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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18 SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAE CLASSITIED ADVERTISING RATES Reader notices 15c per. line. 75c minimum charge on each notice. C.d of Thanks, $1,00; original ; words r less (mintmum eluU-ge) 75C slngle iertton.. $1. tWO lnmertions,-$1.0 three mser- ttoM. Addition lmrtiout 0c Larger ads at ra of 10c for eaah 6 wort above . play tesPOetrYra per inch; clmRled dbP on requssL All elualfied advertisement mutt Clatmlfled Service be paid l advance, Thoe taken 9vet telephone must be ald the CORSETIERE: Bernice Stewart (Char- followLn S any, An extra enarge off is). No more girdle yan (stays put 2c will be maam whoa billi w feature), never rides up. Slimmer neeeury, waist line and flatter tim)my. Brae, all types. Appointments phone 37gR. ll-S4tfn - -,v,,,¢.,-,*-v,, vting, nsrrowmgwlth tractor, call Legal Publications :hi..a00l.0 00oot. I, pons 76J1. $-10tfn ] .. I ".1 f&apos;-y-''o'-b': s,vvvv- _ _- _-v tonnoling. Mrs. Ellis Wells. Friend- ly ltetiange Store, 214 Grove in CALL FOR BID FOIg GASOLINE Es4gl0 Building. -8 tfn NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tibet 'j[N---MA'-(-IJ-,P ealed bids will be received and opened by the Board of County Com- RT WORK. PJuoble charges, missioners of Moon County. on es- ]Ptlmatu made in your home by a day. December 27, 1949, at 10:0 A,M.. coUOtm, bonaed employe. No ob- .at the ofe of the.oard in the uourt- lichen. Zave calla at The Journal In noUse tn tnelton, for turn/shmg ga$o-  ielton, Plaone 100. llne to Mason County for all /ts needs. NGFt SEWING MACHINI CO. and Including such school dlstrlcta as IOE. 4th Ave. Olympia wish to avail themselves of the bene- MNY-,N'-'--an-au]e-. fit of this contracL or the year corn- uu stoves and furnaces vacuum menctng January I, 1950. cleaned, Fr eattmate. Phone 8496 COMMISSIONERS, , l-4tfa. y susie E. PAUL., Pt)--RW--0ii--: Clerk of Board. cal €0ntract. old age aulstaace, or 12---15---9t direct with _ou on your doctor's oruer, reYP s Drug Store, Second NO.  and Railroad. I0-$ tfn SUMMONS FOE PUBLICATION D&TOR NIT gum'anteed service on IN '/IE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE h9 or afire rdios. Free esttmttes STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND r 10.Yen if desired. Reuonble R THE COUNTY OF MASON lte, . -ee pickup and dsltvery. Agnes Louise Stires. Plaintiff loed lPridsy evemngs and eatu --vs-- oays. or leave work at KJlimer le- John A. Stlres. Defendant the. BURGON RADIO SERVICe. STATE O WASHINGTON TO THE  rklln, near Loop Field. Note SAID JOHN A. STIRF, DEFEND- w Dno 2qo, 84§.W. §-0-tt ANT : You are hereby summoned to appear , i All| 5iL EN os; of the, first publication of this sum* L BURG BR men.% to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 15th day of December, 1949, and defend the above-entitled action BULLDOZING Jn the above-entitled court and an- swer the complaint of the plaintiff, sed serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorn.y at his office below stated; and In case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be ran- tit,red against you accurdtng to tlle demand of the complaint, which has beeu filed with the clerk of said court. That th( cause of action herein is for a Divorce. /s/ GLENN E. CORREA, Attorney for Plaintiff Office anti Post Offlcc Address: Glenn E. Correa Gooey Building Shelton, Washington. Date of first publication, December 15th, 1949. 