December 21, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 21, 1967 |
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., Lilliwaup"
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.¢ r : Snow Adds Touch To L,Ihwau r,stmas S
By FRANCES CATTO children and families, Allie and family Christmas celebrations, visit. The Evanses say that this
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":;",, ,(.. ,.-..o ffJ ............. Madge Robinson are planning to They drove to Bellevue, spending is the first time they will have
. p. L. wu -- .1.r you. are be in Bellevue Friday and Satur- the night with Mabel's brother, had all their family here for a
"creaming m a wmm unrest- day with the Bob Burmans and Oscar Olsen and to Mercer Is- Yule celebration since the first
//:.. A,_,_,mas'" it will . probably not be ih ethe ClarenCeof herR°bisonnSBob°n famiErhartlY, land, Tacoma and Auburn one eight years ago after moving
necessary to cream up one. Sunday they will be in Shelton at friends with their evergreens, into their new home.
witenegte l:nsWcalul e t:Ubda If driving is safe, the Ander- Mr. and Mrs. A1 Celestine will
,, :_ ..,+. ,. .... :,^+ ..... :_ and his family. Bob, a state sons will be joined on Sunday by have as their houseguests for the
an-e -'--^ + +"^ '^- trooper, will be on active duty their son-m-law and daughter, long weekend' her mother,
scene Itvas'eld and the bad" Christmas Day, so Sunday was Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Smith Mrs. Grace Ledell of Seattle and
-- t. > "'"r r:.,': ' '="< ...... ,, ,f', ..... 1 .... + + ....... chosen for the yuletide celebra- and their daughter Sandra. Ac- and her mother's cousin from
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.;dt - r ....... t . companymg them will be their Alberta, Canada, also Mrs. Cele-
,',:t-/ anu spa K,ea on me evergreens ....... .
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BOX " ......... Sunday dinner guests of the neighbors at Forks, Mr. and Mrs. stines niece from Washington,
A ew oeacn oweners nan a Roland Willsons at Holiday Clarence Renno. The Arnold Tah- D.C.
little difficulty in getting up Beach were Mr. and Mrs. Mer- ja (son-in-law) family will join We are wishing our readers
Drawn by Tracy Welander -- 5th Grade, Evergreen School
their driveways or entrance
roads (some of them steep) to
reach the highway.
Lilliwaup Community Club is
going on with its plans for a gala
New Year's party on the evening
of Dec. 30 -- a card and dancing
party, with a potluck buffet re-
freshment table. If weather pros-
pects make cancellation neces-
sary, the word most probably
can be given in the Journal issue
of Dec. 28.
Hostesses Mrs. Roland Willson
and her mother, Mrs. Joe Hunt-
ley, not discouraged by frozen
pipes and some heat difficulties
in the community hall; had a
successful pinochle party for the
club Friday evening. There were
six tables in play and some of
the guests wore coats or sweaters
when they were playing too far
from the heater, but pinochle en-
thusiasts managed to keep things
warm and lively.
"Chim, Chim, Chimmeny," was
the theme song next day for Ro-
land Willson and Elmer C. Ed-
wards, members of the Lilliwaup
Community Club's board of trus-
Drawn by Terri Richards 5th Grade, Bordeaux School
4+h & Cola • 426-4702 .
tees. After spending a half day
correcting the hall heating prob-
lems, mostly a matter of clean-
ing out chimney soot, the two ar-
rived home their wives said,
looking like chimney sweeps. But
the fire will burn brighter and
the hall will be cozier at the next
event, thanks to their contributed
Prize winners Friday night
were Mrs. John R. Aaro and
Dick Schauffler, first; Mrs. Anna
Johnson and Joe Huntley, second;
Mrs. Elmer Edwards and Dick
Schauffler. 300 pinochle, and
Jack Leimback, the door prize.
Mrs. Ed Furlong of the Drift-
wood Shop is said to be improv-
ing, after a number of trips to
Seattle for treatment of some
spinal disc trouble. The Furlongs
will probably spend Christmas
with their son-in-law and daugh-
ter, the Richard Holmans, and
their three grandchildren in
Olympia. The Holmans, recently
of the Tri-Cities. have moved to
Olympia to make their home,
after spending about a month
here with her parents.
Dividing their time over the
holiday long weekend, with their
Drawn by Eric Anderson -- 5th Grade, Evergreen School
Edwin Taylor, President
Harold W. Parker. Vice President
Jack Cole. Secretary
Jerry Samples. Manager
vyn Watkin of' Puyallup.
For Christmas they will have
as their guests Mrs. Willson's
stepfather and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Huntley, and neighbors,
Mr. and Mrs. Dess Haines. Dess
and Edna have been in Seattle,
where they are selling Christmas
trees for the Skokomish Valley
Hunters Brothers.
A sneaky virus has delayed
winter trip plans for Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Adair, who closed
their restaurant south of Lilli-
waup Nov. 8. At Thanksgiving
time they did have a family re-
union when 20 came from Oregon
and Washington, including Mrs.
Adair's three daughters and a
son. Jack's two sons in Colorado
and Texas were not able to be
Mrs. Adair, who had a relapse
in her illness, showed some im-
provement the first of this week.
them for Sunday dinner and on
Christmas day Mr. and Mrs.
