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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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} t • • / • .   , • . , t . • o.i4 0t. , • • • &apos; 9 t t %.  • i i * i.  . ,* • t   j , , ,, u,, J ,, , ! v,, ,!. u a!; . - MARRY JANUARY 7 :,.  ,,, i i'" ., ;; "r,', "r', ,,  .,,,'.  1 '-' .-="_'.t  " (;alvin Mann, 3r.. editor nf the .I,  A A • ,, m m- tl A I  A ii IUle (arty l)ec, 1.,"9  m I , c)'(- l-t<,,,,) C,,n i News. and h. mothc :: J L] L l a' l E-. V  l I L  "i" .. . .. ." _ _ . " I. J ._--.a--.-- i t.a" fl_- '  left for M(m"his 'Penn reeentl,' "P ". v - =  -  v . - =  q X Mr. anti Mrs. Is. t), Hael{ were l / " l• • - ., /'//'. /M/'2)O/9 Q While ill Mel:({)bia, he ,,,ill inai'?'v i Frances Alger, Society Editor , . Phone 100 i tdeanelh'h°ot;S:.tnlhlll l]lt: ]Ld #...dl . ." * . I I I . .  /# /]//gg- ,',ls: l leien Shawl,an ,an,,.,y  ..:...:..:..:..:..:::..:..:..:..:..:..:..:......:::..:...:..:.:..::.:.:+::..:..::..:.:` d;s a,.tv';ec, d;d. .' "ll'[/Y,l'llllf l ! I! ! fl i i¥1 " " 1t "" Mr Mann nnd hiq nmlher will - •  a- a - - ,1j • ...... ..... [,.o t ..nn..... tL,a (,IIITRCH PRESENTS The tradttlonal Christmas tree | jr W[' 1, ,[ I,J! .gu(::.u.ts at 1.1, l.lolne, o! ¢!rs, IYLI '. tat'ltlllJlL 1 l{tti {rlT  rArr-. " " decorated the house and tile mem-   v t. e. Snawnan illl'an.q' I.nell • slay Ii..)ItJ aIklM JL2kl2-1 bers hrought a Christmas arrange- LUMBERMEN'S, MERCANTILE WHOLESALE DIVISION 606 South First Street  Shelton in Memtihis. IIERE FOR IIOI,IDAY, Mrs. L. V. BaRer, the former Gerahline Waite, who has just completed her nul'ses training at Deaconess hospital in Wenatchee is visiting with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. T. Waite in Shelton. After the holidays Mrs. Baker will move to Randle to join Mr. Baker who teaches school there. Mr. Baker will be in Shelton for Ciu'istmas. JAYETTE PARTY DEC. 22 Jayettes will have their Christ- mas party at the home of Mrs. Don McDonald, Kimbel Apart- ments, on their regular meeting night, December 22. Each mem- ber is tp bring a 50 cent gift for the exchange, and a 10 cent bag of candy for a family. PENRION UNION TO MEET Washington Pension Union will meet at J. H. Quitair's home at 8 p.m. January 5. Everyone iv in- vited to come, MAKING tIOME HERE Mr. and Mrs. John Satterfield and family of Roy, Montana are making their home in Shelton. They were formerly of here. WREATHS, SWAGS and MANTEL DECORATIONS Your Choice of Evergreen POPULAR PRICES Phone 185-J MOTORISTS! PROTECf YOUR RIGHT TO DRIVE!! Under the NEW Financial Responsibility LAW " You may lose your driver's license, REGARDLESS OF BLAME, unless you can post up to $11,000 cash or other acceptable security. A standard automobile liability insur- ance policy is acceptable security. WE WRITE such insurance in strong and reliable companies. Reasonable Payments. See Us Today M. C. '.NELL' ZINTHEO Phones 157 and 183-W -- Title Insurance Bldg. Shelton, Washington Guild For Party Raciel Knott Orthol)edie Guild l held its Christmas party at the l home of Mrs. Don Callison with Mi:s• Chnrles Allison as co-hostess Friday, l)ecember 16. The house was decorated with the traditional (2hristmas trec and. each guest t)roughi; ;t gift to ex- change with sonlcolte else. They also brollght a toy l( be repnircd by the fire department an(t given to a needy child. Tbe nominating committee pre- sente(l an offi('cr roster and the chlb accepted it. Results were Mrs. A. N, Parrett, president; Mrs. C. Henry Bacon, secretary and Mrs. Harold Ahlskog, treas- urer. Mrs. Parrett read a letter to the group from the Orthopedic hos- pital. This letter told of the pre- parations made for the coming holiday by the children. Mrs. Par- rett