December 21, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 21, 1967 |
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Sbelton High School Tar-
team defeated Turn-
127-23, and lost to Central
P 36-14 in their two matches
Shelton-Tumwater match
Tuesday at Tumwater.
had two winners by pins.
was by Wayne Tweed,
112 lb. wrestler. Tweed
Tu Lwater's Charlie Sim-
at 1:14 in the first round.
other pin was in the 127
when Dallas Gunter
Tumwater's Joe Teller at
the third round.
(T) forfeit.
d (S) pinned Sim-
(T) 1:14 1st round.
(S) dec. Lucas (T)
(S) pinned Tellers
3rd round.
Thompson (S) dec.
(T) 9-3.
(T) dec. Willson
(S) dec. Wuerth (T)
Thompson (S) dec.
(T) 4-0.
(T) pinned Wes-
) 1:04 2rid round.
(T) pinned Thomas
2nd round.
(T) pinned Frank
1st round.
(S) default
27 Tumwater 23
Shelton-Central Kitsap
was at Central Kitsap last
night. Central Kitsap
the score of 36-14. Shelton
four wrestlers win, three
and the fourth by
winners /were Dallas
Chuck Thompson, and
t !Will: m. After three match-
Gunter, and Chris and
1 Thompson are the only un-
Shelton wrestlers.
vs. Central Kitsap
(CK) forfeit•
a s o n (CK) pinned
(S) 1:07 2nd round•
(CK) dec. O'Neill (S)
Win or lose, Shelton's cheerleaders root for the Highclimbers
until the final gun sounds.
City League Hoop Play In Fuli Swing
. After a hard-fought first half,
Jess's Mobil team beat the 20th
Century team, 57 to 26, on De-
cember 11.
Terry LaBissoniere led in
points on Jess's Mobil team with
14. Tom Fredson was next with
(S) dec. Tyass 13. Duane Wilson scored 10. Mike
Mills and Tom Wingard, 8 each;
lnompson (S) dec t and Jer s
( .... • Lynn Spilse h, 3; ry We t-
fl C) 4-z. lund, 1.
Wills n (S) dec Corey
t [6-3 ' • Jerry Mallory was high point
• ^_ ,,r .^ ,,.,. man on 20th Century team with
't rrhen ldu, ,; u. ,,-
11 10 10 points. Ken Kneeland and
,it C00007•Thom-son (s)de Gene Strozyk scored 6 each
• t P " Gene White, 2; and Tom Kim-
;c, 'eaas (CK) --inned Wes berly., and_Bob Sparks, 1 each,
ev ) :14 2nd round. The Jaycees lost another game,
'Ifeyson (CK) pinned Pear- this time to Gott Oil team. The
) :47 2nd round, score was 77 to 29.
"Trodo,,., (c d,,. 'rn Jerry Young was high man on
i. on Gott Oil's team with 20 pbints.
-l ..... De Don Andrews was next with 12
amoee (CK pinned " 1 " "" "
(S) 1:14 2nd round. Tom t:o eman scorea 1£ points.
ton " sa 36 Jerry Bloomfield and Chuck Hol-
p 14 -- Central Klt p . .. . .
:e man, ±u eacn. wayne Clary and
d Roger Hoff, 7 each. ,
o! |11_ u The Jaycees high point man
,] ilOlagers was McCarthy with 12 points.
Arnold made 6; Adams and Mos-
Awards Swart os, 1.
keland, 4 each; Anderson, 2; and
"# --' Trailblazers held their an- Verle s Sporting Goods team
ltlb di-nner at Lake Cush- beat Wolden's Chev team on
hst Friday evening. W.ed., Dec. 13th, 78 to 45. Verle s
e eti n high man was Terry Greg who
iving the comp "tic
¢' for the year for the most scored 28 points. Jack Marquette
pll earned -in club events pocketed 14; Jerry Mills and
bc to Tom Connally of Hoods- Dave Sund scored 9 each; and
Lynn Sterns made 8. Harold Wil-
of Shelton received son, 6 points and Run Ellis; 4.
il !ice award for his many Wolden"s Chev'--'s team had two
1¢ 'l hours at the club high point men -- Don Clary
' and Howard Wilson, 12 each.
