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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 22, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 22, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lbecember 22 1949. CAm)S Le EY-AT-LAW Building 611. 9-22-tfn IRN EY Shelton ,ne 166 ROTTER .IC ACCOUNTING SERVICE Insurance Bldg. PHONE 170 Washington P. ELIOT ENGINEER Warehouse Bldg. treet - Mt. View Box 158, Shelton Phone 788 R. LEWIS AT LAW South Fourth St. Bell Bldg. Washington C. BAYLEY AT LAW &apos;Insurance Building First National Bank 23 - Shelton St. B. SPRING Tax Services Systeme Phone 585 INSURANCE G. ANGLE a Angle Building :00SIERS HOME Embalmers A. Witsier% Prop. 180 L'," Shelton, Wash. ORREA LAW Covey Bldg. Phone 22 qr ,tr ,v,v,qvqw ,qw vrv"qV qr 'qr VT 'V  4 J" V 'qP' 'qs'P*'qP'' Legal Pub "cations NO. _ NOTICE T() CRMORS TO 1 RESFNT AND IrlL], ('LAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR (?O OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE Tn the Matter of the Etate of Charles L. Wells, Dee(rased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Clyde E. Wells, has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator wiih the Will Annexed of tile Estate oil Charles L. WClls, Deceased, and that all persons having clainls against the said 1),.ceased or 1he said estate :H'e hPrt!]ly req/lired to .erve the s/nile, duly verifb,d with the n.cctLal'y vok|ell0rs attached upon the lnldel'- signed Administrator or Ilia AtL'ney of Record lit the law (d'fh'e of Chas, R, Lewis, 119 ,South Fourth Street, Bell Building, Shelton, Mason Connty, Waslfington, tll* designated place for the transaction of tile husiness of the said estate, and file such claims, to- gether with proof of service with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court with- in 6 montbs afior the date of tile first pulllication of this notice, to-wit: De cember l, 19,19. ,)r all chlims not so served and filed shall bo forever harred. CLYDE E. WELLS, Administrator with tile Will ' Annexed of said Estate. eliAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate, 119 South Fourth St,, Bell Building, Shclton, Mason County, Washington. 12.--1-8-15-22---4t NO. 2056 NOTI(E OF HFARIN(I ON FINAL RFIORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtlE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estale of Earl Malpass, Dec, eased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Alice Stotsbcry, Administratrix of tim Estate of Earl Malpass, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above en- titled Court, her Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking tim Court to settle and approve tile annie, distribute the estate to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge the said Administratrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petition for i Distribution will be beard in the Court Room in the Court House in Shelton, Washington, at the hour ,,f 10;00 o'clock in the forenoon on Fri- day the 30th (lay of December, 1949. Dated this 18th day of Noveml)cr, 1949. (SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE, County Clerk CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for Estate of Earl Malpass Roll Buildhlg 119 So. Fourth St. Slelton, Washington. 12-1-8-15-22--4t. EMERGENCY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, unforeseen expenses fo,' the expenditures of the Auditor and other offices have arisen and the bud- get appropriation for said expendi- tures has beeenle exhausted, and WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board it is for the best interests of the County that such expenditures are necessary, NOW TItEREFORE, an Emergenry is declared to exist, and an Enlergen(:y Appropriation in the sum of $2,140.17, or as much thereof as may he required, should be made as folh)ws: Auditor ............................................... $ 300.00 Commissioners ................................. 200.00 Elections ............................................ 22.17 Justice Court ...................................... 100.0 Sheriff .................................................. 1,500.00 Refund on Punch Boards ........ 18.00 $2,140.17 AND IT IS ORDERED. that a hear- ing on said Emcrge*icies bc had on the 4th day of January, 1950, at 2:00 o'ehlek P.M., at which time any tax Imycr may appear and be heard for .r against said appropriation. UNANIMOUSLY adopted this 19th day of Decemerl-t949. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LYLE O'DELL, Chairman ROY MITCHELL, .KERNEY J. COLLINS Attest : SUSIE E. PAULEY. County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. 