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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ................................................. • a tlllTU 1  16 Words or less -- $1.50 2,&apos;.0 II i/il 7"- , additi°ln:lC:n:f:e:a";:!t 'fy: 5'km. Tu J FOUR (4),nsertioice: of THREE Real. Estat.000000.00e Real Estate Real Estate Legal Publication00 THREE BEDROO]VI home, 2 car RESOLUTION .] ILJndnnr garage at 727 North 4tllditional m oe)]lff • ovvlVS 200. Call Jim Pauley, 426-8231  is available for the Road Fua r. on the Beach 00ys. 6/15 tin  and ' WHEREAS; additional ftmd" are necessary to meet the 19if 4/14 tin HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's farm -- Kamilche Valley. 426- 3740. M 1/12 tin WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at OI- sen Furniture, 4th and Cota, 426-4702. O 11/18 tin ALTO SAXOPHONE, excellent condition, $200. 426-8690. O 8/10 tin HAMMOND ORGAN $625.00 in- cluding music course. B. tar- son, local representative 426- 3376, Sherman Clay, So. Sound Center, Lacey. 491-3370. C 11/16 tin FOR SALE Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re. frigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tin SECOND HAND apartment-size electric range. Well cared for. Reasonable. Phone 426-3526. P 12/7 tin FOR SALE--Upright piano, $90. Call after 6 p.m. 426-2080. S 12/7-28 FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tin USED BALDWIN Acrosonie spinet. Excellent condition. Johnny's Msic Box. 205 Cota. 426-4302. 11/16 tin WANT YOUR wife, mother, sis- ter or daughter to be the hap- piest on Christmas Day ? Give her an Electrolux vacuum cleaner and rug washer. Gift wrapped and delivered free. Call 426-3544. M 12/7-28 TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Corn. 4/14 tin FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. A,26 6163. 5/25 'tTh SOLID MAHOGANY Hammond Chord Organ. $300.00. Phone 426-8429. E 12/14-21 IF CARPETS look dull and drear, remove the spots as they appear with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 12/21 The Garden Shop WILL BE OPEN 10 a,m. to 12 noon Daily DURING CHRISTMAS WEEK Dec. 26 thru Dec. 30 12/21 It partan STEEL POOL Backhoe Services Sewage Systems Topsoil  Fill Dirt First Bankcard Honored GLENN PARR 426-6539 SHELTON 10/26 tfn i,1 Immediate Delivery HOTPOi NT 10 Year Free Replacement Warranty WATER HEATER The Hotpoint Custom GlassUue water heater provides the nlti- mate in automatic, safe, effi- cient operation. And best of all, it is backed by 10 year tank 1736, Port Angeles, Wash. 98362. K 12/14-21 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS need work. Yard and odd jobs. Ph. 426-4278 or 426-6201. THOMAS CELEBRITY transis- B 12/14-1/4 tor organ. Model OH-3, Leslie speaker, orchestra bells and - - - - band box. Suitable for church Services restaurant or home. $3,100 _ _ cash. 426-2851 evenings. R 12/7-25 BACK HOE SERVICE Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. GATELEG TABLE $20.00. 7:10x 15 (traction) and 8:25x14 tires on Ford wheels. Bunk bed/ mattress, 60 hp. Ford motor. Wringer washer. 426-3734. L 12/21 ALDER FIREPLACE wood, green or dry, $18 per cord de- livered and stacked. Phone 426-4055. D 12/14 tin - ___ _ _ Sporting Goods 1967 5 H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR for sale, 10 hours running time, $200. Phone 426-6115. L 12/14-1/4 YAMAHA TRAIL 1O0, excellent condition, $350. Phone 426- 2049. B 12/21 tin 1967 CLOSEOUT: Homelite 55 h.p. outboard, was $1,299.45, now $1,049.00. Evinrude snow skeeter, was $1,160, now .$986. Union 898-2252. H 12/21 Pets, Livestock CHRISTMAS PUPPIES ! " Male toy poodles, white, apricot. $45.00. Ready by Christmas. Phone 426-6152. F 11/30-12/21 WOULD LIKE TO GIVE away a small breed Labrador male puppy. 