December 22, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 22, 2011 |
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A permit was issued on
Dec. 16 to Dorene Rae of the
14800 block of North U.S.
Highway 101 for an LPG
boiler replacement.
Dec. 14 -- Michael How-
ard Hill and Patricia Ann
Dec. 14 -- Brenda Nina
Linke and Michael Wayne
Dec. 14 -- Linda J. Lau-
zon and Larry R. Lauzon
Dec. 16 -- Trisha K.
Lininger and Michael L.
Dec. 16 -- Forrest F. Gul-
lett and Brittany D. Gullett
PUD 3 commissioners approve conservation target
By NATALIE JOHNSON ified conservation calculator op- calculator allowed the PUD to take
tion for the PUD 3, which brought into account previous conservation
The Mason County PUD 3 Com- this biennium's numbers down to projects in the county.
mission voted Tuesday to approve a 6,415.9, saving the PUD from a $50 Wood said the non-modified con-
modified power conservation target fee for each MWh under its censer- servation calculator turned out to
for both the 2010-2011 and 2012- vation target, be a very inaccurate measure of the
2013 biennium. The way the NWPCC calculates PUDs conservation potential.
The PUD is required to set bi- the MWh target doesn't fit PUDs in "The whole thing has become
ennial conservation targets by the rural areas, Himlie said. The overall a boondoggle," Wood said. "Those
Northwest Power and Conserva-conservation target is based on an that have been doing this for 30
tion Council's (NWPCC) Fifth "estimate of regional conservation years get no credit, and those that
Power Plan. potential" split between individual have done nothing get this cheap
PUD 3 Power Supply Manager public utility districts proportionally, conservation."
Jay Himlie said the commission However, a large city has more Wood said because of conserva-
originally adopted targets in 2009, energy to save than a rural area, tion efforts already done by the
but needed to amend them based Himlie said. This made the PUD's PUD 3, the field of potential censer-
on new information, conservation contribution artificial- vation projects in the county is low.
Under the new plan, the PUD ly large, he argued. Wood applauded Himlie's, as
will be required 6,415.9 megawatt Himlie said the calculation not well as finance manager Annette
hours (MWh) for the 2010-2011 bi- only doesn't take into account dif- Creekpaum's and Chief Accoun-
ennium, and 3,741.6 MWh for the ferent kinds of energy usage in tant Sherry Speaks' efforts to re-
2012-2013 biennium, rural versus urban areas, but also calculate the PUD's conservation
The NWPCC provides a target does not take into account previous requirements.
calculator to help PUDs find out conservation efforts. "It's going to save the PUD a lot
how much power they need to con- "The way the target calculator of money," she said.
serve to follow the Fifth Power Plan. works, it's a percent of your con- The PUD 3 was the only Wash-
However, Himlie said the cal-sumption - even though we have ington public utility to develop a
culator gave a distorted view of done a substantial number of con- modified conservation calculator.
how much the PUD 3 needed to servation measures ... they're still Himlie suggested that for many
conserve. Originally, the PUD was applying the same percentage to PUDs, the process might show
directed to conserve about 11,000 the consumption that remains," that larger utilities would need to
MWh in the 2010-2011 biennium. Himlie said. "There needs to be a do more conservation projects than
The PUD has already conservedpoint where we can say we've au- originally assigned.
10,000 MWh for the 2010-2011 bi- dited this facility, there's nothing "I think a lot of other people were
ennium, left to do ... under the target calcu- intimidated by how much effort it
Himlie and other PUD 3 staff later, there's no 'done." would take," he said.
members worked to develop a mod- Himlie's modified conservation The conservation also helps the
Calls reported to Shelton Police, Dalkeith Road. The reporting per- At 8:02 a.m. on Dec. 17, a num- Elma, was booked at 5:36 a.m. for
Mason County Sheriffs Office and son, the juvenile, called a friend's ber of mailboxes were reportedly six counts of making/ha~ng bur-
Tribal agencies included: parents to come and pick her up gone through in the 3900 block of glar tools and obstructing law en-
and was at a different address. East Pickering Road. forcement.