12-22--11. Civil Service Has Engineering Jobs Fe(ieral Civil Service announces an examination for probational appointment to the position of engineering aid in the Bureau of Reclamation in Oregon, Washing- ton, California, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colo- rado, New Mexico, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Further information and appli- cation forms may be obtained from the Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, at any first, or second class post office. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FlltE I'ROTECTION DISTRIt'T NO. 4 PETITION "To tile tlon(,rallle Board of County C,nlmissioners of M: a S (, n County, Washington :" Wi!. tilt' undersig'ned, re;iidents and (ltlldified t, il,(.iors of that portion ¢d' Mils )It C unty, Washington which IS hereinafter described, (1o hereby peti- lion the Honorable B.ard of Count C(mlmissioners of Mason County. Washington, that they proceed with the t'ornlation of a Mason County Fire l Protocon Distriet tn be known as MASON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 4 We further represent that the terri- tory which we propose is situated in Mason County, Washington, and is de- scribed us follows: Beginning at the NE corner of SE% of SEI of Sec. 4 Twp. 19 No. Rge. "] W., thence West 3960' to the center of the SW, of Sec. 4 thence North to the NE Corner of the NW1,4 of tle SW!I thence West to the Wl/4 rorner of St< v. 4 tllenee North to tile SE corner of Lot 1, Sac. 5 Twp. 19 N., Rge. 3 W., thence West to the SW Corner of said Lot 1, thence North 26,10' more or less, to the center of the El/l of Sec. 32, Twp. 20 N., Rge. 3 W., thence West to the NW corner of SWU, of the SE% Sec, 32, Twp. 20 N,, Rge. 3 W., thence North to the ,'enter of said Secti,,n 32, tltence West to the East right-of-Way line of U,S. Iliway No. 101, thence in a Nor- tierly direction along said right-of- way line to a point of intersection with the City limits of the Town of Shelton. Wasifington, thence in a North Easterly direction following the City limits of said Town of Shelton to the South Bank of Hammersley Inlet, thence in a North Easterly direction to ]tie Center of the Channel of Ham- nlersleys Inlet thence in an Easterly directi(,n following the center of the Channel of Hanmmrsley Inlet to a point halfway between Arcadia Point and Squaxon Island Sec. 21, Twp. 20 N., Rge. 2 W., thence in a South westerly direction to a point inter- s(,cting the Mason and Thurston Court- ly line in Sec. 28 Twp. 20 N., Age. 2 W., thence in a South Westerly di- rection ah)ng said C.unty line t,) a point intersecting the center of the Chamwl of Skookum Inlet Twp. 19 diN': Rge. 3 W.. thence in a Westerly rection following the center line of Chanmd of Skookunl Inlet to a point intersecting the North and South cen- ter section line of Sec. 10 Twp. 19 N,. Rge. 3 W., thence North to the North right-of-way line of tim Lynch Road them,e in a South Westerly direction following the North right-of-way line of Lynch Road to a point intersecting the North right-of-way line of the Brumbaugh Road thence in a North Westerly direction following along the North boundary line of the Brumbaugb R, md to a point intersecting the East secti,m line of Sec. 4 Twp. 19 N., Rge. 3 W., thence South to place of be- ginning. All in Mason County, Wash- ington. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held on said above petition by the said Board of County Commissioners of Mason County. in the Mason County Courthouse at Shel- ton. Washington, ell the 9th day of January, 1950, at 2 o'clock P.M., at which time any person so desiring may appear and be heard for or against the granting of said petition. DATED this 19th day oil December, 1949. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASIJINGTON P,y SUSIE E. PAULEY, Clerk of the Board, 12-22-29--1-5--3t. /ebiele operat( ams jott/Y DoE '][hia License 3it I YOU MAY LOSE 00YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE V, #, YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE MAY be suspenled after February , 1,$0 if you cannot comply wit h Washington's revised Auto inancial Responsibility law. In the event of an accident, the law state that you may be required to post as much as $11j000 as security with the Department of Licenses. If you can't pay, you may lose your driver's liceme, r PROTECT your right to drive NOW... after tl rst acctd,t may be too latel A General CasuaKT Company of America automobile insurance policy is your security under the revised law. Its benefits are two fold. I¢ protects you asainst loss of your right to drive and loss of your money. THE