Tahja will entertain the family
group at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Webb and
his mother, Mrs. Allie Ahl, of
Eldon, plan to be with the Frank
Morrises in Olympia for Christ-
mas. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lindell,
son-in-law and daughter of the
Webbs, with their family, will
also be dinner guests at the Mor-
ris home.
Two families, "His" and
"Hers" will be visited over the
coming holiday weekend by the
Wilbur J. Bolenders of Indian
Beach. They will spend one of
the days with the Wilbur F. do-
lenders in Olympia and the other
with her parents, the D. C. Snid=
ers in Salem, Ore.
Faith and Lewis Evans will
have a family Christmas gather-
Christmas Happiness.
Christmas happiness is that
which comes from such things
A red-ribboned swag of green-
ery put by a neighbor on your
front door.
A pre-Christmas call and a gift
of stollen for your holiday break-
SUll getting greetings from
friends you haven't seen in a
quarter of a century -- or longer.
Getting a Christmas card il-
lustrated with crayons done by a
small grandchild.
And finding a smiling postmas-
ter, Faith Evans, greeting you
with coffee and a fantastic assort-
ment of Christmas cookies dur-
ing your last mailing days (the
cookies made by a busy daughter
in Tacoma.)
The postoffice has its little old-
ing at their Holiday Beach home, fashioned lighted Christmas tree,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Was- including the families of their two Santas, one thin carrying a
cher of Lilliwaup are anticipat= daughters, Mrs. Robert Wahl of mailsack, the other in a cage.
ing a holiday visit from Seattle Tacoma (Sharon) and Mrs. Mike The caged Santa is the work of
relatives, her brother and fami- McPhail (Sandra) of Olympia; Betty Smith of Lilliwaup Falls,
ly, Mr. and Mrs. Norton Wascher also Faith's mother and brother presented to the P.O. last year.
and daughter Carol. of Seattle, Mrs. Florence Ross Holly swags are on the windows
After a pre-holiday annual pil- and Jim Ross, and Mr. McPhail's and there is a unique decoration, to take Christmas trees parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lerne Mc- a mobile with angels riding on
to friends and relatives, the Sig Phail of Everett. The Wahl fami= ceramic sea gulls, the work of
Andersons are planning for their ly will bring their trailer for the our versatile post master.
Hood Canal School:
Chrisfmas Program Is P 'ed Tuesday
The Hood Canal School Dis-
trict presented an all-grade
Christmas Program last Tues-
day. The school band led off the
program with a Christmas carol,
followed by the Pledge of Allegi-
ance led by Dan Bollender. Mrs.
Pills' kindergarten then sang,
"We wish you a Merry Christ-
mas", and then performed a
flower rhythm. Mrs. Livingstons'
and Mrs. Heimbaughs' first
grade classes then gave rendi-
tions of "Up on the Housetop,"
and "Away in a Manger." The
second grade under the direction
of Mrs. Jean Moore sang
"Twelve Days of Christmas."
Mrs. Packers' and Miss Moores'
third grade began their part Of
the program with a reading
called, "The Holly Secret." fol-
lowed by singing, "Deck the
Halls," and "Mary Laid Her
Baby Down." A choral group
composed of the fourth, fifth and
sixth grades sang, "Oh Come All
Ye Faithful." and "It came upon
a Midnight Clear,' concluding
with "Deck the Halls." This
group also performed a short
play under the direction of Ber-
nie Lang.
Miss Ellen Moore led the sev- enth grade basketball team
enth, eighth and ninth grade glee played Chimacum last week, los-
club in a medley of tunes, "An- ing by a score of 41 to 26. Later
gels We Have Heard On High," the eighth grade was to play but
and "Good King Wenceslar", was called on account of dark-
"Lo How a Rose Ere Blooming," hess as a power failure put one
and "The Sleigh". The entire end of the gym in partial dark-
student body was present in the hess. It was some time before
gymnasium for the program, in= the power company had power
cluding many parents, restored. The game has been
FIRST GRADE Brian and rescheduled for today.
Mark Pierce bad their 7th birth- NINTH GRADE -- The basket-
day Dec. 11. While the class has ball team recently lost to North
been busy decorating their room Mason and last Friday lost a
for the holidays, they have also close one to Shelton. In P.E. the
been keeping their eyes on Mr. boys are having a physical fit-
and Mrs. Goldfish who are ex- ness test and for anyone passing
pecting, with a superior rating there will
TIURD .GRADE--Miss Moore's be a present of a nevg,,gm suit.
class greeted a new student last The girls in Home Ec have been
week, Edward Cultee. Their busy making Christmas gifts,
room and that of Mrs. Packer
are fairly jammed with decora-
tions for the holidays.
SECOND GRADE -- The class
has decorated their room to the
ceiling and also have a tree that
is trimmed with nut candy and
sugar dolls. The children also
made Christmas presents for
their parents and have them
fancily wrapped.
SEVENT GRADE -- The sev-
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Greeting Drawn by De4 Zackry 4th Grade, Mt. View School
Pcmtorium Cleaners
f°at. I
Drawn by MarLy McCarty -- 5th Grade, Mt. View School
Hamlin's Hobby & Toy shopn
Thank You For Shopping At Home |
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Greeting Drawn by Leslie Cook -- 4th Grade, Evergreen School
from all of us +o all of you
Evergreen Square
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Drawn by Bonnie Greenfield -- 5th Grade, Bordeaux School
Thursday, December 21, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15