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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa e 14 NT. i}AVID&apos;. li:PIS(I(}I}AI. Cil U R{:II  '(ic,nr: Thv Roy. J. (regory Lee ,Sllcllon';,; h)vc]y F. l ) i s c o p a l C}.n<:h will provide a bealttifltl }:;(!tJl-l+ + I++H ' H jGyJtls <-hl'jHtnll :el vwe:; 'fw{} Ci]rlMln,l:: Iroes will b{' :.;et by the (!lll}'311{.  JIll(} the ;:}m]r an{I lw} by the Altar i]{ lu/r {lecol'alPd with lights and h'y;:l{':, \\;VPeathe:; in the v/indows will add Io the fe,',dAve appear- an{(, and :t lovely ChrisLmas (TP(.,che will be placed beside one (,I lhc lree, and ;viii be blessed m tl {:ePelmmy preceding the Mid- llU.{ht lqHtialiM on Chrisl.nlas }1"re. (!Ill'(Mill;iS {,Pvii'.e8 a[ Sl£ Dav- i{Ps ihi,.; w(><'li end begin with (o11- g]'{,/ationa] carol sin/ing at 11:15 p,m. (:ilrisimas h:ve, folh}wed at ti'30 prin. with the Blessing of {llc (J]lri.;lllm:3 Cl'ib alld l.tle Mid- llJ.; h I. I]tich;ll'lSl. Oll (',}iPis(tlJas 1/21{}rllJn the CllOl'- a.l lO|chari;:;I will I}e cclei}rated at 11:]5 a.rn., and parishioners hsve bi:?(,rl [llg',ed by l.hc Vicar to bl'ing tJ},! wJmle ['aru]ly to lhis service. Tile ihroP day:; foJlowiilg Christ- lills are iloI.v Days in the Churcb {.hd{mda)' and will be observed in FIRST BAlVrlST CllURCll Warren lime, Acting ihtstor Ray Malnwarlng, Assistant Sunday school begins at 9:45 a.m., and the morning worship starts at 11 o'clock., The sermon topic will be "God's Unspeakable Gift." Young l'eol)le's devotional hour is ;it 7:30 p.m., Monday, and the midweel{' service starts at 7:30 pan. Thursday. The Christmas program of the Baptist Sunday school will be hekl at 7:30 p.nL, Friday, December 23. Tile Chrisln)as story will be pre- senled in song, scripture and tab- lcaux by the boys and girls, All parenLs and friends are cordially invited to attend. St:. l)avid's with eeleh|'al, ions of Holy Conmmnion as follows: Mon- day ISt. tephen's Day), 10 a.m.; Tuesday {St. John's I)ay), 7 a. In.; Wednesday (Holy Innocents' Day), 10 a,m. On Wednesday, the chm'ctl school pupils will hold their Christnas party at 4 p.m, when Ihe chil{h'en will enjoy games, movie and supper. BHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL I/'W----- AT CHU RCH 4 Ill II Win. H. AIhach, Jrstor "'---" Tonight: The choir will meet at 8 p.m. Friday: The children of the SundAy school and day school will hcgin final rehearsal of the Chil- dren's Christmas program at 2 p.m. The members of the Walther League will meet at 2 p.m. to decorate the parish hall and chap- el. Bring Christmas gifts for shut-ins and food for the Christ- mas basket if you have not al- ready done so. The choir will spend the evening carrolling. Car- oilers are asked to meet at the ebapcl at 6:15 o'clock. The tour will be started off with the serv- ing of chili at the O. M. Stecn residence. Saturday: The traditional Chil- dren's Christmas Eve program will be held in the chapel beginning at 8 p.m. All participating chil- dren'are asked to be on hand by 7:45 p.m. Sunday: Sundsy School and Ad- ult Bible Class begin at 9:45 a.m. Christmas day services begin at IelRST METllODIST CllURCH Wayne Wright, Minister Sunday Sclmol begins at 9:45 a.m., and morning worship is at 11 a.m. The Seor fellowship group meets at 6:30 p.m., fireplace ,oom, and the junior group meets at 6:30 p.m,, church basement. The Senior Choir will meet Thursday at 7:30. We will show the Christmas slides to the Sunday School at 9:45 on Christmas morning. 11 a.m. The Sunday evening Bible study hour will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: The W'alther Lea- gue will have a roller skating party with the Walther Leagues from Bremerton and Port Orchard as gueAts. The party will begin at 7 p.m. at the skating rink. NT. EI)WAlil)'N ('ATIlOi,I( ('/! I U R( I11 I{ev. Mark %Viechmann, ().S.B. There will be no school or cat- echism classes until January 8. There will be three Masses Christ- mas morning. First one is at 6:30 a.m., second High Mass is at 8 a.m., and third Mass is at 10:30 a.m. Second topic will be on "The Feast of Christnms." Confessions will be hehl Satin'- day morning (toni 9:?,0 t() 11 o'clock, in tile afternoon (toni 3 to 5 o'clock, and in the evening from 7:30 to 9 o'clock. The collections are fop spe(,ial Diocese charities and the parish. The choir will sing Lhe Mass at 8 a.m. in honor of St. Jude Thomas, and at the 10:30 o'clock Mass the choir will present Christ- mas hynms. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Christian Science" is the sub- jc(:t of the Lcsson-Sernmn which wilt be rt',lld llext Sunday in all branche of The Mother Church, The P'irst Churcll (}f Christ, Sci- entist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Golden Text: Luke. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towa)'ds ]nell." The folh)wing verse (rein J()hn is included in the Lesson-Sermon: "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; beefluse I go unto my F'ather. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give y(m an- oth{,r Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever." From "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy is the following cor- relative statement: "In the words] of St. John: 'He shall give you another Confforter, that he may abide with you forever.' This Comforter I xmderstand to be Di-= vil'a Science." IIOODSPORT COMMUNITY CIIITRCI[ The Reverend IAoyd Killgore wishes to annomlce that the young people of the tt,odsport Comnmni- ty Church will g{} caroling FPi- day night. Anyone wishing tel have them sing in fronL of their I home may notify him. It was also annmmccd that the I Smlday school bus has extende(ll its run to Stark's Waterwheel at Union and will piek up all chil- dren at 9 o'clock Sunday morn- ings who will wait there for it. Johnny Boyce informs us that parents or others who are inter- ested in the ehil{h.en attending the Wednesday 3:30 p.m. (:lasses at Lower Skokomish are wileome to come see what the children are doing. Teachers are Johnny Boyce, Mrs. Elaine Bates and Mrs. Ads Yocum. ltoodsport Cubbers Make Decorations Hoodsport Cub Scoutq gathered Wednesday at the RAinbow Inn under the 'mpcrvision of Mrs. El- eanor Addleman and Mrs. Jean iI f SLESGIItlFUL Of CHRISTMAS STO R E H 0 U RS OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. TONIGHT AND i   LET THE WORLD S BEST SET YOUR HOLIDAY TABLE I II I II i 1G-Ounce Jar i  j7 I  I rult Cake Mix ....... 