GENERAL America Companies, Wasington's largest home-owned capital stk insurance ¢ompantos, offer 3.ou unsurpassed claim service, nation-wlde and , / PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO DRIVE TODAY! @ O00STUD 116 North 2nd St. Phone 30 91'TON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Cause No. 26044 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAl, ESTATE Under General Execution IN TtIE SUPERIOR COUB.T OF JItE STATE OF' WASHINGTON FOR KITSAP COUNTY Kitsap County Credit Bureau. In('.. a corlmration. Plaiuliff .vs,--- llaitie Ward and John Doe Ward, her bllsband, Defendanls. l!Inder and hy virtlle (.if a general exeeuiion issued out 01,' and under tile seal of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for said County, .n the 23rd (lay of November, 1949, up- on a judgment rendered in said Court on the 14ill (lay ,ff March. 1949. in favor of Kiisap County Credl! Bm'eau, lilt'., a eorpl,ratJon and against lint- lie Ward and John line Ward. indi- vidually and as a martial community judgment debiors for the slim of Two 11 U n d r e d Fifty-IPive and 22/11)fl ($255.22) Dollars. together with attof ney's fees, inleresl, COSTS and in(.reas- ell COSTS. and to me directed and de- livered, I did on tile 26ti day of Nov- ember, 1949, .levy upon all tile right, title and Interest of said judgment debtors in and to the following de- seribed property to satisfy said jlldg- ment. to-wit: The North one-half of North one- half of Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, Section 16, Town- ship 23 North. Range I West. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Saturday tim 31st day of December, ]949, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described prop- erty. or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, to- gether with attorney's fees, interest, costs and increased costs, in all am- ounting to the sum of Two Hundred Fifty-Five and 22/100 ($255.22) Dol- lars. Said sale will takeplace at the East door of the Court House at Shelton in said Connty and State. and will be at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton, Wash., thts 26th day of November. 1949. ROY ROESSEL, Sheriff of Mason County. 12-1-9-15-22--4t. NO. 5417 SUMMONS ]BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY National Bank of Washington, Ta- coma, Washington, a national banking association, Plaintiff, VS James E. Lynam and Ingrid Lynam, husband and wife; Ralph Lutzen- hlser and Joyce Lutzenhiser, husband and wife; C. R. Morrison and Jane Doe Morrlson, husband and wife; John I. LeGrande and Selma Julia LeGrande. husband and wife; and Thomas Turner and Lena Turner, hus- band and wife. Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, To James E, Lynam and Ingrid Ly- ham, his wife. two of the defend- ants above named: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 24 day of November, 1979, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plain- flff at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do Judg- ment will be rendered against you according to the demand In the com- plaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court, Said action Is brought to foreclose a certain mort- gage upon the following described ! real estate situate in Mason County, Washington, to-wit: The southeast % of the southwest 4, excepting therefrom the south 2 acres of the southwest / of the south- west % theresf, section 12, township 22 north range 3 west, W.M. except public r)ads, if any. which said mortgage was glve by defendants, James E. Lynam and In- grid Lynam. his wife, to National Bank of Washington, Tacoma, Wash- ington, a national banking associa- tion, dated September 17, 1945 and filed in the office of the Auditor on the 20th day of September, 1945 and recorded in Volume 91 of mortgages at page 399, which said mortgage was given to secure the promissory note of said mortgagors to the said mort- gagee of even date herewith in the principal sum of $1500.00 upon which there is an unpaid balance of prin- cipal in the amount of $765.00 due and owing, of which said mortgage plain- tiff is owner and holder for value. In said action, it is further sought to recover judgment against defendants, James E. Lynam and Ingrid Lynam, his wife, for the bahmce due upon the mortgage debt, and for attor- neys' fees and costs, and to have the aforesaid mortgage decreed to be a valid and subsisting mortgage upon the premises herelnabove described supertor and paramount to the right, title, equity, estate, lien and interest of the defendants above named and each and all of them and of all per- sons claiming or to claim by, through or under