December 22, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 22, 1949 |
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Doeember re, I..q49.
We Will
Such Articles As
.... . I D COT, A T WORKs P H 0 N [ 8
is the BEST
known to give
extra grip on wet,
or icy roads.
"'tattoos" its
of rough-edged
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it does the
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Election, Party
Recent Events
If Local Club
Election of officers was held at
the Friendship cluh meeting De-
c:enlbel" 7 at Lhe Soltthside Conl-
munity hall. Mrs. Tonic Swiger
was h'ostess for the 1 p.m. lunctl-
con whiq started ihis last meet-
ing of the year.
New officers are Mrs. Etiml
Stoy, president; Mrs. Lois Seay,
vice-president and Mrs. Stollie
Bntler, secret'lry-treasurer. Bet-
ty, Wolf, retiring vice-president,
presided at this meeting in tim
absence of Mrs. Eathel Mitchell.
Present were 17 memhers and one
guest, Mrs. Virginia Clark.
Theresa Westfall received a
birthday gift from her secret pal.
Plans were completed for the
Christmas party which was held
Decemher 19 at l:hc Community
Itostesses for the party were
Mrs. Lois Seay, Mrs. Stollie But-
ler, Mrs. Margie Yaleand Mrs.
Betty Wolf.
The hall was decorated by :Mrs.
Stoilie Butler, her husband, How-
ard Yule and grange members,
The tables were decorated with
Christmas favors and red tapers.
Streamers leading from the places
were attached to gifts heaped un-
der Christmas trees.
Mrs. Betty Wolf read a story on
candle lighting and Mrs. Gladys
Robertson lighted the candles on
the Yule, Log during tim story.
Mrs. Alma Hurst recited "One
Month After Christmas,"
Each nlember and guest tohl of
their Christmas experience they
remembered best.
Santa was portrayed by Mrs.
Tonie Swiger, who passed out gifts
to ten guests, five children and
twenty-three members. Members
received a gift from their "secret
pal" and found the name of their
year-long anonymous friend en-
Mrs, Alma Hurst will entertain
tile club January 4.
Orthopedic Guild Has
Election At Meeting
The A. B. Govey Orthopedic
Guild held its December I meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. S. W.
Election of officers was held
and Mrs. Steve Rupert is presi-
dent, Mrs. Richard Hill, vice-presi-
dent and Mrs. Fred Snelgrove,
secretary-treasm'er. Refreshments
were served after the meeting.
You'll Get
The Best Deal
, L
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;i; 0 • I E' . lWflham Judah
:i: :! ,
O O C I a I K, v ti n t s Saturday
iil Frances Alger, Society Editor . , Phone 100 ! Amid holiday decorations in-
'... • ,. • .... • • ................ :.. • ........o..o..............*, ........ ..*, • ,......*..*, ,.,*.,.,**,*,ih I chldin a white Christmas tree
MASONIC GROUPS Treys Honored 0 a,,(, Mrs. W. L. Jessul,, became
lhe hride of William B, Judah, Jr., d
TO SPONSOR Tote ,,,, ! " . • I son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Judah,
.,ls .on't fo, g..t t,,o No,v zorn Anniversary Is,'., of Seattle, at the .lessup honle
Year's Told to he held from 9 to Mr and Mrs C O Troy of I)ecember 17. .
1 a.m., Friday. De('ember b0, at T,i,,t,,,.;,,. ....... :" ,',,,£,,H ....... [ Rev. Wayne Wright, pastor of
the Masonw TenlI)l he aif r • ,
• . . " " . ...... prised Satur(lay evening Decem-itixe lPirst Methodist ehlu'ch, per-
s oemg' s )onsorefl )y the Snei- . ' formed tile double ring ceremony.
• . I... . .. ", . ;.. be( I t when a ntanber of fren(ls
ton AssemDty o[ l.filnl)ow (.JlrlS ' ,
• . , ........ " drooped m to honor them on thear Given in marriage by her father,
ana aot)'s uaugnters, an(t it is lor 25t[l" wading anniversary. Toour
tile bride wore a forest green gab-
all teen-agers whether ttley be of We tend our good wishes and the
pledge of continued, faithful service.
Masonic affilin, ti(m or not.
A/tmission is 75 cents a couple
or 50 cents stag. Dress up as it
is a semi-forn]al. Music is by tile
"Tomcats I)ance Band."
I.enember, all teenagers, their
parents and friends are invited to
Mary Ann Keenan was hostess
at a hanky showel" dinner party
given at her home Wednesday,
I)eccmher J.4, in .honor of Mrs,
Pauline Ilarris.
Following' dinner the group
played Canasta.
Present were Gall Ahlskog,
Margaret W'dton, Laura Ash-
haugh, Nor:a Lelg'h Davidson,
Coco Lovell, Jerry Carlson, Pat.
Gilmore, Mrs. Harris and Miss
The evening was spent playing
games and visiting and refresll-
ments of caj(e and coffee were
A set of silverware and several
e×trt pieces were presented to
tlle Treys.
