December 22, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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60t7 S t: 86TH AVE
!( TI A;7 oREGON ,r
.... ),", - A, '
51. Eat?edlt s s°hd., ler mtro[tthreclPstl[91ce SHELTON, WASHINGTON, Thursday, December 22, 1949. 8c PER COPY; $3.50 PER YEAR
was one of the hear-
(lay:'- in the
the Shelton Post,if fief
Warren Lincoln, !?o:;L-
are putting thru
amount of Christ-
parcels and greeting
OF 84,000 letters and
gh the
machine Monday, and
of stamps and metered
stickers came to more
for the day.
that for the year'
may top the $60,-
income mark for the
Mr. Lincoln said.
that greetings placed in
less than 3 by 4
bear a three-cent
smaller envelopes will
the cancelling ms-
must be mailed first
far several hundred of
rejects are being held,
bearing return address-
sent back.
1, 1950
Telephone and Tele-
9ompany has announced
will file and put into
rates as prescribed by
Public Service
in its order of Decem-
that it will comply with
of the order,
to J. M: Thomas, man-
Shelton-Olympia di-
NEW RATES are to be
to customers' bills begin-
those dated January 1,
general, they provide for
in exchange service
the company's terri-
In addition
local telephone rates,
calls for slight increases
i,rates for calls within the
to be established Jan-
, 1950, for principal serv-:
Shelten are: residence, lo-
pm-y $3.55, two
$2.70, suburb-i
$2.95; business i
service--one party
party $5.65, suburban
INCREASED rates for
and Allyn will be: rest-:
local service--one party:
party $2.50, four party
(10 party) $2.45;
rates, local service--one
two party $4.65, sub-
10 $3.5O.
pointed out that
for each extension telc-
Will be increased 25 cents.
service rates will be in-
Now Hear This! [
help Santa Claus give ev-
ery needy Mason County
family a Real Christmas. .
By the Old Boatswain
H. Enzo Loop ........................ $ 2.50
Witsler's Funeral llome ........ 5.00
Herb Rotter ............................ 5.00
O.K. Barber Shop ................ 2.00
W. F. McCann ........................ 5.00
A friend .................................... 1.00
Guy L. Road ............................ 3.00
Ray Wheatley ........................ 5.00
Mrs. Gus Johnson ................ 1.00
B. Franklin Heuston ............ 5.00
Rex'. Wayne Wright ............ 3.00
G. C. Els ................................ 5.00
Louis Van Arsdale ................ 5.00
Dr. Glenn Lander ................ 5.00
G. E. Covey ............................ 10.00
Alden and Phil Bayley ........ 19.00
Dr. F. M. Norvold ................ 5.00
Mason County Imndry
and Employees .................. 6.00
Fred Diehl ................................ 5.00
Camp Grisdale Sunday
School Group ...................... 6.78
Seattle First National
Bank staff ............................ 15.00
Orville Prlgmore .................... 2.00
Dr. B. B. Forman .................... 10.00
Chub McKenzle .................... 5.00
Smoke Shop ............................ 5.00
John J. Stuyts .................... 5.00
Happy tiollow Gang ............ 6.00
M. C. Ziqthco ........................ 5.00
Bill Hawkins, J. C. l'enney
Company .............................. 5.00
Everett Dillon and Joe
Simpson, Lawton Lbr ....... 10.00
Vern MHler ............................ 5.00
Mayor Harry Carlon ............ 5.00
• Oifice of the, County Clerk .... 5.00
Mr. and re. George
• . Copper .................................. 10.00
R. F. Eddy ......... 5.00
Roy MeConkey ........................ 10.00
W. F. Gott ............................ 5.00
Dr. Morrisey ............................ 5.00
Union Ladies Civic Club .... 10.00
C. E. Runacres .................... 5.00
Buck Price .............................. 10.00
Total .................................... $238.28
Previously Reported .............. 606.17
Grand Total .......................... $844.45
With the names ot over 50 fam-
ily groups already listed as worthy
of Christmas consideration by the
,0 and 8-Mason County Journa[
annual Christmas fund, the plan to
see that every needy family of
Mason county have a Merry
Christmas were being perfected
this week. In an effort to have
the kindness of fund contributors
carried to every family, and that
none be overlooked, 40 and 8 com-
mittee workers ask that any per-
son with information as to such
unfortunate people, please advise
The Journal or 40 and 8 member.