them, or either or any of them, to secure the payment of all sums claimed by the plaintiff to be due and owing to it in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid note and mortgage and for which It may be awarded Judgment in said action, The action fm, ther seeks the forech)- sure of said mortgage and to have each and all of the defendants and all ersons claiming or hereafter to claim y, through or under them forever foreclosed and barred of any and all right, title, estate, lien or interest or equity of redemption in and to the above described propery and to have the mortgaged premises sold to satisfy, so fax as may be, the Judg- ment which may be awarded the plaintiff and for further general equitable relief In the premises. METZGER, BLAIR, GARDNER & BOLDT Attorneys for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: 523 Tacoma Building Tacoma 2, Washington. 11-24--12-1-8.15-22-29---6t. ] THE FORUM] Shelton-Mason (?onnty Journal, Shell on, Washington. Dear Editor: When I callcd at The Jom'nal office last Thursday morning I had not then seen the issue of The Journal for that day, nor did I know of the letter from Elder Roy L. Benton, which it containe(1. Had I known of iL you and I could have gotten an understand- ing, which I believe would have obviated the need for this letter. As to his complaint, told to me personally last Friday afternoon, and also published in his letter, it Is highly gratifying to me to learn of the widespread benefits the people of Mason County are get- ting' from their reading of those Bulletins. It is not only hoticeable but also noteworthy the admis- !sion which Mr. Benton makes in his letter that the messages in those Bulletins are causing much perplexity among the people, evi- dently in view of the claims made by Seventh Day Adventists that they are strictly a Bible believing people, and are using all their powers to obey god. Certainly people who are not Seventh Day Adventists would not appeal to Mr. Benton a Sev- enth Day Adventist official, to champion them in their perplexity. Therefore, it seems that those who are appealing to Mr. Ben- t.on to champion them in their perplexity are Seventh Day Ad- ventlsts, and not members of oth- er churches. These last would naturally ap- peal to their own pastors, and not to men such as Mr. Benton. But these other Iastors are not interested to any degree of per- plexly over and in my Bulletins. On the other hand they seem to enjoy the expose which my Bul- letins have made and are making to protect their own members against the blandishments of the S.D.A. pastors. Why do not the Seventh Day Adventist leaders refute the "ser- ious charges" made by me against Elder Daniels and Mrs. White? They dare not attempt it even, on- ly going as far as saying, We be- lieve Mrs. White is a prophet of God and that Elder Daniels was an honorable and faithful minister of the gospel, and leaving the matter there. But the purpose of the gospel is to teach men the truth and not what any Tom, Dick or Harry chooses to believe. They the S.D.A. founders and leaders) dare not attempt a refutation of the "serious chages" which I make. Salvation is a serious business with any sane person. Jesus Christ made serious charges against the leading sabbath keep- ers of his day, often asking them, How can ye escape the damnation Of hell, a question which none of them attempted to answer beyond the accusation, Did ye not say well that thou hast a devil? It was not the Romans who de- manded the blood of that sab- bath-keeping Man from Galilee but men of his own blood and faith. It was not t intil those sab- bath-keepers threatened Pilate with the wrath of Ceasar that Pi- late was constrained to sign the decree for Jesus death. The bitter- est foes of God and his righteous- ness have ever been fo,Tnal sab- bath-keepers, and it always will l be. . I assured Elders Benton and Neufeld last Friday afternoon that I would esteem them among my best friends if they would show me that those charges were unfounded and false. But they do not, nor can they, or any other person, living or dead. The au- thentic writings of Mrs. White herself will convince any non-par- tisan group of twelve men that, on her own testimony in her pub- lished wrks, that she was false in every one of her prophesyings, also, that she could not have been at any time, the author of any one of the many large books cred- ited to her. The leaders and founders of that denomination have created for her a shroud of superstitio reinforced by frequent attacks of both epilepsy and appoplexy, a ca- taleltic condition approximating i! :!: ::!:!:!:i:i:!:'> I 9 9 May all the wonderful