At12:05 p.m. onDec. 13, athree- At 3:47 p.m. on Dec. 19, four At10:18 a.m. onDec. 17, apurse Brittany Nichole Edwards, 19,
wheeled bicycle was stolen from in- male teenagers were reported to be was reported stolen from a car in of the 900 block of Cranberry Road,
side a storage unit in the 400 block in a physical fight in the 200 block the 900 block of Mountain View Grayland, was booked at 2:48 p.m.
of East Island Lake Road. of North 1st Street. Drive. for assault fourth degree and crimi-
nal trespassing first degree (DV).
At 1 p.m. on Dec. 14, a laptop, At 7:34 p.m. on Dec. 19, an indi- At 12:57 p.m. on Dec. 17, mail
DVD player, Nintendo Wii and a vidual reported that a subject was was reported stolen from the 600 Daniel Louis Doyle, 20 of the 300
Nintendo DS game were reported fighting with somebody in the base- block of East Timberlake East block of Southeast Alpine Avenue
missing from the 6600 block of ment of the 800 block of South 13th Drive. was booked at 3:13 p.m. for three
Northeast Elfendahl Pass Road. Street. counts of possession of controlled
substance, possession of less than
40 grams of marijuana, two counts
of unlawful possession of a firearm
and possession of a stolen firearm.
At 1:10 p.m. on Dec. 17, a cell
At 9:07 a.m. on Dec. 16, a bur- Thefts phone was reported stolen from the
glary was reported in the 300 block At 12:32 p.m. on Dec. 14, a theft 300 block of East Wallace Kneeland
of Southeast Alpine Avenue. was reported in the 100 block of Boulvard.
Johns Court.
At 2:28 p.m. on Dec. 16, an in- ~ At 10:35 p.m. on Dec. 17, an in- Brett Larson Haskell, 52, a tran-
dividual reported that hiis garage At 4:50 p.m. on Dec. 14, an iPod dividual reported that a Nintendo sient, was booked at 11:08 p.m. for
was open the past few n/ights and was stolen from an undisclosed ad- DS was stolen from the 300 block of assault fourth degree, criminal tres-
realized that a snowboard, drill and dress on West Cota Street. West Cedar Street. passing first degree, obstructing law
air compressor were taken from the ~ enforcement and resisting arrest.
property, located in the 2100 block At 9:06 p.m. on Dec. 14, two bi- At 12:30 p.m. on Dec. 18, a
of Madison Street. Estimated value cycles were reported stolen from handheld GPS unit was reported Dec. 16
was $400. the 100 block of East Rhododen- stolen from the 2100 block of East Joshua T. Lawin, 26, of the
dron Place. The reporting person Timberlake West Drive. Estimated 100 block of North Suncrest Drve,
At 6:34 p.m. on Dec. 16, an indi- said she also saw suspicious ac- value of the Garmin unit was $500. Hoodsport, was booked at 3:23
vidual reported that their home in tivity at her mailbox today, a.m. for DWI.
the 100 block of East Jade Drive At 1:33 p.m. on Dec. 18, a mail
had been broken into sometime At 1:10 a.m. on Dec. 15, an indi- theft was reported in the 100 block Daniel James Weaver, 59, of Gig
since August. vidual reported a theft in the 100 of East Ketron Place East. Harbor, was booked at 5:59 p.m. for
block of West State Route 108. physical control of alcohol/drugs.
At 8:22 p.m. on Dec. 16, a house
was reported broken into in the 100
block of North Chasalt Lane.
At 8:52 a.m. on Dec. 17, a pos-
sible burglary was reported in the
100 block of Southeast Chass Place.
At 9:07 a.m. on Dec. 17, an indi-
vidual reported that Nifty Thrifty,
located in the 2500 block of Olympic
Highway North was burglarized.
At 3:15 p.m. on Dec. 17, an in-
dividual reported that somebody
had tried to jimmy the front door of
their residence in the 300 block of
Chestnut Street.
At 4:54 p.m. on Dec. 18, a resi-
dential burglary was reported in
the 6700 block of East State Route
At 1:20 p.m. on Dec. 19, a resi-
dential burglary was reported in
the 100 block of East Dogwood
At 2:43 p.m. on Dec. 16, a physi-
cal assault was reported in the 400
block of North 4th Street.
At 1:56 p.m. on Dec. 15, gas was
reported siphoned from a vehicle,
which was also vandalized, in the
400 block of East C Street. The in-
cident took place on Dec. 13.