¢ere also presented to Mike Clary scored 9; Run Junker
-{1 .%hers of the last Club made 7; Brady Whitener made
%les held on Dec. 10th. 4; and Jerry Drescher scored 1.
tg re as follows: Eells & Valley team lost a
class, Charlie Travag- hard-fought battle to the Tavern
,r; first; Jeff McCoy, second• Jumpers team. The score was;
class, Dave White, first; Tavern Jumpers--98 and Eells &
-rnert, second. Valley--74.
ct Open, Ken Simons, first; Jack Jaynes lead on the Tav-
rmally, second, ern Jumpers team with 31 points.
member participating in Bob Miller scored 29 points. Dick
trebles received a small Adams, 14; Scott Swisher, 12;
' Ray Barrington, 10; and Guy Mil-
qcft '
Bowling Results and Statistics
ler 2. The Tavern Jumpers' score
of 98 points was the highest
score made by a team so far this
Eells & Valley team's high
man was Henry Dean who made
35 points. Brown scored 17. Bar-
Tavern Jumpers
Verle's Sporting
Gott Oil
Eells & Valley
Jess's Mobil
Wolden Chev
rington, 8; Stu Reynolds, 6; Jab-
Hi Game & Series: L. C. Leman
Standings: He•lockers 33-23,
Four Diamonds 33-23, Cats 33-23,
Dry Shed 30½-25½, Pin Benders
23-33, Mill No. 3 15½-40½.
With just one week to go in the
half we have a three-way tie for
first place. In this week's action
the Hemlockers Melvin McGee
(590) whitewashed the Four Dia-
monds, Troy West (513) while
the Cats L. C. Leman (617) took
three from the Pin Benders,
John Lund (543). In the other
match the Dry Shed Bud Temple
(544) took three from Mill No. 3,
Bob Nielsen (509).
Men's Hi Game & Series: Bob
Riffey 184-489
Women's Hi Game & Series:
Jean Temple 196-457
Redin 4, Jean Temple 457;
Scholars 0, Ralph Ervin 405; Tar-
dies 3, Dot Ridout 455; Skippers
1, Barb Tarrach 305; Dropouts
2, Tom River 454; Professors 2,
Edith Lyle 398; Rithmetic 2, Joan
Jay 413; Flunkies 2, Bob Riffey
Standings: Professors 34-18, Re-
din 33-19, Flunkies 31-21, Scholars
27-25, Tardies 26-26, Dropouts 21-
31, Rithmetic 19-29, Skippers 13-
Hi Game: Fritz Neau 232
Hi Series: Buck Mackey 596
Standings: Beckwith 31½-13½,
40 & 8 29-16, Hidden Haven 28½-
16½, J & J Service 25½-19½.
Simpson 23-22, Certified 17-28,
Cliftons 15½-29½, Nim Rod Club
12:30 WOMEN'S
Hi Game: Judy Manke 172
Hi Series: Donna Coleman 486
Standings: John's Richfield 33-
23, Nell's 30½-25½, Shelton Un-
ion 27½-28½, Pastime 22-34.
Hi Game & Series: Jess Tobler
W L 222-590
3 0 Stewart's Pro Shop 3-1, Ed
3 0 White 565; Western Auto 1-3, Phil
3 0 Adams 514; Stewart's Food 3-1,
2 1 Bud Ristine 533; John's Richfield
1 2 1-3, Jess Tobler 590; Lumber-
0 3 men's 1-3, Gayle Wentz 522;
10:30 a.m. Shift
Hi Game: Marge Witcraft 208
Hi Series: Virginia Fuller 511
1 p.m. Shift
Hi Game & Series: Donna Cole-
man 223-536
The 1st round at 10:30 a.m.
Shelton won 3 & lost 1.
Fairlanes won 1 & lost 3.
2nd round at 1 p.m. Shelton
1-3. Coles Bow1 3-1.
Won & lost for the 4-4 for the
season they have a 16-16. They
are in 4th place in their league.
Bowled at Harbor Lanes in
Hi Game & Series: Walt Wold-
en 241-581
Fuller Const. 4, Bill Johnson
556; Bull Moose 0, Roy West 513;
I.W.A.-38 3, Braym Johnson 519;
Eagles 1, L. C. Leman 567; Olym-
pic Plywood 2, Bob Bamford 510;
Evergreen 2, Oscar Diekins 464;
Nimrods 3, Ken Wolden 514; Shel-
ton Hardware 1, Frank Willard
486; Kiwanis 4, Phil Adams 556:
Lions 0, Walt Wolden 581; Moose
Antlers 3, Lloyd Clark 531; Rot-
ary 1, Jim Shrum 513.