things that go with Christmas be yours in the fullest abundance this From all of us here to all of you-a most happy holiday. BABCOCK DAIRY O. B. Cavanaugh Skokomlsh Valley I I I - Gorge Berry Phone 215.J-2 intermittent insanity. The finan- cial returns from this supersti- tion makes an irresistable appeal to the denomination, as Ehler Ben- ton naively assures the Editor and The Journal millions of don lm's rollected ($15,000,000 for the 1950 "mission program."l A fcw years ago, I heard Elder Campbell say to his brethren at the Seattle church of his denom- ination that "only two per cent (two cents) of every dollar col- lected for missions was available to be sent abe:cad. Naturally, if the needs of the mission fieht are met you must give liberally on that basis." I do not think that Elder Benton will deny this state- ment by his brother minister. Nor do I think Elder Campbell will dare deny making it. If so, an honest audit of the finances might prove that Campbell was either misinformed, or made a wilful falsehood. In either case they col- lected the money. Yes, the Seventh Day Adven- ists are a relatively poor people, ,et I know by personal experience, living and dining at their homes, and traveling with them on their journeys, they live on the "finest of the wheat," and rarely ever travel lower than first class by rail or ship. To justfy themselves in these luxuries they quote the Scriptnre that he that serveth faithfully is worthy of "double honor." Notice, they translate that word honor into dollars. And this charge is also true, as I can prove by living and credible witnesses. As for the fear, expressed by Elder Benton that the readers of The Journal might think that its publishers endorsed my serious charges against Seventh Day Ad- ventist leaders by publishing my Bulletins, the fact is, as Elder Benton well knows, the publishers of The Journal do not, in any way, shape, form, or degree, as a going business concern, concern themselves with the doctrines or teaching of any of the many churches advertising in that per- iodical, nor do those business men feel it necessary to tag the news concerning those church func- tions as paid advertisements. Na- turally, the assumption is that the space is paid for by some one. That assumption goes with ev- ery advertisement without saying so. Then why does Mr..Benton try to belittle my influence as a minister, which he does not at- tempt with other clergymen? The reason, it seems to me, is because he is confident of his abil- ity to disprove their preaching, while with me his inability causes him distress and perplexity. For nlany years after the beginning of my gospel ministry the leading and most influential periodicals of the nation's capitol city welcomed my gospel Bulletins, notably The Evening Star, Theodore Noyes, pflblisher; The Hearst Papers, Times and Herald, Arthur Bris- bane; The Washington Post, Mr. Patterson, owner and publisher, and The Washington Herald, a stock concern. I had their help for many years, until the religious lcaders of the city threatened to boycott them. in their respective businesseS. Then each of them, in order to do business, had to cut me off. $ $ * In Helena, Mont., the churches wcnl so far in their boycott as to have large posters printed and put up on the city billboadrs, threat- ening to take away all advertis- ing and patronage from mercan- tile establishments which adver- tised in the Sunday newspapers. I have an official declaration by Elder F. M. Wilcox, one of the highest officials of the S.D.A. de- nomination, in which he says they do not baptize penitents who re- fuse to Join their church. Will Mr. Benton deny this. I am not asking The Journal to publish this letter, free, though it is not quite as long as is that of Mr. Benton. Nor do I have a fabulously rich corporation be- hind me to pay the cost, if any, but I am cheerfully willing, for the sake of the gospel, to pay whatever charge The Journal sees to set for its publication as prominently as was the letter of Mr. Benton. Also, my sincere hope' is that both Messrs. Benton and Neu- feldt will heed the warnings con- tained in my Bulletins as well as in the gospel of Jesus Christ. to, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of he,' plagues; for her sins have reached unto /aaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities," Rev. 18:1-15. " Very respectfully yours, CHARLES T. SHAFFER NO. 2085 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matte*" of the Estate of Emma Pilleschek, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that Alice M. Bunnell. Admlnlstratrlx or the, estat of Emma Pelllschek de- ceased, has