Guests for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Barkley, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Tiee, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Shutlcr, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Shutlcr, Tru(ly and Katherine;
Mr. and Mrs. James Barrom and I
Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Art Rieh-
ards, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dodge, I
Tommy -md Robhie; Mr. and Mrs./
I)onald Shutler, Paul and Paul- /
ine; Mrs. May Troy, Mr. and Mrs /
see us for
ardine suit accented with a winter
white hat. Her corsage was of
green orchids.
Mrs. Dinty Moore, sister of the
bride, was matron of honor wear-
ing a navy blue gabardine suit
and pink rosebud corsage.
Mr. Hugh Watt of Seattle was
best man.
A wedding dinner was served
after the wedding to 22 out-of-
town guests and the wedding par-
The new Mr. and Mrs. Judah
left on a motor trip and Will be
at home to their friends at the
Kimbel apartments after Christ-
J. M. Thornton and Sharon from
McCleary and Mr. and Mrs. Troy. I __
............ ] GIRL SCOUT TROOP
Frances Alger of Shelton was a [ Thinking of others before them-
last week end guest at the home iselves , the members of Girl Scout
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lofgren in Troop 1 gathered food for baskets
Aberdeen. to aid the needy instead of ex-
The Woman's Society of Chris -O
Hillcrest Homemakers club had
their Christmas dinner Decemher
18. Many were present for the de-
licious dinner which began at
6:15 p.m.
Following dinner the group
played games and had a Christ°
mas tree with gifts for all.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Cimrles Savage and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Ellis Wells and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Helser and fam-
ily, Mr, and Mrs, Jensen and
daughter, Mr'. and Mrs. Glenn
Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Oar(el
Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Demmon,
Mr. and Mrs. Saeger, Mr. and Mrs.
loy LePage, Mr. and Mrs. John
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Lenhard
Simantle, Mr. and Mrs. Drebick
and children, Mrs. May Burgess,
Mrs. Syble Taylor, Mrs. Ads Walls,
Mrs. Mary Trotter and Mrs. Flor-
ence I-lamilLon.
A noon potluck will start the
next meeting which will be held
at the home of Mrs. Roy LePage,
Aadia Road, January 5.
tian Service of the Methodist
church gave its annual Christmas
program and silver tea at 2 p.m.
Wednesday, December 14, in the
t chm'ch sanctuary.
Mrs. Walter Elliott, St., wel-
comed the audience and introduced
Mrs. Bernice Stewart, program
chairman, who announced the
Stories of several of the well
loved Christmas carols were told
by Mrs. R. W. Norvold, and latel'
interpreted by the group. The
sacred strains of the organ, play-
ed by Mrs. Robert Keenan, pro-
vided a spiritual setting for the
portrayal of the Christmas Story,
narrated in a beautifully sacred
manner hy Mrs. A. L, Ferwerda,
thus renewing the meaning of the
ageless story.
The scripture was interwoven
with the sacred choral music pro-
vided by a choir made up of voices
from all the city ehm'ches. Solo-
ists were Bea Larson, Donna
Hemphill and Mar(lea and Barry
Mrs. Horace Crary lead the
group in prayer and offered the BERNICE MANKE IS
In Tnsrn closing playez. Ave Ma l,t w, s ...............
JLqTVV lI the organ postlude. 1ii11.!) /k'l." ll'l[UI%l
for all A silver tea was served in the Mis,: Bernice Manke, bride-
firenlace room following the pro- elect of Thomas O'Neill was feted
I I 4 Tires 4 NO EXTRA TIRES (In , gram. The lace covered table cloth at a lingerie shower at the home
.... was centered with a silver ar- of Mrs. Bud Blacker Monday, De-
TO BUY rangement which was flanked by cember 19.
M'.l]i] P, lTI('.l[g" candies. Mrs. Walter Elliott, Sr., The table was centered with a
safer e sofa i. -.-. v, .-.-,.a= end Mrs. Robert C. Johnson Dour- bride doll surrounded by paper
s ar • NO WTING FOR A ed. - umbrellas and holly. A beautiful-
AT Smaller tabl s were beautiful v ly decorated Christmas tree light-
n! todayl SPECIAL RECAP JOB ............. es __-.. __ i . _:.
decorated for the festive occasion ectne room.
• tuests for the evening were
by the tea comlmttee. They were . , " . .....
trod rxvm Jemison Mrs Tom Rome and Miss I den' Mrs. Joe Parsons, Betty John-
Mnl'in '.Tnhnrn nited iv MI: I son, Frances Alger, Mrs. Thomas
r%']a,Je,a.L'-,=s-';,"E"lli, "an3 i Gibson, Mrs. LeRoy Newman, Miss
DICK'S SSLL SERVICE Motors [rs . E. J.'Dan,ma;,'n. ],"s. Phii [Manke and Mrs. Blacker.