12:15-g2-29--i -5-12-19--6t.  NO. 5458 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Frances King, Plaintiff, Ernest S. King. Defendant. THE STAT Ola' WASHINGTON TO THE SAID ERNF..T-8. KING, De- fendant. You are hereby suttlnloned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication ot this Summotm, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 8th day of December, 1949. and defend tlte above-entitled action ta the above-entitled Court, and answer the complaint of the Plain- tiff and serve a copy of y, our answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff at his ofice below stated. B EHIt an 9 tn ctmo of oUr failure fie to do, I utgment _will be rendered agalnsti yt _ortstag ,tt tl gestured ,v4t;'': compl.tnt,lalnt which h been filed with| the Clerk ot said Court; the objeCtl of this action is that ,Plaintiff ssksl to seure sejrate maintenance from/i, t i you in the amount of one hundred] {$|00.0D) dollar per month, seeks to| have you enjoined ana rostrsaned| from selling one 1941 Studebaker ear.[ disposing of the tme ,in Say way l pr shiyPilag 0r .transporting *as slirtici DeYpd the urmdictlon of the Stafel of Wuhington; that the sal Defen.l ant. his agents, servanm ann erplq)-| ees be directed ann Greeted to deliver/ the tmid Studebaker ear ,to Plaintiff.] that said ear be awarded to Plain-/ tiff or sold: that Plaintiff be allowed her coats and dlsbursementa herein incurred. InCluding a reasonable at- tornc'y*s ' fee, and that : Plaintiff have such other, further and different re- lief as is fit and proper In the prem- ises. CItAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for Plaintiff 119 So. Fourth fit. Bell Building _ . leltqn, .Mason uounty. washington. 12-8-15-22-29--1-U-l.lg--7t. NO. e NOTICE OF HI, AlONG ON FINAL A('(OUNT AND PETITION OF &DMIN]sTBATKIX FOB ETTLE* MENI, DIST/t/BUTION AND DIM- (HBGE. , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND )R THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PItOllATE In the Matter of the Combined Es- tates ot Jt)hn Is. Richel and Anaa Btchsel, husband and wife, both de- ceased. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, timt Ella B. C, hase, Administratrix of the above combined estates, has filed here- in her final account, report and peti- tion for settlement and distribution of the cztate of the deceued persons, wherein the Court is asked to ap- prove said account and report, make dlatributlon of the estates, and dis- charge the Adminlstratrix NOTICE IS FTRTHER GIVEN, that in accordance with an erder of said Court made and entered on the 2nd dlw of December, I49, a hearing will be had be.fore lhe Court oil said final aec.otmt, report and Petition on Fri- day, the 6th day of January, 1950, at 10. o'eloek, a.m,. on said dy in tlo Court Room of said Court in tim Court House at Shellon. Washington, Dated this 2nd dlly of December, 1949. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of tile Superior Court for Maim County Washington, ALDEN C, BAYLEY, ttcrney for Adnlinistratrix. Title, Insurance But|cling Bhelton. Washlngt(ut. 12-8-15-22-29---4t NO. 201 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND pITJTION 'F0]g DISTIglBUTION JN TH SUPERIOR COURT OF" THE STATE OF WASItINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROIIAT E) n dn Matiev of the EState of Cody Wootlard. ])¢,Ceacd. qOTICH IS tJ;REBY (IIVF]N tint Nell Woollard, Executrix of tile estate of Cody Wtadlard. dace, need, ita f I(,d with the Clerk of tile above entitled Court her