4 €  GREEN | .' "  BEANS I  Olives ....... : .... :... 35 ¢ ' .(.   sieve 1 Nns I  ,t.,.¢e,-,-OunoeJar' Ohves ...: ........ . .... 55*  I   ,  Pumpkin ............. 117'  Tiny '- No. 2 Sieve  No. 303 Tin I M|NCE mAT  Peas ................. 24 ¢ I Year Old - Brandied   Green Point Spears - No. 2 Tin | 28-o. Jar [ 49* ,  Asparagus ............ 48 ¢ '--;-, ,, , ! Jo.onn-NoTn. Beets ..... , ........... 16€  ,  Whole Spiced - NO, 2a TB Apricots .............. 44' i , I4 ruit ,  46.Ounce Ti'ns " (oclltail  r • ,m No. , Ti,,  tomato Juice .......... 34* ;,  39 ¢ ,----- 46-Ounce Tins '  Apricade ............. 39' MARISCHINO CHEIIlllIES 16-0z, Jars The only Mellow'd Coffee ;t iii ! ! ! SWEEt SPUDS ........ S= CALAI/OS ........ 2 for 29= TOMATOES ...... carton 16= ORhNEGS ............. ,b. 6= lIED DELICIOUS  ...... I APPLES .......... z 25= BOX 510. 2 SPUDS TANGERINES .......... $1,98 "" 50 lbs. 1.05 .... 2 27= { ;ift l;ox Apples are Still Available • , ) AIs{ Fresh Roasted Peanuts OCEAN SPRAY - Strained or Whole - 300 Tins oNBERRY SAUCE 2/27' 00gEpLES'gZRilSINS ... t6. TOMAT:O JUICE ....... 23= DEL MONTE EARLY aARDEN P E A S .... ..... 303 tm 18 ¢ [j'E°isX:: :T':l'22oz. ti,,s 2/19 ¢ F.7 ..... aoz. 48= gg0ilTEN00G 3-lb. Call 71 ¢ 00[iiJgt°"ijui00K .... 2/Is= BETTY CROCKER - 20-OZ. PKG. PARTY CAKE MIX ..... Z4 = 1-POUND PACKAGES P0WDERrED SUGAR. 2/23= Thursday, December 2 CORMIERS IIAVE S Birth of Lheir fifth e;1 Lynn, was ann( week by former Sheitol 3,Jr. and Mrs. Ray Angeles. The son, their foui'th, December 4 at Suburban in Southgate, and 1)ounds 6  ounces. The mother is the ginia Labor, who gradu h'ene S. Reed high The Cormiers reside at 1 68th street in LOS Angeles' i r PLANTER'8 - 8-OZ. TIN CO,TAIL PEANUTS 29* :: ::': ::7 4,. Ri'[i00 ei{/[00K00RS ..... 2,= C[[fgZ00s .'7?. .... ..... :. 17= CITRUS SOAP Kraft (P|nta 35¢) Mayonnaise .. qt. 65¢ POWDER Phlladel phia Cream Cheese 2/'33¢ The Perfcct Soap for Serve a Cheese Tray for the Holiday SILKS - WOOLENS DISHES AND Kraft Kay eAeY CLOTHES Cheddar ........ lb. 49¢ Domestic Blue and Imported l2-Lz. Pkg. Baby Goudas, Domestic and Imported - Imported Edam 13ea]'den to spend Lhc noon making Christmas tions. Beautiful snowflake were made from silver paper sprinkled with. Christmas snow. Boys busily painted fi with gilt and silver and to surprise their parents Imas. New member of the Gary Killgore, son of the tin" at the Hood Canal l Chu,'ch. :: THANKS! Mr. and Mrs. Customer, .;:. for your patience during our grocery , department remodelling. Thanks again for your fine acceptance of .,, our new shopping plan. Our pledge to you is to give the best service, .... , best quality merchandise at the low- ' est possible prices. Your fine patron- age has made this possible.  