At 9:53 a.m. on Dec. 19, an in-
dividual reported that a Nintendo
DS was stolen from the 300 block of
West Cedar Street. It was unclear
whether this reporting person was
the same as the Dec. 17 call.
At 6:06 p.m. on Dec. 15, a car At 12:47 p.m. on Dec. 19, a pres-
trailer was reported stolen from an sure washer valued at $400 was re-
undisclosed address on Southeast ported stolen from the 1100 block of
Bloomfield Road. The older flatbed Ellinor Avenue.
tilt car trailer was made with a
1939 Chevrolet Chassis and mobile At 4:38 p.m. on Dec. 19, mer-
home axles, chandise was reported stolen from
the 400 block of North 1st Street.
At 6:23 a.m. on Dec. 16, a white The reporting person said they
2000 Ford van was reported miss- have video and suspect informa-
ing from the 2300 block of Adams tion.
Street. Keys were left in the vehicle.
At 9:48 a.m. on Dec. 16, an indi- Miscellaneous
vidual reported that a subject stole At 3:18 p.m. on Dec. 14, an indi-
a TV off a wall in the 900 block of vidual reported that their dog was
Mountain View Drive. The TV was shot in the head with a BB gun in
dropped outside, and the subject the 300 block of East Poplar Street.
left on a bicycle.
At 2:36 p.m. on Dec. 16, wiring At 10:55 a.m. on Dec. 19, an in-
was reported stolen from a vacant dividual reported that a neighbor's
house in the 200 block of East Pine house was on fire in the 2000 block
Street. of Lake Boulevard.
Michelle Lee Sims, 42, of the 600
block of East McMickin Road was
booked at 10:38 p.m. for trafficking
stolen property second degree.
Dec. 17
Akasha Leigh Garner, 23, of the
100 block of Southeast Fagergren
Road was booked at 2:59 a.m. for
DWI, possession of a controlled
substance and possession of drug
Dec. 18
Travis Lee Hunter, 25, of the
1800 block of Lake Boulevard was
booked at 12:27 a.m. for possession
of controlled substance and unlaw-
ful possession of a short firearm.
Donal JohnSchuettke, 46, of the
100 block of Southeast Picadilly Drive
was booked at 1:06 a.m. for DWI.
Tomas Gaspar, 55, of the 100
block of East Northlake Drive was
booked at 4:30 a.m. for assault fourth
Gall Eugene Craig, 46, of the 100
block of West Fairway Drive, Elma,
At 3:07 p.m. on Dec. 16, an in- At 1:23 p.m. on Dec. 19, a fire was booked at 4:37 p.m. for DWLS
dividual reported that her bicycle was reported in 6th Street Park: third degree, possession of a con-
At 9:26 a.m. on Dec. 19, an in- was stolen from the 1200 block of Upon investigation, the fire was in trolled substance, possession of less
dividual reported that a person Turner Avenue. an approved pit. than 40 grams of marijuana and
pulled a knife on them in the 300 possession of drug paraphernalia.
block of South 5th Street. At 4:01 p.m. on Dec. 16, a wal- ARRESTS
let was reported stolen from the Dec. 14 Rodney D. Fletcher, 19, of the
Domestic violence 5400 block of West State Route Simeon Escalante Calmo, 21, of 3800 block of South Mission Road
At 11:40 p.m. on Dec. 13, a pos- 108. Approximately $150 in cash, the 1800 block of Pioneer Way was West, Bremerton, was booked at
sible domestic dispute was reported credit cards and identification were booked at 6:46 p.m. for NVOL with- 4:55 p.m. for theft second degree
in the 100 block of Southeast Sun- taken, out identification, and forgery.
rise Place.
At 4:49 p.m. on Dec. 16, a ma- Dec. 15
At 3:50 a.m. on Dec. 17, an roan 2001 Ford Windstar was re- Aslan Martin Jeffery, 31, of an
ll-year-old reported that his uncle ported stolen from the 100 block of undisclosed address was booked at
was hitting his father and throwing East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. 2:41 a.m. for felony eluding, reck-
around tables in the 100 block of less driving, criminal trespassing
East Northlake Drive. At 5:36 a.m. on Dec. 17, a blue first degree and obstructing law en-
1987 Toyota Camry was reported forcement.
At 9:31 p.m. on Dec. 18, a juve- stolen from the 300 block of South
nile was reportedly assaulted by 5th Street: Joseph James Tindall, 27, of the
her father in the 100 block of East 100 block of West Frisken Y Road,
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 22,2011
Teresa Marie Cozzie, 49, of the
1600 block of Southeast Crescent
Drive was booked at 10:05 p.m. for
DWLS third degree.
