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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[II EXPFTS ANALYZE RESEARCH IN NUTRITION QUALITIES OF SOIL The latest research in the field of nutrition as it relates to the composition of the soil was aired by a battery of the country's top chemurgy sxperta together with a number of this state's scientists and growers at a recent clinic -- 10 DAY MAMPLE FURNIXD UNBELI]/ABLB B 'rRuz - VINMN EACH MINImiZE SEXMS LIKE AN • TXlgNITY, Spusma BroIlJ-hmm reliexed QUICKLY (usualJy wltltht 1 minute) by NI:I'HKON lnhJdation Ther- spy. MoBt Rtubbarn 8 repond. k ua for i l0 day snmple of NFA'II]gON Inhshmt to ue in KNOX-AZM£ vsl. er. utia: m er , : bottle The Chr;dhn Brothers Brandy S iiggers of Jemaic, Rum I pint cream. I;ght whipped I quert rlch milk 6 tablespoons granulated lugar 9 eggs. yolks end wh|tes seperated ".,;.,;yo;, & ,:.,'th.: " still beating, edd Brandy, milk. rum, the I;ghtly whipped cream. While :iirrlng add stiRfy baste, egg whites Chill for several hour,. Sprinkle orated nutme!] on top. Serve wRh pride, ffhfi00lian 00r01hm "84 Proof" DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BY THE CHRISTIAN IIROTHERS..NAPA. CALIFORNIA nSored by the University of shlngton. New possibilities for improving crops grown in Washington were discussed in detail by faculty re- search personnel of both the Uni- versity and of Washington State College and by federsl government workers from various parts of the country. The miztor soil mineral elements including manganese, iron, cobalt, boron and others now beginning to come into use by farmers thru- out the country came into much of the discussion. Ge0rge N. Worden, Port Or- chard, pointed out that it is the combined effect of all the ele- ments, rather than merely the use of the 'ig three," nitrogen, phos- phorus and potassium, which will produce the highest quality fruits and vegetabl&. Other authorities strewed the importance, however, of the correct proportions of each element. William H. Bradford, Tacoma, described his experiment with broccoli, comparing result8 obtain- ed through, application of a com- plete frttliser against r that ob- tained with. the "big three" alone. One hundred dollars worth of complete fertilizer produced six lons f* broccoli, while one hun- dred dollars 'worth of nitrogen, phosphorous "and potassium produc- ed* fOtW totm,',he sSid, • AnOther grower, Fred Mattson of Moses Lake, said that one ton Of gypstffn With balanced fertil- is.or and nicro-nutlents, over- came potato Scab and obtained 23 tons per acre bf potatoes with ex- cellent *keeping quality. Leo R. * NoMe, P0u/sbo grower, a].0 kloke f better keeping qual- ity in bts tomatoes foLlOWing ap- I)lleation ,of mlcro-nutritlents in- cluding cobIf, to is soil. Analysis of the toma[oes showed a 20 per cent :increase in vitamin C, he said. Edwaxd J&ckon, Monroe, des- cribed an experiment in giving his dairy cattle a choice of various fqeds. The Cattle much preferred a ' feed grown on plots recently limed or containing minor s011 el- FOR ONVENIENT AND ECONOMICAL BUYING, SHOP AT Needham Food Center BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY MT• VIEW James K. Needham, Prop• PHONE 199 THESE PRICES IN EFFECT FRIDAY AN'D'SATURDAY • • • • • • STANDBY NO. 2;f_ TINS FRUIT COCKTAIl, .................. S-LTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAE There's Oil Here--Mayl),00I "WILDCAT" WELL NEAR vICr0R DOWN 3,660 FEET, NO OIL YET 9o. Where is oil? How deep is it... These questions soon may be an- So far as the possibility of tap- swered for the Carney Lake area ping a rich source of oil is con- a few miles east of Victor and earned, Stanton said, "We don't five miles north of Vaughn. know. There have been no show- Drilling continuously 24 hours InKs yet of either oil or gas." daily since the "spud in" day of ROCK CHIP samples are taken October 27, the joint Standard- every ten feet, and at every 500 Union wildcat well at Carney Lake feet a large solid core of rock reached 3,660 feet last Thursday. is brought out for (:lose studies. BITING INTO hard rock, the Findings are compared with facts drill is forced down about 40 feet gathered previously in VVcstern a day, It would be down to about Washington from earlier wells, 3,900 now. If there is oil or gas geographical surveys and seismo- present, it may be struck at any graph tests. ! moment. Stanton said that "we are drill-J W. L. Stanton, division geolo- ink in what we think is excellent gist for the Union Oil Company, structure." ....... Count have j told The Journal, "We don't know MANY IN MSu y how deep we'll go, but present been viewing the possibilities of plans are to stop drilling between an oil strike with high regard. 