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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAI3 December 22, 1949. L. Marble eesentlng the COMPANY and Personal Accident lind Health Insurance Stevens Phone 854 Not So Funny l ,vvvvvvv-r-rvvvvvvvvv-wvvv l*houh oe,iller,  studio,sl Kamilche News English actor, never wrote a hu- rlorous line. in his life, his natne vvv,r,vv-vv,rv,r,vvvvvv was connected in jest with a cheap joke book published a year after his death in J738. As a resuh, joke books have been referred to as "Joe Millers" since that time. Well Drilling Water Wells-- Tesf Holes Bedell Drilling Co. LAURENCE BEDELL Phone 1024 Route 3, Box 101, 8helton I By l.crtha 'taylor Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Cole and children of Tacoma visited over the week end at the Leon Cole home. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Ellenberger of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barr and children of Troutdale, Ore., spent the week end with Mrs. G. and sister, Mrs. E. W. Taylor. Bobby Scott left for Seattle on Monday, and has hopes to enter the service. Best of luck, Bob. Kamilche Point folks are very happy. They have finally gotten the new 'phone line and have new 'phones. Progress Grange will have its Christmas party Friday evening of this week. There will be an exchange of presents. The Church at Kamilche will give a program on Thursday eve- ning of this week. Prices for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 22, 23 and 24 Closed Christmas v'0TEIRS CREATE FIRE DISTRICT FOR GRAPEVIEW, ELFA;T HEADS By Strlckhmd and Spooner held their regular meeting after Grapeview is now organized in sclmol at the home of their lead- a fire protection district. The ac- er, Mrs. Web Etherton. As this tion was taken Saturday, Decem- was their meeting nearest Christ- her 17 when the citizens of the mas, they had their gift exchange. community voted 75 to 1 for the AFTER ENJOYING a buffet district. [supper with Mrs. Etherton, they Interim commissioners were el-Iwent to the school house, where ected until the fall of 1950. They they were joined by their parents are J. F. Stevens, H. E. Seiners ! and a large number of other mem- and H. M. Strickland. bers of the community to hear the THE FORMATION of a fire 4-H program described by Andrew protection district means that be-i Kruiswyk, Jr., Mason County ex- ginning in March, 1951, tax money  tension agent, and Miss h'ene will be available for the runniflg expenses of the Vohmteer Fire Department. Donations from the community will still be needed to provide running expenses until that time, as well as for the extra expense of finishing the fire hall, as tax revenue will not take care of extras. The firemen, of course, will al- ways be making a donation of time. The district will bring enough financial relief tlmt it will he longer be necessary to provide for upkeep and current expenses by fund-raising drives, and this is generally regarded as an improve- ment. WATCHING THE polls for 12 hours is a tedious job, so last Sat- urday's election judges, ClifBar- ett. Mrs. Swan Maki, and Mrs. Joe Tschida, were greatly cheered by a tasty, hot dinner brought to them by Mrs. Barrett. Among the singers at the Junior High School concert last week! Burkhart and Betty Hawson. _ _ _ _ _  ......__. were two from Grape view, Carol Mrs. Dan Taylor. There was a P large attendance. Cards were OF THE    _- -----"11 played as uual. >MENTQuALITY HOLIDAY / p-l]]f'-O'-'-7" "'" 11 The CampFireGirlshadavery busy time last Thursday. They 'CAND'ESAONOTS/ " ]lllll@l[ |[|$ t" - .]11 KEEP TRAGEDY i e"'-- " ='-----  }11 FR01VI MARRING JELL0 SixFlavors ........ package S € YULE PLEASURE Traffic deaths for the month of UMPKIN ' 5 _ o,oooe0 00,o, p - Dewkist ........ 1-1b tin cent below tim fatality figure for December 1948. "However," said Chief Pryde of the Washington State Patrol, "the worst is yet to CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 29 _o^.,. The combination of winter OCEAN SPRAY weather and poor motoring and for € pedestrian practices may gradual- • ....... ly take its toll before the year is HUNT'S FOR'QUALITY • °VAIN SNOW, ICE and longer FRUIT C0CKTAE ........ No. 2'A tm 29= ity and increase driving hazards to both motorists and pedestrians. ............ No. 1 tall tin A motorist has to see danger in LIBBY'S LARGE • order to avoid it. Lights, wind- RIPE 0LIVES shiekl wipers and defrosters must be kept in good working order. Drivers must be alert and aware of the existing hazards and prepared LIBBY'S SLICED OR CRUSHED to meet any emergency that might arise• While the number of fatal ac- cidents has been reduced ' this" year, the personal injury and property damage toll keeps mount- ing. "Each month hundreds of persons are painfully injured, bones broken and bodies mangled, cars demolished, property dam- aged or destroyed in traffic acci- dents," the Chief said. WITH TIIE COOPERATION and support of every citizen of the state, this Chirstmas can be an extra special one for motorists and pedestrians in Washington-- extra cautious, extra careful, and extra safe, for winter brings ex- tra dangers and *hazards to our ntreets and highways. Pedestrians, don't let death dodge your footsteps, and motor- isis, don't let death ride as the unseen passenger in your c,}: said Chief Pryde. Letter To Santa By Yernabelle Botts Dear Santa---You may think high-school aged children are a little too mature to still believe in the folklore about your annual visit on Christmas Eve. In a way we are metering in mind and body so that our childhood times are beginning to feel cherished in our memories. However, we are also thinking of the future-both ours, our children and theh.s to come. We are wondering, if not in a direct way, whether our children will be- lieve in Santa Claus. Will they be free, happy, carefree children like we have been, and in many ways still are, or will they be hungry, unhealthy, wanting of bread and milk more than wanting toys or sweets ? We are wondering, Santa, and hoping with all our hearts that God will protect us and keep all evil from rich or poor, be we yel- low, black or white. May God justify the unjust, free the burdened and enslaved, feed the hungry, heal the sick and No. 2 can 29= 2 qts 29 = 8-oz. ti. 29 e IIIQUIRT, LEMON SOUR, LIME RICKEY CAMMARANO MIXERS ...... PLANTERS COCKTAIL PEANUTS ...... PACIFIC PEARL CRAB MEAT .............. 71/-oz. tin SS¢ HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP - 2]= ............... 14 oz. bottle i CHOW MEAT CUTS .... I FRESH LOCAL REDS Piedalue, the home demonstration agent. An enjoyable Christmas party was held at the H. P. Hillman home last Friday .afternoon by the members of the Sarah Eckert Or- thopedic Auxiliary. After a short business meeting, Christmas car- ols were sung and gifts exchang- ed. Mrs. C. D. Bush was the lucky winner of the big candle donated each year by Mrs. Hillman. A delicious buffet luncheon was serv- ed, with Mrs. Paul Luther and Mrs. Don Pennebera pouring. THE SCHOOL STAGE has been moved into Mrs. Leevers' room in preparation for the annual Christ- Jnas program to be held Thursday evening; December 22. The stage was cut into three sections and will eventually be stored in the basement. Mr. and Mrs. Al Krahn have bought a new home tn Seattle and are moving there this week. They have been living on Miss Hattie  Barker's place. L 98 i Fred Schwinn, who arrived re- ¢ cently from San Antonio, has an extended leave which will enable him to stay home over Christmas. _&. |O From here, on December 26 he will go to Wichita Falls, Teaxs,  where he will be in techn,al 1. school. __ CHRI$1rMA5 YA:E!., i, Dayton Christmas - Party.yBigoso Success.o SUPERB RAYONS i The annual Christmas Commun- r FROM PENNEY'S WORLD OF ity party was well attended last Saturday evening. The Dayton community hall was gayly decor- ated by the committee of BOb Le- THRIFTY GIFTS ! man, Ralph Kellough, Mrs. Witt k Ramey and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- i neth Myers. A VERY NICE Christmas pro-  These Towncraft* ties are the kind a man can knot gram was put on by the children in the community. Santa Claus  day after day and they'll still look Christmas-fresh passed out gifts to small young- sters. (the fabric is that good). Patterns are botd but After the program a hmch of ..