Standings: Fuller Censt, 41½-
18½, Moose Antlers 41-19, Kiwan-
is Club 39-21, Bull Moose 31½-
28½, Rotary Club 30-30, Lions
Club 29-31, Olympic Plywood 28-
32, I.W.A.-38 28-32, Shelton Hard-
ware 26-34, Nimrod Club 24-36,
Eagle Aeries 21-39, Evergreen
Fuel 21-39.
Hi Game: Betty Cormier 195
Hi Series: Virginia Fuller 513
Accounting 1-3, Margaret Tob-
ler 458; Purchasing 3-1, Peg
Knutzen 474.
I.B.P. 0-4, Mary Lou Wicken
481; Engineering 4-0, Carma Syl-
rester 433.
Loggers 0-4, Nancy Beckwith
412; Research 4-0, Bobble Bam-
ford 454.
Olympic 4-0, Virginia Fuller
513; Lumber 0-4, Jean Ream 493.
Staadings: Lumber 31-21, Ac-
counting 31-21, Olympic 28-24,
Purchasing 27-25, Loggers 25½-
26½, Research 24-28, Engineer-
ing 21½-30½, I.B.P. 20-32.
Men's Hi Game: Percy Zamzow
Men's Hi Series: Jim Latimer 551
Women's Hi Game: Nita Nelson
Women's Hi Series: Jean John-
ston 436
Wood Birds 4, Tom Matye 483;
Silva Foxes 0, Mary Lurid 426.
Water Boys 3, Percy Zamzow
538; Makeups 1, Bob Eliot 469.
Maintenance 4, Jim Latimer
551; Pin Curlers 0, Barb Soren-
son 418.
Rayonettes 4, Jean Johnston
436; Acetate Aces 0, Jess Tobler
Standings: Maintenance 41-19,
Wood Birds 36½-33½, Makeups
33-27, Acetate Aces 31-29, Silva
Foxes 30-30, Rayonettes 28-32,
Water Boys 27-33, Pin Curlers
Men's Hi Game: Gayle Wentz 235
Men's Hi Series: Don Knudsen
Women's Hi Game & Series: Nel-
lie Rossmaier 178-477
First half final.
Standings: Shelton Valley 38-26,
Agate 37½-26½, Harstine 33½-
30½, Skokomish 33-31, Southside
26-38, Pomona 24-40.
Hi Game: Margaret Bibbee 194
Hi Series: Nelda Flint 483
B & W Marina 4-0, Marge Wit-
craft 468; B & R Oil 0-4, Stella
Howard 423; Hood Canal Marina
4-0, Berna Kolawinski 450; Dean's
Gunshop 0-4, Betty Dean 387;
Buechel's Garage 3-0, Nelda Flint
483; Waterwheel 1-3. Margaret
Bibbee 477.
Standings: B & W Marina 43-13,
Waterwheel 31½-24½, B & R Oil
27-29, Dean's 25½-30½. Buechels
24-32, H. C. Marina 15-41.
Men's Hi Game & Series: Don
Woods 218-546
Women's Hi Game & Series:
Marg Bacon 169-447
Maintenance 3, DOn Woods 546;
Acetate Aces 1, Mary Anstey 532.
Rayonettes 4, Marg Bacon 447;
Pin Curlers 0, Anna Matye 414.
Silva Foxes 2, Mary Lurid 469;
Water Boys 2, John Denison 494.
Makeups 3, Bob Baldwin &
BOb Eliot 449; Wood Birds I, Clar-
ence Anderson 511.