filed in the office of the Clerk of said court, her final report and petltton for distribution, asking the court to settle said report, to dis- tribute the property to the persons thereto entitled, and to discharge said Adminlstratrlx, and that said report and petition will be heard on the 18th day of January, 1950 at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on aid day at the court house in Shelton Wuhington. Dated this 2rid day' of December, 1949. (SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of said court, By DORIsANN MOREHOUSE, Deputy. J. W. GRAHAM. Attorney for Administratrlx, Govey Bldg,, Shelton, Wash. 12-8-15-22---3t. NOTICE OF CLOSING REGISTRATION BOOKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on and after January 4, 1950, all reg- istration books In the County win be closed for original r0gistration, being 30 days previous to the holding of the annual school election on Saturday, February 4, 1950, also closed in Arcadia and tll Creek precinct being 30 days bef3re the Specml Election for establishing Fire Protection District No. 4, DATED THIS 20th day of December, 1949, SUSIE E, PAULEY, Auditor of Mason Cunt¥ and RegiStrar of voters. 1242--1t. NOTICE OF SALE OF NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER Public notice is hereby given that mrsnant t,, the I)rovisions of So(.tion ,,f Public Law 273, 78th Congress (Sg Stat, 132:16 U.S.C.A.,58ff-$831), and the Cooperative Agreement for tlu. Management nf the Partielpetlag Forest Properties In the Shelton Co- operat iVP StlstaiIiP(I Yield Unit enttred nlo hv and hetwePn the Untied States nf America find thP Simpson Logging C.mpany, doled December 12, ]946, all live thnber marked or designated for cutting nnd all merrhantable dead thnber located on an area embracing four hundred and ninety (49{)) acres, more or less, in Sections 3, 4 and 10, Township 22 North, Range 7 West; See]ions 10, ll. and 14, Towns]tip 22 N,,rth, Range 8 West; and Sections 26, 27, 2. 33, 34. and 35, Tnwnship 23! N,rth, Range 7 Wosl, Wynoochee J River watersiled. Shelton CooperstiVel Suslained Yield Unil, Olympic Nation- al Foresl, Grays ltarbor County, State of Washington, estimated to be 14,- 500,000 feet B.M,, more or less, of Douglas-fir; 4.000.000 feet B.M., more or less of wstorn redeedar; 4,000- 000 feet B.M.. nmre or less, of Pacific sliver fir: and 10,000,000 feet B.M., more or less of western hemlock, and an nnost imsled amount of other species c)f saw timber, will be sold to the Simpson Logging' Company, Shelton, Washington, on January 9., ]950. The appraised value of the tim- ber according to long-term market and operating conditions is $5.95 per M feet B.M..for Douglas-fir, $1.50 per M feet B, M. for western redcedar, and $1,00 per M feet B.M. for Pacific sil- ver fir, western hemlock, and other species. These are the base rates which shall be applicable through the entire period of the sale agreement. These base rates, plus $4.00 per M feet B.M,or Douglas-fir: $1.40 per M feet B.M. for western dc,da and' 040J per M feet B,M, for Pacific' silver fir, ] western hemlock, and other species, 1 shall he the initial etumpage rate J which shall apply to all timber caledl prior to April ]. 1951. On 'that date! and at other times, as stated in the contract, total stumpage rate will be redetermlned, but In no event will the redeterminPd stumpage rates be less] than the haste appraised values as i first above stated, and in no event will rates below these basic appraised val- uea plus tbe additions above stated, be established until at least ]0,000,0(30 feet B.M. have been sealed and paid for at not less than the intlal rates. In addi- tion to the prices for stumpage, a eo- ,erative deposit of $0.15 per M feet B, to be used by the Forest Service for' paying the cost of slash disposal, and a cooperative deposit of $0,30 per M, feet B.M. to cover the cost of tree: planting, seed sowing, and timber : stand improvement work on the area cut over for the tal cut of timber under the terms of the agreement will bP required. If requestedby the State of Washington or by Grays Itarbor or by any person deemed to have a rea- sonable interest in the proposed sate , or in its terms, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building. Olympia, Washington, on the 9th day of January. 1950, at 2:00 o'clock p.m, Requests for public hearlng will not be considered unless received in the of- fice of the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building, Olympia, Washington, on or before December 22. 1949. Dated December 6. 1979, Carl B. Noel. Forest Supervisor, Olympic National Forest. 