• . Miss Manke will marry Mr
- Fredson was in charge of decoi-[. ' ...... •
• I u'2eiu m a pmvae ceremony dan-
, 1st at Kneeland - Phone 39 (WE NEED USED CARS) On the program committee were luary6: and large reception at
Mrs Bernice Stewart Mrs Her-] the u(uoniai ttouse Will folloW.
ace" Crary, Mrs. R. vV. Norvold[ ---
, and Mrs. R. B. Dickey. ]MARTINS ATTEND
IK [ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Martin
. | attended the wedding of their
I /niece, Dorothea Neely Laramie,
• " I" and Mitchell. Taylor. Bowie In the
,.,<'.,.: . : ]Unitarian Church m Seattle Sat-
.1:'" I urday afternoon, December 17,
t' .'l ]Mr. Martin gave his niece in mar-
. t At the :i-eception which fol-
:l {lowed in the balh'oom of the Ed-
:. i',"1 [round Meany Hotel, Mrs. Martin
}Enjoyable Evening
]Follows Program
%' I More than twenty guests en-
" joyed a memorable evening Sun-
".'/ J day at the home of Mz'. and Mrs.
"' Bernhard Winecki following the
]"Christmas Cantata" presented by
I the Faith Lutheran church.
The evening was spiced with
a joyous good time and laughter
, ]and at the close of the midnight
i M # ° * [ hour, around the lighted Christ-
"' -- " " ° Imas tree and blazing hearth,
carols were sung with great depth
and feeling.
Delicious refreshments w e r e
served from a beautifully appoint-
ed table in keeping with the sea-
son. Mrs. Les Fields presided at
:: And "Good Living" the Year 'Round the ,,.
That's where your lumberman counts. It's here that you SERVICE LUNCHEON
The V.F.W. Auxiliary is joining
with the city to aid in distrlbut-
ing Christma baskets to )the
needy• Any members who have
not sent in donations may take
them to the city hall. Contri-
butions will be received until noon
Friday, December 23.
Members of the Auxiliary are
reminded that Tuesday, Decem-
ber 27, they are to serve Kiwanis
hmcheon. Helpers will be appreci-
Degree of Honor will hold a
Owned and Operated by Everett Dillon and Joe Simpson New Year's party at the I,O,O,F.
420 SOUTH FIRST ST. Open Until Noon Saturdays PHONE 56 , Hall Tuesday, December 27.
r It is /mportant that all mem-
bers attend tiffs meeting as there
will be aselection of members for
the drill team and escort staff.
On the committee for the eve-
ning are Irma Barge( Grace Bart-
]lett, Ben Larson, Maybelle Dan-
] isis, Barbara Bates and Mary Pet-
.l ty.
find the materials that make your home a good place to
live. Whether it be paint for one room, a piece of glass
for a broken window or lumber to completely remodel,
you know that we are ready and willing to serve you.
Come in when you need our help.
changing Christmas gifts.
Two decorated baskets filled
with canned fruits and vegeta-
bles, puddings, sweet and white
potatoes, nuts, coffee and other
foods were donated to the 40 et
8-Journal Christmas Fund by the
Working on the project were
Susan Biehl, Linda Christensen,
Barbara Cole, Joy Halvorsen, San-
dra Hendricksen, Beverly Howard,
Marcia Livermore, Rella Marr,
Zella Marr, Patty Price, Glenda
Robertson, Jndy Russell, Charleen
Smith, Sharalee Sperling and Vir-
ginia Wyatt.
The American Legior and
Ladies' Auxiliary of Hood Canal
Post 230 will hold a Christmas
party Thursday evening, Decem-
ber 22, at the Lilliwaup Commun-
ity hall for their families and
There will be fun and enter-
tainment for all, and everyone
attending is asked to bring a gift
for the ,exchange.
The children are welcome to
come as Santa Claus will put in an
'L I I ,
'" n I .Illl 1 . . J.
For a smile on every face
and a carol in every heart
we commend you to the spirit
of Christmas.
Shelton Printing & Stationery Co.
" '" F r - "
. 2 o Her or
I It'" m. il).il For Him "
/l00l Yardley
ll /Ill OldSpice :
;I .... /]l Lentheric
I I) BRUSH SETS / I! "I Evenin in Paris
If _-2:: ....... /i S.r,e. set, _ _ g :.
! $2.,. ,,, ' F' ...-- e ii
( $3.50 . ', Cut to 9 il Coty
Borg Bathroom Scales .......... 7.95 Mmkey Mouse Wrist Watch 6.95 '
Bubble Gum Banks ................ 1.49 Canasta Sets .... , ........................ 1.98 "
Fancy Stationery .................... 3.50 Five Year Diary .................... 3.95 :
I Chocolate Cherries, lb ............. 69¢ Baby Brownie Camera .......... 2.75
Toy Fire Chief Car ..: ............... 79¢ Tom & Jerry Batter, l-lb. ctn. 65¢
Whitman Sampler ...... 2.00 & 4.00 G.E.. Electric Steam Iron .... 17.50 -
I Wearever Tri-Color Pens ...... 1,00 MUmcal Bedroom Lamps .... 7.45
Amity Bill Folds ........ 2.00 - 5.00 Star Pillar Candles ............... 98¢
Plastic Aprons .......................... 98€ Ronson Lighter ................ 6.00 up
at McConkey's