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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Clint Willour ohwestern National Life Insurance Drawn by Elizabeth Teberg 5th Grade, Bordeaux School \\; Greeting Drawn by Bill Bryant -- 5th Grade, Bordeaux School Lumbermen's of Shelton, Inc. Drawn by Marilyn Timpani -- 5th Grade, Mt. View School Taylor Radio- TY Bank of Mason County Kamilche: Presents Christmas Program On Friday Night By ELDA OTTO tioned at Fort Leonard Wood, .. Mo. and is due in Oakland, Calif. I KAMII..CHE -- A capacity for overseas assignment Jan. 11. crowd enjoyed the program pre- Saturday callers at the Roy sented by the Kamilche School Dec. 15. Each room presented its own play. The primary room opened the program with Santa's workshop. They charmingly por- trayed Mr. and Mrs. Santa, Elves, Helpers, Messengers and various toys. They sang a num- ber of songs. Mrs. Elliot's room next took us Around the World for Christ- mas, with several countries rep- resented with appropriate cos- tumes, p o e m s, songs and dances. This was something quite different and delightful to watch. The sixth and seventh grade offering was a more traditional program. The Hope of the World. We saw the angels, the wise men, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and the Christ Child. This beautiful story is somehow always new and reminds us again of the true meaning of Christmas. The entire school joined to- gether with a selection of songs to close the program. Mrs. Elliot was pianist as well as program director. The evening was not complete however until Santa ap- peared with treats for the chil- dren. My son said, "Santa had a personality just like Reverend Moe." We do know the children were charmed by the "happy old fellow." Mike Krise is home from the Shelton Hospital and has two of his grandsons home on leave from the service for a holiday leave. Johnny Krise has com- pleted basic training and must report to Fort Sill, Okla. Jan. 2. Darrell IV.vise has been sta- Tax Wi÷hholding Rules Are Told Employers who are liable for the withholding of income taxes and Social Security taxes in ex- cess of $2,500 for any month of the preceding calendar quarter are required to make semi- monthly deposits of withholding and Social Security taxes. The first semi-monthly payment for December must be deposited on or before December 20, accord- Lug to Neal S. Warren, District Director of Internal Revenue in Washington. Employers not required to make semi-monthly deposits for withholding and Social Security taxes but who have more than $100 in such taxes for the month of December must deposit these funds on or before January 15, 1968. All employers should use Fed- eral Tax Deposit Form 501 in making the deposits in a Federal Reserve Bank or an authorized commercial bank, Warren said. "Employer's Tax Guide," (Pub- lication No. 15), commonly cal- led Circular E, furnishes de- tailed information on this sub- ject and may be obtained by dropping a post card to the Dis- trict Director, Internal Revenue Service, Sixth and Lenora Build- ing, Seattle 98121. West home were Roy's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Kent. Both couples live in Ren- ton. The C. A. formal banquet was enjoyed by 35 people. Reverend Bradley of Lacey, former pastor of Kamilche Church, was the speaker. Other out of town guests were Mrs. Bradly and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose and daughters, Merleen and Rose Ann and Jim Brooker all of Port Angeles. Mrs. Florence Taylor left by plane Dec. 9 for Calgary, Canada and from there was driven to Drumheller. Mrs. Taylor was a surprise guest at the 25th wed- ding anniversary of the daughter of an old friend, Mrs. James Lawrence. The daughter is Mrs. Taylor's namesake. Mrs. Taylor visited her friends for a week and had a most enjoyable time. Miss Sherril Ramsey of South- side was a Sunday guest at the home of Miss Jeannie Sigo. The Women's Missionary Coun- cil held its annual Christmas party and gift exchange Dec. 20 at the Phillip Simmons home in Kamilche. A number of guests gathered at the Phillip Simmons home after church Sunday to enjoy a "Dutch Treat" luncheon. Among those present were, Rev. and Mrs. Moe and children, Mr. and Mrs. Moe, Sr. The Rev. Moes weekend guests Fred and Ro- berta Rose and daughters and Jim Brooker. Mrs. Beckman, who taught the primary room in Kamilhe last year came down from Quilcene for the school Christmas pro- gram. She was an overnight guest at the Chet Marshall home. Other guests at the Marshalls were their daughter and son-in- la¢, Mr. and Mrs. Stewert and their baby daughter. A Christmas Candlelight Ser- vice was held at Kamilche As- sembly Church Dec. 17. After a piano prelude of Christmas mus- ic, by Marshall Ellison, a choir of 13 female voices harmonized in nativity selections. Soloists were Marolyn Ellison, Mrs. Mary Harris, Mrs. Claud Petereit, Rev. Moe and Marshall Ellison. A girls trio consisted of Marolyn, Carolyn and Juanita Ellison. Accompanist was Marshall E1- lison. Choir director was Mrs. Dorothy Simmons. Rev. Mr. Moe presented a short sermon and the benediction was by Rev. James Daily of Shelton. - The Sunday School Classes will present a program beginning at 9:45 a.m. Dec. 24. Everyone iS invited. Progress Grange will have a Christmas party beginning at 8 p.m. on Dec. 22. Each adult is asked to bring a 50 cent gift suitable for either a man or wo- man and gifts for their own chil- dren with their name on them. A potluck lunch will be served after the gifts are opened. Kamilche Ladies Club held its Christmas party last week. Elev- en members were present. Their next meeting will be Jan. 3, I Drawn by Tom Cruickshank -- 5th Grade, Bordeaux School NELL'S PHARMACY ii t Drawn by Cindy Jo Hutchins -- 5th Grade, Mt. View School Simpson Employe00.00s' Federal Credit Union I ( From JIM PAULEY, BOB WOLDEN, RED JOSLIN, DUANE WRIGHT, JERRY MEDLEY, DON JOHNSON, BOB SEIBERT, BILL JOHNSON, DICK ROBINSON, SHIRLEY NELSON, GARY STEPHENS, MARC LONN, DEAN BYRD, DON LIKES Jim Paul y, Inc. i Drawn by Karl Mae VanderWal • 4th Grade, Mt. View School ,0000erry C/00,i,l-ol MERV'S TIRECAP Greeting Drawn by Martin Settle -- 5th Grade, Bordeaux School t I I Thursday, December 21, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19