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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,I:ag,, s 15heltol LO.O.F. No. 6:1 Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.m. l.().O.i,&apos;. ItALL Visiting Members will be Cordially Welcomel TItOMA J. WATTS, Jr,, N.G. Thomas C, Myers, Sccrelary , lrul)y Rebekah Lodge No. 75 Meets 2nO & Fourth Fridays EEULAII IIP]LSER, N.G. ]tELEN COLE, Secretary , ..*i ,I .:' Vc(."i /? o V T ] i e I'AUNDLRE00[ I E 's BEST 7 9 gv:ci ,A 9 A truly Merry Christmas to our good friends and ltl(,Ll00,Y S Adjacent tu Airport (.;At and IIA3NE I I I Outdoor Trees Decorated By Residents :Shelton Strings of radiantdecorations, moat of the brilliance shining into lighted trees and a bright nativity scene in downtown Shelton aren't the only decorations hepalding Christmas here. The residential areas aLo have captivating cen- ters ofYule adornment, ON A TUESI)AY night check of lights trimming a tall holly tree in J: W. Grisdale's front yard, 629 Birch Street. Next door, the Harold Ahlskogs have two evergreens glittering with colored lights. The trees are spaced evenly from both sides of their walk..On the other side of the Grisdale"" home the colored gleams of outdoor bulbs rivet the attention to the Frank Travis home, Seventh lind Bircl streets. EAST AROUND TIlE corner are displayed the Yule imagina- tions of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Conkey and Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper. Outdoor lamps color the night air on two sides of the McConkey home, while the Crop- pers have illuminated their porch alcuve and strung lights around the house's eves. Both families live on North Sixth Street. At Cliff Wivell's home at Sixth and Alder, a velical row of lights ot,tlines the front door, while lights glow on a small fii" on the lawn. One of the most symmetrically perfect tree3 seen was that of Red Clothier, 403 North Seventh. The tall evergreen in his lawn is cut into vertical seams with vertical rows of colored bulbs that meet at the top. The effect is outstand- ing. ON NORTH FOURTH Street there Is a cluster of homes that have outdoor trees lighted up. Mrs. W. F. Roberts at 720 North Fourth has a large ornamental cedar that shines with its Christ- mas greetings. Her neighbors hav- ing' shrubs with glittering trees arc Pete Hawley, Alice Dielle and Mrs. Susie Pauley. Going east, your scribe was stopped by the welcoming Santa face on the door of Mr. and Mrs. M S. Preppernau's home, 621 North Second, They also have an outdoor fir that gleams. From Preppernau's residence Ban be seen the sparkling radiance of a six-foul tree beside the M. L. Wertman home. 622 North Second. In town was seen a lighted tree in front of City Hall, and farther west on Franklin were two ilhim- lasted firs in front of Ed Elliott's , home: These are put np every year, OFI," ltAILROAD Avenue at 118 South Seventl a small tree in front of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferris captures the eye with its signals of shining lig'hts. West on Shelton's broad new street two more outdoor trees with lights are to be seen They are the work of Walter Jensen at Twelfth and Ralh'oad And,Mr. and Mrs. Babe Carlson, 1105 Railroad. Just south of RaSh'cad Avenue the outdoor decorations are few, but Angleside is well illuminated. Most of the homes in that dis- trio( have wide windows, and the Yule cheer (rein parlor trees are (,ifftls(.d througl glass• Some of the homes have doors wreathed witl rows uf gleaming color. OVER ON MOUNTAIN View Too Late to Classify F()R SALE: curv,d corner ],-,haped di.l)Jay ,(itllltt'F ¢'ate. lidillg dool'8. $50. Inquli'v Pvarl's Ca(c, J2-22--1-5 itilO /i-LOOR spi;c'bii Chev{.Sh, t-addm- radio and heater, white sidewall tires, new paint, good condition, Phone 17-M. K12-221 fe IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllll reasonable, Inquire 3t7;& St,, Second o after 5:30 p.m. D12-2.tfn 1± L [ jj . [ I I I the:' night is from trees within the homes. Indoor decoration with out- door appeal through glass seems to be the most popular of all other decorations in the city and its surrounding suburbs. on outdoor decorations in the resi- Winter's weather chill is offset denti'd portions near the city,sIbY the warmth of lights that are heart, your Journal scribe found l strung for the advent of Christ- that many of the inhabitants had[ mas" Those having time are en- expended considerable time, ira-I c°uraged to drive about in Shel- agination and effort m setting tlpl t°n during an evening before Ynletirne scenes, i Christmas to view the original In tile vicinity of the high,and beautiful adornments put up school are some of the best private by the residents. Yule decorations in town. They seem  taper from the splendor ,. CHRISMAS lrlli &HD GMCs "Deliver the Goods" Fotwl, furniture and fuel oil . . . the tree, the turkeY, the toys . . . almott everything that moves by motor truck makes its contribution toward a Merry Christmas. Now better equipped to "deliver the goods" than aver bsfore, touh, truck-built GMCs offer powerful, valve-in-head gasoline enginH or famed, 2-cycle Diesel models. • • strong, sturdy chassis wlth rugged axles, springs and brakes • . . outstanding perform- ance and dependability, unexcelled efficiency and economy. There's a better-built GMC for all hauling jobs . . • for every transportation task • • • Christmas time and all the timel TRUCKS GMC Trtple.Ckeekad used h'uek are a Ioed investment tkr ways... In Appearant i Parlormancel In Value Sheiton Motor Co. 233 S, FIRST STREET -- SHELTON, WASH. SHELTON - MASON COUNTY JOURNAE AMONG YOUR MERCHANTS PAUI.INE tiARRIS LEAVIN(i Mrs. Pauline ltarris, manager anti buyer for the reddy-to-wear department at the Lmnbcrmen's MercAntile Company since Janu- !ary 1946, is leaving' the firm after the close of business this Satur- day to accept a position as a manufacturer's representative for a sportswear firm, She will travel in Washington, Oregon and California in her new )osition, Mrs. Harris came to Shelton :rein Seattle, where she had been buyer for I. Magnin Cu. for sev- eral years, and during her four store's accessories and lingerie dc- partmenL since its creation three y ca ,:.; ago. year, wiih the I,.M. r,':ldy-lo-'wua: department has covcl'ed (,irlli:dly all the style markets on the t'a:i- fie Coast and ,onw in the ]qtl:;t ill her efforts to provide the llOwest styles ill leady-to=wear articles for Mason County femmity. She has also hecn inslrumontal in staging the annual spring style shows sponsored hy the Lincoln P.-T.A., acting a: (!(ilnnlenlator during their presontntions and di- recting intlci of the l)reparatio]l. Her duties as lilallagcr (>f the L.M. rezl(ty-i o-we-ir dupai't m(,nl are being assillod (.O 3ira. Marion Malltrlnan, who ]las l]ilinaged the i ()T'I'O KI!3IP ()N 'I'I.IP "l'onsolial Ol)Ct.a | ioP,,; a L ill<' ().. J.7ai'hel' Shop ill the (.lover Build- in:.; ill he llllctel Lhe sole gtlid- allot' of Bill (]olih, Ii fOl' the next thl'ee weeks while title KIinlll takes his ,annual Christl-nas trip tO SOtlthern California. As usllal, hc i,<; flying both ways. Oilo leaves Christmas five for Santa Barbara to spend Christ- n]as aild Now Years and a fc\\;v cxlrll (lays with his danghter and t;on-in-ta\\;v, 511'. tn(l MI'S. Chal'lcs Kneeland and their children. I'RE-INVENTOIIY SALE Iirst of the year-enll inveniory :sales to be advertised ix one start- ing Friday /tomovrow) at the tlitlcrest Hardware, where Owner Jhn i{olih is knocking fiorn ten to L)5 l)er cent off regtilal' prices (:n vi:'l:ually till i nel'chandisc in his ,;tol'O to (•leaf the (tecks