final report and petition for distribution asking the court to settle and approve tld final report and petition rot dlstrtpution, to did- tribute the property to the persons thexeto entitled and %0 discharge the said Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that mt/d final report and petition for dis- lribution will be ileard on Friday. th' 0th flay of 5anuary 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forentmn, at the vourt room in the Court House in S|lton. Washington, Dllted t'tlta 16th day of December. 19/E . , (SEAL) I IARY DEYE'I TE WaSh. LAND CLEARING LOGGING Phone 667-J - Shelton PLUMBING HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and Plumbing Fixtures. IAcermed Master Plumber Ernest Swearingen Phone 405-W Star RL 2, Box 97, Shelton 12-9tin. Ill I WE REPAIR All makes of RADIOS, WASHING MACI-IINES and SMALL APPLIANCES Expertly and Reasonably FOR PROMPT DELIVERY STOVE OIL DIESEL OIL Phone 87 Standard Oil Co. of California C. C. COLE Distributor 122 So. Third St. - Phone 87 .... U I Experienced BRICK MASON FIREPLACES & BRICK VENEER, CONCRETE BLOCK CONSTRUCTION Free Estimates Phone 53-J M12-8-29 I DICK NESS Home Decorator Painting Paperhanging COLORS MIXED TO SUIT YOU Phone 674-W Route 2, Box 334 Shelton 12-8-22-3t I E. A. (Bony) Loertscher FARM& LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEERING Write Lost Lake Route Box 57, Elma, Wash. 7-14--12-30-25t Jl L J] LI I | ACCORDION and SOLOVOX PLAYING for Dances, Parties J. G. Halvorsen PHONE 202 6-30tf U I I . III I I __ - Septie Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contmts Hauled Away Quick Service 1714 EaSt 9th, Olympia Plmne 3488 or 7026 1.15--ttn. Title I neuraace--Abst Pacts--Escrows 8ELTON-ELL Abstrtet &Title Co., Inc. 1 L 4th (Boil Bldg,) Shelton. Wa, PHON] .o. count agent for . otmd Title Inem'ance Imay of Seattle ember Classified Service PENINSULA OIL STOVE SERVICE. Parts, repairing and vaeuum clean- ing. Local Shelton phone 61-J. B6.a0tfn F-LeeRS SANDED ana F,FINISHED: New hardwood floors Installed, old or new homes. J. A. Sehlange, Box 28, Belfatr. Phone Belfalr 5-3931. ' 7-17.7tfn. Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 299-W 703 Franklin St. Ill Bulldozing - Grading Land Clearing Road Building All Work Guaranteed PHONE LrNION 284 after 5 p.m. 12-1-29-5t I FOR RENT FOR RENT: sh,eping room f,,r nmn only. Heat in room. 311 North First. Phone 6-J, P12-15 oartments by day, week or month. rncr first and .Aider. Iuquire at office. 12-1tin FOR SALE 255 OFF ON ALL 1949 outboard mo- tel's. Also some denlonstratol's. ('ash only. duringpre-lnventory sale Dec. 23 thru 31. Hillcrest Hardware. .................................... 2J22 FOR SALE: see Olympm Motor Sales for auto parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets. Phone 595. 7-4tin rooms aztd batlL C and Adams St,. Mountain View. Gll-24--12-9 bLiSOiiCUViRi, .(ifd-5{-iih-' ...................... tnstalleet or lay tt yourself. Easy F0R RENT--modern furnished three terms° 3 years to pay. Lawton Lure- room cottage on the bY next to gulf com'se, $35 month. Byshore. In- bcr, 20 & First St., phone 55. 3-3tin. quire aysnore Store. 10-Otfn.] F0t--iXL-E-k-ed---KTng--Kp-oi7-$fUd FURN---N-fI-IE'D--AP.R--MENTS: 1, 21 per box, orchard run. tring con- and 3 bedroont units now available] tainers. Jacoby Ranch, Route 2, at Airway Court Airport, phone [ 761R5. ' A5-26tfn, Box 271. Phone 874R5. 