December 21, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 21, 1967 |
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S't Jcty Relates Driving Record, Accidents
• Approximately one out of three, hicles, Director Douglas Toms
every 18 Washington drivers is Finding out who these "high reported today.
involved in an accident each risk" drivers are was the object In the study, accident rates for
year, but for some groups of of a recent research project by the state's 1.7 million drivers
drivers the chances are one in the Department of Motor Ve- were computed on the basis of • SOUTHSIDE- The Fire Dis-
age, sex and driving record trict No. 4 firemen are getting a
:: ' ' ' groupings. Accident and citation setof fire fighting apparel, which
counts were for a one-year all the volunteer firemen are
period, :1966, during which 95,681 anxious to get and something
+ + Washington drivers were in- they needed long ago.
p volved in accidents. The Fire District No. 4 officers
+ It was found that the chance of were elected to serve again for
l being involved in a traffic acci- the comingyear and one elected
dent increases dramatically with fire commissioner Hank Unger
the number of citations a driver will be serving for the Fire Dis-
receives. Less than four per cent trict No. 4.
of the drivers with clean records The next fire meeting will be
were involved in accidents, while held at the Southside hall Jan.
16 per cent of those with one ci- 9, at 8 p.m.
ration were involved, 21 per cent The Mason County Firemen
of those with two citations, 25 per Commissioner Association meet-
cent of those with three, 28 per ing will be held Jan. 4, at the
cent of those with four, and 31 Southside Fire Hall at 8 p.m.
per cent of those with five or The meeting is open to all mere-
more. bers and officers of the Mason
The percentage was high- County Fire Districts.
er for drivers with four or more The Southside Grange had a
citations who were under 20 wonderful turnout for it's Christ-
mas turkey and ham dinner and
years old (34 per cent) or over decorated Christmas tree all lit
70 (33 per cent), up and everyone enjoyed the din-
"The purpose of the study was ner and some games were
to help us identify the drivers played after dinner.
whom we should be treating in The Southside Grange's new
• . our driver improvement pro- heating system is keeping it
gram," Toms explained, warm at all times.
[ [ The department's driver im" The Grange is planning t° get
provement program includes the inside of the hall painted.
warning letters, personal inter- The next Southside Grange
views, counseling sessions, and, meeting is Jan. 5.
in extreme cases, suspension of Residence along the Arcadia
the driver license. Loop Road reported some mail
Gree "We could define a 'high risk' 'boxes and persons names from
Les Fields Auto Pa00s driver as being one who has a the roadway were missing and
one-in-four chance of being in- torn down, most of the items
volved in an accident in a given were located a few days later.
, year," Toms said. "On that basis, Held at the home of Mr. and
teenagers with two citations are Mrs. Ed Wetmore last Saturday
'high risk,' as are persons over
70 with even one citation. But
persons in the re latively safe
35-44 age group do not enter the
'high risk' category until they
have received five citations in a
single year."
He added that the findings in-
dicate the department should con-
sider age as well as driving
record in determining who
should be contacted in the driver
improvement program.
"It may seem that we would be
discriminating against the very
young and very old," he com-
mented. "But we simply want to
reach the people who are most
likely to have accidents. Our
purpose is to prevent accidents,
not to punish people."
He emphasized that the statis-
tics did not show that elderly
drivers in general have high acci-
dent rates; just the seven per
cent of elderly drivers who re-
ceived traffic citations last year.
The highest accident rates for
any group were found among 18
nd :Lq-year-old drivers.
A larger proportion of women
than men had clean driving rec-
ords, and the overall accident
rates of women were half as high
as the men's. However, the acci-
dent rates of women with cita-
tions on their records were little
better than those of men with
comparable citation records.
Toms said more research is
planned to identify the character.
istics of "problem drivers."
"Now that we have established
age, sex and driving record as
factors in driver safety, we must
further define our 'high risk'
drivers by other factors that may
be involved," he said, "such as
level of education, physical and
mental condition, and socioeco-
nomic position."
The study was conducted by
Peggy A. O'Neall, senior re-
search analyst, using statistics
compiled by the department's
electronic data processing sys-
tem. Copies of the report are
Greeting Drawn by Cheri Moore -- 4th Grade, Bordeaux Se.hool
Fire District To Purchase Clothing
By MRS. RAY KRATCIIA chard, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cook- Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
evening was the World War I
Veterans pinochle Christmas par-
ty. Mr. Morton Adams had high
score. The Wetmores house was
all decorated with Christmas dec-
son of Bremerton, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha and Shelley visited .
Richard Wolf, Bridget and Syril, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson and Your correspondent Mrs. Ray
Jackie and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha wishes you all a Merry
Kratcha attending. Christmas.
Greeting Drawn by -- April Kuhr -- 4h Grade, Evergreen School
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thureday, December 21, 1967
Cascade Natural Gas Co.
A II i i
Attending were Doris Simpson,
Polly Swayze, Joyce Byrd, Bobbi
Baldwin, Jeanette Goldsby, Ruth I .
Snyder and Helen Kunkle.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John
Cookson and Jackie and Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Kratcha in spite
of the snow were guests of Mr. , ; . ......
and Mrs. Richard Wolf and fami-
ly of Port Orchard for the birth-
day party held for J aekie Cook- I i
son, John Cookson, Syril Wolf
and Dennis Cookson with Mrs.
Wen Cookson, Anna Mac, Bever-
ly, Jay and Dennis of Port Or-
chard, Sid Cookson of Port Or-
11 reeting Drawn by Donald Coots 4th Grade, Ev n School
-- 5th Grade, Bordeaux School OLYMPIA, WAdlNGTON
J,.,v, .Aus
Drawn by 1Wary Wittenberg
5th Grade, Bordeaux School
Olympic Research Division
,., H I I I I
,,... ..
i Greeting Drawn by Brad Lowe -- 5th Grade, Evergreen School
Phillips. Mobil "
Drawn by Melvin Morgan
-- 4th Grade, Evergreen SchoOl
Mason County Stationer00
Drawn by Tommy Williams -- 4th Grade, ]vergreen School
Lloyd's Men's & Women'++
409 Railroad Avenue