Dec. 19
Brian Russell Deyette, 23, of the
1700 block of Summit Drive was
booked at 2:50 p.m. for violation of
anti-harassment order.
PUD 3 meet requirements 1
1-937, the Energy Indepen~
Act, which requires that
utilities ser~ng more than 2
customers must purchase 2~
cent of their power from rene,
sources by 2020.
Saving energy can be incre
expensive for PUDs, Himlie
giving the PUD an incentive tq
er its numbers.
, low-
The PUD produces about ~0 av-
erage megawatts of power pe~year.
An "average megawatt is ,'alcu-
lated by dividing total meg:Lwatt
hours by how many hours the
supplies power in a year.
It costs about $2 million tc
just one average megawatl
year, Himlie said.
"It's like being on a tread0
you can't ever get to the end," ]
Jorgenson said. "Conservati
study to document all the po
conservation opportunities ir
fill -
m is
pearing.great' but the opportunity is ~isap-
In 2012, Himlie plans t~do
) con-
son County. The PUD will als,
tinue documenting every e:
saving program it sponsors.
The PUD 3 commission
voted for its 2012 officers. The
mission's lineup will stay the
for 2012, with Linda Gott as
Bruce Jorgenson as vice-chai
Tom Farmer as secretary.
Continued from page /
When larger rate in,
es come in the future, tb
plans to spread them ou
several years to lesse~
load on ratepayers.
"By increasing the
incrementally we can
these reserves and ar
setting a vast deficit th
have to play catch up o
er," Goins said.
Also on Monday, th~
commission voted to
an ordinance that pro
to streamline the proo
e city
; over
it we
;ss of
dealing with derelict ~nild-
ings. In the past, city staff
members have used the
system to obtain a W~
of Abatement to force a ]
ing's owner to deal with
building after it is found
for human habitation [
city. The new ordinan
lows the city to proceec
the abatement process
out a court order.
y the
:e al-
theran Bible Study (~roup,
$60; anonymous, $25; in mem-
ory of DeAnna Kartes, $50; in
memory of Alex Smithl $50;
Shelton Lions Club,
Deyette Construction,
anonymous, $250; Tin
Shawn Anstey, $100; l~
Hennessy, $50; in mere
Dick Johnson, $50; Frar
Marie Rains, $100; in m
of Dennis Norwood and
guerite McKinney, $150
Zeta, Shelton, $50; in m
of Mike Luhm, son of Jo}
Fran, $100; John Krau,
Elizabeth Frew, $100; ]
and Susan Hostetter, $
Kristyn & Son Constn
Inc., $100; Betty Ma:
$100; in memory of Lau:
tumn Lohmeyer, $50; B.:
Betty McClannahan,
Ann Peters, $100; in m
of Shirley and Mariannq
Terry and Noel Schmid,
in memory of Bob Fuller
Gerald and Carol T
$100; Jack and Janice
meier, $50; Antone ant
ron Bisser, $50.
. and
~ry of
k and
i Beta
n and
0; EI
'a Au-
~. and
~, $25;
Freund, $100; John and Su-
san Sampson, $200; Linda
and Brian Walsh, $250; MBC
Senior Social Group, $150;
Dale and Rose Nye, $20( ; Rpn,
Michelle and Abby G]owen,
$25; Kent and Jackie L ~rsen,
$25; anonymous, $300; David
and Jean Kimball, $25; anon-
ymous, $100; anonymou
$3,000; Sons and Daul hters
of Mason County Pie Leers,
$200; Alan and Mary I~mbet,
$100; Mason County Employ-
ees, $500; Rhonda Mhyner,
$25; anonymous, $100; in
memory of Brian Glove~, $50;
Brad and Rita Lyman,~100;
anonymous, $25; Faittl Lu-
Continued from page ~k-1
$20; Bill and Miehaele