Gus Oraf of the l'aramount
thea.tre brought a big surge of
helpfulness to the fund with a
• collection of 422 articles of
foodstuff that will go into the
Individual Christmas boxes. Gus
entertained hundreds of kids at
two matinee performances, the
youngsters contributing food for
. their axlmisslons. In addition to
the food, $16.16 in cash was rc-
cc|ved and helped to swell the
money total.
Among the many contributions
of various kinds that will make
up the help to needy people here
this Christmas, it is a pleasure
to acknowledge two fine gifts
from Shelton Girl Scout Troop No.
1. A handsomely packed basket
(Continued on page seven)
Give Her
' from
ellen Tonight and q
Friday to 10 P.S. -. 1,75
the Christmas story. The two local youngsters
are pictured kneeling in front of the altar of a
Shelton church. Christianity's birth began with
the birth of Christ, and has remained the high-
est goal of much of mankind through all years
Jn St. Luke 2 are the words, "And Joseph
al3o went up from Galilee, out of the city of
Nazareth, into Judeae unto the city of david,
wlich is called Bethlehem . . . And so it was,
that, while they were there, the days were
accomplished that she would be delivered. And
she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped
hlm In swaddling clothes, and laid him In a
manger; because there was no room for them
in the inn. And there was in the same country
shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch
over their flock by night. And, Io, the angel of
the Lord came upon them: and they were sore
afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear
not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of
great joy, which shall be to all people. For
unto you is born this day in the city of David a
Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."
Christmas is on Sunday, and the local
churches welcome all to their services. (Picture
by Andrews.)
Bids For New City
Fire Truck Opened
Bids for a new fire truck for
Shelton were opened Tuesday by
city commissioners. Prices ranged
from $12,332.80 to $15,650 on the
trucks, and commissioners are
studying the offers.
No action has been taken to
purchase a new truck.
Working together to provide
"gifts for those who gave," mem-
bers of American Legion Post 31
and Auxiliary and Veterans of
Foreign Wars and Auxiliary are
sending parcels to American Lake
Legionnaires planned Tuesday
night to deliver the parcels Thurs-
day. Five parcels of gifts were
turned in by the VFW, and 15
were gathered by the Legion. Mrs.
Eula Martin hcadc.d the arrangc-
Arcadia Firemen
Ready For Action
Thc Arcadia Loop VOhlnteer fi;e
department is organized and ready
for business stopping" blazes.
AN EI,'FICIENT pmnp truck
purchased from the Lacey Fire
Department temporarily is located
in a barn on the G. A. Swanson
farm. Equipped to douse fires
with 650 gallons of water from
its tank, the pumper is ready for
Colnposed of interested resi-
dents in the Arcadia Loop dis-
trict, the fire dcpartlnent is beitg
geared 'for greater efficiency at
two meetings each month. F lanned
is permanent fire station in a cen-
tral location.
TIIOSF HAVING fire break out
at their homes may get action by
phoning Carl Enlsley 1179-1¢-1,
Arnokt Sacger 1178.R-5, Bcrna
Evans 1179-R-2 ()r Saegcr's Store
892. Iteuidents arc encouraged to
write (h)w)l the phone nnlill)Cl'S
wll(te [hev Ilia b[
i " . "y accessible on
Andrew' Studio ,short. notice.
S ' On petition from the Arcadia
group to fornl fire prevention dis-
, trict 4. cmmty conlmissioners
12.1 North 2nd Street Phone 152 have scheduled a hearing on the
proposal for 2 p.m. January 9 in
..... the commissioners' chamber.
7 Young Persons
Escape Serious
Injury In Wreck
Seven young local persons es-i
caped serious injury when a earl
in which they were riding was
smashed up last Friday morning
at 2:10 o'clock. The accident oc-
curred about 600 feet north of the
Cushman No. 2 bridge on High-
way 101.
THE .1940-MODEL car was
traveling toward helton When it
swerved off the left side of the
highway, jumped the ditch, struck
a bank and careened down the
highway about 80 feet, where it
came to rest on its right side
across the highway center line.
Two in the cat' were dumped out
a,,i the vehicle struck the bank.