12-9-15-22-29---4t P8 Mt. View Alliance ChaoO-J Rev. Herbert Anderson '[ Pastor ! 9:45 am. Sunday Sclom I 11 a.m. Morning Servle | 7:30 p.m. Inspirational Servict | A Hearty Welcome to All ] I UNITY TRUTH CENTER Min Hockett, Leadez 408 Cota Street Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sundl S0hool; 8:00 p.m. Servicea. Tuesday: 8=00 p.m. Class Work Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation Healing Work - All Welcom BAPTIST CHURCH Fifth and Cota St. Warren Hale, Acting Pastor Ray Malnwaring, Assistant Bible School, 9:45 a,m. Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Young People's 6:30 p.m. EVening Service, 7:30 p,m. Midweek Service, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. A Cordial Invitation Is Extended to All. Foursquare Church 910 E. Dearborn S Sunday School9:4§ WorSlip Servicell:[ , Crusader Service--- :45 EvangeliStio Service7:45 REV. E E. FITCH Pastor St. David's Episcopal Church 4th & Cedar St. Vicar: The Rev. J. Gregory Lee Christmas Eve: 1I:15 p.m. Congregational Carol Singing, Blessing of the Christmas Crib. and Midnight Eucharist. Christmas Day: 11:15 a.m. Choral Eucharist and Christmas Message, First Methodist Church "A Friendly Church In a Friendly Community" -, ,: 4th, & Pine  Pmma,8O,N, 4th  Phone, 278 Sunday Scho61'9:4$ a.m. - Monlng Worehlp 11 a.. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister • .. ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PIIE ST. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m. Evangelistic, 7:45 p.m. Young People's ServiceTugsday, 7:45 p.m, Jubilee SerVice  Friday, 7:45 P,m. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON Branoh of The Mother Churoh The Flret Churoh of Christ, 8oientist Boston, Mace. Subject Next Sunday: SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" Reading_ Room maintained by this church at. 302 Alder Street, oPe0 daily, eXcept undlW, from 2 to 4 o'clock. and Wednesday fern 8:45 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 802 ALDER STREET .... ,. • • , i , r , r WEEKLY GOEPF00 BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister DECEMBER 22, 1949. In this Bulletin, ae promised Jn our last, we will continue the oonslderation of the mattera of thie angeJ sent from heaven to bind and imprison tho D0vil and Satan, and the other fact- ors in conneotion therewith. We left off in our last message at the thought of the oympathles of the remaining six angels at the throne, given to their fallen cemrade now to be confined. The predlcarngnt of these six is a warning to us to be careful in the use bF our emotions, "So muoh of the enjoyment of the peace and happlnelm we love so muoh Is bound up in the use of these emot|ons. The question now uppermost in the mind of the prisoner at the pit iS, Why was I made thus? The reply of his Creator, "1 instructed thee at the beginning, saying,. Aa the branch cannot abide except it abide in the vine, neither oan ye abide except ye abide in me," The reply given to this angel Is also one for these other six, No labor or effort was required of the branch to abide in the vine; neither was there any required for these seven to abide in their paternal Crestor. Therefore this Creator inquires of them, Oh, why will ye die? 0 house of Israel? To this Inqry there was no answer. Ae the record tella us, "There was silen(e in heaven for the space of an half hour" as each and every inhabitant considered that question. None being given, the holy Father commanded these 8even trumpets and eeven viale to be breught and delivered to those seven angels, with instructions as to the time and manner of their use. We have considered the provision of the pit, and those to whom knowledge of its Iooation was given; also the power of the darkness which filled it. We learned the effect of that dark. ness upon the Inhsbitants. Now we will consider one other house builde0 and placed in thie heaven. This house ie called, Asia, the place where light dweileth. That mighty angel, ealled, Sun of the Morning, was put in charge of this great,: house. (Isaiah 14:12-14, and Ezekiel 28|12.14.). The "stones. of fire" amid which he walked, a8 a strong man delighted in running a raoe (Psalm 19:1-6.) came forth each of the three" days pPe©eedlg the creation of other bodies of ,lesser virtue (Ge.ests 1:3.1g.). Hla defection has now oaueed tile six thous. and,,years of woe which has come upon Eden, and gone out from thence to every creature in the houle . G,o, (John 14:2.). It was an aot of Impudent impert'lnenoe f61'hisngel to appro-' priate to hie prison tho names of tho house 0 God. (Continued from this Point in the ,oxt IIIQUO of Tha JournaL) ,fi " '," 4.....