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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HAPPY HOLIDAY to-all of you. ;;" May no cloud appear to disturb its serenity. BEST WISHES 1949 p A R A M 0 U N T THEATRE 8helton, Waeh. * WISHING ALL A MERRY XMA8 * Thursday - Friday, Dec. 22 2 TWO FEATURES LISLE- A .L_&N JON_E$ Plus DESERT FURY Saturday Only, Dec. 24 TWO FEATURES Alan Ladd Anne Baxter TWO YEARjS BLAZE BEFORE THE MAST OF NOON Sunday to Tuesday, Dec. 25 - 27 (Matinee Sunday and Monday) TWO FEATURBI State's Tree Growth-- Can It Be Doubled? This map shows that Washigton is more than half/orestland. Of 3,000,000 acres, o,000,o00 acres ars classified a ="* .,,;t.d /or tree produetlon.--commercial [oresflad. Under sponsorship of the Wash- Ington State Forestry Conference, a More Trees for Washington pro- gram is being launched this month, to continue indefinitely. Th primary objective of the project, according to Knut Lun- num, Extension Forester, who is also director of the cooperative program, is to increase woodland production, resulting in greater profits to woods owners and an in- creased flow of raw materials for forest industries. "Timber is one of our top agri- cultural products today," said Lun- num. "Over 700 wood-using plants directly employ more than 70,000 of our citizens. 0he-third of our people directly or indirectly get their living from the forest "But important as our forest pro- duction is now, it is well within the realm of possibility to double it." More Trees for Washington ia distributing thousands of booklets "Cash Crops from Washington Woodlands" throughout the state. Additional copies may he obtained from county agents, soil conserva- tion district supervisors, local for- esters and others. Filmstrips and motion picture shorts are also carrying the message that forest management pays dividends. Co- operating in this project is the American Forest Products Indus- tries of Washington, D. C., a national association of leading lumber, pulp and paper and ply- wood manufacturers. FILINGS CLOSED DECEMBER 21 ON SCHOOL DIRFL00I'0R ELECTION Last day to file candidacy for emergency exists. school director positions for next year was Wednesday, December 21. The elections will be held on the first Saturday in February. FOR MASON COUNTY'S school districts there are 20 positions to be filled. The advent of the school-direct- or elections has come up so quick- ly that many have been caught off guard. Previously the election time had been the first Saturday in March. In the new election laws of 1949 the school-director election was moved up to the first Saturday in February. "Every candidate for member- ship on a school board must file a declaralion of candidacy riot more than 60 days nor less than 45 days prior to the date of the election. Such declaration must ! bc filed with the clerk or secretary of the school district if the district is located in any county other than Clas. A or second class. "SCHOOL BOARD members who were elected for terms expir- ing on March 27, 1950, or on June 5, 1950, will continue in office m- til March 27 or June 5, as the case may %e. "Board members' elected for In a letter sent from the office terms expiring on January 2, 1950, of Pearl Wanamaker, state super- will continue in office until the intendent of instruction, to Bill twentieth day following the elec- Goodpaster county superintendent".tlon their successors. of schools, the instructions were '"After 195(} all board members given with regard to the election, will take office on the twentieth "ALTHOUGH THE letter was day following their election. dated December 5, it was not post-, "THE TERM of office of a per- marked until December 13, Good- son appointed to membership on a paster said. "We got the notifica- board of directors of a second or the morning of December ].5 ti]ird class district will expire on and started sending out notices to, the twentieth day following the the school district boards immcd- I date of the regular school election. lately." . . 1 "The notice required for the tog- Points m the electron law of l . . • ; . ular school distriet ection is pub- 1949 which pertain to Mason coun ' " ' ", lieation not more than ten days ty schools second and third class, l o s v , , , , n r les than three dajs rior to are as follows the election . , : . . j ........ in one o' more The law removes all prmr ds " . ....... " newspapers of general circulation tincttons between school districts ,,,th, ,  .... +, X ...... , within the same county with re " t tricts should comply with the re- spect to election date and the con- quirements of the forty-mill law duct of elections, whenever bond issues or excess "In all counties other than Class A or first class the regular school election in all districts will be held on the first Saturday in Febru- l ary. 1 "THE BOARDS of school direct-I ors must call and conduct all school elections and canvass the results thereof in all districts oth-. er than Class A or second class. , "A special election may be called by resolution of the board of di- rectors of the district whenever in the judgment of the board Frl.-Sttt., Dec. 23-24 TWO FEATURES "ARCTIC FURY" Del Ceunbee, Eve Miller Heroic Drama of a Doctor of Mercy -.-Second Feature .... "OLYMPIC CAVALCADE" Undoubtedly the greatest Sport picture ever made!! o Sunday-Monday-Tneuday levy propositions are submitted to a vote of the electors; that is, pub- lication and posting at least two weeks prior to the election. "IN ALL COUNTIES other than Class A or first class the directors of all districts may determine the voting places in their respective districts, "General election laws providing for absentee voting and sticker candidates are still in effect." Positions in Mason county school an districts which will expire next year and for which elections will be held for candidates include: District 2, Lower Skokomish, Theodore Pulsifer; district 3, Oak- land Bay, Lawrence Gosser, clerk; district 4, Forbes, Eugene E. Tay- lor: district 10, Union, Henry H. Blake; district 11, Oyster Bay, Dan Woods. DISTRICT 18, Allyn, Sam C. Corliss and R.  Shepherd, clerk; district 20, Tahuya, Earl L. Nel- son; district 42. Southside, Frank Wolf; district 45, Belfair, Rex P. Crossen, clerk; district 52, Victor, Harry L. Dahl; district 54, Grape- view, Howard E. Seiners. District 300. Agate, Philip D. Close; district 302, Harstine, M. L. Fessler. clerk; district 309, Shel- ton Consolidated, Oliver Ashford, third district, and Robert F. Bampton, fourth district; district CANAL WOMAN'S CLUB CLOSES YEAR WITH CHRISTMAS PARTY By lrraneo I{. llill A Ciu'islmas early, ca joyed by fl ia, rgc gl'Oll]) of lnt!ilb(,|',;, c]o;ed a l)nsy year Thm'.;(lay I'OF |}W' Hood ('anal Wo]nan'> ("lub. IltO(;RI4, (iN its .l)ocinl pro- jcct, with whiclt it has entered a national Connnunity-Bnilding' contest, was reported hy project (:hairman. Mrs. C. E. llill, This projecl, backing a col|nly-widc dental health proKr'am, must have a final report made to the Stale Federation by January 15, she explained. State winning project reports go to the Clencral Feder- ation by Fet)nrry 15. In addition to money raised for promotion of the dental-health program, the Hood Canal Wom- an's club has contributed Is lhe Tuberculosis Association, "Save l the Children Federation," tie i county Bookmobile fund and other I community needs during 1949. I Members added over $800 to its, own clubhouse fund wittl a three- day clambake on the Lahor Day week-end. MR,. VIRGINIA DeBard pre- sided over the morning business session, in the absence of the pres- ident, Mrs. Kenneth Bitney, who has been ill. Luncheon, for which a group of lYnion lnembers were hostesses, was served in tile downstairs din- ing room at gaily decorated tables. Here also was a Christmas tree, featuring Christmas card decora- tions, arranged by the party pro- gram chairman, Mrs. Robert A. Smith. Yuletide songs by pupils from Mr. Bates' and Mrs. Mardy Ga- bles' rooms, a solo by Miss Rober- ts Schaufflcr, and carols sung by a group of seventh and eighth grade girls featured the program. Candy canes were presented to the young singers. Then followed the annual gift exchange and pass- ing out of "Pollyanna" gifts. MRS. ALDEN BAILEY of Shel- ton was announced as the winner of the filled hamper, a money- raising project for the benefit of the club's dental health promotion fund. Mrs. Alice Itil] and Mrs. Blanch were active in fill- ink the hamper and Mr:. Robert A. Smith took charge of ticket distribution. Hostesses for h|ncheon included Mrs. Gertrude M. Hayes, Mrs. ttelen Andersen, Mrs. Sophia Nel- sen, Mrs. Charles Wright, Mrs. Perry Mawson, Mrs. Laura (ott ,,tnd Mrs. Grace Lyons. Hood Canal Woman's Club mere- 1)c,'t plan to nmke call.: upon enr,h (l h(,r dllrillg" lhe week "1 fior ('hri.lnlLis It, See c,qt'h olher's Y|ilelide decorations. This is Ill, ins' Sllt¢'o(s|e(| ls an Ilnnlla] (,llStt)nl I)y Ml's. Vel'a Lins(!ott, forlner Clal'- den Chll) president, and Anlel'ic'ln Itome chairmnn of the chub. BELFAIR PEOPLE FAVOR