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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Program Is Slated For Tonight For Students CARMEN YATES their annual Christmas parties, the Social Club found the Hall a He is Brad Carson, grandson of ing it seemed like a good idea i g M00ry Drawn by Julie Stimson 4th Grade, Evergreen ....... The new Christmas tableclothes little more comfortable They Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Carson of for her to be in town closer to a % -- lonlgrlt is me , &apos; ...... ed purchased by the Women s Club had as their guests the new rest- Oakland and owners of Mc- doctor should she need one.  mgnt for tour starry ey ........ i-- sure added a gay, warm touch dents the Bert Campbells After Micken Island. He is the oldest Monday of this week Gordon  , tgsters nis is me eve,,,g i "" it' i ' " " .... ard And w th the weather what it the d nner the breakable orna- son of Dr. and Mrs. Warren Car- Simmons dropped his wife, Grett . , nave oeen working tow ..... ......... re was, any Iorm el warmm was ments were removed from the son of Woodale, Ill. He will be off in Montesano on his way to   / Greeting Drawn by Nettle Sewell Jver a month now. H,ey a . ............ i- certainly welcome Thursday tree and it was taken to the months in the country down un- Raymond for a treatment. Gret --- oF,... --5th Grade, Bordeaux School ng iorwara to mamng t,  . " . . _ ...... f afternoon when the ladies ar- school for further use there der. And the best part is that and Gordon's mother, Mrs. Jes-  ,,/ naerlul evening for eacn o ......... ' Hone you are nlannin to mvea, mey r o u n o everymlng Friends and neighbors of Annie right now they are having their sic Rutherford attended a Christ-   _ A "  .  .. °.__ frozen up It was necessary to Yates will be glad to hear she summer season. His aunt and mas Party together of the Sr. d  --, ELANEFS me evening compm[e lot _ . . ' ....... I by being at the school this naut water mr cot[ce an(1 ]snes. returned home !he first part of her family make their home Citizens Club Jessie belongs to. mfIIrrl /1='], Beauty Saon ............... however, oemre mey 1err bran last week She s feeling much there, also. While there Gret ran into an II /'.rfzl m to a laufl melr e[iorts g PP " n " • tko, mor than iut the Yates a d son, Glenn, armed better and gradually getting her The school board re-organized acquaintance, Miss Foxwell, she I1 €,T-u E ................... i- ab'o .... I - . .  w tn I wtorch, nad the pipes strength back following the sur- at their meeting held a week ago knew about 30 years ago when _ __ /I/ gsters up on me stage to .......... e a nrogr.m comnlete The maweu ana me water IlOWlng gery she underwent in a Seattle last Monday. Bud Glaser was she used to be the County Agent IleE]* [k''V  l / is 30°-m at he school through the faucets again. A1- hospital named chairman with Sid Bauns- in Montesano. Since that time \\;] ] • :' P' " • - though the fires were kept going ' • gard taking over the Clerk's du- Miss Foxwell has made her -,.  6 O e tomght Santa ts scheduled ....... Another Islander, Gar Wfl- there and there will be cof- mr one flay ana two mgnts, liams, who was hospitalized, also ties for the coming year. Chuck home in California. She recently " '' 0  €$ rangers suu were more corn- • Bridges is the newest member moved back to the Montesano m • | • - _  ..... , O  O and doughnuts aftel-wards ........... for surgery, m Tacoma last / D f /_L  ya there, rortaom eating with. meir coats week, is getting along very well with George Waite retiring from area. 00,.ns .ce 00,ream ,, on rnuay evening t was that Le Hall never looked more at this time. the board, and is named a direc- tor. The board presented Donette ve than last week when the chilly. With the fire still going One lucky lad is headed for Glaser with a lovely planter for Island organizations held until Saturday the members of Australia Dec. 31 of this month, all the work she did in the unofft-     i , ,r '    --  0   ] cial r01e as secretary for her ' '"1 i)k: = ',!r  husband, Bud, who was clerk of    - /'" the board this year. i Anyone hear of a missing ship last Saturday night? Some resi- dents at Pt. Wilson reported they % i 5 he,d a fog horn early that same out /!iil.iiii'.!}.iiiiii':ii. - _ :"  - evening. However, the fog was as thick as the proverbial pea  .,:>,' .k_ soup and they couldn't see a , / . .:..;." .... "-.¢. thing over the bay. But the .- " mournful sound was quite close. ' ",:,- .'?. , ?'v.:" .Y. :  ': While stoking the fire about 4 '*&,-. ":x.. a.m. the fog had cleared and . .... ".",' ,..:," , ..... r there lying at anchor directly off E'." . -.:"2 ,"".': : :' !_L[ Pt. Wilson was a large ocean t ' m'''' "''' :;'" I; r ""' : " '  going vessel of some type. A :':?, !:." ..:.,:.:::. ,I' i .,L/' [l..'N.',.\\;X'k " sight not unusual to the residents : : of the hole-in-the-wall, as they ,t I t  ]][]i pass there on their way to and '  . from Boston Harbor but to say  . . .... """'.;' : . r al " I', the least a sight that isn't too /  common at Pt. Wilson. When ., %.,.7,b. :* ,r ." ,.  " ::'. 4t !,oa) --- hadthey apparentlyaw°ke aftergottendaylighther bear-She ,: .-, ...... : ,., ..... -:: ings and left for her destination, l<'::z ': .-] I. IV Congratulations are in order I.,'-,, :/,   :- ........ ' */ for Ken and Myrtle Rose of Shel- ** • " . .. , *  , tonwho willbe celebrating their .  • :,"-... ....... .... .  .  / .-v -- 25th wedding anniversary Christ- i \\;I mas Day. Ken has been pieking brush here on the Island for a Dzwn by Scott Manke  -- 5th Grade, Mt. View School good many years, and more re- e- ;" Ireeting Drawn by Ben Thomason 5th Grade, Bordeaux School cently has been doing some re- modeling for the Sid Madges at Jk Grocer Saeger Motor Shop **°all theirI'tSmany°f goOdislandWisheSfriends.from Greeting Drawn Dy Laura Bailey -- 5th Grade, vergreen School Mt. View , , And speaking of the Madges [ Ve Sp cjG i on Hill€rest  they had guests from Honolulu rle's orfin oods w i a with them last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook have come over ] ' A  C' from the Hawaiian Islands to -'"" -. "' ' "dl' visittheir daughter, andherhus- y " '  O  _  " -' band, the McDougals and their ,Z" " ' " ! <\