Standings: Maintenance 37-19,
Wood Birds 32½-23½, Makeups
32-24, Acetate Aces 31-25, Silva
Foxes 30-26, Rayonettes 24-32,
Water BOys 24-32, Pin Curlers
Chn00 fm
Pauley Dodge
son, 4, Smith, 3, and Weaver 1 20th Century 0 3 548 Wh,tes Lo n 31 Ch c '
• " , • ; " ggi g -, u k Mens Hi Game & Series: Troy
White 547; Boons Plumbing 1-3, West,185-507 a$0n ,.oun.y
Ken Jones 519; Kimbel Motors Women s Hi Game: Ira Cook 189
€IIII'IW ''.ImB II..'|.I 1-3,Standlngs:HOrace Mounts 482; Rene- Women's Hi Series: Jean Hart- . .ect
]PqUll I itlilm If/']111 1 cher COnst. 3-i, Tom Olson 474. well 491 I ,Buslnes Di
= John's Richfield 39- Board Busters 2-2, Run Davis * • cry
A r It, • nil • • 17, Stewart s Food 32½-23, Wes- 451; Odd Balz 2-2, Jean Hartwell
tern Auto 31½-24½, White s I_g- 460; All Kats 0-4, Judy St John
uverpower 00orrn Mason . ...... • ,
grog 29-26½, Smwar[s t*ro 491; All tats 0-4, Juay St. Jonn Auto Glass Floor Coverings
Bv RICK BURRELL ' The Mason matmen showed im- Shop 28-28, Prepp's Drug 28-28, 485; Timber Ducks 1-3, Gene
-" • - = :. ' .......... nrovement this time with'-w'mS . Rercher onst. 2.-31h Bounds. Stroyzk 448; Sandbaggers. 3-1, • Expert Installation | •' o • TileLin°leum
• South Kitsaps,wrestlers over- by Don Dillenberg, 127 pound Plumbing 24-32, Kimbel Motors Troy West 507; Dynamm Duos
powered North Mason Tuesday in class, over Dan Olsen in 1"27 of 23½-32½, Lumbermen's 19-37. 0-4, Topper Sterns 434; What's JIM PAULEY, INC. | I I • Carpeting
a 42-7 match in the new South the third round" Sam Gatlin 154 Next 4-0, L. C. Leman 483. | . • Formica
Kitsap gym. ound class, uinned Gre Prindle MR. & MRS. HANDICAP Standings: Final 1st half stand- 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 l REX FLOOR COVERING
Bulldog points came in the 191- in 1"26 of the 2rd rnunrl, rn Men's Hi Game : Harold Bibbee ings : Odd Balz 42-14, Knock Outs | I Mt. View Ph. 426-2292
oun cla ..... ' ---
p d ss where DOn Huson Huson 191 nnund class decis- 211 34-22, Dynamic Duos 27-29, Tim-
(NM) and Ed Euritt (SK) bat- ioned 'Dennis-Thorne by a 4-0 Men's Hi Series: Eldon Todd 551 beT Ducks 27-29, All Kats 26-30,
tled to a 5-5 draw. Steve Rose score; and Steve Rose unlimited Women's Hi Game & Series: Mar- Sand Baggers 26-30, What's Next Auto Psbrts ' { Landscaping
alSOdogs gainedwhen heP°intSwas handedf°r the aBUll'for- class, decisioned 300 _)ound Don garet Bibbee 175-487 25-31, Board Busters 17-39. { * Automotive Machine Shop '{ { • Lawns, rockeries, trees,
.. Clatterbaugh by a 5-0 count.
Iet. nints ...... € .... - -i- North Kitsap scored with 7 pins {m, m o . . m , - , J * Parts for all cars and trucks I I shrubs
• Free Estimates
5 l'ecsons andone'raw. .... and one dec•ran. I U llllll[I U A I * 24"Hr" Service °n Parts { II SUNSET" Top soil, tilling, levelingLANDSCAPING
On Thursday the Bulldogs trav- Next Thursday the Bulldogs ilmlmll:llNR I Les Fields Auto Parts, lnc.{ IHerbertBaze
elled to North Kitsap only to be open their home season with a IM mm mm=m I 229 S. 1st St. 426-3351 ]
thrown for another loss by a 38-16 repeat match against Central mm mm ...... •
ui*"" } BONUS SALE { o,o Repairing |Mas°nry
| • Major Overhauls , • Fireplaces
C0 j: jk/e AT I • Brakes & Ignition | call Brick and
• Welding & Tune-ups
.. I K{MBEL MOTORS I [ SpecialWinterizing I eBIOckWOrk
: • . I I w. I 00,on.