10-Z7tfn 5 iV'h-,K L- h FC&;a- - b  ffi- - d dd- Yb coLiY-s'rL/P,:A{'" B0":K:S t0t;-rouii'l sU,ve, fu'eplace, iz. Also seasoned Phone 922. Mt. View Lockers, Star] slab $10 per cord. Wilhum 1t. Stew- ..... -u.Üute+1±-Boxº$2ºB. .......... _3-24.n. art. l'hone 22, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 FOR RENT: small furniMu, d apart- ment,, downtown, heat furnished. 31t North Fh'st St. Phone 6-J. P12-15 ROOMS FOil I:t''" weekly-w- rates. Cameron llotel, Phone 513. 11-24tin. FoR RENT: l'-d cot- tags at Lilliwaup on tIood Canal. Phone ttoodsport 34-W-12. II11-3tfn ment. No children under 15, :lit, pets. _ ):h02:.:. ........................... F12-s:. FOR RENT: Thzee-room modern house, furnished, garden space, chicken house. $15,00 monih, Un- ion. Phone 12-J, lloodsport, eve- FOR JtENT: furnished aparlment, $30 ]nonth. downtown l)hon,' 664. Kil|- p.m. ll-24tfn. .LL- ''L/+- RODs "arld t'ly lines ' 20, off during pre-invento:l'y sale, Dec. 23 thru 31, at IIillcrest Hardware. 12-22 OLD GROWTH WOOD for fireplace or fu:lnace, any ize, $10.00 per cord, you haul, also wanted feed cutter m good condition. Lusin, Route 2, Box 268 (Agate). 12-8 reel. J. L. Carte liardwarc. 12-8-22 resistant water glasses while they last to each lady customer visiting our store. No strings attached, noth- ing to buy, absulutely a gift from }I1LLCREST HARDWARE. 12-22 all kinds. Mt. View Gift Shop, oppo- situ Thc Pines. A12-8-22 MISKELLA SUPPLY .... :l,,r+.E!,t:.i::- ........................ I- o--sxt--:--b;.dm-mte-r-;,i. CO., INC. Fo: H.P++N'r: ,m,dera cabin,, water, bed spr£ng. aad mattress; almost garl)ago, lights and oil stoves. Wash- new guitar; lteatrola; and good 416 Legion Way t,r and autolnattc clothes dryer avail- rallgO. Wood for c:<nutng after it, ahte to tenants, city bu t'tvice. Inquire East 1slued l+ake. Phone OLYMPIA, WASH. ;$25 to $.10, The Pines. 614-J-3. J12-15-22 Your "BEST BET" For ............................................... L12-22tfn.: j;6;i,/+b'i:-)N--SUNi(.i-G.ln--oi-c- REFRIGERATION r',m I-ENT: duph!s aDavl,|tOlll:, l|,l'e,*, and t't,t,ls dUl'iug pte-inveutovy sale r,,,oi;s with bath. ful•rt/3|led, ell,ale D.c. 23 th£'u 31. aL II crest Ih:,rd- Garden Tractors -Purnps 513, , C12-22i[n. ware, J2-22 Aluminum, Bldg. Supplies, Etc. ,, ,,, ROSE JUSiiES: ,xc,qli',it s-uplJly" or' patcnts and better 'tandavd. Wage- ,,,, i nor l,'ced 217 . First. 'hone 28. ....................................... )2-!tin APPLIANCES l,'uR AI+E: Ju,,i,,, F.stone Pilot for FOR RENT t, mt,. 2Q-illch veFy gOt,£t condition. $20. 611 Cctlar. Phone. 17-M. Ililco Electric Floor Sanders ...................................... K12:stfn_. IMMEDIATE FO. SAL00: ai, e+,,,,o,ed +ick Moa, Sterling'Electrlc portable hand range, excellent condition, copper coils, and a bed daveno, chest of Sanders drawers and a chiffo:l'obe. Phone CASH LOANS Joso Electric Floo Polish- 723-R. D12-15tfn. Ieavy Duty Clark Electxlc Fr-E-ql-LE--iYE-Y---A-gT-:da Floor Waxer. enW, Dec, L, six pyrex chip rc- . -ouse Jack ststant glasses, no Strlngs attached, n,,t]tJn" IO buy, for every lady viM- tor to Hille:l'est ltardware. 12-22 E D D Y LAWTON LUMBER "oW-sA:i+-rt,. f,,;c 2-10-t deep well water pump. Purchased 20 s. t Pho, 6 :ti..f used f,,t,,. ,,,,,,,tl, 4o foot B E S I N E S S Phone 870-R-t. S£2-1tfn II J S E R V I C E Miscellaneous FOR PHONE 540 ORDERS TAKEN for ]:land madt; QUICK SALE 120 South Third Street, quilts. ContacL Alice Baricktnan, Bev- Shelton. Wash. e,'ly ltcights. 12-22 Wi-i0Vk --),=q--'XK'-[,--iYfd $175.00 .... , , boy's Labora(lor ft;nmie puppy, zaay not r(,rry about inununizatlOU for Mason County distemper, I jt had tt done. S.A. Snlall Rebuilt Upright Droncn. 