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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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age 1 .JL I I II I I I I I I! III] inn i ii ii " " i BOB ERVIN MOTORS SEEING IS BELIEVING (Check our listings in Classified Section) q i i i i i tl , i O BEST DEAL IN TOWN On Choice USED CARS At I ! i ERRY I 1&apos;o YOU AND Y()IIR ,, ltOI,E I:AMII,Y  ()LIII 3 EST WISIIES. ............................... SIDELINE SLANTS i by BILL DICKIE i ill ill ii iHml llll ii i H, i DICKISON FUEL CO, CLAUDE STROB] .... J• H. DICKISON TIlE¥'RE SAYING • , , This being Clu'istmas week antl one jammed so full of things to do the Sideliner should be twins, he's going to take the easy way out of column-writing by lifting contemporary Bill Mattiek's words from his "Sports Shorts" in ttel Centralia Chronicle of recent is- sue• Bill writes: George Hermes, Shelton high school principal, made the sanie suggestion Saturday about South- west Wahlagton athletic leagues that we were discussing with Principal Harohl Gehrke of the Centralia high school the other day. Hel'mes told memhers of the onthwest Washington Athletic association lie thougilt it would be a good idea to reshuffle all the leagues so that each league would be made up of approximately the same teams in all major sports ...... football, basketball and baseball. • He pointed out that this change would make for a better spirit of competition and would increase the interest and support of the general public by engendering a natural year-after-year rivalry in all of the sports. Tim Shelton school official suggested that Chelmils, en- trails, Shelton, Aberdeen, Ho- qulam and Olymplit wonld make np a good league. The rivalry is natural and traveling dis- tances would be cut to g mini- mum. That league would be the same as the junior high setup, which matches those same six teams in football, basketball and track. The way the high school lea- gues are lined up now in South- west Washington, they don't cor- respond in any two sports. In football, the Southwest Washington league spreads from O1. pla, Aberdeen ami Iloqulam southward to Vancm|ver. The Central A loop Includes Sbeiton, Montesano, Elma, St. Martin's, Chehalis and Raymond. Moving into basketball, we find a completely new breakdown in the leagues. Shelton moves out of the Central league into the nor- thern division, along with Olym- pia, Centralia, Aberdeen and Ho- quiam. Kelso, Longview and Van- couver join with Battle Ground nd Camas to form tim southern division. In baseball still again the lea- 7ue makeup is altered. Centralia and Chehalis finally get into the same league, along with Shelton and Olympia. Aberdeen and Ho- quiam drop over into competition with Elma and Montesano. The southern division basketball lea- gue stays pretty well intact for the diamond sport. Straightening out this jumble '::'le,l' that will carry through into every sport would not be any esy Job, There is, most importmt, the problem of |19 S. let St. - Phone 249 lining up the teams so that .. ...... , schools of somewbere near the same size will bc competing To BUY OR TRADE AT HEDRICK'S SURPLUS SALE I will sell for cash or trade for anything you have that I can use for these items which I can't use any more! 1 Bull Fiddle - this is no bull ...................... $50 Over 5000 Indian head lmnnies--what am I offered? Laundry Tray--like new .......................... $25 BUY A JUKE BOX FOR YOUR PARTY ROOM -- 40 to 75 used rec- ords with each machine .... $40 to $75 PIN BALL MACHINES $15 to $25 (To go with Juke Boxes) Worth $25 for stainless steel on them alone 1 Electric Grill for restaurant, like new $75 1 5-h.p. Universal Freon Compressor 1 2.Wheel Trailer ........................................ $30 1 Air Compressor and Tanks---needs fittings and motor .................................................. $35 Several Phonograph Amplifiers and loud sakers. LOTS OF OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST Phone Sh00ton 400 Before 9 a.m. or see HOBEff£ HEDBICK 'i..,i:: :i '! ,,,;. , ?" :Y ". ..... with each other. Tim new three- division basketball arrangement eame abont because some small schools were getting snowed under too often hy larger Scbools. What to do with St. Martin's prep at Lacey was also a problem that led to the change. The Rang- ere were dechu'ed too strong for B league competition, st) they were shoved into A competition m both football and basketball. But where care has been taken to divide the schools according to size in football gnd basketball, such is not the case in haseball. Elms and Montesano are in She same league as big Aberdeen, and Chehalis and Shelton compete with Olympia. So you can see thai u resbnf- fling (if lealgqles to get tile teams Into similar grOllii, in all sports wouhln't be lln easy job. But we think Mr. llermc's suggestion is a good one and should receive some consider't- thin. THIS 'N TIIAT If there's a sports fan--stun or woman.