read that if possible the one big wish of the child was sati'- fled. Members of the guild wrote a Christmas letter to Mrs. Bruce El- more, a former member, who now resides in McNary, Arizona. The next meeting will be Jan- I uary 20 and the hostesses will be Mrs. A. W. Callow and Mrs. Pearl Dtltcher. Masonic Heads To ]Be Installed Tuesday" Installation of officers for Mount Moriah Masonic Lodge 11 will be held at 8:30 ()'clock next Tuesday night, De(ember 27, Elective officers to be installed are Earl Jordan, worsifipful mas- ter; Frank Willard. senmr ward-- en; Claude Rhodes, junior warden: William Batchelor, secretary, and ,qnn(lay evening, December 18, the choir of Faith Lutheran Chm'ct pi'esented the Christmas Cantata, "Prepare Him Room," to :t large ond appreciative audience. l2nhan(..ed hy soft candlelight, the ;ellinK was most impressive, de- I:li(qing the Nativity Scene. The parts of lhe two Shepherds were played hy Roffer Stenberg and Ed- gar Miller. Mary and Joseph were portrayed by Jo'm and Ken Gob- rick, Scripture was interspersed thl'oughout the Caritata by Pastor De Boer. The choir was directed by Mrs. [-ernhar(l Winiecki tind aceom- panied by Mrs. John L. Dotson. Assisting soloists were Marilyn Dotson and Barry. and Marden Strond Choir members taking part were Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki, Audry Luhm, Betty Luhm, Ramona Fos- more, Mrs. Loui Larson, E. D. Reiten, Lcs Shelver, Oren Thoe and Jack Kalim)ski. Mrs. Winiecki thanks all who contributed their time to make the Cantata a snccess. CHRISTMAS SHOW WAS BIG SUCCESS " 'Twas the Week Before Christ- mas" tim Capitol District garden club show given in the Crystal [Ballroom of the Hotel Winthrop December 17 and 18 was a huge i SUCCESS, Mayor Fawcett cut the ribbon which opened the draperies start- ing the show. Mrs. W. A. Wills&y, Sr., director of the district, ad- dressed the people and introduced cluirmen and the State Federation President. Mrs. Boyd Andreus of Olympia. Of particular beauty was the snow scene at the far end of the E. B. Sutton, treasurer. The pres- room which featured choir boy ent master is Leo Martin. dolls with a musical background. Appointive officers include Rolla Mrs. George Cropper, director Halbert, chaplain; Harold Meade, of the Olympic Peninsula District marshall; Joe Hansen, senior des- Garden Clubs, of Shelton attended con; Art Jacobsen. junior deacon; the show. William Price, senior steward; Or- ville Oppelt, junior steward• and Nell Zintheo, organist. vvvvvvlv -vv vlevvvv vv vv  Hospital Notes CLINIC HOSPITAL Ben Banner, Sr., Joe Ziomek, James McCarthy, H. W. Bates and Johnny Broderson of Brennon were admitted this week to the Clinic hospital. Discharged were Mrs. Pat Wick of Camp Grisdale, Mrs. Martha Haines, Mrs. Charles Lentz, Mrs. Orval Anderson, Fred Sauer, Eddie Hegaas, William E. Guse and Mel- vin He((man. SH ELTON GENERAL Admitted this week to Shelton General hospital were Robert Rose. Eugene Riney, Don Lyon, Alfred D. Killmer, Helena Binns, Fred Ferris and James L. Purdy. Those discharged were William Whaley, Fritz Prlszner, Martha Blevins, Kate Ahl, Geneva ,Tveit, Ulah Howe, Clara Regal, Myrtle Bloomfield, Pete Maras, Arthur Bogue, Harry Atwood, Mary Crus- on, Arvilla Wiley, Patricia Chase and Samuel D. Endicott• CHECK THIS LIST FOR SUGGESTIONS Daveno and Chair Sets Swing Rockers Club Chairs - Hassocks SKOKOMISH GRANGE CANCILS MEETING Skokomish Grange holds only one meeting in December. The meeting tomorrow night which would have fallen only two days before Christmas was dispensed wth. The next regular meeting will be held January 13. ' vvvvv'vvvv,vvvvv Marriage Licenses Applications for marriage li- cense, were filed during the past week in the office of Mrs. Susie Pauley, county auditor, by the following couples: Louis J. Lenz, 60, and Ivy M. ,lmontree,' 5a, both of. Btet ePton. Ronald Ferris, 19. and Gwytha Mae Wlfinery., 19, both of Shelton. Rex Beatty, 21, and Patrtcia Anne Henderson, 17, both of Shel- ton. Gene Edward Roush, 21, and Iris Ilene Tidyman, 18, both of Shelton. Russell W. Hovind, 22, Spokane, and Nadia M. Barrett, 19, Shelton. 