Hurt were passengers Geneva
Tviet, 14, of Shelton, broken col-
lar bone, and Don Lyons, 18, Sko-
komish Valley, cuts across cheeks
and bridge of nose. The driver,
Dewey Watters, 19, Shelton was
DICK SHARPS, 17, Dayton, re-
ceived 110 injnries, but he was
shaken out of hts shoes. Three otl-
ers in the car were uninjured. The
injured were talcen to a Shelton
hospital for exanlination and treat-
Watters was given citations by
the State Patrol for negligent op-
eration and for exceeding a safe
speed limit. Tlmre was no ice on
the highway at the time of the
Temporary Dew Creek
Bridge Being Built
A temporary bridge over Dew
Creek on the Lake Cushman road
is under construction, reported
County Commissioner Roy Mit-
chell. Completion of the structure
will take several weeks.
The 70-foot bridge replaces a
fill that was washed out during
the storm and flood November 26
and 27.
Pomona Grange Meets
The Pomona Grange will hold
its next meeting in the Skokom-
ish Grange hall Sunday, Jauuary
15 beginning at 12:30 o'clock, fol-
lowing church in the same hall.
805 Turner
Rte. 2, Box 302
will call at The Journal office
with this coupon they may ex-
change it for two tickets each
for the current attraction now
playing at the Paramount
theatre as guests of Gus Graf
of the Paramount and The
Journal. The four tickets that
will be given each week to se-
lected Journal subscribers will
be honored at either Monday or
Tuesday shows. Look for your
name next week.
Next Monday & Tuesday:
"Mr. Soft Touch"
"Susanna Pass"
Puzzled over the proper
present? Puzzle. no longer!
Miller's suggests gift
certificates in amounts
fronl one dollar and up!
Give a certificate . . . always
wclcomc, always right!
She)ton Hotel Building Phone 609
¢,z L ..... 7"!', I • _ , •
Kiddies Treat
Night Featured
In City Friday
Load up your bag, of goodies,
Santa, for tae kiddies are eagcliy
waiting !
Word relayed to The Journal
from the Jaycees who lmve direct
contact with Santa Claus indi-
cates that old l';enL i:s ready to
slide into town Friday night and
give out a tholmanq sacl¢' of can-
dy, nuts, apples and or-rages to
the kiddies in Shelton and Mason
THE CITY recreation board has
prepared a Christmm; ,ce:.*c scL-
ting in front of the postoffi('e on
Raih'oad Avenue for the big af-
fair. As parents gu shopping in
the stores, the kiddies may join
the fun and watch for Santa.
The program will start at seven
o'clock Friday evening with a
short address by Mayor Harry
Carlon and Christmas carols by
the lrene S. Reed High School
Choir, under ,the direction of Lynn
"Because the weather nay be
cold or wet, we are making the
program a short one," said Hokie
Hokonson, recreation board chair-
man. After the short prom'am
Santa wil make his appearance.
lie WILL COME west fronr
First Street in I) sleigh drawn by
sturdy horses. If there is no ice
or snow the genial treats-dht)en-
sor will ride over wheels.
Taking a leson from last year's
long line of children waKiu for
his gifts, Santa will bring along
four helpers who will distribute
the treats in four directions. "Pour
lines," he figures, "will cut the
time for treats giving to one
fourth of that of last year."
Santa will be ensconed on a 6-
by-6:foot platform vehcre all may
see him. The kiddies all arc in-
School Vacations
Start Friday, End
On Tuesday, Jan. 3
Ch|'tstmas vacamns for all the
children in Shelton will start at
1:30 o'clock Friday afLci'noon, and
the youngsters will be fre.e until
they must return to classes on
Tuesday, January 3, 1950.
For the rural schools in the
county the calendar's schedule
starts the wcation Friday and
calls classes Jammry 3, according
to Miss Nellie Nelson, clerk for
the c ou n t y superintendent of
"However, the individual sc.hool=
in (:he county are free to select
their own vacation times, so long
as they stay within the limits of
the regulations," Miss Nelson said.
"A couple of the rural schools
may start and end their holiday
vacations at different times."
From all appearances Tuesday
morning it looked as Lhough the
kiddies were going to have a
"White Christnms" this year,
which means ice skating, sleigh-
ing and sniffles.
Pollution Control
Ordinance Adopted
A i)oiheth)n-eontrol ordinance
for Mason Colmty wa adol)ted
Mouday by st re:oluth)n of l,he
board of county eomnflash)ners.
Eleven persons interested in
pollution-control moves were
present t Monday's hearin to
air vlew on the prol)osal. The.
plan was adnl)ted after several
minor cllanges in the original
proposal was made.
The new ordinnee cnai)h,s
the county h(utlth officer to take
measures to l)revcnt possible
contamination of the good watcru
in our county.