- .not brazem Colors arc as ful! of life as a desert cake and gelatine was served by: Mrs. Kenneth Myers, Mrs. Jim sunset. Every tie is crafted weth extra care. • • Bailey, Mrs. Ralph Kellough and  designed with good taste in mind, and priced Mrs. Archie Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson are 1 far below its custom shop looks .. ,98¢ - 1.49. paents of a baby girl born Sat- urday, December 17. Jimmy Leman, home from school Rayon SPORT SHIRTS s,=osM00 2.98 WolllCrl'S BOXED HANKIES 49*- 1.49 Womena HANDBAGS t.9s. 2.98 White Broadcloth DRESS SHIRTS silo 1€}. 172,98 with a bad cold, will miss all this week. He is in the lit'at grade and regrets missing Ch;dstm0ipr0, grams. THE DAYTON lADlE8 Club met at the home of Mrs. Thelma Loertscher on Thursday, Decem- ber 15. A very nice chicken din- ner was served to ladies present. The dinner table was decorated in Christmas motifs. Later ladies exchanged Christ- mas gifts and cheer sisters for the year were revealed. THOSE PREENT were Mrs. Marion Rishel, Mrs. Margerite Lemke, Mrs. Edith Bell, Mrs. Gladys LaMent and' boys, Mrs. Francis Ramey, Mrs. Bea Bailey, Mrs. Tavia Kellough, Mrs. Mollie Morris, Mrs. Gertrude Scott. Mrs. Donna Wolden, Mrs. De- lores Swearinger, Mrs. Lois Tib- bets, Mrs. Rose Dennis, Mrs. Elain Myres, Mrs. Bertha Vaughn, Mrs. Rose Bees, Mrs. Emma Clifford, Mrs. Thelma Loertscher, Mrs. Ann Wolden and son. Mrs. Hazel Leman and son, Mrs. Hazel Williams and Jane, Mrs. Dust Pastel Broadcloth SHIRTS S,ze to ,, 2,98 Mens Beacon Wool ROBES 6.90 t'lus Tax ful shepherds watched over their ' Sanforized lambs in the fields that Holy Size A-B-C-D Night, 1,949 years ago. May God keep the star shining a 1.98- 2,98 bright for the ages, spreading ,m..'. goodwill and love among men ev-  ................ ROASTING HENS ................... RATH'S - CARSTEN'S - HORMEL - FRYE'S - HALF OR WHOLE TENDERIZED HAMS ............... CARSTEN'S SLICED BACON ..................... PAN READY FRYERS FRESH RABBITS ................... WASHINGTON CO-OP BROADBREAST TURKEYS LOWEST MARKET PRICES I FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, [ Eatmor Brand - 1-1b, cello bag Medium Size Cranberries ..... 15 € Avocados .. 2 for 29 ¢ Fresh Green Stalks Large Size - High Color .... rangermes. 2 lbs. 27 = Celery .... lb. 7   " Fancy - Smooth Golden Ripe Sw. Potatoes 2 lbs. 25 € Bananas ...... lb, 19 ¢ Estelle Bunnell and Christy and Tommy, Mrs. Lois Scott and daughter, Mrs. Mable Kidd and son. Mrs. Dora Ogg joined the La- dies Club, and Mrs. Grace Hatch was a visitor. A SPECIAL GIFT from the club was sent to Mrs. Nell Me- Queen who was ill and could not attend the meeting. Mrs. Thelma Loertschcr a neck- lace gift for her kind hospitality. watch over His lambs as the faith- PAJAMAS BATII MAT Jacquard Revelible TOWELS SETS " RUGS .'x,',,..nd . 2.98- 4.98 12"x12" cloth 27¢ and FRIDAY UNFIL 9 P.M.  erywhere., Oh, Dear Santa, please if you FINAL CLEAN-UP - ALL TOYS GREATLY REDUCED can, fulfill every child's wish and try to grant the wish that I know '.rills STORE WILL BE OPEN is in every American's lieart--tlmt peace, understanding and broth- TONIGHT erly love will be the only laws needed throughout the world. 22"x44" bath %00 Enjoyed and Appreciated Every Week By the One You Wish to Remember $2 REMINDERS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR OF YOUR CHRISTMAS THOUGHTFULNESS • • • What would be more appreciated this Christ- mas titan a subscription to the home town news- paper? What a pleasant and convenient way to soh, e the Christmas gift problem! It is so easy, and as a time-saver it's wonderSul. A.d, too, it is a gift that lasts throughout the year and will be sincerely appreciated by the whole family.