'rancis W. Decker, 20, Shelton, and Barbara F. LilUe. 21, Elma J. Frederick Egeland, 34, of She]ton, and Mac D. Luke, 25, of Seattle, received a marriage li- cense in Seattle Monday. : i Smoking Stands Pictures - Card Tables Floor, Bridge and Table Lamps Occasional Tables - Clocks Sealy, Spring-Air and Beauty Rest Mattress and Box Springs |Philco and Westinghouse Radios, Ranges, Refrigerators Gift for the Home is Practical and Lasting Rugs and Carpets Mirrors Chrome Sets Drapes - Dining Sets - Book Cases Bedroom Sets . Desks . Hampers • Let Us Help You Make Your Choice Divorces merit of some sort. Mrs. Phil Fredson, Mrs. Vivia Jacobson, Mrs. H. L. Alexander and Mrs. Lawrence Fredson made wreaths which were given as prizes. Mrs. L. Fredson made an interesting arrangement of gum drops and ap- ples and a gold wreath. Mr. Hack showed a color film taken by Miss Nellie Nelson during a Festival in Texas last Spring. Many famous landmarks and beautiful flowers were plainly vis- ible. Each member described her own Christmas decorations and ideas. Mrs. Ed Elliott made plum pud- ding which was served to the group as refreshments. Guests for the evening were Miss Ruth Creasey and Mrs. Lucy Estes. Members all brought some can goods for a needy family, Hawkins Entertain Penney Associates Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hawkins en- tertained the J. C. Penney assoc- iates, their husbands, wives and friends at a Christmas party at their home December 15. The house was festive with hol- iday greens. A beautifully decor- ated tree and exchange of gifts were enjoyed by all. Mr. Hawkins presented each associate with his or her Christmas bonus. Cards and a buffet luncheon completed the evening. Present were 21 guests. Daughter Born Dec. 20 A daughter was born December 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Drew E. Cole, East Dickinson St,, at Shelton General hospital. (i00GIRL SCOUT NEWS 'vvvvvvvvvv'.vvvvvvv, tinsel party hats, played games, Agate Christmas Party Is Tonight By Mrs. H. P. Hamilton The Agate school will hold its annual Christmas program at the SPECIAL! $2,00 DISCOUNT On Any Rilling Permanent Until Jan. 1 Cold Wave Machine and Machineless Permanents FASHIONETTE BEALrrY SALON Operated by Dorothy Hutton CAMERON HOTEL PHONE 1026 Iltlilgtlllllii See Our Fine Selection of WATCttF.N for CHRISTMAS Hamilton gulova Longine Wittnauer and Many Others at Lowest Prices IAbcral Trade-In Allowances JEWELRY 117 Cota - Phone 633 NOTICE The Brownies, Girl Scouts and leaders thank all the stores, es- tablishments and the Shelton Ho- tel for the welcome and treats re- ceived, that made our day of car- oling, December 17, a success. Ov- er 100 Brownies and Girl Scouts turned out. Special thanks goes to music chairman, Mrs. R. W. Nor- vold, for rehearsing the troops and leading the carols. TROOP 1 Girl Scouts of Troop I held their Christmas party Monday after- noon. December 19, at the Little House. The Scouts wrapped p.acls- ages and filled two gift baskets for needy folks and then decorat- rltl the tables witil four red can- i- dles and spires made of colored glass balls. Refreshments of ice cream, cookies and candy canes were served. Scouts enjoying the party were: Susan Biehl, Linda Christensen. Barbara Cole, Joy Halvorsen, Sandra Henricksen, Beverly Howard, Marcha Liver- more, Rella