FRIDAY SHURFINE { F L 0 U R .... 10-lb. bag 86 = { (£00ati,o. BAKER'S PREMIUM ( mllR_ - CHOCOLATE'-b. k.. 37 ! r'"'R ! , • V2 l P g € Super.Smooth Super.Cream DURKEE - LONG SHREDS SWEETENED  TRY THIS EASY B1EC PIIPll A lgl IT ........ 8-oz. 9q €  3 squat. (, oL)Ira- |¢U, C|r..till • • •/I • ill I • | I/ s-,,B ] , sweetened choollts und luled %J U IJUIllltJ g --I" a . .,,, 3 ,,, ,,oo. 2 tablespoons corn syrup 1 tes= pon val .............  ...... I[ Cut chocolate over sugar Into 2 quart $ WUINU-Pt r-uuu * o-.. r.'r. / Add corn syrup and Cmation Mtll. Place, lm  h••lm  • •   /l'q  dium he|t, stiffinguntU supr diS,lOlVes a! Il It il['llM Ill • Illll[- =IE/ F d[ ) o|tto meRs. Bfl| to boiBs|; ¢el a Illlllirllllfll • i11 ..... 211 /_=.11 • mlnte.gnovernd¢ok=tlrda[octk Ifll'll=llllllll,llll! I iq ( 234°F. or untJl soft ball forms whe a small &l& l Ik&/A&I&& akak4 V ! I   ef mixture ts dropped into cold water. Remove beat. Arid butter and let ¢ool without stlcrinl JUNKET - CHOCOLATE OR PENOCHE - 12-OZ. PKG. ) mixtureisll0F, or pan is cool enouzh to h , _ --------- -- . A.    .  palm of hand. Add vanilll and beat until thl¢ _ Ill IID !?! Inl'l: 3"1  S 0 10nger ,Iossy. In buffered pan. Whe. [] iiilil NI/I I:/EH • * " * " " " • " / • rm, cut in square$, maKeslpounds. I II II! _ll I'111 111111" ,,m, ( Varl=tlenl= Just before turn!.,g beatenyls lfll • , ZJLFJLI ( buttereo paq add one ol the 10uowmg: T] Nm Fudge;  tO 1 Coconut Fllpl Z ';I FIVE CENT - ALL YOUR FAVORITES ! cup broken not meats. Cup shredded ¢o0,nut ..... w= -- a m, =m / m-- ) Iteisla Rt  cup raisins andcupnu|llIe|lf t,ANDY D00tR:00J 4/15 } i i AL BRANDS  SO-   TA. i CHEWING GUM ...... ]/10={ You Can't ' t/i' I BUyn a  " " "" F" er Tea CHESTERFIELDS, Delicious  ' "' LUCKIES, ETC. Eco]lolnical ! Ctn. 1.89 Pk. 19 €, V-8 Catsup 14-Oz. Bottle 19 ¢ 1 -Lb. Can 83  Holiday Wrapped  A Nice Gift Smoking Friend -Lb. 57¢ {bqb. makes 100 cups!) 100 bags - 98¢ 48 bags 49¢ TRY TREE TEA TODAY! N, lING BU " IE II FEAST. COME ND 1 • , BROADREAST 'UR it PIN-FEATHER AND TRUSS THE OVEN, No. 2 to your taste) MEDIUM SIZE Tomatoes o :aqe, * NOTHING BUT THE FINEST FOR YOUR HOL DAY COME IN AND SELECT ONE OF OUR PRIMF- BROADBREASTED TURKEYS. WE GLADLY DRAW .... THEM  READY 'FOR  = .... lb. OYSTERS P .......... int SKINNED ANO TENDERIZED  Wholo or Shank HAMS ............ lb. LEAN STREAKED  ANY SIZE PIECE BACON ............ lb. PURE  COUNTRY STYLE PORK SAUSAGE .... BULK  BRANDY FLAVORED MINCE MEAT" 2'b00" 9 Wls¢onsln Swiss- Mac Lar- ¢n'$ Imperial Fruit CoclitMl ,,," 39¢ GROCERY DEPARTMENT YOU WILL FIND A Complete Assortment of the Best Quality IlOLIDAY CANDIES SODA POP and MIXERS IN THE L.M. Grocery Department Chunks - No. 2 Can )  • .... 'I Iinc, al)pl{ ........... 7¢ 303 Glass Diced Carrots 2,, 2:3¢ NO. 303 Cream Stylc Corn .................. 837¢ No, 303 Established/895 GET YOUR WESTERN FAMILY MAGAZINE FREE AT OUR STORE  "OUR GIFT TO YOU"