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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Decembor 22, 3949. THE SHELTON HOTEL Extends to It: Many Friends 1 ;Off S %1 Our Coffee Shop Will Be Closed Christmas :Ss Day Home of domestic and foreign dishes • , . hot muffins with every meal . . . personal attention to salads. Best Food in Town at Popular Prices Open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily llIG Gifts that make every day--as merry as Christmas! Each one means many hours saved in daily chores--many extra hours for fun! COLLINS ELECTED !DEMOCRATIC CLUB I LE1A DE foF2R J257 cou n- ty D,,rnocrtttic Chlb met in tho COllrthollso hlst Thursday and elecic(I officers for the 1950 term. Kcarney Collins was named pres- ident. OTHER OFFICERS of the new group inch=de Helen Savage, vice president; Kathryn Miller, secre- tary; Don Baker, treasurer; Carl Emsley, entertainment chairman; Cliff. Collins, sergeant-at-arms, and George Clifton, representa- tive to the Nine County League. Kermit Ness, Don Baker and Charles Savage have vohmteered to assist the entertainment chnir- man in preparing programs for each monthly meeting. THERE ARE OVER 80 mem- bers in the chlb, and it was de- cided to leave the charter open until membership reaches 100. This means that only a few more SI-IELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL I Money and Foods Pool Is Enlarged By Graf, Kiddies A total of 442 individual pack- ages of fruit, vegetables, meat, miscellaneous gro(.eries, including a dozen eggs and cash to the amount of $16.16 will I)e Gus Graf's eontribution to needy peo- ple of Mason County this Christ- mas. THAT AVAI,ANCIIE of good things to hearten the Christmas of deserving but ill-fro'tuned peo- ple of this area was tut'ned over this week to the 40 and 8-Mason County ,lourrvl Christmas fund, proceeds from two kiddies mati- nees held Saturday afternoon at the Paramount theatre. Expenses for the shows of over $50 were defrayed by Mr. Graf, who has always heen an enthusi- astic supporter of things that are m In these last few shopping days before Christmas, we are offering REDUCED PRICES on Many Gift Items • • '0 Electric Blankets and Heating Pads SUN LAMPS -- CLOCKS Crosley Refrigerators, Ranges and Deepfreeze Units Beautiful CROSLEY RADIOS IN MANY LOVELY CABINET COLORS Green - Yellow - Black - Gray - Olive - White Sunbeam Electric Shavers, Coffeemasters, Toastmasters, Mixmasters Double and Single Waffle Irons Electric percolators; Irons, Vacuum Cleaners, Pressure Cookers, Toasters : may become charter, members. , but ood for' Shelton and it .nl the regular membership will be ° n '-"'th%WPa'a . , The _roceeds fiom ...... r_- unhmlted. . ..... mount shows, each individual qext m¢:eing Will e at 8 p m ..... .j package given as the admlssmn Saturday, January 28 Movies Will nrin fn ............  • • , ....... v a yuuagster, Will De be shown, placed with purchases that are to l ---- be made by the 40 and 8 corn-] It Also t$iees • . '.' . mlttee, the whole to be divided l The crag spiaer gets its name in .... • - . ' . ...... to individual family size boxes] Decanse it runs slQewlse like a I .- ............. ..... , anct UlStrlDtltect the uay before crab. I Christmas to needy Mason Coun-] i ty people. I [ THE 40 AND 8 committee is ! Now Hear This! (Corlti'ltllOt| Iroln Page ) slid a l)ox of good thing to eat have heen,rec(,ived and will be a Imri of the county-wide ('twist- nlus giving, TIlalll¢ yon for yollr kindness and colisi(lei'at h)n fol' others, girls of Troop No. 1, . Tliere nl'e M:III lois of olhers wiio have been nlnlged, cajoh,d lind iileaded with In an effort to slvell flu, fund for file Cliril- iuas effort to aid the needy tills {.liristiniis, Tlleir nanlel will not he relleated , bilt we allpi,ill t.ll theh" kindly offices to get lu "is w, llon llS lnl.slble so that tile gi- gantic ta.k of linrchaslng con- tents for the gift hoxes van be cOlnlileted hefore Saturday, The advent lif (!old weatller Ila i,lri- phasized tile need tills yea, r ill a community Christmas and all who have not responded to tile appeal carried in tllis column the last few weeks, are again reminded that the liilrlillse is worthy and shollhl be glvcn support hy those who are well ahle to afford lending it hcill- ing hand to Ilnforlunate neigh- bol'S. .:. Chris Kreienhaum, Simpson company official, now assigned important company