855 . l'alrmont. D12-22 KIMBALL PIANO Heating Co. :' COaOLlCS OMOS .,ea Friday evenings at 8 la.m. in the Keys All Newly Recovered 415 South First St. Sunset BIDE., Olympia, Wash. Call Evenings 6 to 9 -15tfn, OIL BURNER SALE IYOE wishing to contribute -0Td Piano Tuning AND SERVICE socks and clothing to make rag rugs KING & FOLK MUSIC CO. Re-condition your Oil for charitable cause please leave Heater or Furnace for them at Mary Iu's Git Shop next door to Taylor Radio She/). 10-Otfn Winter NOW OTHER OF -EA-OLD blld' BILL HAJEK We service any make furnace oil ca:l'c for children in my home dot- burner or stove. 24-Hour Service. ing day by hour, day or n:lonth. Ref- St. View, Next to Economy crences t'urnished. Located on Mt. Drug Store Office Phone 208 View. Phone 8bJ-J, PI2-JStfa "i?iEl -'+ t frJe-+ SP-t:ifi+gc + Spl]/i e f -p-ul, Phone 980 Aftei' 5:30 p,m, Call 1023-R tltrce months old, house broken, Will I IIII I Ive to a good family with cl:lll- 12-22-1t at The urea. See Harry R. Bay 12-15tin .............................................. 2 ............. ....... Journal office. E. F. FULMER shrubbery, gencral yard work, Fred " Foster. t hone 348. 12-15tfn MERRY XMAS GUSHES MOM, DECORATOR ATTENTI0/ Toy and Modol + T;ain WITH A RADIANT SMILE. Painting,,..___Papel'. I. ng- ,+paired. Phone 6071 or 16t}3 Yew St., Olympia. S12-15-22 MERRY XMAS GROWLS POP, hag, pray Pamtmg .......-......-..,..-.....+v......-.-... GRINNIN' ALL THE WHILE. PHONE-- ":+ 977-J-1 WANTED MERRY XMAS CHIRPS GRAND- w,t,,=,,t,w,t,,trw,,,'t,,,t,'vw'w'" WANT TO STORE or buy urled piano IN A REMINISCENT MOOD. REAL ESTATE l,, good r.ondltion. Pllone 378, 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Ask for Ted, MERRY XMAS SQUEAKS JU- ,,, .,,e.,, ,.,. .t, , -,-. ., ,a A , .+ H12-22--1-5 phone 4uO-W. M12-22-29 AN EYE ON THE FOOD. DOWNTOWN: si.x-room lome, corner 10t. Oil range, heater, garage. Will 2NTITD+: J:k'ih-g"g if-wa3G-ai'd MERRY XMAS BEAMS SIS, sell or trade equity for small acre- and rnom. Call 112-J or write Clmt age near Shelton or what have you, Froechle. Rt. 7, Box 52, Olympia. G1VIN' ALL A KISS. Will consider your offer. Pin)no B12-22 SO WE ADD OUR BIT Shclton 971-R-8. FlZ-8-zv ........... WANTED - TO-"P,'UY .............. F"[tlf;,:i:-mi'+hdiic.-[gfti = Sttrfaco ch'ar econd growth and "MERRY XMAS TO ALL son tractor; 5 head tock. 2 inllKlng; old growth fir LOGS. Premium MAY ALL GIFTS FIT chicken, fish pond. Priced to sell price. at $6,500. Agate distrh:t Inquire /IARDEL PLYWOOD CO. AND A GIFT FOR ALL" Milton Russ, Rt. 2 Box 287.. o Phone Olympia 23471 or 3875 af- ' 12-s:- ternoons o 4++ after  .In. COSELMAN MILL CO. 11-17tin. with unfinished upstairs, partia rii,ViLL--TAKE'-C_RE--o't---c-hi'i Phone 867-R-1 buement with furnace. 60 x 120, on my home days. Pitons 376W. bus line, lawn, fruit trees, shrubs, M10-13tfn flowers. Furnished or unfurnished, XN, Mia ' ' J Reasonable. Phone 723R. Dg-29tfn feed. Myers and I-Iansen Mink Farm° WOOI FOR SALE "j'S-A'lo--t,b-u]iiad Olyn:lpia. Pl,one 4676 collect. 1-1tfn for building, on lIlllcrest. Call 760- X2TLi.?-h-+6+"6(i+efl-o-r-b+x: • and 1%-4. H12-15-29 change cattle #t any .kind. J. Clark, OLD GROWTH FIR I.-SXUl, Y:--f--diiil-f'-"fif-$.5.97i( Box 2, Ehna. Wasn. 2-17tim KNOTS FOR IREPLACE 4-room modern house with oatn anu ()LD CLOTHING and seeks want ell eleetrlc hot water tank, al,o ulility to make. rag ruffs for eltarltable C.C. McHENRY roon:l, house nearly new. hcatcd on cause. Please leave your contrlbu- PHONE ION 41 corner lot. Equity prlce $ti00, pay- tion %t ° Mary Lou's Gift Shop next meats $50 per month. 