December 22, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 22, 1949 |
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, . = i i i , HHN
By l,'ranccs l{adtke Ph, asanl IIarbor, .h>rstead Creek 0 V d ' '
do,,,,,.,,,,ns adorn lo- Oyste,. f arie Even|s
cal si(wos and windows. In the fet type dinner featuring hiim and By Mrs. ,I. E. (Irlggs
while .:iiliw oil lhe sciioolhouse turkey Satllr(hly nighl. The ]V[inei'wi coln!nllnily chili-
In:ink a lighted fir lree stands 1,'ilFTY I'EOPIAE enjoyed tile holise, lisa been Lilt. scene of .;ev-
with shepherds and lambs around Christmas tree and gift distribu- erltl enjoyable "lclivilies tim pasl
its base, High on the lop of the Lion. Clarmcl will not open for two weeks. Slln(lay evenings are
'- iL" flagpole a new star of electric regular' business until May. dew)ted to the singing of hynms
I lr0 :All of My Friends and Customers lights brings pleasure to the pass-
c)'sby. A hirthday dinner was given by lor a. two.hour peJ'iod, :ft;er which
Mrs. Bessie Hale December 16, ill cake and coffee lrc served by lhc
Who Helped to Make 1949 THE STAll %VAS made by Vic 'hone r of her father, Timothy Ry- women.
Wheeler wtlo, witil Ed Deschamps, an's 85th birthday. Other guests A DOUBI,lq birthday party De-
a Happy Year, and To All the al I)eschamps, Bill Gilt)eft, George wore Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan of celDber 14, hontlring thinnie Twid-
,lackson and others, worked on L'lke Cushnmn.
People of Good Will tt,, school Christmas scene. Shep-I (,ly and littl<, "I)usty" Johns, was
• • " Mrs. Josie Lassoi and daughter enjoyed by the small chihh'en of
.... herds and lambs were made by are going to Sunnyside for Christ- Minerva at the club tmusc, Those
A MERRY CHRISTMAS Mrs. Nancy Brown. ,mas to visit her son, .Toe Lassoi, a.ttending the party were Billy,
,< The Legion Post :No. 230 tnr- and her restaurant will be closed Betty anti Ming Toy Fiehls, Bar-
and a key shoot Sunday was a whop and bars and Tonya Fields, Norton,
- ping success. Twenty turkeys Ronald and Melvin Cuzick, Gu.-' s
[ER AND HAPPIER NEW YEAR were taken away. sic Twiddy, Dickie Johns, Lel.oy
Names of contributors added Tee, Lee Joims, and ,hlckie Vin-
is the Sincere Wish of this week to tile "What will you cent.
give for Watts" street light con- After an evening spent, l)laying,
tribntions were Mrs. James T. games and admiring I)irthday
Now in ] • more ihan a
"drealn" .tage, a. plau lo bnihl
;l tiv'idgc litq'tlss Pllget Sotlnll froln
lhe vicinity of Seatlle lo lilt noi'lh
of Vashon I:da nd anti lnoi hel'
{('l'os to Jrclriei'ton is cominl4' lla-
(h,r discussion.
INVITED BY TILE' board <if
conmaissioners in King County,
County Conunissioner Roy Mit-
chell wenl to Seattle December
13 i o sit in on sessions callcd to
t.onsider the possibility and feas-
ibility of huihling the bridge net-
Sul)mitting a report and plats
io tile COilnty commissioners,
Clmrles E. Andrew, conmdting en-
gineer for the Washington Toll
Bridge Authority, recommended
the buihling of the hridges. He'ed the project would be
sound from the standpoints of
engincering and finances.
TIlE PROPOSED set up would
Saturday, Sunday, Monday
I The Harstine Island Store
.,, Greeley, Ida and Leo Druxman, gifts, refreshments were served hyiinclude a floating' bridge 13,900
; , A r'a''l Title Insurance Building George Falkenburg, Mr: and Mrs. is the honored guests' nlothers, Mrs. feet in lengtl\\; froln Brace Point.
r!l[ .Lifo tlllll-i- PHONE 645 Shelton Ws,CrPeteldUO]isM. lh2rnd2rlAy now a deposit station of the Mabel Joims and Mrs. Ben Johns. i to Vashon Islhnd. In tim center
gi:: '. . ,., .<. g, Thurston-Mason County IAbrary.
J. O. Jacobsen has given space in
..... ..=_.._. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deschamps. A PIE OCIAL was hehl at would bca 400-ft. opening to per-
the ehlb holise Saturday night to lmit the t>assage of ships to Ta-
• : ----- TIIE ONe CLUB Christmas par- his store for a small collection of raise funds for a Cilirs'inias cele- coma and Olympia, and smaller
books. The Ladies Club that is i)ration for residents of Minerva Iopenings at both ends wouhl per-
:gi[¢t[$gg$[g$g ty was held Monday evening at sponsoring the library has selected and their guests. I mit the passage of smaller craft.