Officials of the Simpson [,og'-
ging Company and civic leaders
will attend the laying of a corner-
stone in the new Simpson office
building Friday noon at 12;45
C, H, Krcienhaunl, vice ('hair-
man and n)snager of the I(hlmath
Working Circle in [,)cl Norte Coun-
ty, Calif., will premde aL the cei'e-
]nony. Krcienl)aum was l)reddent
of the Sinlpson Logging C.onlpany
during the pcriod when 1)LaJm :[or
thc llew huildhlg wcrc drawn.
Contents to be placed in thc
curnerttLone bOX will inchlde copies
of the Simpson Lookout., the
Shelton-Mason Connty Jom'nal, the
Sinlpson golden anniversary his*
tory "Green Commonwealth, and
other data.
Christmas Cheer Men
Ready For Santa Jobs
Giving Joy To Needy
The First annual Forty and Eight - Mason County Jour-
nal Christmas fund, buttressed by over $800 in cash, donated
in answer to appeals in the newspaper, and hundreds of
pounds of food, countless articles and toys and clothing
nd other gcod things, i.' prepared to bring the joys of
:he season to Mason county people who would otherwise
'o without a full meaning of the season.
................................................................ • > C()MMITTEES OF the veterans
Night Hours In
Stores Set For
Thursday, Friday
For tire convenience nf i)tte
(.hrl tma,; gift. hnnt(,rs, more
than 30 Shelton st.ores, will keep
evening honra tonigltt and to-
morrow (Thursday and Friday).
Through aclion ':ustlgated by
tile Reta|l Trades (ommtt,,e of
the Cllanlher of Connnerc% vh'-
tually every t()r( which ell'ors
g|ft Inrchal).dlse on i|s h(Ives
will r(uuain open until nine
Wclock both t,)night and Fri-
day nlgifl.
A. (:om;)h'te lit of (he Mores
which will l)c open iheq eve-
ntl|" h(>l]F U I l" h( fof||It| 0]1
Page .:I of lhls Journal edition.
--- i ii ii ' I I i I IIII
Pinball Nachines
To Be 0utlawed
In Mason County
Pinball machh:,: th;,.t pty off
in cash or t)"-tde will be (,limmatcd
in M£on County, ,;tarring )n
March I, 1950, announred l'rose-
cuting Att(.'ney B. F. tlellsLon.
After al('h l lie lllOl'u li(,e|lsc.,;
will be ,,;sm,(t o.,) the,e n:,tcifincs,
Lhe t)roHccIItOF 'said.
II()I:Vl<;I[, C.-XM|N'(; dt'vi('es
(51" i)inl)aH nl;(',hiD,,, w;'|i(!h are
i opeI'tte, I xviLho,.i[ p,.y (fliT; i,)l nlon o
'ey nr t.ra(h, will l)c perllliLt('d, l:t
this ('hl:;ifi('a tinn lrc itlchlded
pinbltll n;icldnc,,; t)l L|le so-called
"fl'ee pkty" Lyt)c.
A rccellt IALLU Sllpl ellie (',OIII'L
(iceision has terrned illegal Lhc
pinbMh nlDch}nes pllyed for t)lt)/1-
ey 1))'izes.
Tile actioll hcrc w;Is t, lkt'll fo].-
lowing a joinL )Icetmg Mon l ly of
city lint1 ('oiH'd y ,)t'fi,'i, I. ih(,
sheriff and chief (st police. Pro-
secutor t[custon called the ses-
klioll. LdW lli'Ot'Cl 114211[, O[i'iccl
)g)'eed to take steps to carry OUt
Llw. decision.
OUTLA;V|NG OF the pinball
machines poscs- it problem for Lhe
local governmental bodies, since
the curent licen:es for the de-
vices expire x|| January for Shel-
ton and ill June ]or the county.
These licenses have provided a
sour('e of con,;i(lerable lnconle for
the counLy and city Kove1"nmcnts,
The officials Monday felt that
no immediate action should be
taken in view of the licenses here-
tofore issued by the local govern-
ments, 1-[euston said.
Last Rites Held
For A. J. Munson,
Shelton Pioneer
A pioneer o£ Mason County
since Februmy, 1889, Albert J.