--who can beat Ami Eac- rett's interest in things athletic let's hear about him or her now or forever hold your peace. Over a week's period just re- cently Ann witnessed 11 basket- ball games, taking in five city league encounters, two high school doubleheaders, and one junior high double-bill. She had to travel all the way to Poulsl)o for one of the prep programs. And she was still thirsting for more after that "spree." Ann lilts a particular reason for watching the high school games as her son, Bob, plays on the ltighcllmber B team, but it's just plain slmrts fan interest which takes her to every junior high and city leagne game. Stop to think of it, husband Francis is generally right there with Ann, so perhaps that accolade should come under the heading! heard so often "you can say that again." Johnny Dunbar, ex-Highclimber hoop scoring ace, appears to have won himself a starting berth at one of the forward spots on the Grays Harbor junior college bas- ketball team. Those tedious but so important duties of secretary-treasurer have been relinquished by Bob Kier to the charge of Jobnny Storts in the Commercial Bowling' League, not so long ago. American Legion post members I ............ By JOE • I:) T IDl:)[ i;':o,,,. A]ffEI What kind of oil insures top dis|board motor lwrformance? Tile trend is now toward using on|-I hoard motor oil exclusively. Use' I straight, unadulterated oil. It is i easier to obtain than it formerly was, but if yott. can't get it, the cheapest automobile oil is the best substitnte. Wlmt weight oil Is best? A leading manufacturer recently re- versed opinion on No. 30 oil, stat- ing that the lighter grade lubri- cates as well as No. 40. Since No. 30 is easier to find than No. 40, this is good news to boatmen. What kind of gasoline has the approval of the experts? Not long' Have your ideas about outboard r t o negotiate waves is often great- motors kept abreast,, of the. latest ly exagg* erated', they point out development? To bring you up to that nonplaning boats become less date, let's see where the experts lseaworthy as power is added and stand on certain controversiallthis nnseaworthiness will out- points which have. tip to now. been. I weigh any advanta ,'es .g, ,,ained. by in debate. Boating authomty Wd-]a more Dowerful motor. So every- lard Crandall reports that these [tiling considered, the small motor cimllenge the validity (f ma Y]seems to be the best bet for the time-honored beliefs, ..... so be rea(iy ] nontylanin'g (raft . to change your mind.  ..................................... Leaders Defeated In City Pin Race, Still Well Ahead CITY IIO%VI,ING I,FAGITE W I, Lnn3l)erluoll's ],[el'c, ........... 28 :14 Simpson Log. ...................... 26 ;16 Smith Electric .................... 22 20 Frisken Oil ........................... 21 21. Beckwith .leweh'y ............... 21 21 Pastime ................................ ]8 24 Active Club ....................... 17 25 Lake Cushman .................... ]5 27 tli game--Paul IPredson 216 lit series-Ken Fredson 564 Leaders took licking's in the weekly City League bowling play Friday night, first place L.M. h)s- ing to third place Smith Electric and second place Simpson Log- gets falling before sixth place l>astine, both by 2 to 1 margins. The result wasn't much dam- age to their advantages over the field, the Merks still lmlding two games on the Loggers, who in turn lead the Electriciam by four. Ken Fredson paced Pastime's triumph over Simpson with the night's top series at 564, while Blondie Peterson anti Mary Car- ter chalked up the critical coun- ters for Smith's. Beckwith Jewelry gained a tie for fourth by edging tailend Lake Cushman while Frisken Oil was yielding to the Activians. Both verdicts also were by odd game edges, with little noteworthy scot ing in either match. Dmk Gard- ner put the Activians onto the i v ic t°r Y. ,path _ wi_!th__a _2,01._ c_°unt" Starched Gloves [ A bit of starch makes white' gloves more resistant to smudges. in Shelton who like their bowling ago it was generally held that the are looking forward to the reality kind of gasoline used in an out- of a present dream which would board motor was unimportant. organize a district bowling lea ...... ....... Now, the use of gas containing gut ol leglon .... posts n'om Tacoma t,,,,j,"*"""+" l^ad is. ,'iscoura=ed , e, on to Grays Harbor, Bremerton, to,t'tla i,bund_ .