functions with the California redwoods operations is to be a Stmlton visitor tomof I now at work receiving lists of row, wielding' the trowel arotmd people to be given the Christmas  the cornerstone of the new Stall)- cheer, and they desire that no son office building. We all know family be overlooked. :If there are that Chris would be bereft if el- any people who could be aided by 1 this campaign, the committee, } headed by Mel Dobson, would be l glad to receive the names. SEAALED I i CAMPAIGN LAGGING I The seal-sales drive for the Tu- berculosis League is progressing satisfactorily, but the receipts are lagging behind those of last year, reported Mrs. Vern Davidson, exe- cutive secretary for the Mason County chapter. Mrs. Davidson commended the junior and senior high school stu- dents for the contributions during the sale of Bangle pins. "The stu- dents gave quite a bit." "This one campaign for funds is the only source of income for the war against tuberculosis," said Mrs. Davidson. "We need the money to extend the case finding and education program another year." The first 20 days of the drive this year resulted in $2,112.85, compared to *the first 20 days of the campaign in 1948- -$2,476. :I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ---Christ Jesus An era in human history is the life of Jesus, and its immense in- fluence for good leaves all the perversion and supersitition that has accrued almost harmless. :±Emerson Journal Classit'iod Ad.--Inexpon.Iva and Efficioni. .o.u,,,,,, C, 00wRv 00o,o:jous NU-TONE DOOR CHIMES HOUR 0Uld Be a Wonderful Gift for the Home I PLEASANT/" Oster Hair Clippers L ' CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS Electric Trains • Killmer Electric A. D. Killmer LES & DICK'S Richfield Service Lea Young - Dick Gardner First at Railroad Telephone 664 207 Cots Street lowed to be overlooked in the first annual Christmas fund drive, so we are calling it to his attention. Mrs Isaac Prichard, so hlsy with imr multiferous Christmas chores, has prolmbly overlooked the purpose of this campaign and we are confident tlmt she wonld not knowingly let such an opportunity lmSS without do- ing Iwr good deed. We have as yet had no word I from the Junior Chamber of Commerce or the Active club, fa- mous throughout years past for their good deeds, and it would not be amiss for Super Ru(tie Oltman to gel, out his little note book and pass around the hat; among his associates. Another true manifestation of the Christmas spirit i evidenc- ed by the primary Cllildren of the Methodist Sunday school with their presentation of three boxes of food for the 40 and 8- Journal Christmas Fund distri- bution. The gift Is gratefully rc- ceived and thanks ar(, extenedcd to these kindly chihlren on be- half nf the needy folks who sllall he benefitted. , Heading this cohmm is a long list of cash donations which makes )oa,sible the purchase of a lot of things such as clothing, sustaining [ £OOtl' and Christmas.ys,-for; the [ kid t mak this th'c first annual ] 140 and 8-Mason County .lournl:at huge suecess. However, the kind- neas of Shelton and Mason county people has not only been manifest- ed by the fullness of their cash contributions. Included in the gift boxes that will be distributed by 40 and 8 Santa Claus helpers on Saturday will be toys which have been rebuilt and redecorated by Shelton firemen and policemen, presents for the youngsters from the Hoodsport Commercial chlb, food and presents from Girl Scout Troop No. 1, over 400 packages of food from the Paramotmt theatre matinees and a lot of other do- nations that have been received by the committee. Melmbers of the Shelton KI- wanis club, always in the thick of good deeds, abandoned their usual practice of giving gifts to each ofher at their Christmas party on Tuesday. Instead each member brought along  gift of food and placed it with ut!lers under the Christmas tree at Memorial hall. The whole collec- tion has been turned owr to the 40 and 8 committee and will be aied to help swell Santn's pack /for needy people of the corn' mimity. * :.. It can well be fe]t at this junc- ture of the game that the first annual community Christmas cam- paign Will be a full success and that many people will receive a bit; of cheer that would otherwise be. lacking. :It is the purpose of this department to acknowledge with thanks the privilege that has been given to The Journal in shar, ing the effort and in turn we would like to direct a big word of ,thanks to all who have had a part. $77,000,000 Bridge Most costly totl bridgc in the United States is the San Francis- co-Oakland Bay Bridge, built at a total cost of $77,000,000. ..................... .... "' ": ......... .'"  -' ...... C" ........ ". LiT "''¸¸ Shelton Valley Had 'Two, Inches 0f Snow Sunday By .igne A. Kueeland Stlnday [)eC(llicr 18 the Valley folRs had two inches of snow to shovcl off t.heir walks and g:lve those who had sleds a chance to use them. At this writing snow is falling aml gives promise  of a white Christmas, The Chri:tlnas party giveu by Shelton Grange 403 December 15 was attended by Santa who gave out candy and popcorn to a goodly nunlber of children, tie also had I)resents for some of tim older folks. The hall was nicely decorated, Tile work was done by , J. Keith Bennett and Miss Peggy Slater. Pothmk supper was served to abont 80 people earlier in the  evening. Prior to tbe Christmas party the community ladies met at Echo ranch to sack candy and nuts for the party. The 4-H put on the entertainment. Miss Mary Ann Slatei" sang "Ave Maria" ac- companied on the piano by her sister Peggy. This correspondent didnot at- teml the inslallation of grange of- fleers December llth owing to a chance she had to go to Vaneouv- er, B.C.. where she bad not been before. The trip was made with Mrs. Hazel Tiffany and a friend of Mrs., Tiffany's from Tacoma. Snow was falling when they reached Westminister which made !__ driving hazardous but they en- countered nothing but a flat tire just as the car was stopping in front of the hotel where they planned staying While in Van- COllver. While in the city they were din- ,net' guests of Mr. and Mrs. W., McLallen of that city, friends of the Kneelands, of Seattle• They also stopped at the Kneeland home in Seattle going north and com- ing back. Mr. Kneeland is a son of your correspondent. Mrs. F. Warren and daughter Mrs. McAfferty were in Seattle window shopping Saturday of last week. Walter Cooke and A. R. Hackerd were in 2¢acoma on business Wed- nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Coffman spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kneeland at, their High- land home in Shelton Valley. Pin- ochle wasplayed afterwards. Mrs. Kneeland served a light lunch. Mrs.' :Inga Kneeland spent the week end at her daughter and son-in-law's place, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glover. Sunday afLernoon! she called on the Highlands folks. Hewit Slater and his sister Bet- ty are tlome from college for the holidays. Hewit and a few other boys came as far as Tacoma from Pullman on a load of loose hay I Page 7 I III II I I II " , "; 11 "ll, ,,,, ...... ,, ....... , II,F " Morgan & Eacrett Lumber Co. 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY Phone 656 for PITTSBURGH PAINTS HAULING BUILDING SUPPLIES , , !' " I I I I I III I IIIIIII I I 1949 """ "':: the words "Merry Christ. ,: :. -.. ,'.', : mas" come to you with our • "." hope that all the season's ',':: . happiness and joy be yours. • ...= !:!:. MERRITT EELLS and GEORGE VALLEV EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER 123 South 2nd Street Phone 334 piled on a truck ..... Bub.b!ing al/ over from C' HEAD to ... in her LITTLE LADY bubble bath! And when she is dry, a dash of LITTLE LADY'S delicately rose-scented toilet water and... behold . ; . a "perJect little ladyl Twin Set: Toilet Water and Bub T ble Bath or Toilet Water and Hand Lotion • .., . .-.,.'LTs_  .,45 advertised in i llllli ta= LIfE KIDDIES KORNER by I Established 1895 t I Enjoyed and Appreciated Every Week By fi.,,,,d the One You Wish to Remember $3 50 S2 REMINDERS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR OF YOUR CHRISTrdhs THOUGHTFULNESS ! • • • O • • O .... • • What would be more appreciated this Christ- What a pleasant ralld convenient way to solve And, too, it is a gift that lasts ,throughout the i t i' € mas than a subscription to the home town news- the Christmas gift problem! It is so easy, and year' and will be sincerely appreciated by the . r paper?, as a rime-saver'it's wonderful, whole family. " . ' .... u,  . . .... • .......................... , .,.,,..-..,-*,,i,,,...,i.i . , ......... ..-.**. ..i.. .L i,',  . llli,,It .........  -- . . ............................... 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