[i. the home of Mrs. Thelma Win-
" ters. At this meeting Pollyannas Mrs. Willa Ann Smith to take A total of $5515 was letl ztd p
E \\; / fl I'11 . i were revealed, and Christn)as gifts care of it. ..... ' " '" '" t From oint Vasilon west to
from the sale of the pies, a l)art of I Point Southworth over Colvos
: / ] J¢ I i] were exchanged Books may be checked out and whici will be used for candy, nuts I Passage a three-span suspension
'5111/ i / / O . } Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dickin-returned at any time during store and oranges to bc .dmtrfl)uted lbridg e would be built. Its total
17 / .--.._/ LS":l/? ]y son were expected home from their hours which are from 8 a.m. to,
8 p m week days and8 a m to 6' ]lTnbg; ttl gT;skU'chi;u'l'lTe length wmll.d be.52580 feet, and it
=r"- ./i'#/X#/l trip to Florida by December 26 ." " i , b' .... l WOtll(1 provlele 2UO leer; verl;leal
I'; / Jl)D! / /1/#//#lr at the latest and maybe before, p.m. Sundays. Directions for i and augmented by other activities, clearance lot' ships
- 1 / /0 ////V//// U. M,'. and Mrs. Leste,' Dickinson checking out books are posted at nit will be ,,sed to p,,rchaso the F,.on,"Poini VS';uthworth the
the store, and the Jacobsons will1 many things we need t i nlake -, • a would (i west to Port
. " ..... mgnw y g ,
A "\\;; / /) //[//gl -/*7 " arrived from Oroville, Oregon, Fri- be glad to help anyone, l our little community clui)h ,use .................. +at ..., ,.,ia,o
m, [//) d< if/ -- - / U day to spend the holidays with .... ... Or ....... ' ....... r .............. ',,*a
one we tn De ptou¢l OI
... . . '' ' . on Sinchtir Inlet and into Brem-
I hV • • r (
, V" // ( ] I thei d'mghter and family, Mrs. Books may be kept for two I
weeks and renewed twice unless I lt resiuens ot our commumty .
... / I Dick Addleman. " erton.
[[-T- . #r • l i Word from Mr. and Mrs. A. M. someone else is waiting for them. I were present at the social, anti ........
Fines are five cents a week for l after Fred Hanson had auctioned
"I 2,7, 4 • • • • • • / Louehran in Los Angeles brings overdue books. Otherwise this ll-i off the pies, George %Vilson and Lower Skokomish
qi. i • • ] I U I the information that Mr. Louch-
'1.';/ I 17 --I / ,'an is employed with a weather brary service is free to residents I his brother, Bill Wilson, produced <, _ . ;2,/ -- .
of Thurston and Mason Counties. ] a violin and guitar and furnisimd cnool as rarly
I J "" i proofing company in that city, and Ie t anti " "
' -- due to the cold snap down there This collection of 75 to 1001 music for (lancing. Guests outside Thin Thursdav Night
books will be changed frequently, ]the Minerva area we" M ". ............
- business is good
f . Mr. and Mrs. ]rin Kirk return- and the patrons are urged to leave Mrs Bill Wilson and Mrs Nae zower Koomisn cnool is nom-
:'i, .. ed this week end from a three-day requests for specific titles, sub-i necker of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. !n.g its anmlal Christmas party
I..,:. - trip to Seattle where they were jects or types of books they want. iTem Cuzick.<. Tm ''°f Grisdaler..t .... and r>.Mr' entertammenttnis Tn.urs(laYbynlgnt.the chlldren'llays wllla'
' f" (. guests of Mrs. Kirk's sister, Mrs. will pick np a box of reserves Orcard,.,2.h.. ................. ..... , ea.,,'elwere ira ned'"" " for'""S'their-" roles" by"
,A • / A\\;)...k ,1 . Billie Townley. Every two weeks the bookmobUe I and M,'s .... . ................. 'i..;.,,,. +t. .... e-;-,- ne chil'h'e-
ll .(.,,,'" ' /il DAVE (I()LI,INS AND Dick Ad- and books and leave a box of new ........................... . " , " " " s ....
r I UIO teaching {art
N r , \\; 72z-[. _/=. dleman are enJoying the cold wea- books from the headquarters in Christmas program will tie given I in ; ' "
i dh -':'", ther fishing at. Queets, and expect ,Olympia. by the children and all will enioy F d. derived from the suc.
" !' ii f-/'L) to be home Monday. They will hot --- exchanging gifts around the lal'ge ! cessful P.-T.A. square dance in
| J need to buy ice to keep their fish rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv .... tree which is being erected in the N!)vember insures botmtiful sup-
I i---\\; .'{" - fresh. . . club house, l[befreshments will be phes of candy and surprises for
, |.. , ,,"'* Mrs. Carrie Gifford has been Junior High Sc(mp00 served, the youngsters.
