 201c Mrs. Brophy 3 Engl 102fFreshman Writing MWF 7 310 Miss Parcher 3 Engl 381--Late Romantic Poets MW 7-8:30 312 Mr. Bailey 2 Hist 320--Church History MW 4 302 Fr. Meinrad 5 Fren 102intermediate French Daily 3 312 Miss Grandadam 5 Math 482--Geometry for Teachers M 7-9:30 201c Fr. John 2 Mus 109--Music in the Elem. School M 7:30-9:30 CMC Mr. Roeckle 3 Phil 341--Philosophy of Man M'W 7 306 Mr. Capestany I 3 Soc 326--Juvenile Delinquency MTH 7-8:30 316 Mr. Timpani 2 Spee 106a---Public Address MW 3 316 Fr. Valerian I 1 Spee 108---Speech & Forensics Workshop I TH 7-9 201b Miss Klein 1 Spee 208--Speech & Forensics Workshop H TH 7-9 201b Miss Klein 1 Spee 308--Speech & Forensics Workshop III TH 7-9 201b Miss Klein 1 Spee 384--Dir. of spee & Forensics Activ. TH 7-9 201b Miss Klein 2 Spee 334--Hearing & Deafness TH 4-6:30 308 Mr. Hanson 3 Spee 345--Spee for Classroom Teacher T 4-6:30 308 Mr. Hanson 1 Spee 356---Clinical Observation TBA TBA TBA Mr. Hanson (see catalog for pre-requtsites) 2 Theo 326---Ecumenism T 7-9 414 Fr. Valerian & Staff REGISTRATION: January 12, 1968  8-12, %4:30, 6-8 p.m. ) ADDITIONAL REGISTRATION PERIODS: January 15 & 16 - 6-8 p.m. For further information write to: OFFICE OF REGISTRAR, St. Martin's College, Olympia, Washington 98501 Phone 491-4700 Minimum registration requirement for a class to meet: 10 students Of The briefing. Seniors have been reminded that college applications for ad- missions forms were to be picked up from the office Nov. 29. They are due at most colleges now. All applications for Olympic Month For December Junior College are to be held until Feb. 1. The college will ac- cept them at that time. A $25 non-refundable deposit must ac- company the college application form. Congratulations to the Fresh- man victory over Hood Canal, Dec. 8, 62-24. Freshman players also played Bainbridge, Dec. 15. The North Mason matmen met South Kitsap Dec. 11 and North Kitsap Dec. 14. Any girl interested in working in the cafeteria, please contact the office. The Photography Club has been working on its constitution and getting more members to join. There will be an early dismis- sal tomorrow at 1 p.m. School will start again Jan. 2. The entire school body and faculty of North Mason would like to wish every- one in Mason County a "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year !" B € DARIGOLD Swee Cream Grde A ) t Farmbest Ham .... Sliced Bacon ,U00sCOcO00s PUMPKIN 2¼TIN I1 € ! lb. FOLGER'S COFFEE lib, Tin 70 TIN FOLGER'S COFFEE ,. Tt, =1.35 FOLGER'S COFFEE ,. Tin =2.02 ALUMINUM FOIL Ou,, BANQUET PIES or MINCE FROZEN 20 oz. Pie No. 21/2 Tin CUT YAMS NO. I POTATO I0 POUND 44 ¢ 25 ¢ 24 ¢ CELLO BAG INSTANT COFFEE FOLGER'S 6 oz. Jar 98 ¢ INSTANT COFFEE .OLER'S,O o..r =1.48 BREAKFAST DRINK T.N 27 oz. Size '1.31 VETS DOG FOOD ,, oz. Tin 10  MARGARINE FLEISCHMANN'5 lb. Pkg. 39¢ ACCENT MSG .,/. oz s,ze 96  VANILLA EXTRACT CRESCENT4 oz.PUresize 83 ¢ PUMPKIN PIE SPICE CRESCENT,, ozOUnsize 35  GROUND SAGE C.ESCENT  o=. s,z, 18  POULTRY SEASONING CRESCENT, OZ. SiZe 21  Wheat Thins, Bacon Thins, Triscuits, Sociables SNACK CRACKERS NBC ackae 40  COCKTAIL SAUCE N*LLE¥'S. o. " 36  TARTAR SAUCE N.LLE'S s oz . 31  SWEET PICKLES N.LLE¥'S 22 .z.- ST CUCUMBER PICKLES .R..N,S22 o,. a 39  COCKTAIL SHRIMP ..c,.,c.--,.oz .,. 46  COOL WHiP BIRDSEYE Y, Oa,. 93' ASPARAGUS SPEARS T.ELLiS o*W°l'Ti. 35  MIXED NUTS NuT LUNCH 13 oz. Tin 54 € MARSHMALLOWS oou.. .inl.,U,o,/. oz. 24' CHOCOLATE CHIP N.,L,S,, o,. =z, 46  SHREDDED COCONUT B,, , 55' off) 16 oz. Size CREAM CHEESE R,T ,h,laei,h,a , o,. siz, 3T DIRECT , WHY PAYMORE! * • LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED • STORE HOURS Mon, thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday: ...................... f-9 a,m,:.- 7 pn, Saturday: .................... 9 a,m,, 5 p,m, Thursday, December 21, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11