PROPOSED BRANCH LIBRARY The Thurston-Mason County Li- b,'ary with headquarters in Olym- pia reports a very good response from residents of the Belfair area concerning the proposed branch library The consensus of opinion seems lo be thai:, the library would be nlore convenient to use if it wcre located in lhe shOl)ping dis- trier. Before the library can take def- inite action in establishing this b|'anci] in Belfair, the community as a whole will need to come to some decision as to location anti make arrangements for providing heat, light and shelving. The scbool board, Miss Dorothy New- kirk, Emmett Ori and any others who have offered housing should he contacted to see what part of these responsibilities they can as- sume, Lillian Collins, regional li- brarian, said. The names of the women who gave expressed an interest in tak- ing care of this library are being held for considc|'ation after more (lefinile plans for establishing the br,neh library arc made. 100,000 Wills It is estimated by the Ameri- can Bar Association that 100,000 wills are presented for probate in the United States each year. NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE A BOY'S IDEAL OF A REAL PICK-UP AND DELIVERY -- NOTICE- Effective Now, Pick-ups and Deliveries for Dry Cleaning Will Be IN THE MORNINGS So please notify us by 10 a.m. if you wi,h service that day. THANK YOU. PANTORIUM CLEANERS & ALTERATIONS -- TAILORING -- DYEING Where the Charm of Newness is Restored 215 So. 2ncl St. Phone 86 The Yule is a season for songs and rejoicing. Our earnest hope is that all you friendly people may share in this spirit to the utmost. And for what it's worth, we offer our heartiest wishes for a very Merry  "-,I C hristmas. LES FIELDS AUTO PARTS L. A. FIELDS, Proprietor /Sandy Says: A--ALWAYS "C--cHEAPEI00 k and You Can Do Just That at "THE.MERC" A WARM JACKET WONDERFUL SATIN COATS • Full Collar • Quilted Lining • Water Repellent A WELCOME GIFT In All Sizes - Grey & Taupe BOYSSizes 4 to 12 .... $9.95 YOUTHS-- Sizes 12 to 18 ................ $12.95 From 3.9,5 LOAFERS • Cordovan Color € • Transalite Soles Very Special 4.95 ZIP-FRONT. it's bombs-away for compli- ments when you wear this windbreaker! Just like the "Air Force" worel Wind- proof and waterproof. In sizes 4 to 18. Special 8.95 SLEEPING BAGS For the Boy Scout and the Hunter. All Types From 10.95 Air Mattresses Full s,ze 11.95 ANTI-FREEZE PERMANENT TYPE 95°,/o Pure Ethylene Base 2.9'5 per gal. MEN'S GIFT JACKETS Satin Back Gift Jacket JOHN BEULAH PERCY IRELAND " BONDI " KI[BRIOE ,.,,a uv MILTON HOLMES REPUBLIC PROOOCIIOH , J, JJ Wednesday Only, Dec. 28 1%VO FEATIYRES I FLAME OF THE PINES NEW ORLEANS December 25-26-27 Claudette Colbert in "BRIDE FOR SALE" with Robert Young and George Brent See it just for' laughter! Wed. Only, Dec. 28 Brian Donlevy, Ella Raises, Charles Coburn, tlelen Wal- ker, Anna May Wens "IMPACT" A tense Drama of Love and Hate .......... O ......... 311, Mary M. Knight. W. B. King- ery and Joseph W. Cochran; dis- trict 312, Hood Canal Consolidated, Mrs. Frances B. Radtke, clerk; and district 400, Skokomish Con- solidated. Martin Smith, clerk. All positions are for three-year terms with the exception of that of Sam C. Corliss of Allyn and Joseph W. Cochran of Shelton. COMMISSIONERS OF DISTRICT TO HOLD 2-DAY MEET HERE The Peninsular District of Coun- ty Commissioners will hold a con- ference in Shelton December 29 and 30. Headquarters will be m the Shelton Hotel. On the agenda will be a series of discussions concerning mutual problems. The commissioners will be taken on a tour of the Simpson Logging .Company mills h Shel- tofl Handling the arrangements for the confab are County Commis- Sioners Roy Mitchell and Kearney Collins and Board Chairman Lyle O'Dell. Something's Wrong Here De,spite the fact that national LADIES' RAYON PANTIES' 3 pairs 1.00 WHILE THEY LAST Westinghouse XMAS TREE LIGHT SETS 49 WATCHES A TREASURED GiFT  Shockproof Full Sweep Second Hand Luminous Dial $6.95 One Year Guarantee PLASTIC KITCHEN OR BATHROOM CURTAINS R EG. $3.95 Special- 1.29 Assorted Colors i Now Dad and Son Can DreS Alike--Sturdy and Warm only 14,95 Bomber Jackets Zipper Front- lpaca Mouton Collar For Dress or Work Special 9.95 FOOTBALLS - Basketballs Punching Bags SAVE 1/.:I On Prices You'd Pay Elsewhere WE ARE GEARED TO SAVE YOU MONEY SERVICENEN'S MERCANTILE forest lands have increased only p 407 South First Street 11 per cent since 1933, financial requirements for administering them have risen 280 per cent, qr5. J Phone 748