L . o - ill for several days with a severe .vvvvvvvvv..., Donald Lucas spent Saturday I Tom Pulsifer, P.-T.A. chairman,
]i :> y cohl. JUNIOR HIGI[ CONCERT i night anti Sunday in Bremerton thanks his dance committee for
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. itheir splendid help. They are
.J,g. ........... . ___ Friends of Mrs. Nance's grand- If you happen to have noticed Bill Lucas. i Georgia Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
7 OUR SINCEREST WISHhb won, Dick Seig'el, will be glad to
a number of girls wearing dark
..l know that he is expecting to be skirts with white blouses or boys Mr. and Mrs, Tommy James of i hanson, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hall,
Port Orchard were week end i Mr, and Mrs. Kingsbury. AI Jen-
FOR A BRIGHT AND MERRY home from the hospital in Port- in dark trousers with white shirts guests a the Bill Cuzick home. sen called and directed the dances,
!| " land for Christmas and will not on December 13, you need not ............................ land Walt Simmons contributed
| CHRISTMAS GO OUT TO i need to go back. He is getting think anything about it. The choir Imusic. Committe head was Vic
] "" ............... about very well on crutches after and Girls' Glee Club wore them 4-H CLOVERETTES I 1,oh,non" "" .
' ' ALL OF YOU. his attack of polio. •
., ' LL UP YOU. Mrs. Werner, mother of Mrs. for the concert they gave the stu-
dent body.
K ' Harold Sund, is out from Seattle In the evening the girls wore HAVE YULE CHEER [ ........................
I" T..AI,4- t " I-),4-4-, , to spend the Christmas holidays Members of the Hoodsport 4-H ITn ' at
pastel formals and the boys wore Cloverettes held their Christmas ||HI .i Ii||||
i, Hrhrt I : I/tt with the Sund family
Herbert U. Kotter • I their dark trousers, white shirts meeting December 15 !n the home vJ I altlll#,J
,., -- ..... Mrs. Thelma Brinson and two|and ties, of Judy Hale. There was an ex- .
I.' i\\;' SHELTON AGENT FOR e children from Belfair and Mrs X Beside the main music groups, change of gifts, and carols were uan Serve low lles
", - .................. . i Quigley from Lower Skokomish]individuals and ensembles present-
" ..... L *'' m " i were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ed numbers which delighted the plannedSUng" On bythe the pr°gramgrils,which.D., erlen+was ............... :: !7I[CAUSE
A Y EXPRESS AGENCY and Mrs Richard Bates
1AILWAY EXPRESS AG] • • audiences. Trios, soloists, ensem- Hicks' made a "Peep Box' and : WE "'-
KEN WALLIN, manager of the I bles and pantomime artists in- told how this was done by the .... u..
IIUIrlPlI,IIN3 " 1Tff[fil " [Hood Canal division of Washing-I cluded Kathryn Jordan, Karl children of England. qp,.Ir2,trl li)im ....
v.='.*-.*- ------- ion Fish Company of Aberdeen, Schwarck, Kenny Brown, Roger Solos were sung by Robcrta v-avy .sa.av
;i",,,, ::- :;:illlhltt4Uli,.....ltl..' entc:'tai_;ed,..,hi 9; :m.t,7_ployees from Salisbury, Paul Schwietering, Bet- Schauflcr and Lilagave Linton, an(l l IV'll:
ly Ann Franklin, Karen Kneclan( Penny BrOwn a reading. ' " --.'- ....
7 and Tormar Man'. Poems were recited by Gloria O Guaranteed
Others were Margie Dove, Pat Baer, Joan Johnston, Betty Has-;
Fentiman, Joan Crawford, Buddy kell, Jndy Hale, Patsy Seymgur i Service ' •
started and conlpleted, all of Ma-
Stilt County will be greatly bene-
tiled," conmlenled Conunisaioner
Mitchell. "We'(] have a dh'ect
truck and automobile route to Se-
attle withoul having lo wait for
The new bridge system also
would give the peoples living in
the congested areas around Seat-
tle an added reason to move to
the Olympic Peninsula.
Andrews recommended to the
conunissioners that a proper in-
vestigation would require about
2!,./_, years and would cost between
$350,000 and $400,000, a sum
which should be appropriated, he
COST OF THE whole system
would be over $50,000,000.