1,138 Dear- doer Taylor Radio, ll-10tfn 9-15--10-8-4t horn, W12-8-23 VILL- DELIVER-parcels or" "p-aci'ago ' ' FORSAIE'::t" Vlew"iot atBlrch and sad run errands anyplace in county. 10tbSt. Phone O01. KO-16tfn. Call Ronnie 599-R alter 3:30 and .-'ALE: Mnlanq on alt water. Saturdays and Su.days. 9-22tt'n. E L E C T R O L U X wet of Steamnoat stana near ar- WYfNTE6--"iii;(i]-e:l:dr-:y;,[tF:(,d-i, hlld SALES, SERVICE, eadla. 600 ft. depth to road. pretty will care fu" children two years and trees, view. good soil...108 ft. along over i:l:l luy honl, during day, by SUPPLIES shore. Splendid fishing, $1575, ht+ur, day or month. Located +m Mt. tcrms including oyster laud fronting View. 89-J. Pll-2,1tfn. on Oyster Bay. Charles Sealers, ........................ Free Pickup and Delivery Grapeview. Phone 871-J-I WANTED:- deed stock, pr nnpt free, • 5-12 tin courteous scrw,'e, l'hone us colle,:t. Phone Shelton 650 EInta 121-J, Grays tiarbor Render- IN"5()'- w'ATER]'R(')NT'" {l:liilu,,i: ing. Inc, 2-27tfn llotrle tl'act. ]4tX! fl fl'oln mail box, widlh uf em'll 23 foot 3 inc]lt'S. All ......................................................... 125 Cota -- Shelton for $00 (,aBh each, ]:uyer of hj)me- " ' stead gels *t 4-1'<)o11! fl'l:tllli hDnse, a never faili:l:lg wetl 3+) 'rapvmes, Jack Manley +., ,,eor,ng ,,,,,,,,+ ,,e,,., +.',+ wort,, vs00+um"a00e ef filing', nnd 12" tim +.'I' stun,pago, 7-15tfll Set.' owner. 1++,+,. at 1'29 East Rail- road AVe. Shclion, ]b'¢'[l'h! line 60 yards, grsv,'lly l,eat,ll, no big rock XIAS TREES it} hhtdcr boat lt/tdlng. 12-22--1-5 '" ' ' Wanted MmL WOOD UNION ON HOOD $10 a load Delivered In Shelton CANAL HARRIS & THOMAS Our Wood Is Always a Cord 10 Lots and 1 Beach Lot lta tree cutters, shippers or Better to the Load. next to Office at Gruncrt's Service Enitai Lumber Co. Robin Hood Lodge Station -- 1st and Cota Minerva Park One cabin neafqy finished, shake Office Itours at I)resent Phone Hoodport 38-W-12 outs/de, cedar inside. Completely 3.24-tin w/red for range and water heater. Everyday 9 to 5. One cabin, tin'co rooms, shower, nook and some builtins, wired for t , HORNET range, CRy water, open abed 30 CHAIN SAWS ft. by-20 ft,, play homm and chick- WANTED en house. 130 ft, frontage on high- Sales and Sezwice way, no high banks. Tidelands in- TIMBER STUMPAGE z or 2-Man Operation eluded. Good loation for motel or $310 AND UP other businea& Cash or terms. State Amount and Lyation CASH OR STUMPAGE BASIS KIMBEL MOTORS Phone Shelton 811J. 11-Otfn WRITE BOX A c/o JOURNAL 707 S. 1st St. Phone 601 z.+0-t4a , - + .++ + . + FOR SALE SHOTGUN and ILIFLE SIIELLS 107 off regular prices during pro-three- tory sale, Dec. 23 th:l'u 31 at IIil] "rel IIardwa:l'e. 12-22 25% OFF on tlarvalloy and Kenney ware, also enamel ware. Catto Hard- ware. 12-8-22 FOR SALE: two Sennan mil goats. One three years, one nine months, Phone Union 262. D12-8-22 "GIVE AN + EXQUISITE needie painting of lasting beauty for that extra special gift. Selling iO Olyuipia fov $40. Christnlas special h,,re, $15. ln- quire Pines Auto Court, Cabin N(.. 5, J12-8-22 FOR SALE OR TRADE for what hivd you. Norgc oil leater. Carbuerator neods solne repair. Make nl ,n o[f('r, FOR SALE: excellent X:lnas present; 6 months old curly Red male thor- oughbred Cocker Spaniel. Also lay- ing New Hampshire Red hens 1 and l& years old, Also pullets. Inquire Mrs. E. Julian, Rt. 2, Box 259, Agate or at Agate Store. 