Mart, Zella Marr, Patty Prico, Glenda Robertson, Judy Russell, Sharlene Smith, Sbaralee Sperling and Virginia Wyatt, Leaders are Mrs. E. W. Fitch and Mrs. A C. Christensen. TROOP 9 ........... Brownies of Troop 9 had a Christmas party at their Thurs- day, December 15, meeting. Twen- ty-two Brownies, wearing'red and 2. '<  4 ""  !949 May the seQso.q shower /  you with excellent gifts of gladness. A final decree of divorce was sling carols and listened to a mus- signed December 16 in the Super-ical Christmas tree play "Silent MASON COUNTY STAT000NE00 )or Court of Judge John M, Wilson Night" while they enjoyed refresh- in the case of Helen Smith vs. Ben- ments of ice cream, holiday cook- . . jamine W. Smith. ies and popcorn balls. Judy Fris. Statlenery, OfficeSuppllea and Equipment ken and Sharon Lee Were hosfess- 118 N. 2nd Street Aoross from Poster(ice Phone 602 es. Mrs. Gib Frisken was a guest• Leaders are Mrs. N. Lee and Mrs. L. Buck. -- ui  ' ' ' ' il il I , I school house on Thursday evening at eight o'clock. Judging by past performances, it should be good, and a large crowd is anticipated. The highlight will be the ap- pearance of old Saint Nick him- self, but a second attraction will be the awarding of a turkey by the Agate Grange. Mrs. Ralph Prescott left last week for a short visit in Califor- nia, leaving Ralph to batch, which he didn't relish greatly. * Ill ill Several of our neighbors at- tended the Christmas party given at Shelton Valley last Thursday night. All reported an enjoyable evening and wish to extend a thank you to the Shelton Valley folks for such hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Noris Thayer of Renton spent the week end visit- ing relatives in the Agate com- munity. The Tip Top 4-H club held its Christmas gift exchange party at the schoolhouse on Saturday. No business meeting was held, but the afternoon was given over to playing games and was climaxed by refreshments served by the committee. Places were set for fourteen at the table decorated t the true Christmas manner. Lucy Greaves was in charge of gift exchange and Jane Greaves was chairman of the refreshment committee. Miss Joyce Nash plans to leave Friday to spend Christmas with her mother in California. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Auseth have moved into their new home in Nash addition on Mountain View. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hanlon, Pete Whetham and Mr. and Mrs. Ham- llton went to Kamilche grange Thursday night where Lhe Skoko- 01ympi00 Furniture Company mish drill team put on the 3rd and 4th degrecs. Mr. Hanlon and i Mr. Whetham took the degree, •  work. The evening was enjoyed , by all. SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING Mr. and Mrs. Art Richards at- tended the silver wedding anniver- \\; Phone 94 321 Railroad sary celebration Of r. and Mrs. C. O. Troy of Pickering last Sat, liitday'light. • Nothing wtll plesse mother mope on Chriltmaa than an electrloal gift  a praotloal gift. Nothing can brlng more pleasure on Christmas day and every day in the year than a mixer, an iron, a toaster, etc. Westinghouse Electrical Appliances Pop-up Toasters ..................................... $20.95 Waffle Irons (makes 2 waffles) .......... $24.95 Travel Irons - sewing kit com- bination .............................................. $7.95 Electric, Blankets ................ $39.95 to $49.85 Electric Sheets ......................... . .............. $24.95 Other Electrical Appliances Sunbeam Electric Irons ........................ $12.45 Sunbeam Mixmasters ............................ $39.50 Sunbeam Toastmasters ........................ $22.50 General Electric Steam Irons ............... $17.95 Shelton Electric Co. GOVEY BDG,