Andrews also submitted anoth-
er proposal to link the east and
west shorelines of Puget Sound,
00acrtd on E:hristmas
; As part of the observance of Christmas, the world-famous
,i ¸ !!+/
000unt 00;aint 00Rlithati's Ch0ir
of Spokane
will be heard in concert over seven radio stations in
the Pacific Northwest
BANI esteems it a rare privilege
to make it possible forthis celebrated
choir to be enjoyed by the people of
the Pacific Northwest. Through this
half-hour of fine music, in behalf of
all of our banking offices in the
State of Washington, we express
our Christmas greetings to our many
customers and friends.
lember Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Gray, John McRae, Bob Young',
Milton Sherwood, Ronnie Whiten-
er, Corinne Silva, Billie Latzel,
Marylyn Dotson and Marge Mc-
Mahon,---By Virginia Allen.
It seems as if Mr. Davis never
gives his seventh grade geography
classes a rest.
They just finished studying
Australia and New Zealand and
are having their tests.
They no sooner finished the test
than they started studying India
and its religions.
What next?.By Jack Moore.
For the Christmas edition of
the Blazers' Trail, the ninth grade
news class has ordered printed
covers• This is the first time in
the history of the Blazers' Trail
that anything has been printed
for it.
The cover, designed by Ann
Meurer, was printed in dark blue
ink on light blue paper on an off-
set press.
The design on the,cover is of a
church scene among evergreen
trees during the winter with Sea-
son's Greetings in Old English
The paper is 12 pages long and
on )age six there is a special
Christmas feature written b
Marylyn Dotson. The story was
illustrated by a scroll and picture
drawn by Ann Meurer.
The paper will be distributed
among the students of the S.J.H
December 23 before they leave for
Christmas vacation. By Juliana
The ninth grade public speaking
class has been doing pantomimes
of different sports, occupations
and stories from familiar litera-
In one pantomime John Kinsey
demonstrated how to catch a
trout. Seems as if John gave*a
mighty pull and the trout
in a tree, pulling John up in the
air after it.
Bill Boelk put on a hilarious pan-
tomime of a woman powdering
her nose and combing her hair.
By Karolyn Hawley.
II: , :ii
Mr. Hunter's first period pen-
manship class had a spelldown re-
cently. They chose sides and wait-
ed to see which side would stay
up the longest.
Richard Knight came Üut as on
of the top winners. He stood up
for quite a while after everyone
else xcept Norms Dronen and
Jerryoodwin who were on the
other team. Richard finally went
down and left No(aria and Jerry
the winners,--By Jo Pauley,
No Patent on Penlclllln
Penicillin has never been patent-
ed. Its discoverer, Sir Alexander
Fleming, dedicated it to tim
world's welfare.
and Jtlanita Day. Very small sis-
ter Linda Hale and her friend
Jody O'Niel also contributed to
the program.
Mrs. Esther Jarvis ancl Mrs,
Schauflcr were guests. Refresh-
merits were served by Mrs. Step-
han Hale. At a former meeting on
December 8, held in the home of
Mrs. Donald Brown, a table set-
• Prices You Can
Afford ....
Honest Buslness ,
. Is Good Business ....
,, , Pae' , ,.
This project would consist of a **- ---
[ four-lane twin tube submerged 50 Nla [fie ]0ys
feet below the surface of the wa- _ L
ter at low tide. It would extend 0[ me season
from Alki Point at Seattle to , - ,
{Restoration Point, on Bainbridge De c0mpletely
' From Bainbridge Inland the and all yours.
highway would go to Bremerton
by crossing Port Orchard Chan-
nel on a floating bridge in the
vicinity of Fletcher Bay. ]Mr Gt'tT ¢l'lTTTrl
The total distance from shore v, .,JuJx .
to shore was given as 14,750 feet, v,,.m=...ffi. .-..
and the length of the floating tube I1]P.2kIIIX t.;U.
section would be 13,600 feet.
OFFERED TO MEET the same Mr, and Mrs. Newell Boon
objectivelinking of east to west a =+ . =^.. on
across Puget Sound--both propos- ................
als are still in the "dream" stage.
It will be many, many years be- ..... ....
fore either plan can be actualized.
............ 7-----i .......... " ......... i'" ...... -7i ............................................................... 1 7-?
,,.,,so, ,o .,,o,,.
• ....
ting dentonstration was given by
Roberta Schaufler, and Christmas
gifts were brought to send to
their little adopted French girl.
Deadly Housefly
A house fly carries more than
6,000,000 germs.
Lou's Radio
Mt. View L. S. Rutherford
Office - Bayshore Road -- Phone 90 or 401-W
To give any holiday meal that
perfect festive finish."
We Are Proud to Offer
Peppermint Candy Ice Cream
Rum Pudding Ice Cream
A Special Holiday Brick
of Vanilla Ice Cream With a Red Xmas bell
center of delicious strawberry ice cream.
Pints - 25¢ Quarts . 49¢
For Your Holiday Tables
Made In Taooma
Made In Olympia
We Carry a Complete Line of
Nanley's Fountain Lunch:0000
127 Cdta Street Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manley Phone 650