426-2641. S 12/21 FOUND: Tortoise shell female cat on Mt. View. Owner can claim by calling 426-4651. C 12/2] AKC CHIHUAHUAS, $25.00. ,;Fmales, 4 months old. Call .426-8808. S 12/21 Lost & Found REWARD! For small white row boat carried away by recent high tide from Water Wheel Place, Union. Phone Union 898-2404. D 12/14-21 LOST -- Three month old Si- amese female, tan and brown Reward. Phone 426-4572 after 7:30 p.m. K 12/21 _--_- _ - Used Cars '59 FORD  ton pickup with canopy $850. Call 426-8410. D 11/30-12/21 FOR SALE '61 Ford, prac- tically new motor and good tires. Call evenings or weei- ends. 426-8133. Y 12/7-28 BEAUTIFUL 1958 Chevrolet station wagon, V-8, 3 speed, floor shift, mug. wheels. $650. Also complete 1963 40 h.p. VW engine, valve job just complet- ed. $225. 1951 Chevrolet 2 door standard transmission, $175. Hoodsport 877-5351. W 12/14-21 ONE OWNER: 1963 Corvair. Ex- cellent condition $750. Phone 426-8077. D 12/14-21 1964 VW square back, recent overhaul. Phone 426-8663. W 12/21-1/11 Wanted WANTED Custodian for Shel- ton Schools. Apply to Louis Grinnell, Superintendent, Ev- ergreen Elementary School. 8th and Pine, or phone 426- 3118. 12/14-21 WANTED -- OLDER couple on Social Security to live in my house. Cheap rent to right party. Phone 426-8776. S 12/14-1/4 WANT TO RENT very nice 3 bedroom modern home, unfur- nished. Prefer in town. Phone 426-8848. D 12/14 tin IRONING DONE in my home six days a week. Phone 426- 6420, 90¢ per hour. L 2/10 tin WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tin replacemcmt warraaty. Eells & Valley BACKHOE Appliance Center SERVICE 2nd & Cota St. Septic Tanks I Drain Fields PhOne 426-4663 Grading • Free Estimates BILL NOLL ComPlete Home Furnishing 426-4160 Center 3/16 Lfn HOLIDAY HOUSE Unfurnish- unshed two bedroom apart- ment available Jan. let. Call 426-2549. Inquire 604 Frank- lin. W 12/14 tin FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tin ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, w/w carpeting. Heat. water, garbage furnish- ed. Inquire 1119 Franklin, Apt. Furnished, 3 bedroom home, fireplace, patio, carport and  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - R view. Close to Marina. $21,750 w ,  --  lw -m -,  with only $2,750 down..,,.... --,--n,.ver,.ux-g-/de r . HOOD CANAL Y REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5277 Union 898-2155 7/22 tfn 5. Ph. 426-6496. B 12/14 tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate, precision FOR RENT TWO bedroom ANGLE AGENCY TO OUR MANY grinding. Now at Saeger Me- house on Lake Nahwatzel. FRI ENDS, Stove, refrigerator, water, LOOKING FOR A SMALLER s 4602.t°r Shop, Hillcrest. Phone1/15 426-tfn electricity furnished. $90. 426- HOME  DOWN TOWN? ? ? After a most profitable 8323. T 11/16 tin Here is a fine 2 bedroom home T WL--DOB-ab in the better residential area year; it is with great M home, days or nights. Hillcrest. GATEWAY APARTMENTS which has many attractive fen- reluctance that we close Phone 426-2709. First floor, furnished, modern, tares. Fireplace in living room, D 11/30-12/21 downtown, adults. Inquire 119 large size yard, large single gar- our offices as Devereux- A East Cedar, phone 426-4895 or age and carport and new shake Hulder Real Estate at this  426-4481. G 10/19 tin roof are just a few. An excellent clipping and pet grooming, buy at $8,750 and owner will year end. Andrew Hulder's Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- FOR RENT -- One bedroom carry the contract, interests are in Tacoma; merit 426-8988. 