12-22 ONE STRAND cultured Mikimoto pearls. A bcautiful and ideal Christ- mas gift fo:l' her. Rcasonablc, Phone 976-R-2. tt12-22 FOR SALE: Marx seven unit train, good condition, 31 pieces of track, two nanual switches, searcl:lligiit, hridge and other extras, price $8.00. Plione 379-J. C12-22 wood and coal range, crean:l enamel- ed, con:lplete with water tank and fittings, $75. Phone 693-W. D12-22tfn WILL Glee AWAY six weeks o|d pnp- pies. Very nicc for Christmas pres- ents. Jol:ln F. White, 1438 East Dear- born. W12-22 6 PYREX GLASSES FREE Friday on- ly, Dec. 23 while they last to cvery woman visitor to otlr store. No strings, nothing to buy, just come tn Hillcrest Hardware. 12-22 Star Route 2 (Dayton). 12-22 2 boy bh!ycles, "g)()(1 contlition. One regular size with FOR SALE : carryhig basket and one junior size, $15.00 and $18.00 or $30.00 for both. Plmue 760-R-2. Route 2, Box 212. Pickering. S 12--15-29 i§],?--DELUX"- LXU  Dgit XL-LT-g65cl I conditien, roller bearings, sell or trade Iiir aparlment size €lcctvic range for pa:l't payn:lent. Phoue , 872R5. S10-27tIn I -WE cARRY A q_TLL LINE of- Cath-+ olic supplles and gifts. Also the latest in excellent books. Open eve- nings. The Gift Box, 200 W. Fourth Olympia. Wash. 6-23tin masters at Eells & Valley Appliance Cea4er. 6-2tie. AiL ToYS-I,ElrT/i0<,i/off-.liih,. tl-(i:) last during pre-ir, ventory sale Dec. 23 thru 31, at tIillcrest Hardware. 12-22 CALVES FOR SALE; take your ch(ice_ Rt. 3, Box 208, Arcadia Road, three miles east of Shelton. Phon971R3. F10-24tfn FOR SALE: 1935 standard Clev=ok-. Everything but :l:liah:l beal'ing fr pa:l•ts. 17-hi. tires. Also model " A" z'ad[ator, Inquire J, G. MacRae, Day- ton. -'2-15-29 P{5-R- ?+6ti++-+0i+lIST+tAS DINNER: young Col'n fed get!S,!, $5 calll. 111- quire Jolin MacIac, Ilear Dayton. 12-15-22 FRUIT TREES: all varieties ttmt do well in this locality. Wagcner Feed, 219 S, First. Phonc 28. 12-1tfn PAINT 10% OFF, all inside and out- side paint in our stock, during pro- inventory salc at IIil]crest Hard- ware. 12-22 heater, large size, $30. Pitone 859-J. P12-1tfn FOR SALE: three wheel ciain (lriven t'icyelc. Good conditioa. Phone 897W. W12-15-22 LOCKER MEAT Cut, double wrapped, and trimmings irotnd 3¢ per pound• :Don Wil- e:ins, 604 Dearborn. Phone 458-M. 11-24--12-29 months old. Oreha:l'd I-lill show type. E. Batch:tan. St. Route 2, Box 94. Lake Newatzcl. 12-8-22 LARGE OIL CIRCULATING heaters, regularly $109.9o, spccial during pre- inventory salc $75 cash, at ttillcrest Hardwaxe. 12-22 in various sizes, streamlined steam type, priced from $11,50 to $/8 at o Klllmer Electric, 07 Cots St. 12-8-22 FOR SALE: Clicken tertlltzer, cow manure, Skokomish top soil, tractor plowing. Phone 483-V. O2-24tfn table a:ltd chairs; slnglc bed springs and mattress $15.00; davenport and chair $50.00; Norgc 8-foot rcfrlgera- tin" $125.00; washing nmchino $35,00. Phone 684-J or inquire 1618 Ridge- road. W12-15-29 PY''NTORY SALE starts Dec. 23, ends De(:. 31. Many arllcles at reatly reduced prices. S(,lllC excel- mt Chrislnu:ls gifts must Io sitcri- fieed to clear our shelves bcfore in- ventory. Itillcrest Hardware. 12-22 CHRYSLER MARINE & Industrial Engines Burchcraft Outboard and Inboard Boats KIMBEL MOTORS Thurston-Mason Distributors 707 S. 1st St. Phone 601 . III I I WOOD $10 CORD Seasoned Light Slab FARMERS SUPPLY PHONE 812 10-13-tin III I I I I I v',lw,o..v-v.wr . USED CARS FOR SALE,. lkJ:t7 GMC cab over 3- yard dtnnp truck, 18.000 pound. 