as nluch :s lossible before starting inven- tory, The sale continues through Dec- ember 31. As a kick-off off(r, (:leh lady vi:itcr to the Hill(rest i ttar(hvare this Friday will receive absohitely free and with no obli- !gatioi\\;s attached :;ix pyrex chip : resistant water glasses. NEW I(N AT ()LEN', One of the nice improvements at ,ith and Cola streets which came during the Christmas hustle and hustle is an attractive new STORE OPEN TONIGHT & FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. i TURKEYS Fresh N.Y. Dressed, Prime, Washington - p Broadbrea*st Hen or Tom Turkeys. We will make them oven-ready! Every bird guaran- teed perfect or your money back! N.Y. Dressed N.Y. Dresled Fancy Toms N.Y. Dressed Prime Hens Under 24 Ibs. Large Toms Lb. $7' Lb. 47= Lb, 43* Oven Ready Eviscerated These grade "A" Tur. HENS TOMS keys Are feaster-ready! Economical because Lb. Lb. thet'e's no waste pay 67 ¢ 55* forl - - t ' • -ll . +t I I - - - BELTSVILLE TURKEYS .... lb, 65¢ Evisc, Roasting Chickens ...... lb, 69¢ Evisc. Frying Chickens ........ lb. 63¢ Evise. Fowl for fricassee .... lb. 59¢ Also Eviscerated Ducks and Geese I Skinned Ham Hormel "Dairy," Rath "Black Hawk," Diamond "F," Armour Star. 12 to 16 Ibs. S3* Pound ............................ I Smoked Picnics Rath "Black Hawk." Swift "Premium." Oscar Mayer and other popo,ar bra.d 3;3  5 to 8-1bs. Pound .... Sliced Bacon. Special Cudahx's "Jack Sprat" ... mild Eastern-cured. 39 ¢ Big Value Lb ...... Rih end. loin :. Pork Roast ...... lb, ,t1¢ "'w' Center cuts. loin Pork Chops __. lb. 49¢ . Fresh. whole or half ., Pork Leg ........ lb. ,t9¢ ¢:j U.S. G,':lded "good" Leg O'Lamb .... lb. 65¢ U.S. "Good" sta.nding hoe( :' Rib Roast ........ lb, (;7¢ Freshly made, all pure icef Groulld Beef .. lb. 45¢ :. EGGS Strictly fresh, Grade "AA" Medium, DOZ 43 ¢ VELVEETA Kraft's C heeae Food 2 79* CAMPBELL'S Tomato SOUP Serve 8teaming Bowls of Hot 8oup 10Yz-OZ. € TIN8 An All-Purpose Vegetable Shortening Royal Satin Shortening ...................................... 3-lb. 67¢ Guaranteed Fresh. Sunnybank or Durkee Margarine ........................................ l-lb. 2 for 57¢ Smooth, fine flavor Dalwood Margerine .................................. l-lb. 2 for 49¢ Cherub or Darigold" Evaporated Milk ............................................................ 10¢ Pet, Carnation or Borden's Evaporated Milk ............................................ 3 tall for 35¢ Grade "A" Homogenized or Regular Lucerne Milk ............................................................ qt. 17¢ Milled especially for home baking (50 lbs, $3.79) Kitchen Craft Flour ........................................... 10-lb. 83¢ Nob Hill Coffee DeLuxe Blend '(l-lb. 62¢) Airway Coffee Brazilian Blend ( 59¢) SUNK] NAVELS ................ lb. 7 ¢ Fancy, large size, sweet and juicy, Best quality in years! Buy ll Caae for the holiday seasonl (Yz Case $2.49 - Case $4.89) FLORIDA ORANGES'. ....... 5-lb. bag 43 ¢ The=e medium size oranges are popping with juice. They're extra sweetl POTA3; 0ES, NO. 2 50 lbs. 1.05 CELERY ...... lb. 6 ½ ¢. YAMS ............ lb. 10¢ Fancy, red ripe Tomatoes .................... ctn, 17¢ Florida, sweet, easy to pccl Tangerines .............. 2 lbs. 27¢ Golden Ripe Banalias .................... 2 lbs. 35¢ Fancy and extra fancy Delicious Apples ...... 3 ibs. 29¢ . 2-lb. pkg. 1,23 2-lb. pkg. 1.1'7 Thursday, December neon sign hung at niture building IN OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS THIS 8TORE WILL REMAIN CLOSED SUNDAY AND MONDAY. DECEMBER AND 26. Supplemental Budget Is A supplemental road Mason county was ads commissioners during 8. held December ]2. A $16,220 has been use this year. The over-run from the tax receipts for the year estimated at $10,720, ceeds from the sale of amounted to $5,500." written into the current get.. JELLO MINCEMEAT . Cranberry Sauce For better desserts, make Valamont is moist and No Xmas dinner is com. your choice from 6 deli rich with that old lash- plete without Ocean Spray ious var- " 5 ioned 27- 4Q€ Whole or 41/41411 ieties. Pkg taste, jellied. '/'b OZ. illW 16-oz. Can i i Nonostlch, Col(lelSC, made by lorden's MINCEMEAT ...... 