8/31 tin house. Furnished. Water and PSYCHIC --RE-AI)-G garbage paid. Phone 426-8150. TWO PLUS ONE -- ON TWO John Devereux plans a N 12/14 tin TWO bedroom home plus guest vacation in the Southland. MANN and help on many matters. cottage (or mother-in-law per- 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357- FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, haps). Located on 2 acres just 8771, Olympia. A1/5-26tfn furnished apartment. Edge- 3½ miles from town. Excellent ue00- Ha/de REAL ESTATE H-oM wood Apts., Shelton Airport. condition inside and out and Cleaning, hauling, painting, re- Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tin many fine features. Asking price vereux- r pairing, etc. For information FOR RENT: Two bedrooin du- $15,500. SEE THIS ONE SOON. 226 N. 1st St.  SHELTON Kurt call 426-4278 or 426-6201. plex, stove, refrig., wall to wall WATERFRONT  .. A = A A -= == , B 12/14 tin carpeting, electric heat, gar- 125 feet of no bank waterfront,  ,    -   - age, $115-month, includes wa- close to town. Excellent building Louise HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tin LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tin UPHOLSTERING 405 Arcadia SHELTON, WASHINGTON Phone 426-6180 11/30-12/28 BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed Call GENE'S GRADER SERVICE 426-4827 3/30 tin Help Wanted HOUSEWIVES High School Kids! Need extra cash? Do you have huckleberry and salal brush on your land? Why not learn to pick it? For instruc- tions call Hillcrest Evergreen, 426-6546, daily 8 - 4:30 p.m. H 11/30 tin Miscellaneous CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dittman and Mr. and Mrs. William A. Johnson wish to thank everyone for cards, flowers and letters sent to Shirley Dittman Brund- age and family on the recent death of her husband, Bruce of 2623 East 17th, Anchorage, Alas- ka. 12/21 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who gave their kindness sympathy, the beautiful floral offerings, dona- tions and food. A special thanks to Mr. Bailey who was so thoughtful to our loved one. Mrs. Phillip F. Hoover Mr. and Mrs Cletis Padgett and family Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Smith and family 12/21 THANKS ter, garbage. Damage deposit $50. No children or pets. La- Bissoniere Agency. 426-4666. N 12/7-28 FOR RENT -- One furnished apartment, close-in, for quiet non-drinking couple. Also two furnished apartments for non- drinking single people. Apply 526 Franklin. B 11/30 tin FOR RENT 2 bedroom home, Hillcrest, unfurnished. Phone 426-6663. C 12/21 tin FOR RENT -- Three bedroom furnished house, $85.00 month. References required. No small children, please. 426-4000. B 12/21 tin FOR RENT: Nice light one bed- room apartment, furnished, downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 2/23 tin FOR RENT -- One bedroom trailer house. Phone 426-3169. B 12/21 tin RIVERSIDE MOBILE PARK 13th & COTA STREETS * Spaces now available * Large lots * Carports and storage seds * Underground wiring (200 amp.) * Street lights * Paved road and patios * Quiet downtown location 426-3242 R 11/16 tin R. E. Exchanges - _ . _ _ - EXCHANGE What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchanger, 426-6592. 8/18 tin Real Estate 4 ACRES of Christmas tree ground for sale. Will take truck as down payment. 426- 2582. N 12/7 tin FOR SALE or Rent -- Two bed- room unfurnished house on Mt. View. Phone 426-2056 after 6 p.m. S 12/21 REALTOR ES 7-3861 533 4th St., Bremerton WOULD YOU BELIEVE 5% INTEREST? You must see this one year young two bedroom home with one acre of level ground located on the Lake Limer- ick road five miles from Shelton. Carpeted living room, separate utility room. Pay equity of $4,800 and as- sume $55 PER MONTH PAYMENTS at 5% interest or refinance at $1,500 down at 7%. Priced at $14,950. Evenings call Gene Burkhart at ES %7786 or days at ES 7-3861. EVENINGS CALL: Gene Burkhart ES 7-7786 Ed Rommen, CR 5-2582 Jlm Todd, MY 2-2023 Fed Kahn, ES 3-1948 12/14-28 sites with 2 plus acres of up- land. Excellent buy for building or investment. $8,950.00. WOULD YOU BELIEVE . . . 