--o that it leaves a deposit Port Angeles, and thereabouts, . h s,rt lus Likewise the It s a prop mtmn Jack F;at°n I dv_e_s Ledm 'n rea'ularo gas are said and other members of the Fred Jto loire a residue Whatever €as ' " " ( m -I  ...... ,. , o B Wivell pOStn athletmw om it you use,  aa, t (crees fiom • ki "on f r I s,c tl ,t ' ! ," ' tee have bee or ng °'i the puml) and is labeled as motor some time and hope to have in fuel. PREP BASKETBALL SCORES Highline 36, South Kitsap 32 Silverdale 41, Peninsula 39 Aberdeen 64, Valley 51 Kelso 46, Centralia 36 Bremerton 40, S. Kitsap 27 Kelso 37, Hoquiam 27 Aberdeen 55, Longview 36 Valley 37, Montcsano 33 Raymond 47, Ilwaco 23 Moclips 39, Mary Knight 26 Port Angeles 59, Con. Kitsap 39 Winloek 35, Centralia 27 Yelm 40, Ehna 39 (overtime) Naselle 55, Raymond 40 Oakville 44, St. Martins 1,6 The average telep-mne operation shortly after the first of the coming year. Commercial Race, Half Over, Tight As 8eotty's Purse COMMERCIAL I,EAGI. L Woodfiber . ........................... 24 18 Local 161 ............................ 22 20 Morgan-Eacrett Lbr. ........ 22 20 Simpson Electricians ........ 2] 21 Kimbel Motors .................... 21 21 Pantorium ............................ 21 21 Grunert's Service ................ ]9 23 American Legion ................ 19 23 Hi game--Ernie Anderson 211 Hi seriea.--Leo Pearce 565 COMMERCIAL league bowling teams reached the half-way point in their schedule and went into the annual Christmas lay-off with the eight clubs sardined into a five-game spread between top and bottom rungs on the ladder after last week's matches. Woodfiber stretched its advan- tage to two games with a tight 2 to 1 verdict over Local 161, one of its main challengers, while two other pretenders to the pacemak- ers' post---Morgan Eacrett Lum- ber and Simpson Electricians-- took clips on the chin, Clint Mifflin and Dour Rich- ards each hit 177 games to pace the two Woodfiber victories. PANTORIUM slipped a 3 to 0 skid under the Simpson Electri- cians as Ernie Anderson and Em- ery Lindeman each hit 551 series. Anderson registering a 211 opener for the night's high game, and Kimbel Motors put Leo Pearce's 565, higtest series of the niglt, to good use in shading Morgan- Eacrett Lumber, 2 to I. Last place American Legion twisted the vise hard on the lea- gue standings with a 3 to 0 vic- tory over Grunert's Chew'on Ser- vice, moving into a seventh place tie with their victims. Every mem- ber of the Legion lineup had a finger in the victory pie in one or another of the three games. ILLEGAL TRADE IN FISH BARRED An order designed to augment biological data and to circumvent sales of illegally caught fish was issued today by the department of fisheries. It makes mandatory the use of official Washington State fisti tickets in all commercial trans- actions and requires the signature of the fisherman as well as the dealer on the tickets: Exact loca- tion of food and shellfish catches must be indicated• Failure to meet these requirements is a punishable offense. Director Alvin Anderson said he has" "put teeth" in the new regulation to counter poaching and Lo obtain statistical information necessary to maintain sound man- agement of the fisheries. In the past ninny dealers have been lax in furnishing the proper data, he said. ltow does altitude affect motor performance? Since air pressure is lower in the mountains, iL is necessary to set the carburetor for a lean mixture. Thus more oil should be used to compensate for the reduction of fuel flowing into the nlotor. Mann factnrers now recommend the following' dosage: An increase of 20 percent at 4- 5.000 feet; 25 percent at 5-6,000 feet; and 30 percent above 6,000 feet. What size motor sllonld be nsed with the or(Unary nonlllaning boat? This point is most fre- quently debated by anglers who use coastal waters and rivers where tides and tricky currents are encountered, Most of them favor ample power, a motor as large as the boat will permit. But there is another large group which favors a smaller motor. They hold that the amount of power needed SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt Elliott, Owner DUNOYIER'S TAXI PHONE 620 "Pop" Dunoyler ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE Wiring - Installations - Repair RAY L. DREBIS Phone 740.J So. Olympic Highway NIBIII ELKIRK = Gay Taylor -- Clint WIIIour AROWN BAKERY (Oqr Own) Loving Brothers Ira, Duane, William / EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merrltt Eells Gee rge Valley pole comes from a tree 60 years old. in MasOn County and their Mothers and Dads from OTTO and BILL at the O.K. BARBER SHOP The Veterans' Complete Men's Apparel And Shoes MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner CLIFF WlVELL'8 TEXACO SERVICE 1 Veterans FIR DRUG STORE Russ Hunter, Manager BELFAIR GARDENS Gordon Squire, Owner 1000 Ft. No. Allyn-Canal Road Junction PHONE 1122 CITY CAB Mel Robertson BOB ERVIN MOTORS 100% Ex-Servlcemen FOR urday, I%cember 22, The warmth of spirit that accompanies very Christmas season is with us again in 1949 Our wish is ihat you can aTtic=pate to the fullest in a universal M[RRY CHRISTMAS PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS ALTERATIONS -- TAILORING -- DYEIb 3 Where the Charm of Newness is Restored 215 So. 2rid St. Ph( Sure To Make a Hit On Christmas Morn! e for If his game is fish, fowl, or four- "'..n ... footer, surprise him with a gift of Insnn g ///   our modern sporting equipment, dee signed to help a hunter or fisherman double his outdoor enjoyment. TYPICAL GIFT //  e- ', SUGGESTIONS.. /) ¢ " /! For All Good Sports Fisherman's De-Liar, a handy combinatll= J// &  ff sizes.SCale and tape measure, in $2.00 and Sports Heaterweighs ly Ibs., burns osene, is smokeless, made of stainless and brass, heats and cooks both... $9.45. Compasses---high quality, $2.00. Reeler--Flay, casting, salt water, Rods-Fly and bait casting, fresh and sal water, custom-made spun glass. Also---Creels, nets, flies, decoys, other ing and fishing accessories. We Have Several Fine Buys on Used Guns and We are Selling Out Our Shells JACK STEWART SPORTING GOODS STORE DAILY HOURS--11 A,M. TO 8:30 P.M.--FOR THE PRESENT You Are Invited To PHONE 680 For Information on Fishing IW Conditions, Athletic Events, Etc. Corner Your Directory Of Veterans Doing BusineSs In Mason County Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (HoodCanal tides are one hour i ana 55 minutes earlier) '...i.,.==.m..m Thursday, December 22. Low .................. 1:52 a.m. -2.5 ft. High ..: ............. 9:27 a.m. 15.9 ft. Low .................. 2:55 p.m. 7.5 ft. High ................ 7:14 p.m. 13.1 ft. Friday, December 23 Low .................. 2:36 a.m. -1.6 ft. High ................ 10:09 a.m. 15.7 ft. Low .................. 3:53 p.m. 7.1 ft. High 8:07 p.m. 12.5 ft. Saturday, December 24 Low .................. 3:19 a.m. -0.5 ft. High ................ 10:50 a•m. 15.5 ft. Low ................... 4:51 p.m. 6.5 ft. High ................ 9:10 p.m. 11.6 ft• Sunday, December 25 Low .................. 4:04 a.m. 0.8 ft. High ................ 11:29 a.m. 15.1 ft. Low .................. 5:51 p.m. 5.5 ft. High ................ 10:24 p.m• 10.9 ft. Monday, December 26 Low .................. 4:50 a.m. 2.2 ft. High ................ 12:05 p.m. 14.7 ft. Low .................. 6:47 p.m. 4.7 ft. Tuesday, Decembcr 27 High ................ 0:03 a.m. 10.5 ft. Low .................. 5:40 a.m. 3.7 ft. High ................ 12:39 p.m. 14.4 ft. Low .................. 7:40 p.m. 3.6 ft. Wednesday, December 28 High ................ 1:41 a.m. 10.6 ft. Low .................. 6:36 a.m. 5.1 ft. High ............ €... 1:10 p.m. 14.0 ft. Low .................. 8:27 p.m. 2.5 ft. In the Dog House Army "pup tents" date back to the civil war and were so named because they a"c in the shape of a dog house. Or by Later Develel),nent s Poison ivy can be recognized by the groups of three leaves with tOothed or plain edges.  ;,. '  ::, : '<i:.' For Home Dellvorfes Call 26 BOB KOLAR Distributor of Kltsap Dairy Produotl Mil - Cream - Butter "Our Aim ls to Serve You" EATON BODY FENDER Automotive Gla and Vern and Jack CALL 69r FOR SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 494 DEN'S SPORT Dick's City Dick Chase, Prop. SHOE 320 South 1st St. Neal Robinson, EXPERT WATCH & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, Owner Groceries- Meats UNION MARKET UNION 462 RAY'S Liberal Trade-In Ray Vrahnos, Owner CRAIG P. ELECTRICAL K Street- Roy Watson, Owner Phone 25-J Power Line Construction Co. Jaok Chlsum, Mgr. P.O. Box 158, Shelton, WEE PAUSE ALLYN Diek Valley,