, ! 1967 { *Salt i Beauty raint------'--
,A. . VALIANT SIGNET { FURY Ill HDTP. CPE. [ • Complete Hair Care C and C Paints
/ i O I 4 Door Sedan { P-Steering. Torqueflite {I •• Wigs-Wiglets-SwitcheSMerle Norman Cosmetics Co'-Ca-WallA.Plex .'Brella-PlexC°"Ca'Namel
( ,'.'x * '-.), C>-, . i 225 CU In. Engine { 318 Cu. ,n. Eng.. W/Wa,.00 I • Free Demonstrations I 00,AVS,O0000 o, s.o
r%. ,: , !, P-Steering, Torqueflite I Tinted Glass, Radio | , ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON { 7t, & Park 426-3344
6th & Laurel 426-4582
...... i "US, $2.1L95.00 j Only $2595.00 ; ChainSuws Rental Service
|Lt(l[j..% "Z l THE ABOVE UNITS CARRY CHRYSLER'S FAMOUS t New and Used • Rentals { Almost Anything Anywhere
| Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps
Oregon Chains & Accessories
o o
, Small motor tune-up & repairs I Folding Banquet Tables
'" i'" 196 R ' B?assee BaYS : Hours:Mike,s_. 5:30- 10McCullochP.m.,shopdaily ,|'& Chairs,LEwHospitalRENTsBeds, Etc.
2215Ol00pio0000y.00., 00200-463, 1 22,6 ,. 4t,,
k" (/ ;*/ ' 19677 FU Y ''I FURY ,,, 4 Door r ,ravel-
%,j" " " ,,,," I • 1966 FURY 1'4 Door Sedan O Draperies .
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| • Bus - Hotels - Tours
\\; *" . , I | 1966 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 Sedan • Free Estimates I • No Extra Charge for
..... " '. . ,.'/ I 1966 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Town Sedan | • Work Guaranteed I Our Service
-- : --:"' | vl 1966 FURY III 4 Door Sedan "| J.C. PENNEY CO. I Angle Travel Res. Center
l/ ..... : ...... :':.[ .... "-/! i 1965 MUSTANG V8 Hardtop Coupe , 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 [I 426-8272401 Railroad Ave.426.4134
• / ' " . ""-. / v 1965 VALIANT V82 Door Sedan ""
/ ...... -, "'/ 1964 FORD FAIRLANE 4 Door Sedan Drugs TV Service ' '
1964 PLYMOU-H BELVEDERE Hardtop Coupe
- [ • Prescriptions | • Phonographs
" . T L [ 1964 FORD CUSTOM V8 4 Door Sedan [ • IIypo-Allergic Cosmetics [ • CB 2-way Radio
'- ) ' l 1963 CHEVROLET 6 Pas:nger W2on I { NELL'S PHARMACY | LEROY'S TV SERVICE
_/. .7 1962 BUICK SKYLAtRK H rdtop C pe I I 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 I Mt. View Ph. 426-3172
:" ".. "" / ,!j "") , 1962 VALIANT SIGNET HardtoPHardtopCOUpecoupe. T ..... " Og
#' / " ..... * / -4 "---. ! I 1961 CHRYSLER NEWPORT | Eleotrled Store
[ '" / " ' ", ..... "' 'L ) FflJ:''' l I, 1961 VALIANT V200 4 Door Wagon I I • 00airhanks-Mors00 i ,a,. A=.,o,
='==*'===P " ' Several Other Models to Choose From I { • Electric Heating I Shop by Phone 426-2691
''=%._,2 -- " I " I • Westinghouse Appliances i "It's the Easiest Way to ShOp"
..,""\\;\,,","" . t I SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. ,
L "" .\\;. ...... -'> , -, I Pr#ces are Born Here and I 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283
Z.x / I Raised Elsewleere I {' '
' , " , Chiropraetor Electrical Contractor
Evergreen S--1 :, ,0, K'mb I M. So. *st -- --w--m-- 426'D 3433 " i Chiropractor Raymond Waid, D.C.D.N. and Naturopath . G.E. Electric Heat
Greeting Drawn by Cindy Grant- 4th Grade n ntnr00, ro . w,.o0 ,,,.,,,.
• Free Estimate•
Ti 'm--$r Bowl ' t" Near Airport -- Highway 101 • Light Fixtures
for appointment THACKERAY ELECTRIC
• mmllllmm--= .... • D b m. B__ m,l m- .. m-- m. o 21ultu I Phone 426-6201 217 Cota 426-6477
Thursday, December 21,1967 - Sheiton-Mason County Journal - Page 1'3-