95 ft. of Harstine Island water-. front? A scare item indeed, but here it is! The price will never be lower. ON ONE ACRE JUST 2 MILES OUT OF TOWN Well cared for 2 bedroom home with natural wood paneling in bedrooms and living room. Con- venient utility room and many other PLUS features. $13,900, in- cluding all appliances. ON ONE ACRE 13 MILES NORTH OF TOWN New two bedroom home, fire- place, paneled living room, roomy kitchen, double garage and many other fine features. 15 minutes from town. Excellent buy at $16,- 000.00. HILLCREST  3 BEDROOM Older 11 story home on Hill- crest. Part basement - Single garage - view of town and moun- tains. $6,750.00. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU READ THE WHOLE AD . . . close to schools and shopping Here's a neat 2 bedroom home ter, paneling, tile bath, shower, that boasts such goodies as plas kitchen with nook, utility room and carpeted bedrooms. Tell hub- by there's a garage and part- basement for workshop and he'll agree the asking price of $9,250 is a bargain! ANGLE AGENCY Since 1890 HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE Real Estate & Insurance Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426.8272 obligations;  NOW, THEREFORE, BE ,g RESOLVED, that the folloWli Preliminary Supplemental Btb get for the Road Fund be ad0P  ed: . a Excess Revenue .... $116,000 Rk Rea/Estate Expenditure Estimated: 0  )] Reimbursable .... $6,00 ' C Maintenance ..."li():000' "  e' GREETINGS ADOPTED this 11th day ! December, 1967. d of Mason County, Was'| Board of County C0¢] missioners -0" JOHN BARIEKMAI th Chairman . MARTIN AUSETI'I i;' HARRY ELMLUND | ATTEST: th VIOLET COLE  Clerk of the Board L-" NOTICE OF .EAR,N0000I00, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV That according to RCW 36:,ilha 180, the County CommissiO: have prepared and placed or the proposed Preliminary u01] plemental Budget to the Co.  Road Fund and the Eouipr" Rental and Revolving lund f°lh the year 1967. Hearing th°] will be held at 11:30 A.l., T%11 day, Dec. 26, 1967, at the offr, of the County Commissioner the Court House in Shelt°-A Washington, for the purpose_re ,( adopting said Suppleme' Budget ...... Hood Canal Virginia BoardmissionersOf County Cor'. Ice Mason County, WasP. .I By VIOLET COLE . ,a ,uuncrv  Clerk of the Boara . /1 12/14-rq  Waterfront, Homes, Lots, Timbered & Investment Acreage Shumate Realty HOODSPORT Office 877-5576 Home 877-5575 Merry Christmm In all the happy rush and bustle of preparing for this joyous season -- we pause for a moment of thanks to you, our good friends, customers, and to wish you all a Merry Christmas --and A Happy New Year from VIV, BEV, AL LaBissoniere AGENCY REAL ESTATE- INSURANCE 119 So. 4th  Shelton, Wash. Mr. Realy State says: "MERRY CHRISTMAS" 00rom ® All of Us a+ Himlie Realty Dick Knauf Dave Thacher Skip Ness Dick Boiling Wilrna Downing V;nce Himlie Legal Publications NO. 3871 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of FLOYD K. BEERBOWER, De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of Floyd K. Beerb0wer, deceas- ed; that all  persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on the un- dersigned Forrest D. Beerbower or his attorney of record at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said Court, together with proof of such service within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice or the same will be barred. FORREST D. BEERBOWER BYRON E. McCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate Office and Post Office Address No. 7 Covey Building Shelton, Washington 98584 Tel: 426-6223. 