Munson, 88, died December 16 at
a lmspital in Centra]ia. He had
been in ill health for scvez'al
held at 2 p.m. December 20 trom
Witsies l'uneral Honw, witll tim
Reverend Wayne Wright officiat-
inK. Iurial was in the Masonic
division o Shell.on Memorial Park.
i,I)'. Munson was born at SLeila-
coom, Wash, November 12, 1861
and lnuved with his l',|thcr, mother
md two sisters m Olympia in
1864. He was educated in tle pub-
lic schools and the Union Aca-
demy of Olympia.
M. Bannse of Bucoda. Wast].. on
October 21. 1888 anti moved to
Seattle LllaL year. They ctlue to
Shelton n) Fel)ruary of 1889,
where he was in the hardware
business for ;) ntlnlb(,r of years.
Actiw in politicis. Mr. Munson
served as oily con)lllissioner. ('LI y
clerk, school dirccter, eo)inty as-
c:.snr, presidential elcr!or ,'t n d
postmaster in Shelton. l!e was a I
(CozlLinuea on pag(' 3)
organizntinn nlet early this week
and final arrangements for
1)roon'onmnt. and distribution of
.the gift boxes thaL will go ouL
ill ;ill dicction tronl helton on
Over 50 family group.l have al-
ready been €'le]'ed and more are
expected before the Lask is com-
pleLed. Sponsors ,if the Christmas
lund 1re anxions to .ee that no
needy family is overl-oked, and
nny per.son with information of
sl)ch is asked to holily Mel Dob-
,,m, o|.' Fire Chief T. L). Deer at
the City ltall.
ANsIWrlN( TilE work of the
fund in collecLin suplflies have
l)'.,en many agcnc, im of the COln-
nlunity. (;|is (;raf of the l"ara-
mount theatre supplird 422 pack-
agca of food, receipts tr{ml laM;
Saturday's kids nu)tinee perform-'c,'q. '['h,, [Joo-',Sl)())'t (-)r'imerciP.[
club ]')a.*; a|o (orll3iblLcd a large
lllUlbc)' of i!'l, while toys r('-
furnishml 15:,' Lhe SileILoD. Fire an(l
Police (I,ptl,lllCIlS wil] 1)C nla,,!e
:t p,u't (st Ihe gift I)ox('.
A h:Ip(;:;,mlC!y packed baskcL
:ir)(l I)(,x will he dsiribt]!e(t I troll.;h
1he filnd w]lh ttie ('t)Plpiilltents of
(]Jrl ,:;('.ollt q')'oop N(). l, While,;
tylOl]lIJ31s O" l}lo She]toll Kiwani,
chlh aL their T))esday meeting
providvd a I)).llld (H" foodstuL'f,
th:'L was turned o,,er to the 40
&= 8.
THE VETERANS organization
will see to the seloction of fanl-
fliers, pst|'ct)se of Sul)plles and the
. distribution of the gift boxes. Mel
1)ol):on i. chailIn;n (sf the family
sclccLi,n coDirllitl:ee, 'I. H', Need-
tHtllI iYl t'htlirnlan of I,he plll:'chas-
ing (!OlllDlit.t'C an(l ()(;car [,evill,
(']lail'lll:tl (51 I})e di,st|'i))utioll and
d(divvry (,or, rod! i.c(,.
The id,.'a of the annllal Christ-
m.:, D'mht, ?iv¢'n h*avy aupport
th)'ou4'hout the ('omnImiL/, will be
tn annllal tlez'(,;:ite), and lhe
; p O n O I i n g organizttJons are
gr;¢t('ful lOl' the helt)fnl as,'iL;tnc
Of C;L:It tn(] (st|let (!onlrit)tltors.
Harhmd P. Jordan
Died Monday At
His Shelton Home
}]arlald P. Jordan. well known
resldenL of Shell on, d}ed of a
heart disease Monday at his home.
404 Cascade Street. The funeral
will be held this afternoon, Dec,
ember 22. at two o'clock fronl
Witsiers F|mcral Ifolne, with the
Reverend J. Gregory Lee of St.
I)avid's l:l)iscoi)al Chtu'ch offici-
BORN JULY 8, 1897 aL.l)uluth.
Minn.. Mr. Jordan has lived in
Mason County for 2t years. He
was active, ill coinnltlniiy affairs,
serving as wor.illlpful nlaster of
Mount Moriah Masonic Lodge 11
in L948.
Mr. Jordan has worlced for Ray-
(Continued on page 3)
Th Pocket Overshoe
M00ItR? •
OgU :or your palron-
TURKEYS-youn00 toms |b. 42€
H A M S whole or hall', ll). 5 lc
411 Railroad PHONE 21