5 and 6,000 feet." Vincent Paul, county assessor, opined, "If a heavy yield of oil ements, he showed, is found at Carney Lake, it may Jackson proposed formation of open Eastern and Northeastern Mas0, Coty to more drilling, an organization which would set which would mean nmch to the seals of approval on fertilizers and people here." feeds offered farmers m this state. Union Oil Company anti Stan- He believes that products grown dard Oil Company of California on well balanced soils could then have combined to explore for the' carry a special seal of approval for the buying public, black gold at Carney Lake in Kitsap County. They have leased Other.speakers pointed out that a total of about 40,000 acres in soils here often lack some of the the vicinity of the well. minor elements whose lack may The current drilling, on land cause disease in crops and as a leased from the J. Hofert Christ- result troubles in livestock that mas Tec Company of Seattle, is eat the crops, ku()wn as the Standard-Union Ho- * * * fert well No, 1 Dr. B. B. Coyne, director of soil CR]NDING THE sharp drill in- research of Lauck's Labol'atories to the €eep rock formations, three in Seattle, stxggested new(.' nit(h- ,'rt,vtrs of five men each work ar- otis of soil analysi: t.o del.erminc ound the clock. The bore is being exactly what different soils need. llltllc by a sub-contractor, Fill- Coyne reported that the use of more Drilling Company of Bak- magnesium has imp|ovcd sugar cFsfit'ld Calif. content of sugar beets, melons, Drilling equipment, which is oranges and grapefruit, owned by the Fdlmorc concern, is In a Washington experiment the the same "rig" as was used to usa of epsom salts Imagnesium sink the Union test well at Ocean sulphate) has increased yields o£ City, west of Hoquiam. The .c- potatoes by as much as half a ton ean City well is down 9,200 feet, per acre, Coyne related, He said and a pump was scheduled for THE TALL cantilever drilling that difficulties of plants in ab- installation this week to permit "riO" on site at Carney Lake is sorbing magnesium is sometimes further tests, pictured above. The drilling due to the. presence of some oth- Most spectacular piece of equip- mechanism is suspended from er element like potassium. Coyne ment to awe the Sunday sigNet- tie derrick. (I'icture cou|'tcsy also pointed out that excessive seers at the Carney Lake well is Paul Ryan and the Brcmcrtou liming of soils produce bad effects the 126-foot cantilever mast. Just Sun.) because the minor elements-are as the Eiffel Tower rises over made less available to plants. The Paris, this tall metalic derrick their way to scc tie nma and: latest soil tests help to provide" rises over the sm'rounding ever- equipment at work. hc said that answers to these and similar prob- greens. IL supports the drilling the oil crews and their families lems, Coyne said. mechanism, have given a boost to the Victor . . , .... A "TURNING Kelley," powered area, renting vacant houses and Dr. Kenneth C. Beeson, director by two 300-horsepower diesel too- becoming part of the conmnmity. Of the U. S. government Plant. Soil tOTS. turns the long shaft round There are no restrictions to via- and ronnd, Deep in the earth the itors, but onlookers must stay and Nutrition Laboratory, lthsca, drill point chips off rock. which clear of the derrick and cqu|p- New York, indicated that the is wasl]ed with "mud'.' to the sur- ment and not iuterferc with tile problem of finding out just what face and drained to one side of workmen or pester them with silly conditions will furnish the most nutrition food for livestock and the operation-mound, questions. Mrs. Mabel Parker at the Vic- FROM SIIELT()N there are two humans is highly complex. He tin' Store reports that residents of access road to the operations site. pointed out that nitrogen 2trail- the area, many from Shelton, One climbs up the bank from Vic- izers may increase yield hut also have been passing through on toT and over the hill. The other will reduce the calcium content of soma vegetables as much-as ..................................... la reached by driving past Victox $0 per cent and that other rain- DAUGHTER