9-oz. 2 for 35¢ T;lyl()r, Vacutun packed. 18-Oz. SWEET POTATOES ............ 19¢ I)el Monte Whole. 29-oz. jar SPICEI) PEACHES ............... 37¢ b;liced t:lawaiial. 30-Oz t I)OLE PINEAPPLE ............ 32¢ \\;Vcstfair, (;ohh,l! and I)elicious APPLE JUICE ................. (It. 19¢ Sunny Dawn, fresh flavor (1S-oz. 11¢) TOMATO JUICE ........ 46-oz. 24¢ HEINZ PUDDINGS Genuine old fashioned style. Choose either the Fig or Plum Pudding ........ 14-OZ. 49 ¢ Jumbo Size, Tend(r, Libby's. 20-oz. . SWEET PEAS ................ 2 for 1 Select Quality, Cut, Briargate GREEN BEANS ........ 19-oz. Guaranteed Fresh (Pint 36¢) Quart NU MADE MAYONNAISE Nalley's - 8-Ouucc COCKTAIL SAUCE ............ Heinz, Fresh. 2,1-Ounce CUCUMBER PICKLES AIvrays Tempting, Grandee. 41/-Oz. STUFFED OIdVES ..... i ........ PINEAPPLE Hills Dale, Half Slices in heavy Syrup illlll € No. 2/2 Tin .............. C:unel, Lucky Strike, Raleigh CIGARETTES .............. ctn. 1.8(,) t'rince Albert or VELVET TOBACCO .. l-lb. 83¢ Sir Walter Raleigh TOBACCO ...................... l-lb. 96¢ George Washington TOBACCO. ................... l-lb, 69¢ Merry Mix (Plus Deposit) 32-Ounce SPARKLING WATER 2 for 29¢ Cap.adu Dry (Plus Deposit) GINGER ALE ............ 28-oz. 20¢ In Carrim's (Plus Deposit} COCA COLA ........ 6-oz. 6 for 25¢ Roma or Guild Calif. "Wines. Sherry, PORT OR MUSCATEL 5th 1.05 Priwtte Reserve Wash. Wines. 5th SHERRY, Port or Muscatel 93¢ Christmas Pack Canned Beer. Case of 12 RAINIER BEER ...... 12-oz. 1.80 Iudweiser Cimmd Beer (Cs. of 24, 4.29) 12-oz. CANNED BEER ........ 2 for 37¢ Candy Savings Bonn's. Hand dipped, cream center (l-lb. 89¢) C "I " "I .'I71 HOCOLXI ES .... 1.69 SATIN MIX CANDY, Ultra fine, gum drops, orange slices ........................................ 1-1b. 25¢ CHOCOLATE DROPS, Tuxedo ................ l-lb. 29¢ ALMOND CLUSTERS, Tuxedo ......... 7-oz. 31€ COVERED CHERRIES, Chase Chocohtte l-lb. 59¢ MILK CHOCOLATE, Baker'sFarmington Ib. 39€ UBBY Solid Pack, Fancy, Ready to Use 29-Ounce 2 For New Crop Nuts S & W. Sclect Quality MIXED NUTS .. l-lb. 47 ¢ WALNUTS, t )i'ide of Orcgon, niediuiu Fran- (]UCttCS .......................................... l-lb, 39¢ FILBERTS, Bluc Pirate, Barcelona Igc. 1-1b. 35¢ ALMONDS, Bluc Diamond, IX ............ 1-1b. 30¢ PECANS, extra large, bleached ...... l-lb, 49¢ ordo, Fancy Hallows PITTED DATES .......... Fancy, sclccted, puffed SUN MAID.RAISINS 15-oz. New Crop, freshly shelled (l-lb. 1.13) WALNUT MEATS .... I-lb. Rich in flavor, Westag (4-oz. 10€) 8-oZ. VANILLA FLAVORING .... Orange Pekoc & Pekoe (16 bags 17¢) 48 CATERBURY BLACK TEA Plain or Iodized SNO WHITE SALT 26-oz. Your pets wil llike this. 15-ounce PLAYFAIR DOG FOOD .... Fine Gra:mlated (23-oz. 25¢) 46-Oz. WHITE MAGIC SOAP ........ ScrAtch removing. 6-Oz. OLD ENGLISH POLISH .... Wright's. 8-Oz. SILVER CREAM POLISH .. G.E. Inside Frosted - 75 or 100 Watt LIGHT GLOBES ........ each Green C, iant Peas Snowdrift Great Big Peas 20 17-Ounce ...................... .€ Vacuum pack, with red and A Creamy-White Shortening. 3-Lb. Niblets Mexicorn Green Peppers lbl 12-Ounce .................... Crisco A Pure Vegetable Shortening. 3-Lb. ' Niblets Corn V Acu.m Pack, w,,o,o 17 € Kernel, 12-Oz .......... Crackers Crisp and Fresh. Sun- shine Krispy. 1-Lb ..... Albers Oats Nourishing and ta,ty. 37 € Quick & Reg ..... 3-Lb. Dog Food Give your dog Pard. / 16-oz ................. 2 FOR NO 5ALES TO DEALERS. SORRY, WE MUST RESERVE THE R TO LIMIT QUANTITIES.