12/14-21-28 3t CALL FOR BIDS Mason County Highway Department Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Mason Coun- ty Commissioners in the Court- house at Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 A.M., Monday, De- cember 26, 1967, for furnishing the Mason County Highway De- partment with One (1) Used Diesel Powered Track Type Loader W/Drott 4 in 1 Bucket. Specifications and proposal forms are available at the Ma- son County Engineer's Office. The County Commissioners re- serve the right to reject any and all bids and to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to the County. Mason County Commis- sioners Mason County, Wash. By VIOLET COLE Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board 12/14-21-2t NO. 9630 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County JOYCE WILLIAMS, Plaintiff, vs. ROBERT WILLIAMS, De- fendant. THE STATE OF WASHING- TON TO: the said ROBERT WILLIAMS, Defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM.. MONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this sum- mons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 7th day of De. cember, 1967, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court, and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated; and in case of your fail- ure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint. which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of the above-en- titled action is for divorce for cruel treatment. GLENN E. COREEA Attorney for Plaintiff GLENN E. CORREA Attorney at Law 121 S. 4th Street Shelton, Washington 12/7-14-21-28-1/4-11 6f FOR BEING CAREFUL.., Please! Only you can prevent forest fires! Page 24- ShaRon-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 21, 1967 CALL FOR BIDS 1968 DIESEL BURNER OIL P.S. 300 REGULAR GASOLIN. The North Mason School : trict No. 403, Mason County, ' fair, Washington calls for on the following: DIESEL BURNER FUL Belfair Elementary School proximately 12,000 to 15,000 ions per year)  < P S. 300 HEAVY 1$ |: BURNER FUEL fr Norb*0 ] son Upper Elementary SCell I and High School (Approxim 20,000 gallons) REGULAR GASOLINE (A proximately 15,000-18,000 gall0 per year)  All bids must be submitte0 a the Clerk, North Mason Sci District Office no later than ',  vary 8, 1968, 8:00 P.M. at Ww time bids will be opened, pi • The .North Mason Scl001fltld ric wiu receive these pro-,i on automatic delivery. Gasu! 0 should be delivered weekly' i]] distributors will be resp0wip i for checking tanks period The Directors, North '.*  .t Consolidated School istric ;,, 403, reserve the right to re any or all bids. Raymond Kronquist, Clerg , North Mason School Distri( No. 403 :l Box 167 Belfalr, Washington 98,4  12/21-28-1/ : NO. 3815 . 11' t NOTICE OF SETTLEM:; OF FINAL REPORT AlV [( PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION f tl!i  In the Superior Court o :oi State of Washington in a  : i( the County of Mason 10ft In the Matter of the staP': , LENA KEHOE, Deceased. rt,[ NOTICE IS HEREBY O; that Peggie M. Kroetch a,0 Ryno, Executrix and Execu i the estate of Lena KehOe ceased, have rendered and sented for settlement to, filed with the Clerk of u perior Court of the sta Washington for Mason O their Final Report and F for Distribution as such ]i trix and Executor, and the is asked to settle the sa distribute the property U persons entitled thereto, s charge the said Executl Executor, a:.d that Frid 19th day of January, 1968 hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M Court Room of the said S a Court, in the City of !It County of Mason, and S Washington, has been fi v order of said Superior Co [ entered in the above matter, for the settlement Final Report and hearing o Petition for Distribution, .:t¢ and where any person mter@ in said estate may aPPe l' file his or her objection i, ing to the said Final RepO* @ Petition for DistributiOn' contestWiTNEsSthe sam e.n e: I-Io; o: Charles T. Wright, Judge- e said Superior Court, and  '$ of said Court hereto afti December, 196  :: 6th daYTEOKLAOf Chief Deputy CosUsai i and Clerk of s Superior Court GLADYS PHILLIPS Attorney fer Executrix and ExecutOr .i 541 Finch Building  Aberdeen, Washington . i"  ' " z2/14-"