IS BORN on Highway 14-B toward Vaughn, Thursday, Christianity is not a theory or speculation, but a life; not a phil- osophy of life, but; a iite and a living process. --1-Coleridge The only way to qe:tli:::: that we are God's ciih!ten is to let Chri:st lead us t() O[il' Fath,w. - l'hillip: l.::v!oks Shelton Air TICKET AGENTS For West Coast "Air For Reservation Phone 25-J WELL DRILLING \\; • Get sparkling water In abund" ance from your own well. Cool, fresh, pure water at all times. JOHN WEBBER PHONE 413-W Evenings Route 1, Box 128, Shelton We Stock Various Types and BUILDING BRICKS CHEHALIS CLAY CITY CHEtIALIS We Can Recommend Qualified Masons to Do Your Job or Furnish Free Estimates ROMANS COMMONS CHEHALIS AND VARIEGATED SCRATCH BUILDERS BRICK GENERAL CHIMNYY and FIREPLACE SUPPLIE 11tl b es t  May t h ies ie7 07 gmrae;inl brighten your holidays. WESPAC BROKEN ICTION$ P E ACH E S Home Style .... 21/ tins 21 € None-Such (Dry) g-Oz. Pkg. Pictsweet Frozen MINCE MEAT ... X7 € PEAS. ]2.oz, pkg. 23 € Powdered or Brown Standby 2 FOR SUGAR •.• 2 lbs, 23 € Cranberry Sauce. 2S € R ........... dozen 49' . ATCtl - MI) iS :::::::: .......... ,. lb. 27 € ) Swlft's Jewel Luckles, Camels, Chte.|elds Ray's Jewelry Shortening • 3 lbs. 73* Cigarettes . ctn. 1.89 117 Cota Phone ,33 U & I Dole 811oed - No. 2 Tin SUGAR•. 10 lbs. 91 € PINEAPPLE .... 25* eral content also suffers. Beeson said that other methods of increasing yield also bring new problems to the researchers. He said that the hybrid corns, altho producing higher yields, result in lower protein content. He pointed out the concern that this causes livestock men. FREE Utah Type (LLERY CANDY CANE TO EACH CUSTOMER ON FRIDAY & SATURDAY FRUITS AND 0000TABLI00 I tamin, Wineasp, Eto ...... lb. 6 € APPLF .. 3 lbs. 25* IN 1-POUND CELLO BAGS EASTERN CRANBERRIES 19* Large, Juicy Navel Waxed ORANGES .... lb. 7* Sw. Potatoes 2 lbs. 23* I_ + ..... MEATS OF FINE QUALITY I 1 Washington Co-Op Prime Grade A Turkeys At Lowest Market Prices Flood Canal Medium Country StYle, lean "s OYSTERS... pint 59 € PORK SAUSAGE 39* Brandy Flavored Bulk (,round Beef .. lb. 39 € MINCE MEAT lb, 29* Heavy COLOI+ED HENS 39 € LUTEFISK .. lb. 25 € Frozen. Pan-Ready 90% Meat, Lean Frying Rabbits lb. 59 € BOSTON BUTI 45 € Coml)etitivc Prices On Famous Brand Hams Legs Narkot Lee Westlund, Proprietor :,, : :.: I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kowalczyk, BOX 97/Allyn, are the parents of a girl born December 14 at Shel- ton General hospital. SON BORN DECEMBER 16 A son. was born December 16 at Shelton General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leonard, Star at. 2, Box 38-A. HICKSONS HAVE GIRL Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hickson, Star Rt. 2, Box 83-B, are the par- ents of a girl born December 17 at Shelton General hospital. At the four-corners Vaughn cut- off, the Carney Lake r o a d branches north several miles to the well. The road is narrow, rutted and rough. Motorists going in are cau- tioned to be extremely careful, since corners are "blind," and much of the road is wide enough only for one vehicle at a time. GEOLOGIST STANTON of the Union Oil Company said, "Any flow of gas or oil in quantity will be produced immediately." If the new wildcat well is productive, it will not be plugged. The people can speculate all GIRL FOR LANDIS' they want. Chances of a strike Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Landis, Star can neither be reliably guessed or Rt. 1, are the parents of a girl scientifically estimated, born December 19 at Shelton Gen- eral hospital. The only sound and durable foundation for true fellowship and brotherhood is love for God, and the teachings of Christ (Jesus) that direct us in love for others, .--Henry Geerlings Chcr=shcd m our hc,rts, the great(st hohday of all rcncws ItS happiness each )'car. A very Merry Chr:smms. RAU'S CHICKEN DINNER INN HOOD CANAL SERVING CHRISTMAS DAY 12 Noon to 8 P.M. New Year's Eve DINNER DANCING FAVORS TEL. UNION 294 #w + 1 . .o + il • Naturally, there is a , .......... ° Santa Claus---iust as i!iil;+ *- o __ O naturally as there are I:U b,! + cN,,00r00n, one even 22.2 + o o doubts that any more. --g-d------,s-- "--"-  ii!i! 0 • " H o @ Just ,ve way to the spirit +++:++ +++,+++ 2 the season and share of ioy SOME'rilING FROM YOUR JEWELEI, IS ALXVAYS SOMETfIING SPECIAL F. E. BECKWITH Jewelry - Gifts 129 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 143 i