2- s pceu vesr axle, 8:25 rtlbbcr. $300. l-non, 558 ' 7 _ , .W except } riday night or . . (}:ur.uaY, S12-22-29 Wm FINANCE n bahk terms. Up- to 24 months to pay. at Bob "Ervln Mo- n2337S?uth ]irst Street, Shlt ! ib3.l-(imVit(iL-,r-{=&ii.-hiiT;(-bbd7 1950 license, $40.00 cash take.s it. Cabin No. 10 Pines Auto Court, Mt. Viev, Sheltol't. t112-22 '()I'S'A-Li9"4"I Plynlouth 4'door t+nl!." 3,0J :lnllcs (;ii nu-bullt niotor. Jadio. heater, good tires, s0at cov- ers. tendcr slth'ts. $650. Cba'ey X. Jo]Instun, 1825 IIay St. 1>]lone !)lt-R. 12-15-29 ON  4"'i']tl .......................................... ARMy c() nulalld car, one a-ton Arnlxr trailer 500 Phone 665-M. - • $ k12ds-22 IIIII USED CARS 1947 Champion Coupe, perfect .............................. $1245.00 1940 Ford Coupe ........ ........ 545.00 1938 Packard Sedan .......... 295.00 1935 Ford Sedan, good .... 225.00 1940 Internatiolml pickup 495.00 Model A Coach ..................... 110.00 1939 Buick Sedan .............. 545,00 ANDERSON.MILLER COMPANY FLrst &Cota Sts. Phone 52 Thursday, FOR SALE I t,uble cl,dhs, (h)ili(!s, cbHlr se|s, fllr Christnuts gifts. Mary June's Gift l Shop, 125 4Lil St. 12-15 I FOR PERMA BROOMS, special $1.50 while pre-inventory sale at ware. USD FREE FREE FREE 100 GALLONS OF GAS or Equal Value in or service with Every One of our Guaranteed and ized Used Cars or Trucks Purchased Between Now First of the Year. 1946 Buick Super 4-door, R, and H 1949 Plymoutlt special de- luxe 4-door, R and H 1948 Plymouth special de- luxe coupe, R and H 1941 Chrysler New Yorker 1941 Plymouth 4-door, R and H 1946 Ford Club Coupe, R and H 1940 Chevrolet 4-door, R and H 1940 Buick Club R and H 1940 Pontiac 2-door 1942 Willys coupe 1940 Plymouth R and H 1936 Chevrolet 2-door 1937 Pontiac coupe 1948 Ford 1-ton 1947 Dodge pickup, 1938 D30 Int. 10' 1936 Fo, rd panel , r OUR USED AND NEW CAR DEPART'hENT OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. Every Car with Good Tires - Heaters - All Ready for Winter Driving KIMBEL MOTORS First and Mill Streets Phone 601 MERRY CHRISTMAS For This Special Occasion We Recommend the 1950 Buick DELIVERED IN SHELTON: ,,+o .o.c00 '2182 SEDANET .......................... 1950 BUICK ,, COU P;E .... . ............................ OR TAKE YOUR PICK OF 1940 Chevrolet 1941 Buick 1942 Oldsmobile 1946 Buick 1947 Buick 1948 Plym. or 1934 Plymouth 1935 Buick 1937 Ford 1938 Pontiac 1939 Dodge 1949 Plymouth or Buick OR--1949 GMC PICK-UP ........ ALL CARS PREPARED FOR WINTER BOB ERVIN MOTORS Your Buick Agency So. First and Mill Sts, PHONE Buy You and Your Family the Xmas Gift  From our Stock of Special Priced Used Cars OUR STOCK PROVES FITCH BUYS ARE BETTER BUYS 1947 Ford Super Deluxe Club Coupe With radio, heater, spotlight, upholstery has been covercd since car was new. 1947 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan Two-tone paint, new plasc seat covers, yes, radio and heater, too. 1946 Ford 6-cyl. 4-door Sedan Radio & heater, lustrous black paint, low lnilcage. 1946 Ford Convertible Radio, heater, spotlight, top in good condition. 1941 Ford 4-door Sedan .......................... Mcclmnically good, new paint. 1941 Oldsmobile 6-cyl. 4-door Sedan Radio and heater. 1937 Chevrolet Sedan .............................. Good condition. 1937 Ford Coupe ...................................... Runs good. 1937 Hudson Terraplane Sedan ............. Extra good condition. / ., PICK-UP TRUCKS 1947 International /-ton Pick-up ........ 25,000 miles. FITCH FORD SALES & FORMERLY AL HUERBY Phrase e  ana